Greetings everyone!This guide contains the means to obtain every legendary item through enemy drop, mission rewards or any other methods out there for Borderlands 3. Always happy to make changes and fixes according to user’s requests!
As the title say, in this guide I’ll be listing every legendary item in Borderlands 3 while providing all relevant information and details around every single one of them.
Name: The name of the gear, without any prefixes;
Illustration: Visual display for each individual gear;
Manufacturer: The company that makes the equipment;
Possible Elements: Listing all elements that said gear may spawn with;
Gimmick: Brief description of any particular mechanics that the gear might have;
Expansion Pack: Which DLC you need to own in order to get the piece;
Possible to World Drop: Quick statement to indicate if the gear can be a W.D;
How to Obtain: Enemy who may drop it / quest that will reward it;
Location: The location where it can be droped / earned;
Note: Any aditional notes regarding how to obtain the piece;
Red Text: The flavor text known to be attached to 99% of legendaries / unique gear;
Red Text Reference: The pop culture reference of the gear’s Red Text;
– Meta;
Why? Because I don’t care about Meta. And neither should you.
Even if this guide doesn’t help you that much, I trully hope that at least this message can get through to you: Play with what you like. Enjoy the game. Don’t focus only on hitting high numbers. Set your focus towards what you have fun with, and I promise you won’t regret it.
– The items are listed in no particular order, other than their type (starting with pistols);
– Whenever stated that the item can World Drop, is important to know that they will World Drop ONLY within their expansion of the game.
Exemple: Lucky 7 pistol will World drop ONLY within the DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot expansion.
Pistols (1/5)
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Neutral, Fire, Corrosion, Shock
Gimmick: Huge magazine size and fire rate / longer than usual reload speed.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jabbermogwai
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Enemy from Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Yedesh na den’, khleba beri na nedelyu.
Red Text Reference: “Going somewhere for a day, take bread for a week.” – Translated from Russian
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Infinite Ammo. Shoots in a infinity symbol pattern. Magazine size is fixed to “1”.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Anointed Alpha
Location: The Anvil
Note: Needs Malevolent Practice side-mission completed
Red Text: It’s closer than you think! (no it isn’t)
Red Text Reference: The Jaunt by Stephen King
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Always Fire and Shock both
Gimmick: 2 Projectiles/shot. Ricochet switches projectile element
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Gigamind
Location: Meridian Metroplex
Note: Needs Hostile Takeover main mission completed
Red Text: I had not thought death had undone so many.
Red Text Reference: Dante Alighieri’s Inferno Quote
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Water gun / Taser. Wet enemies take increased shock dmg
Expansion Pack: Deluxe Edition
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Deluxe Edition Purchase
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: Moister is noice-ter
Red Text Reference: Super Soaker water guns
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Always Fire and Corrosive both
Gimmick: Quick laser that explodes as an orb on impact. Damages user.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Quest Reward
Location: Ambermire
Note: Needs Sell out side mission completed
Red Text: Hey there, superfan!
Red Text Reference: Overused line from Tyreen Calypso
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Fire balls that bounce along the ground
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Baron Noggin
Location: Meridian Metroplex
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Flower power.
Red Text Reference: Power-Up from the Super Mario Games
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Fires bullets as shock orbs. Both the initial impact and the secondary orb deal damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Spawn Enemy
Red Text: I can have such a thing?
Red Text Reference: The Super Inframan (1975)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Shoots sticky that spawns small mirv grenades
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Psychobillies
Location: Ambermire
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Man hands on misery to man.
Red Text Reference: This Be The Verse by Philip Larkin
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Fires 2 rounds in one shot
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Unstoppable
Location: Ambermire
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Hail.
Red Text Reference: Duke Nukem
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any
Gimmick: 3 explosive shots that come together at a single point
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Psychobillies
Location: Ambermire
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: I love it when a plan comes together.
Red Text Reference: Catchphrase on the A-Team Movie
Pistols (2/5)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Toy gun that shoots foam darts
Expansion Pack: Deluxe Edition
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Deluxe Edition Purchase
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: Don’t go to pieces on me.
Red Text Reference: Nerf toy guns. Don’t Go To Pieces by the Cars.
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Every 3rd round the shot is more powerful
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop Wotan the Invincible
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Requires access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Meet your destiny.
