Kingdom: Classic Guide

Kingdom: Classic | Achievement Guide [ENG] for Kingdom: Classic

Kingdom: Classic | Achievement Guide [ENG]


A helpful guide teaching you how to 100% Kingdom: Classic.


Welcome to my Kingdom: Classic achievement guide!

Here I will be sharing ways to get all of the achievements in the game. I have tried to be as informative as possible.

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On the First Day I Built an Army

On the First Day I Built an Army
Recruit eight archers by the end of day one. You will need to visit four camps (including the town center) in total.

Step 1

-Upon starting the game, run left until you meet a vagrant camp. If you encounter a chest along the way, continue onto Step 2. If not, start a new game.

Step 2

-Hire the two vagrants at the camp and immediately run right. Setup camp, and hire the two vagrants.

Step 3

-Spend four gold by buying bows for those two people. Run to the right.

Step 4

-Hire the two vagrants at the camp closest to you on the right, and continue right to the next camp to hire those two vagrants as well.

Step 5

-Run back to camp. Using excess money (and money your archers should’ve gotten), buy bows for the remaining six people. You should have 8 archers before the first day ends.

On the Second Day I Got a Gift

On the Second Day I Got a Gift
Get free walls on the second day. To get the free walls, upgrade your town center to level three.

Upgrading your town center to level three will give you free level one walls. This only requires 10 coins total, making this the easiest achievement in the game.

On the Third Day I Lit a Fire

On the Third Day I Lit a Fire
Don’t start your camp until day three. Self-explanatory, don’t light the campfire (town center) until day three.

During nights one & two drop coins on the ground. The Greed will ignore you and run back to the portal with the coin. On day three, start your camp to get the achievement.

On the Fourth Day We Had a Feast

On the Fourth Day We Had a Feast
Hunt 10 deer by the end of day four. You will want to either herd deer or extend far on the second day in order to fulfill the requirement. I recommend herding deer.

Note: I recommend doing the “On the First Day I Built an Army” achievement so that you have many archers. Some deer will be scared off by your archers, so you will want the best chance of killing the deer before they run away.

Herding Deer

To herd deer, run in one direction. You will want to pass as many deer as possible. Once you pass around seven to ten deer, chase the deer back towards camp where your archers will kill them. Rinse and repeat this process.

Extending Far

Go in one direction until you are past a forest and in a good place where you can build a wall. Build a wall there (fortify it – if it falls your archers will be exposed). Your archers will roam in between there, killing lots of deer. You can pair this with deer herding on the other side to maximize efficiency.

Credits to Malcom’s thread for correcting that it should be 10 deer, not 20!

For Five Days I Turned the Other Cheek

For Five Days I Turned the Other Cheek
Kill nothing for five days. This achievement is very similar to “On the Third Day I Lit a Fire” and you may be able to do both in one run.

You will be dropping coins to the Greed every night, just like in the other achievement mentioned. Remember to collect your tax chest so you have enough gold to pay off the Greed.

If you want to do the achievements together, light your campfire on day three.
If you want to do them separately, light your campfire on day one instead of day three.

By Day Six I Was Rich

By Day Six I Was Rich
Have more coins than your bag can carry by day six. You will need a lot of coins to get this achievement, but luckily it is quite easy.

This can be gotten in two ways:

  • Have a coin bounce out of your bag when you pick it up. This will happen if your bag is full.
  • Have a coin miss your bag when you run and pick it up.

I recommend trying to get it via the first way as the second way is pretty much RNG.

How to get it the first way:

  1. Day 1: Hire as many people as possible and provide them with bows.
  2. Day 2: Upgrade your town center to level two (don’t upgrade it further) and work towards getting 8-10 archers and 1 builder. Get 1 set of walls to protect your archers.
  3. Days 3-5: Once you get 8-10 archers and 1 builder, herd deer. Don’t buy anything else, and by day five you should be done.

How to get it the second way:

  1. Collect around ten coins. Run in a direction and drop them as quickly as you can.
  2. Run back and collect them. If one falls out, you should get the achievement. If not, try again.

