Kio’s Adventure Guide

Kio's Adventure: A guide to the secret rooms for Kio's Adventure

Kio’s Adventure: A guide to the secret rooms


This guide will help you locate 11 secret rooms in the game.

1st room

After exiting the room full of coffins go to the first room to the left. You will encounter 2 worms in the room. Touch the blood smear on the wall to enter the 1st secret room.

2nd room

The 2nd secret room is located beside the library’s exit. Inside the rat hole.

3rd room

The 3rd secret room can be found after you escape bobo’s apartment. Go inside the second building upward. The cat will tell you to wait for 5 minutes before you can enter the secret room. Follow the cat’s instructions.

4th room

The 4th room is inside the bus. you cant miss it.

5th room

The 5th secret room is inside this building with the green sign. go to the bottom left corner of the room and activate the computer.

6th room

The 6th secret room is located on the building with the three eyed penguin logo(beside the building where you found the 5th secret room). head upstairs and you will encounter 4 zombies. go to the top left of the room. activate the bookshelve.

7th room

The 7th secret room can be found inside the laundry machine after escaping the underground tunnel. its down by the road. you cant miss this either.

8th room

The 8th secret room is in the 3rd floor of the school, after you pass the security gate.

9th room

The 9th secret room is located on the right wall before you enter in the underground stairs.

10th room

The 10th room is located right beside the giant behide the glass. shoot the glass and the giant will tell you to stand on the 17th tile from the left. touch the wall.

11th room

The last secret room is located in the second screen room before the boss level. go to the top left of the room and activate the computer icon.

Ending message

there are some npc’s you have to interact inside the secret rooms to get specific achievements. This concludes my guide to finding 11 of the secret rooms in Kio’s Adventure. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section. rate and press that favorite button if you approve of this guide.