Red Text Reference: Destiny
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Fire
Gimmick: Shoots swirling fireballs
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Troy Calypso
Location: The Great Vault
Note: Requeres The Great Vault main mission completed
Red Text: The only way you can control people is to lie to them.
Red Text Reference: L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology Quote
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: Impact shoots 4 fire rockets and 1 corrosive. Sticky is only corrosive
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Princess Tarantella II
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Where there is pleasure, there is pain.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Neutral, Fire
Gimmick: High splash radius. 5 ammo/shot
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Requires Torgue Challenges completed 100%
Location: Your Mail Box
Note: –
Red Text: Put a little pepper on the end of it.
Red Text Reference: Scoville scale is used to measure the spice level of peppers
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Sticky shot that explodes 3 times
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Psychobillies
Location: Ambermire
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Don’t make me repeat myself.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Atlas
Possible Elements: Neutral
Gimmick: Fast fire rate and fast bullet speed
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Anointed Alpha
Location: The Anvil
Note: Requires Malevolent Practice side mission completed
Red Text: Power is pizza.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Parks & Recreation – Season 6
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Reload becomes 4 flying pistols on impact
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Brood Mother and Alicritous Vanda
Location: The Pyre of Stars (Brood Mother) and Cistern of Slaughter (Alicritous Vanda)
Note: Can also be obtained from Dead Claptrap Challenge 100% completed (CL4P-TP Mail)
Red Text: Safety off.
Red Text Reference: Reproductive organ
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Reload flies around continuously spinning & shooting rapidly
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Thunk & Sloth
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: To die would be a grand adventure.
Red Text Reference: From the movie Hook (1991)
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: May come in Neutral, Corrosive, Shock, Radiation or Cryo
Gimmick: Reload flies around like a Boomerang
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Indo Tyrant
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Give it a burl.
Red Text Reference: Australian slang for “have a go” / “try it out”
Pistols (3/5)
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: “Reload on empty debuffs enemy for 50% increased dmg for 12 seconds
Fast reload throw and velocity”
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from General Traunt and Wotan the Invincible
Location: Desolation’s Edge (General Traunt) and Midnight’s Cairn (Wotan the Invincible)
Note: Requires Footsteps of Giants story mission completed or Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Touch of death requires mastery of combo strikes.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Reload creates Roland’s Scorpio Turret from Borderlands
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Judge Hightower
Location: Lectra City
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Mobile oppression for pennies a day.
Red Text Reference: Futurama TV Show S5E4: Bender’s Big Score – Part 4
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Crit returns bullet to mag. Low fire rate. High dmg
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Quest Reward
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Requires Life of the Party side mission completed
Red Text: Memento mori.
Red Text Reference: Latin Phrase, translation: “Remember that you must die”
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: May come in Fire, Shock, Radiation, Cryo or Corrosive
Gimmick: Crit ricochets 3 bullets & returns 3 bullets to mag
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyreen the Destroyer
Location: Destroyer’s Rift
Note: Requires Divine Retribution story mission completed
Red Text: Life is ours, we live it our way.
Red Text Reference: From the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: May come in Fire, Shock, Radiation, Cryo or Corrosive
Gimmick: Crit ricochets 3 bullets & returns 3 bullets to mag
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyreen the Destroyer
Location: Destroyer’s Rift
Note: Requires Divine Retribution story mission completed
Red Text: Life is ours, we live it our way.
Red Text Reference: From the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: 6 pellets per round.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tremendous Rex
Location: Cistern of Slaughter
Note: Tremendous Rex is found on the Final Round of the Slaughter
Red Text: Monty’s wife don’t take no guff.
Red Text Reference: Borderlands – Montgomery Jakobs and his wife, Maggie
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Crit ignites enemy. Very High elemental dmg
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Hot Karl
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: You can’t take the sky from me.
Red Text Reference: Firefly (2002) TV Series
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Sticky explosive rounds. Crit ricochets 2 bullets to nearest enemy
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from The Rampager
Location: Forgotten Basilica
Note: Requires
story mission completed
Red Text: Fire that off to me real quick.
Red Text Reference: Kevin Duc from Gearbox
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Full-Auto. Incredibly fast fire rate
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Lagromar
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Requires The Demon in the Dark side mission completed
Red Text: Take us.
