Invisible Apartment Zero Guide

La Soluce for Invisible Apartment Zero

La Soluce


Un petit guide pour la soluce de Invisible Apartment Zero.


Bien qu’il y existe quelques Mauvaises Fins, ce guide ne vous donne que la soluce pour obtenir la Vraie Fin de l’histoire.

La vraie fin

Les choix :
* Wait outside for Joel.
* Let’s just go home. It will be dark soon.
* Take a few screenshots and show then to Joel afterwards.
* Call Joel.
* It’s none of your buisness!
* No! Leave me alone!
* Pursue the plan of ciuser-678 right away.
* Stay quiet, don’t say a word.
* Agree with the admin. Don’t resist. You just got lost.
* Tell the guy you work at section 314.
* Tell Tristan you’re an intern.
* I’m terribly sorry! I simply got lost.
* Don’t say anything.
* Say nothing.
* If I’m lucky.
* Listen to the AI and leave now.

BONUS : Invisible Apartment

Ce guide vous a plu? Voici celui d’Invisible Apartment!