This is a comprehensive list of the legendary items you can get in Dungeon Warfare II
Legendary Items can be either obtained through a drop or through crafting nine (9) un-identified rare items in the transmutation engine.
9 legendary items can be combined into a Grotesque Endeavor, which will give you 5 or 6 of the attributes from the ones you try to craft.
These are all very powerful and can drastically alter your weapons to give more damage if used with traps of that type.
Note: Items listed will show percentages. These increase with level, so the higher the legendary level, the higher percentages that go along with it.
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If you find a new item, let me know!
Abaddon Glyph (Courtesy of Helix2)
Burning Gaze / Kills enemies < 10% health instantly
Concussive Wheel / Chakram Trap
Constricting Edges / Harpoon Trap
Cragus / Brute Level skill enhancer
Death’s Ash / Explosion enhancement
Hematopus / Starting Life + XP Gain
Malsar’s Concoction / Dmg + Bounty
Manual of Deconstruction (Courtesy of Helix2)
Stygian Amulet (Courtesy of Helix2)
Vaxxal / Consumable
Verdant Loop / Singularity + 1
Xarton’s Left Hand / Portal Guardians
Xartan’s Right hand