Red Text Reference: Floods song by Pantera
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: +432% crit dmg and unique reload animation
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Indo Tyrant
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: It’s a helluva thing…
Red Text Reference: From the movie Unforgiven (1992)
Pistols (4/5)
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Ricochets 6 bullets off enemy
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Warden and Traded for a Loot-o-Gram
Location: The Anvil (Warden) and Skywell-27 (Dinklebot that drops Loot-o-Gram)
Note: Warden requires Hammerlocked story mission completed
Red Text: Keep them doggies rollin’.
Red Text Reference: From the theme song of Rawhide (1959)
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn as Neutral or Shock
Gimmick: A-shape of shock projectiles. 3-round burst
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Wick and Warty
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Hold on! They’re lithium!
Red Text Reference: Quote from The Office TV Show, Season 06
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: High splash radius. 6-round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Chupacabratch
Location: Athenas
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Fear the Swarm!
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire or Corrosive
Gimmick: Deals additional shock dmg. Semi-Auto / 3-round
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Mouthpiece
Location: Ascension Bluff
Note: Requires Cult Following story mission completed
Red Text: A righteous infliction of retribution.
Red Text Reference: Snatch (2000) Quote
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Full-Auto while airborne / damages enemy to 1HP / 2-round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Rakkman
Location: Carnivora
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: I have one rule
Red Text Reference: Quote from Batman on The Dark Knight (2008)
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire or Corrosive
Gimmick: Hail of slow ricocheting bullets / 4 ammo per shot
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Lavender Crawly
Location: The Droughts
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: My name is legion, for we are many
Red Text Reference: Quote from the Bible, Mark 5:9
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Radiation only
Gimmick: Releases radiation explosion when broken / High fire rate.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Heckle / Hyde or Sylestro
Location: Jakobs Estate (Heckle / Hyde) or Tazendeer Ruins (Sylestro)
Note: Both enemies are Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Go forth conquering, and to conquer.
Red Text Reference: Quote from the Bible, Revelation 6:2
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: +125% melee damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Borman Nates
Location: Meridian Outskirts
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Fa fa fa fa, fa fa fa fa fa fa…
Red Text Reference: Psycho Killer song by Talking Heads
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Shock or Corrosive
Gimmick: Sends out 2 rockets occasionally
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Skrakk
Location: Ascension Bluff
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Get back, splithead!
Red Text Reference: Quote from The Dark Crystal
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Chance to get a bonus effect after a reload. The bonus effect is shown as a slot machine with 5 symbols and can have the following bonuses:
– Crosshair: All shots in the mag hit as critical regardless of aim, pierces the enemy and ricochets.
– Bullets: The weapon is fired in an automatic mode with an increased fire rate.
– Fire: All shots in the magazine deal elemental damage.
– Mushroom cloud: All shots in the magazine fire explosive rounds with a blast radius.
– 7: Fire seven projectiles in the shape of a 7.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Scraptrap Prime
Location: The Compactor
Note: Requires One Man’s Treasure story mission completed
Red Text: O Fortuna.
Red Text Reference: Title for a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th century, part of the collection known as the Carmina Burana.
Pistols (5/5)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element.
Gimmick: Has a chance to fire 5 pellets instead of just 1 per trigger pull. Chance increases the more you hit enemies.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jackpot
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Requires All Bets Off story mission completed.
Red Text: Oh, me.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral Only
Gimmick: Has a chance to knock-back enemies on hit.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Yeti
Location: Skittermaw Basin
Note: Crew Challenge – Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt
Red Text: Yeet ’em if you got ’em!
Red Text Reference: Likely from the pessimistic expression “Smoke em if you got em”.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral Only
Gimmick: Has a 20% chance to deal double damage as shock. Critical hits return 1 bullet to the magazine. Significantly increased critical damage.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Eleanor / The Heart
Location: Heart’s Desire
Note: Requires the main mission The Call of Gythian completed.
Red Text: …till death do us depart.
Red Text Reference: Reference to the vows said during a wedding ceremony.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Cryo Only
Gimmick: Fires elemental beams. On hit, creates additional projectiles that wander around. Reloading causes all spawned projectiles to hit the original enemy.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Mission Reward
Location: The Cankerwood
Note: Requires the side mission Cold Case: Forgotten Answers completed.
