STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga Guide

Lan Multiplayer Fix! for STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

Lan Multiplayer Fix!


We gonna fix it.!

We fixed the multiplayer function in Lan!!

For the desperate guys the solution where it says AQUILES , I invite the rest to read ..

So is.! Note that many had the same problem, they could not connect between a Lan connection of a common router .. Then I will tell you my experience after days of searching the matter!

I read tutorials in English, German, Chinese, etc. and I only found that about the ports and that the UPNP and that the Firewall, etc. The problem was clearly not there, so I looked in the game files (it sure brings something that verifies if I meet the requirements I thought, although a these dates, anything meets the requirements of this game).. Everything was fine except for Windows 8.1 x64 that does not know it.. but it worked well before and we played several at home without any problem! I went to the game’s own help file and it says that:

“if the computers are seen within the network, then everything is fine.” (and may the force be with you)

I went to see if I could see them .. For some reason the Router gives us an error when it comes to showing the PC’s on the network, although I put “ping” the packets are sent and received without any problem, the thing is that something is missing that the Router did not do when connecting the PC’s and that is the problem..

I had another router but when I connected it, it also gave me problems .. So I put a “Samsung J5” to share a network to use it as a temporary router and see if there were changes and it worked great! The PC’s could be seen, you could join the game (with a mega ping) but it worked! Then i factory reset the Router that I use normally and without Pass or personal Ssid connect it and it worked perfectly too! But he gave the internet to anyone .. ¬¬

So what I did was save the config like “config_for_playswgbg.cfg” and the “config_personal.cfg” ..

Knowing all that I was testing what the error would be and among many I found the following:

1) It does not connect if I change the Access Password to the Router (it is usually admin).

2) It does not connect if the Ssid name has special characters or spaces.

3) with network name and password lets you play, but you have to verify that the PC’s appear in the “DHCP client list” of the Router.

4) Sometimes you have to restart the devices or unplug them so that they try to log into the Router and thus enter the DHCP list.

5) I came across a failure that despite being simple, we overlooked it! my Router and Modem are at ceiling height and if I need to restart them I do it from the web .. But it is useless to return them from the factory from the web! if or if it has to be through the Reset button until the lights blink together and only then will the game connect!

AQUILES I leave the solution.. Read the guide son :V