Left 4 Dead Guide

[L4D1] Awesome Radial Menu (English version) for Left 4 Dead

[L4D1] Awesome Radial Menu (English version)


This guide provides the most useful (in my opinion) vocalize commands for survivors. Carefully read everything I write below to ask no questions


I want to write that the installation may seem complicated, but it is not. I will write down the points on what to do.

1. Put the downloaded file here (LINK[drive.google.com]) :

SteamSteamAppscommonleft 4 deadleft4deadaddons

2. After we go on this way:

SteamSteamAppscommonleft 4 deadleft4deadcfg

3. In this folder, create the file autoexec.cfg

4. In the created file, copy and paste the following text:

// ########################################### // Alias vocalize // ########################################### alias +menuZoey “+mouse_menu zoey” alias -menuZoey “-mouse_menu” alias +menuZoey2 “+mouse_menu zoey2” alias -menuZoey2 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuZoey3 “+mouse_menu zoey3” alias -menuZoey3 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuZoey4 “+mouse_menu zoey4” alias -menuZoey4 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuLouis “+mouse_menu louis” alias -menuLouis “-mouse_menu” alias +menuLouis2 “+mouse_menu louis2” alias -menuLouis2 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuLouis3 “+mouse_menu louis3” alias -menuLouis3 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuLouis4 “+mouse_menu louis4” alias -menuLouis4 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuBill “+mouse_menu bill” alias -menuBill “-mouse_menu” alias +menuBill2 “+mouse_menu bill2” alias -menuBill2 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuBill3 “+mouse_menu bill3” alias -menuBill3 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuBill4 “+mouse_menu bill4” alias -menuBill4 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuFrancis “+mouse_menu francis” alias -menuFrancis “-mouse_menu” alias +menuFrancis2 “+mouse_menu francis2” alias -menuFrancis2 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuFrancis3 “+mouse_menu francis3” alias -menuFrancis3 “-mouse_menu” alias +menuFrancis4 “+mouse_menu francis4” alias -menuFrancis4 “-mouse_menu” alias -menu “-mouse_menu” alias +Voc1 “echo Voc1; +menu” alias -Voc1 “-mouse_menu” alias +Voc2 “echo Voc2; +menu2” alias -Voc2 “-mouse_menu” alias +Voc3 “echo Voc3; +menu3” alias -Voc3 “-mouse_menu” alias +Voc4 “echo Voc4; +menu4” alias -Voc4 “-mouse_menu” alias zoey “echo Zoey; alias +menu +menuZoey; alias +menu2 +menuZoey2; alias +menu3 +menuZoey3; alias +menu4 +menuZoey4” alias louis “echo Louis; alias +menu +menuLouis; alias +menu2 +menuLouis2; alias +menu3 +menuLouis3; alias +menu4 +menuLouis4” alias bill “echo Bill; alias +menu +menuBill; alias +menu2 +menuBill2; alias +menu3 +menuBill3; alias +menu4 +menuBill4” alias francis “echo Francis; alias +menu +menuFrancis; alias +menu2 +menuFrancis2; alias +menu3 +menuFrancis3; alias +menu4 +menuFrancis4”

Do not panic that there is so much text. This will greatly simplify the use of voice commands and their switching.

That’s all for now. But the file is still useful for setting the necessary keys

Common vocalize commands

Here I made 5 chamomile, which can be used while playing any survivor.

Note 1: Command ” *Elevator conversation* ” only works for the Bill & Zoey.
Note 2: Command “Keep togetner!” in the saferoom works as “Everybody inside!”.
Note 3: Command “Gimme your medkit” will work, if you look at the other survivor.
Note 4: Command “Lock the door!” only works in the saferoom.

To activate, bind a key that you need:

bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize1”
bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize2”
bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize3”
bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize4”
bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize5”

Instead of “key” insert any button.

Special vocalize commands for each survivor

To use these commands, you need to select a specific character that you control, then command for this character activated.

To select the character you need to bind a key:

bind “key” “+ mouse_menu Change_Survivor”

Instead of “key” insert any button.

For each of the survivors I also made 4 chamomile, which must be bind:

bind “key” “+Voc1”
bind “key” “+Voc2”
bind “key” “+Voc3”
bind “key” “+Voc4”

Instead of “key” insert any button.

That is, if you, for example, play Luis, you need to select Louis to daisy “Change_Survivor.” Then with the help of these four daisies

(“+ Voc1”; “+ Voc2”; “+ Voc3”; “+ Voc4”)

use special commands.

Zoey vocalize

Louis vocalize

Bill vocalize

Francis vocalize


So, here I’ll write all the commands that need to be inserted into the file autoexec.cfg:

bind “key” “+mouse_menu Change_Survivor” bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize1” bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize2” bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize3” bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize4” bind “key” “+mouse_menu Vocalize5” bind “key” “+Voc1” bind “key” “+Voc2” bind “key” “+Voc3” bind “key” “+Voc4”

As well as the text that was described in the introduction.

ADDON LINK[drive.google.com]