Red Text: Something so close, and yet… so distant.
Red Text Reference: Possible reference to the So Close Yet So Far From Paradise from Elvis Presley.
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: After a kill, every second shot deals shock or incendiary damage for 6 seconds.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Shiverous the Unscathed
Location: Negul Neshai
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Tell your heads to chill.
Red Text Reference: Reference to the Hydra, huge monster from the Greek Mythology.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: No charge-up time. Alternative firing mode fires ice spikes that consume 4 ammo per shot. Has a chance to deal increased critical hit damage on a frozen enemy when the firing mode is switched.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Kukuwajack
Location: Negul Neshai
Note: Crew Challenge – Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt
Red Text: Not sorry, not sorry, not sorry.
Red Text Reference: Both gun and text are clear references to Mei, a playable character on the Overwatch videogame.
SMGs (1/4)
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: Produces a green cloud. High fire rate.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Mission Reward
Location: Forgotten Basilica
Note: Requires the player to talk to Ava at the very end of the Beneath the Meridian story mission (mission’s optional objective).
Red Text: Now, you will rise.
Red Text Reference: Borderlands 2 – Maya Skill & Quote.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Corrosive or Shock
Gimmick: Shoots 2 projectiles connected by a beam. 2 ammo/shot. Bladed.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Borman Nates
Location: Meridian Outskirts
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Little android man, born without a soul.
Red Text Reference: Cutsman by Horse the Band.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Shoots both elements at once. Projectiles spin.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: I’ve been hired for destruction.
Red Text Reference: Destructo Spin by Between the Buried and Me
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Increases fire rate the longer you shoot. High mag size.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Captain Traunt
Location: Athenas
Note: Requires The Impending Storm story mission completed
Red Text: This is your champion.
Red Text Reference: Apex Legends
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Corrosive or Shock
Gimmick: 10% chance to create elemental puddle on enemy impact.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Requires Ember Challenges completed 100%
Location: Your Mail Box
Note: –
Red Text: She’s the only one who knows what it is to burn.
Red Text Reference: What It is to Burn by Finch.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Continuous beam. Stop firing shoots orbs, count based on beam duration.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Evil Saint Lawrence
Location: The Spendopticon
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Particles unite!
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Fallen enemies spawn a Healing Aura once every 10 seconds.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Wotan the Invincible
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Requires access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Stand in the f****** circle.
Red Text Reference: Destiny
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Fire and Shock both
Gimmick: Shoots a continuous beam. Chains to nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Reward after 50 Broken Hearts
Location: Any Location
Note: Requires Broken Hearts Day Event turned on at the Main Menu (when available)
Red Text: Spread the love.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Corrosive and Shock both
Gimmick: Alternating diagonal rows.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Katagawa Ball
Location: Skywell-27
Note: Requires Space-Laser Tag story mission completed
Red Text: You can’t explain that.
Red Text Reference: Bill O’Reilly’s response to an atheist about why God must exist.
SMGs (2/4)
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Corrosive and Shock both
Gimmick: Max lvl: 12.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Vault Insider Reward Program
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: —
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Splash radius on impact.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Private Beans
Location: Athenas
Note: Requires Invasion of Privacy story mission completed
Red Text: I believe ya, but my tommy gun don’t.
Red Text Reference: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Quote
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Reload becomes a legged flamethrower that can stick to walls.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Lagromar
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Requires The Demon in the Dark side mission completed
Red Text: Say “cryptocurrency”!
Red Text Reference: Elon Musk
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: Reload becomes a sticky turret.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Gigamind
Location: Meridian Metroplex
Note: Requires Hostile Takeover story mission completed
Red Text: Busy getting brain like Krang.
Red Text Reference: Backpackers by Donald Glover
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Reload becomes a drone. If already drone, reload refills drone’s mag.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from GenIVIV
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Requires The Family Jewel story mission completed
Red Text: Let me tell you about my best friend.