By the Seventh Day I Cleared an Acre

By the Seventh Day I Cleared an Acre
Clear an acre of land before the seventh day ends. This involves cutting down many trees (not sure of a specific amount).

Once you have a small army of archers, get around 3-4 builders total if you don’t have enough already. Focus on cutting down trees on the left, as the right side has a camp very close to you and you do not want to get rid of that.

On the Eighth Day I Fumbled

On the Eighth Day I Fumbled
To get this achievement, avoid dropping coins on the ground until the eighth day when you will automatically get this achievement.

It’s important to mention that only coins dropped by you must never touch the ground. If it’s from another source (ie. the tax chest) it will not invalidate the achievement.


  • When dropping coins to vagrants, stand still and wait until the vagrant and your foot are lined up to get an accurate throw.
  • Before buying something, check how many coins you have. If you don’t have enough coins and try to buy something, the coins will fall to the ground.

On the Ninth Day I First Ran

On the Ninth Day I First Ran
First run on the 9th day. When I got the achievement I had to run on the 10th day, but people are telling me it now works on Day 9.

Make sure you don’t skip the the tutorial or you can’t get the achievement!

Step 1

Follow through with the instructions the tutorial tells you to do. However, when it asks you to run, continue on with the next steps instead.

Step 2

Walk right to the edge of the vagrant camp. Do not pass the trees or the tutorial may end. You will have to drop coins at your feet and hope the vagrants run towards them.

Step 3

Continue hiring vagrants like this. I recommend having one builder and the rest of your people be archers. Upgrade your town camp to level three to obtain free walls and a better tax chest (though you will probably not need the extra money).

Step 4

On day nine run. This will give you the achievement.

The Tenth Day We Fought Back

The Tenth Day We Fought Back
Destroy a portal by the tenth day. You will need to upgrade your town center to max level to get knights and prepare for the counter-assault (very easy for the first portal).

Here’s how I got the achievement (this also helps if you are going for the “Safe in 25 achievement“).

Day 1


  • Hire at least 6 vagrants (give them all bows).
  • Explore one side of the map. If you find the architecture shrine (I’ll put a picture of it below) or the statues, make note of that.

Day 2


  • Upgrade town center once.
  • Hire more vagrants. Give 1-2 of them hammers.
  • If you didn’t find some of the buildings on the side you explored, you know they’re on the other side. I recommend expanding on the side which has the two statues.

Day 3


  • Hire more vagrants.
  • Find the architecture shrine and upgrade it.
  • Upgrade town center again.
  • Clear out some trees on the side you are expanding on. Once the grass grows past the dirt mounds (spots where you can build walls), build walls. Remember to leave the two trees adjacent to the vagrant camps or they will disappear!

Days 4-7


  • Get as many archers as possible (20-30 should work fine).
  • Continue expanding on the one side (build walls and upgrade them). Don’t expand on the other side too much. You will only need 2 stone walls on that side.
  • Continue on upgrading your town center. Whenever you feel you’ve built up a solid economy, upgrade your town center to max level and purchase a knight for the side that you didn’t expand on. I’ll explain why in the “Safe in 25” achievement section.

Day 8


  • This is the day you’ll send out your attack. Send out your knight after this nightly attack ends.
  • In the meantime, hire more people. Make sure to save four coins for the attack! When it’s almost nighttime, stand behind the wall on the side you’re sending the attack from.
  • After the Greed attack you, send out the attack. The first portal is very easy so if you followed my steps correctly, you shouldn’t even need to buff your knight (although you can if you wish to by dropping coins on him).

You should have the achievement by the start of Day 9. If not (for whatever reason), hire another knight and send out another attack.

Safe in 25

Safe in 25
Secure the crown within 25 days. You will need to destroy all four portals and survive the final counterattack.

The hardest achievement in the game. I recommend first watching any “Kingdom: Classic Safe in 25” video on YouTube as they usually contain great tips. You can format your own strategy for this achievement, or you can use my general strategy. I laid the first one to ten days in the “The Tenth Day We Fought Back“, but I will give a general layout for the next 15 days as there is no “right” way to do this.

