The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Guide

Killing the bloat like a badass!!!  (kinda neccesary for winz) for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Killing the bloat like a badass!!! (kinda neccesary for winz)


i am going to give you some tips in destroying the bloat completely


So to begin we look at the bloat. He is a big fatass laser-shooting hell of a boss.

So how do we kill this beast? Well after you have read this section you will be as god as this guy:
So stop looking like a question mark!!

lets get started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So you possibly want help to fight this guy:
So here is your help, lets begin with his health:

he got 450 healthpoints (no offense christians but JESUS!)


He can create creep at will!!

And shoot blood shots in all directions!

And he can jump into the air and sqash you!

I hate him…..


So the main Strategy is to stay behind Bloaty Mcfloaty here because he cant brimstone you when you are behind him. =) However staying behind him can lead to you being sqashed, creeped and shot.=( So here are some good strats:

-Using bombs is a good one since he cant brimstone you if you run up to him drop a bomb and run away!

-Using homingtears to shoot him without standing next to him!

-Epic fetus rockets make you impossible to hit if you stay out of the way and *puts on shades* shoot him down! BI

-Fearshot is GREAT!

thats all for strategies! =D