Red Text Reference: Best Friend by Harry Nilsson
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: V-shape of shock projectiles. 3-round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Killavolt
Location: Lectra City
Note: Requires Kill Killavolt side mission completed
Red Text: Contact.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Increases movement speed while holding it. Increases accuracy while in the air.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Agonizer 9000, Valkyrie Squad or Wotan The Invencible
Location: Guts of Carnivora (Agonizer 9000) and Midnight’s Cairn (Valkyrie Squad and Wotan)
Note: Requires Blood Drive story mission completed or Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Dust off the beta EMP5.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: High fire rate. Full-Auto / Variable zoom.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Jabbermogwai (Must kill with fire)
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: We don’t need no… something…
Red Text Reference: The Roof is on Fire by Rock Master Scott & The Dynamic Three
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Fire and Cryo only
Gimmick: Cryo during the day. Fire at night.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Demoskaggons or Rakkman
Location: The Droughts (Demoskaggons) and Carnivora (Rakkman)
Note: Both are Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Stranger than things.
Red Text Reference: Stranger Things
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Enemies you melee take increased bullet dmg from ripper. Bladed.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Brood Mother or Alicritious Vanda
Location: The Pyre of Stars (Brood Mother) and Cistern of Slaughter (Alicritious Vanda)
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt (Brood Mother) or Requires access to Cistern of Slaughter (Alicritious Vanda)
Red Text: They say I’m a doctor now.
Red Text Reference: Jack the Ripper
SMG (3/4)
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Corrosive or Shock
Gimmick: Reloading has a chance to grant weapon bonuses.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from One Punch
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Infinite path carved with unrivaled skill.
Red Text Reference: Sleeping Giant by Mastodon
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Doubles fire rate while sliding. 20% slide speed increase.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Slide forward into your cave.
Red Text Reference: While the red text is a quote from the Fight Club movie, both the gimmick and the name are a clear reference to the Vanquish videogame.
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: High accuracy and fire rate.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyreen the Destroyer
Location: Destroyer’s Rift
Note: Requires Divine Retribution story mission completed
Red Text: If you can’t handle me at my worst…
Red Text Reference: Common phrase
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: 6-round burst. 2 ammo/shot
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Katagawa Jr.
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Requires Atlas, At Last story mission completed
Red Text: Open the gate for me.
Red Text Reference: Papa Legba, West African & Carribean voodoo god.
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Reload bounces releasing novas & shooting. HJ voice randomly plays.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Handsome Jackie
Location: Skywell-27
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Everyone thinks they are the heroes of their own stories.
Red Text Reference: Borderlands 2 – Handsome Jack
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Front shield reflects bullets. T-shaped projectile pattern.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: My line has ended.
Red Text Reference: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Quote
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Shock or Radiation
Gimmick: Uses cash instead of ammo. $1/shot low acc. to $3/shot max acc.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Lavender Crawly
Location: The Droughts
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Bullets are cheap, but not that cheap.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Every 7th shot is Amped. Amped shots chain to nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Valkyrie Squad or Wotan The Invencible
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Requires access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Man’s reach exceeds his imagination.
Red Text Reference: The Prestige (2006)
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral or Fire
Gimmick: Full-Auto / 5-round burst / 2 ammo per shot / Splash damage affects user.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Scraptrap Prime
Location: The Compactor
Note: Rare Requires the One Man’s Treasure story mission completed.
Red Text: Some like it hot
Red Text Reference: Reference to the Marilyn Monroe movie Some like it hot (1959).
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Damaging enemies grants 10% chance to drop chips that adds +10% weapon damage for 12 seconds.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jackpot
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Rare Requires the All Bets Off story mission completed.
Red Text: I’ll get home early from work.
Red Text Reference: From the song Didn’t I See You Crying from the Cheap Tricks band.
SMGs (4/4)
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any element.
Gimmick: Switches element on reload. Energy shield reduces elemental damage by 20%. Increased damage.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: They bound the ones they knew of. There were more.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any Element except Neutral
Gimmick: No charge time. Fires piercing projectiles from both elements at the same time.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from DJ Spinsmouth
Location: Skittermaw Basin
Note: Requires the side mission Sinister Sounds completed.
Red Text: Flavor-blast them all.
Red Text Reference: —
Assault Rifles (1/4)
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Provides weapon shield.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Agonizer 9000
Location: Guts of Carnivora
Note: Requires Blood Drive story mission completed
Red Text: Well, I’ll be…
Red Text Reference: Common expression in the english language
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any element
Gimmick: Full-Auto / High fire rate / High magazine size.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Raging Titan
Location: The Slaughter Shaft
Note: Raging Titan spawns during the Round 5, Wave 4 of the Slaughter Shaft.
