Kerbal Space Program Guide

Kerbal, Linux and You (KSP 1.0.4, 1.0.5) for Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal, Linux and You (KSP 1.0.4, 1.0.5)


Do it with Linux!Hopefully all covering guide about choosing Linux distro, Installing KSP and CKAN for a mods. Including all bug fixes I’am able to find. (updating casually)

Are you sure you want to do it? (Don’t waste your time. Read it)

If you are totally new with linux but still want to try kerbal with it, here’s couple pros and cons before we start.

+ Free Operating System.
+ You can run linux aside Windows (but not a same time)
+ Better FPS
+ Linux saves RAM -> stability -> you can load more mods -> you can build bigger
+ You can run 64bit stable version of the game
+ Shorter loading times

There is hardware limitation. AMD devices are not fully supported by linux operating system. If you have Nvidia you are good to go.

– At the moment there is bug between Unity and OpenGL which means:
no rendering. In Kerbal version 1.1 these is hopefully fixed since it’s going to use unity v.5.

– Bugs you need to fix get game playble.

– Learning new OS.

– Work to get it work.

Still intrested?

Ok. Keep on reading.

Pick Distro

This are three distros I can recommend.

Linux Mint[]
SteamOS [Beta, but worth to try]

All these distros basics debian but are more user friendly.

I really recommend try ’em all since some machines works beter with ubuntu or steam os and some “works out of box” with linux mint. I personally prefer try them this order: Ubuntu > Mint > SteamOS.
I personally use Mint but recommend Ubuntu because it is officially supported by a Steam.

And yes. You can try them from a cd or USB flash disk without installing anything on a hard disk.

I don’t want to take a part how to install linux OS on your machine because there is Internet and Google full of manuals and forums to tell you how to do it. Thou, you should start looking up unetbootin[] and empty flash disk.

Ubuntu 15.10

Avaivable as 32 bit or 64bit

Unity[] (When you have more than enought power on your machine. Not suitable for older machines in my opinion)
Gnome[] ( Lighter than Unity )
KDE[] (you guess it)


Avaivable as 32 bit or 64bit


Cinnamon, MATE, KDE or Xfce[]

I don’t have much experience about MATE or Xfce but I can say Cinnamon is close of Ubuntu Unity desktop but slightly lighter.



it’s still Beta with bugs and stuff but I still recommend to try it. Hopefully this is the distro of future all gamer ‘ll change sooner or later and say good bye for good for a Micro$oft.

After OS installation. (updating & installing graphic drivers)

First thing to do after installing Linux operating system is to update it. Find update center and install all updates they have to offer or open terminal and copy paste fallowing:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Second thing to do is make sure your graphic driver is up to date.

Go your gpu provider web site and download latest linux version of the driver.

It should look something like “”. Now it gets a pit tricky. You have to press CTRL + ALT + F6 to get out from Desktop. Next you need to turn off Desktop by a command:

init 3

Now you can run installer by a command:


replace “” by actual name of the file.
in some cases you need to use different command to run a file, which is:


Reboot the system by a command:

sudo reboot NOW

GPU driver is now installed and you are ready to proceed install steam and ksp.


You can enter folder by a command

cd foldername


cd home/username/downloads

where your file should be. You don’t need to write whole name of the folder. Just a beging of it and press Tab. A list of the folders and files you get by typing a command


. Good luck if this is your first time doing something like this.

Installing Steam and KSP

Now we are ready to install Steam. In menu find “Software Manager” and look up for a “steam launcher” and install it. Or you can open terminal and copy paste fallowing:

Just in case your distro don’t have steam in repos

sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys B05498B7 sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb [link] precise steam” >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/steam.list’

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install steam

Steam Icon should now appear on Desktop. If not. Launch Steam by typing in terminal:


Steam launches and you are able to use it like in good old times in windows and install Kerbal Space Program like you used to. (You ‘ll automaticly receive 32 and 64bit versions. Don’t worry about it.)

After Steam has download and installed game for you, you may want to run it as 64bit. While Steam is still open go to games library and right klick KSP icon. Choose properties and on first tab you can see “Set Laucnh Otions…” Klick it and copy paste fallowing:

LC_ALL=C %command%_64

You also need to patch executable which is easy with a script someone* made

Download Script HERE[]
move it to kerbal game folder by using file explorer or by a command:

mv ksp_installer /home/yourusername/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program

set it as executable:

chmod +x ksp_installer

and launch it:

sh ksp_installer

it that didn’t work:


Basically if you don’t use mods you are now done. In next chapter I tell how to install CKAN (mod installer) and what you need to do, to get it work. Feel free to test game now.

NOTE: There is couple bugs you can only fix by modding the game! Strongly recommend to keep on reading.

If you are missing drag when returning Kerbal athmosphere.
This means your physics config file is rekt.
To fix this go to your kerbal game folder. Find Physics.cfg and remove it. Now open steam and in game library right klick KSP icon with a mouse and choose properties. Open third tab “Local files” and choose “VERIFY INTEGRITY OF THE GAME CACHE…”. After it’s done launch a game and do the test flight. Still not working? Repeat.

Install CKAN (and atleast bugfix mods)

Next we install CKAN mod installer for a kerbal

Sorry there is no easy qui for this. Time to open terminal.
This is pretty much copypasta from githup:
Install packages needed to run ckan

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Import certificates

mozroots –import –ask-remove

Download libcurl4-openssl-dev

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Download the latest version of ckan.exe from [link]

Move ckan.exe to desktop

mv ckan.exe /home/username/Desktop

Make it executable

chmod +x ckan.exe

Install missing fonts

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Run ckan
Douple Klick it on desktop or in terminal:

/usr/local/bin/mono ckan.exe

I strongly recommend to install fallowing mods:

  • Stock Bug Fix Modules
  • Stock Plus

These two mods fix a couple annoying bugs.

Thank you…

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it helps many new users and gives a hint for old ones. I love the game, I love the community and special thanks for Squad for writing native version for linux. Did I miss something? Would you like me to add something? Comment below and I’ll get back to you.


– Sam the man

ps. More guides and can be found Kerbal Space Program Forums:
Here is thread about linux, trouble shooting and a lot more: