This guide will show you a solution I found to the issue that is an unconstructed ladder stuck inside a fully constructed bioreactor.
The Problem & Solution
Okay so you’ve probably done what I did which was being curious of the ladder placement inside your base…whilst stood next to a bioreactor. This is a slight pain in the neck due to the fact that you now cannot deconstruct the reactor without removing unconstructed structures that are connected first. It also just looks dreadful.
There are two situations that I have found that you are in right now.
Problem 1. You’ve placed an unconstructed ladder inside a bioreactor.
Problem 2. You’ve placed an unconstructed ladder inside a bioreactor but there is another bioreactor in the above room.
Problem 1 Fix. To fix this, simply warp into the above multipurpose room where you have connected your ladder to using “warpforward (number of meters)” whilst facing the ceiling of the room. Keep in mind, when you warp you will be put into the swimming mode, this will help with the whole process, however once you have finished you can fix it by using one of your hatch entrances. Once you have warped into the above room, you can deconstruct the ladder from the top.
Problem 2 Fix. This is a little more tricky but can definitely be done with patience and timing. Again warp into the above room with the other reactor. Now that you are in the room and in swimming mode, position yourself slightly above the reactor control panel facing down into it like this:
Using the warp command, you must warp into the machine whilst repeatedly pressing the Q key to deconstruct as quickly as possible. If you manage to time it just right, you will have successfully deconstructed the ladder.
Now this isn’t to say that you won’t get yourself into an even stickier situation than these two, but if you do (dear god how did you manage that?) I hope that the warp and spam Q solution comes in handy.
Hope this helps!