Red Text: Speed Kills.
Red Text Reference: Speed Kills by Michael Angelo Batio
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Full auto / Shotgun alternative mode.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Atomic
Location: Tazendeer Ruins
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Set Faisors to kill.
Red Text Reference: Star Trek’s “Set faisors to stun” common phrase
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Corrosive or Cryo
Gimmick: Crit returns 2 bullets to magazine and ricochets 2 bullets.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Blue Fire or Traded for Loot-o-Gram
Location: Slaughterstar 3000 (Blue Fire) and Skywell-27 (Dinklebot, for Loot-o-Gram drop)
Note: Requires Welcome to Slaughterstar 3000 story mission completed for Blue Fire
Red Text: What happened?
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Shots explode on impact / High magazine size.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Anointed Alpha
Location: The Anvil
Note: Requires Malevolent Practice side mission completed
Red Text: It’s all ogre now.
Red Text Reference: “Shrek is love, Shrek is life” by YouTuber TehAwooga
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Full-Auto 3 projectiles ( on Bipod mod is 7) / Fires in horizontal spread.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Agonizer 9000 and Terror
Location: Guts of Carnivora
Note: Requires Blood Drive story mission completed
Red Text: Let them hate me, so that they will but fear me.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Caligula, a Roman Emperor.
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Works as a Full-Auto shotgun / Spread forms a sickle shape. Uses 2 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Warden
Location: The Anvil
Note: Requires Hammerlocked story mission completed.
Red Text: Swing the sickle!
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Always Fire and Shock both
Gimmick: Sticks as shock, explodes as fire. Deals shock damage to user.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Heckle and Hyde
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: You can’t gain something without giving something in return.
Red Text Reference: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (best anime ever made).
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Horizontal row of grenades / 4 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Heckle and Hyde
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: I love the smell of popcorn in the morning
Red Text Reference: Quote from Apocalypse Now.
Assault Rifles (2/4)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral or Cryo
Gimmick: Killing an enemy automatically refills the magazine.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Aurelia Hammerlock, Valkyrie Squad, or Wotan The Invencible
Location: Blackbarrel Cellars (Aurelia Hammerlock) and Midnight’s Cairn (Valkyrie Squad / Wotan)
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed or Access to Maliwan Takedown.
Red Text: Lights up the world.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element except Neutral
Gimmick: Constant laser beam of elemental damage followed by small rockets.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sylestro
Location: Tazendeer Ruins
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text Reference: Represents a compromise of Mr. Torgue, regarding his opinion on Laser Weapons in displayed in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Fires as a 3-round grenade launcher.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Manvark
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Do… or do not-bolt.
Red Text Reference: A mix between the Tri-Bolt from Quake Champions and a Yoda Quote from Star Wars.
Manufacturer: Atlas
Possible Elements: May Spawn in Neutral or Shock
Gimmick: Regular bullets deal normal damage / Tracker bullets deal shock damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sky Bullies
Location: The Anvil
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: When you charge, yell like Furies.
Red Text Reference: American Civil War’s battlecry.
Manufacturer: Atlas
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Splits in 2 and homes in on the same enemy on impact.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Judge Hightower
Location: Lectra City
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: I have arrived.
Red Text Reference: Carrier ship from the StarCraft videogame.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Shot splits into 3 projectiles / Hits twice.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Reward from Sir Hammerlock
Location: Your Mail Box
Note: Requires Hammerlock’s Legendary Hunt 100% completed
Red Text: Shoot them in the face. Twice.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Full-Auto / Increases fire rate the longer you shoot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Billy, The Anointed
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Requires Lair of the Harpy story mission completed.
Red Text: Watch me crank it, watch me roll.
Red Text Reference: Crank That song by Soulja Boy
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Fires a 2-Round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Mission Reward only.
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Requires The Guns of Reliance story mission completed.
Red Text: By one, by two, by three!
