How does Clan AOD do Hardcore Kana? A guide for public raids.
What do I need?
• L or better Stim Packs – most of Kana’s attacks will single shot or do huge damage and Dragonflies are not able to be everywhere.
• Adrenaline Injector for rate personal Rate of Fire boost.
• Mosquito Wings for missed jumps and end phases with less open ground (bugged shared cool down with Adrenaline Booster)
• Hacked Chosen Dome (For lava rock phase)
*There’s a possible rate of fire bug for any rate of fire over 100% boosted (such as Power Field and Turret Mode), it is the bug referred to in this guide. This bug causes shots to disappear, making effective dps lower than it would seem.
*There’s a possible bug on Kanaloa that makes global incoming damage boosting effects to not work.
Dread types:
In general, it’s really hard to go wrong with any dread
Use a Dread type with its respective primary (use HMG if on a Mammoth for more damage)
Avoid defensive abilities; all significant damage can be avoided with proper movement
Have a Turret Mode modded for high RoF
The RoF bug likely reduces the effective dps of dreads, using damage boosting perks instead of RoF is highly recommended
Have Explosive Rounds modded for high damage
Have ammo packs, dreads tend to have issues with ammo in the long run
On a Rhino, have Gravity Field Grenade with high damage boost – it affects incoming damage from the whole group
Use an Assault Rifle or a Burst Rifle; they shoot straight and do more damage than the primary (Fusion Cannon is a possible exception)
Use Overcharge with Adrenaline Boost, they make for insane DPS. Mod Overcharge for high potency and up to 15s duration (Adrenaline is 15s) for maximum synergy.
Other abilities don’t matter much in terms of DPS; use any of them to maximize PR
The Fusion Cannon with Overcharge is top tier DPS, and is unaffected by the RoF bug (low base RoF)
Have Overcharge with high potency and at least 10s duration and use it while Adrenaline Boosted – it counteracts the otherwise extremely high ammo drain and produces similar DPS as turreted dreads and the Raptor, without any drawbacks.
Do not use the Themal Cannon – the primary fire is low dps, the altfire doesn’t scale properly with RoF boosts. Inferno Cannon is ideal, but even an AR/BR is better.
Biotech types:
Have Triage, otherwise most attempts at revives are futile
Consider using an Assault Rifle or a Burst Rifle instead of the Bio Crossbow; they shoot straight and do more damage
The Noxious Needler’s 10% damage boost is shared across the group and stacks additively with other shared +% damage boosts.
The Thermal Needler’s 21% damage boost is shared across the group and stacks additively with other shared +% damage boosts.
Have Triage equipped. The other abilities are of very limited usefulness; heals are mildly useful during Baneclaw, but not nearly as much as fast revives
Healing Wave is good for off-heals (avoid on the DF, it has more efficient heals)
Don’t spec perks and abilities for maximum healing – all major sources of damage are avoidable, but dps is a hard bottleneck for completing hardcore raids
Healing Wave is easy to use, but has half the efficiency of Healing Pillar and Healing Ball
Consider using Thermal or Noxious Needler if there is none on the team
Recon types:
The R36 is affected by the RoF bug at high boost percentages, it’s recommended to avoid RoF perks.
The Sniper Rifle is affected by all RoF boosts, but not the RoF bug (due to low base RoF)
Execution provides a very high personal RoF boost, although for a shorter duration than the Assault’s Overcharge, and without infinite ammo
Sniper Rifle with Execution is top tier dps, but only with the infinite ammo from Power Field
RoF bonuses on the Charge Rifle are zero gain; using the R36 or the Smoldering Sniper Rifle is recommended
The R36 is affected by the RoF bug; avoid stacking too many RoF boosting perks.
Have Conduit for SIN Scrambler, as it doesn’t provide a damage boost otherwise (possibly bugged on Kanaloa)
Have a SIN Beacon with extreme potency (possibly bugged on Kanaloa)
Have a Power Field with extreme potency, cooldown and duration doesn’t matter much
Engineer and Bastion:
Use an Assault Rifle or a Burst Rifle, they have enough range to actually hit bosses. Sticky is viable, but not recommended.
Don’t use turrets in Kanaloa, they introduce an uncontrollable element (bugs exploding at a different time than expected)
The Shock Rail can reach very high dps as the RoF bug cannot possibly affect it
Overclocking station is a very potent direct damage boost (possibly bugged for energy damage type)
Bulwark protects against OHKs from lava projectiles; use it as an emergency measure
Health from multiple supply stations saves lives and takes the load off of healers; ammo is always good to have
These suggestions are based on extensive testing and will minimize variables that could make you dead instead of Kanaloa.
Prepare for Battle
Squad leaders will place themselves at
A. The forward supply station
B. The right side battleframe station
C. The left side battleframe station
The groups should now form with each group ideally having a Raptor for Powerfield, An Electron for Bulwark and the rest should be heavy DPS preferably Assault and Dread.
In addition each group should arrange a deployment order for Chosen Hacked Drones at this time.
Once the groups have been formed Group C will move forward to the middle of the entrance tunnel followed by Group B and Group A in that order. The reason for this order is to minimize obstacles for the groups with the longest travel times.
The groups should remain closely bunched together to receive any movement buffs before the leader calls go.
It’s a Go
Note: Do not use teleport abilities until you’ve cleared the outer edge of the tunnel, teleporting out of the tunnel in front of the group by several meters will start Kana’s timer before all pilots have established their fighting positions.
Let’s get ready to rumble
It’s not really swimming it’s a trick
It’s over already?
For the sake of everyone involved and in order to maximize loot chances please only roll on three pieces of gear and never roll on two identical pieces of gear since they are locked to you and you usually can’t equip both, rolling on identical modules is ok as long as it’s within your three rolls.
In addition, if you already have a blue weapon and the purple version shows up, we’d ask that you don’t roll as the minor difference in PR isn’t beneficial enough to deprive someone who doesn’t have that weapon at all a chance.
Remember raid weapons are not transferable and having more than one only takes up additional inventory space. i.e having a Martha for each frame is wasteful, having one and switching it between frames is smart.
If you’re interested in Clan AOD or our public raids check us out at Clan AOD[firefall.clanaod.net.]