Start your first 10 days by following my strategy in the “The Tenth Day We Fought Back” section. Here is a general rundown of a good way to win in 25 days.

Days 1-9
  • Hire as many archers as you can. Have a few builders and build both catapults.
  • Clear out as much as you can on one side without losing the vagrant camps. Upgrade all of those walls to stone tier at least.
  • Upgrade your town center to the max level.
  • Get the black horse (direct upgrade of the default horse for only three coins).
  • Destroy the first portal on the side that you aren’t expanding on. The counterattacks will grow in strength, so its much better to fortify the side you’ll be expecting a bigger counterattack from.

Building a portal isn’t necessary but it may help you if the portal is near an alter/vagrant camp.

Days 10-14
  • Get more archers! You will need as many archers as you can get.
  • Start building archer towers and upgrading them. Archer towers are not as useful early game as those archers cannot generate gold from hunting. Archer towers are also weak to Floaters (the aerial enemies). However, the Greed and the Breeders (the big, tanky guys) will ignore the towers completely. This is nice because those will be the last enemies on the final wave, allowing the archers to get a few more shots off You will also have enough archers by then that a few archers not generating gold will not hurt you that much.
  • Destroy the second portal (same side you destroyed the first one). This time, I would buff your knight (drop about 3-4 pieces of gold to him).

I don’t recommend building farms though its passive income is good because you will need as many archers as you can get.

Days 14-22
  • As usual, keep recruiting archers. This should be one of your main tasks every day.
  • Activate the archer statue to buff your archers. Try to make it a habit of keeping it active and maxed out (5 coins per level, 3 total levels).
  • Activate the worker statue (for the wall buff) and upgrade all of your walls to max level. Start expanding on the side that has both portals destroyed. That side needs to get prepared for the final assault.
  • Upgrade as many archer towers as you can to max (or almost max) level.
  • Destroy the third portal (give your knight this time 7 pieces of gold to fully buff him) around day 22.

Day 23-24
  • Destroy the last portal on one of these days after the night attack occurs (if you want to be safe destroy it on day 24 but if you feel like you’re ready destroy it on day 23).
  • Have the archer buff going and make sure all of your walls are buffed.
  • Spend any excess gold upgrading anything helpful (ie. archer towers & walls).
  • Run through your base and think, “Do I think I am prepared? If a couple walls fall, do my troops still have a wall they can retreat too?
  • Destroy the fourth portal (give your knight 7 pieces of gold again). After it’s destroyed, the final counter attack will occur. If you successfully survive this, you should get the achievement. Good luck!

Survive Past Day 100

Survive Past Day 100
This achievement requires you to survive past day 100 (C). This achievement isn’t hard, but it is very time consuming. You may decide to idle this achievement.

I recommend destroying one portal on each side and then leaving the other two standing (if you accidentally launch an attack and destroy the last portal you might have to restart). I would focus from day 1-30 on building up a huge archer army and expanding my base. Luckily, since you have 100 days, you’ll have plenty of time to get over 100 archers and to get many layers of walls. If you are having trouble, use my guide from “Safe in 25 but destroy one portal on each side. From thereon, continue building up an archer army until day 40.

Idle at your own risk: Around day 35-45, I got too bored to continue hiring people. If you feel the same way and think your base is secure enough, you can idle and return every 2-3 nights to make get the archer buff again and to make sure you didn’t die.

The waves can get pretty tough, especially around day 80, so be prepared. I would idle less (maybe check in on the game every night). There is a risk that a Breeder may throw your catapult’s rock back over the wall and hit your archers, forcing you to re-buy them all bows.

Warning: One problem I (and some other people) faced was lag. You will get to a point where you’ll have a lot of excess money and a ton of archers. If you walk by them, it can cause your game to stutter/freeze and potentially crash due to the sheer amount of coins they will throw at you. Be careful.


This is the end of the guide. I hope the information I put in it was helpful for you.

If you have any questions or questions, ask below in the comments.
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Thanks for reading the guide! Have a good day!