Red Text Reference: From The Ingoldsby Legends by Thomas Ingoldsby.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Crit spawns explosive projectile / Ricochets off enemy.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Billy, The Anointed and Jabbermogwai
Location: Jakobs Estate (Billy, The Anointed) and Voracious Canopy (Jabbermogwai)
Note: Billy requires Lair of the Harpy story mission completed. Jabbermogwai is a Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt.
Red Text: Splish splash.
Red Text Reference: From Splish Splash song by Bobby Darin.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Shock and Radiation.
Gimmick: Critical shot ricochets 2 bullets and returns 2 bullets to magazine.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Red Rain
Location: Slaughterstar 3000
Note: Requires Welcome to Slaughterstar 3000 side mission completed
Red Text: Uh-oh!
Red Text Reference: —
Assault Rifles (3/4)
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Corrosive or Radiation
Gimmick: Fires a 3-round burst / Very low recoil / High rate of fire.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Skrakk
Location: Ascension Bluff
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Quick maths.
Red Text Reference: Man’s Not Hot by Big Shaq
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Corrosive only.
Gimmick: Radial burst of projectiles on kill.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Blinding Banshee
Location: Desolation’s Edge
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: VexHeIEIEIdZodEth
Red Text Reference: From Diablo II: Lord of Destruction videogame.
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Refills weapon’s magazine on kill.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from The Rampager, Valkyrie Squad and Wotan The Invencible
Location: Forgotten Basilica (The Rampager), Midnight’s Cairn (Valkyrie Squad and Wotan)
Note: The Rampager Requires Beneath the Meridian story mission completed. For Valkyrie Squad and Wotan, Maliwan Takedown access is required.
Red Text: Kinda, sorta wants to end all existence.
Red Text Reference: Insipired on Bad Juju gun from Destiny videogame.
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Corrosive, Shock or Cryo.
Gimmick: Enemies explode on death / Can chain to nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Psychobillies
Location: Ambermire
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Grants the mystical art of exploding smallhands.
Red Text Reference: Grant from Gearbox
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Shock, Corrosive or Radiation
Gimmick: Shoots 2 weaving bullets / Full-Auto.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: The stars are better off without us.
Red Text Reference: Quote from James S.A. Corey.
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May Spawn in Neutral, Fire, Shock or Corrosive.
Gimmick: 30% chance to not consume ammo / Full-Auto.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Billy, The Anointed
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Requires Lair of the Harpy story mission completed
Red Text: My gun sings for your blood.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Warlord of Blood on the Diablo videogame.
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Fire only
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Hot Karl
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: It hurts, HAHAHAHAHA! IT HURTS!!
Red Text Reference: Quote from Krieg from Borderlands 2.
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Damages player when fired / Light yourself on fire when overheated.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Hot Karl
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Nobody kills me but ME!
Red Text Reference: Quote from Krieg from Borderlands 2.
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Splits into 3 projectiles.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Borman Nates
Location: Meridian Outskirts
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Supressing Fires!!!
Red Text Reference: From the Fire Water Burn song by Bloodhound Gang
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Cryo or Corrosive
Gimmick: Launches homing projectiles when overheating.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Raging Titan, Valkyrie Squad and Wotan The Invencible
Location: The Slaughter Shaft (Raging Titan) and Midnight’s Cairn (Valkyrie Squad and Wotan)
Note: Raging Titan spawns during the Round 5, Wave 4 of the Slaughter Shaft. For Valkyrie Squad and Wotan, Maliwan Takedown access is required.
Red Text: Pain and Misery erupt in the Void.
Red Text Reference: —
Assault Rifles (4/4)
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: When fired while aimed in the direction of enemies, occasionally spawns a homing purple skull that explodes on contact with an enemy. Significantly increased damage.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Tom & Xam
Location: Heart’s Desire
Note: Requires main mission The Call of Gythian to access the map.
Red Text: Picture a soul. Now REND that thing!
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Chance to trigger Combust when the weapon breaks. During Combust, all shots deal a critical hit, reduces heat cost and deals incendiary damage to the character.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Wendigo
Location: The Cankerwood
Note: Requires story mission Horror in the Woods completed.
Red Text: A long sigh was heard…
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: COV
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Killing an enemy reduces heat shot cost and increases damage and fire rate.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: Look at that unsubtle blood-red coloring…
Red Text Reference: Reference to the line “Look at that subtle off-white coloring” in the movie American Psycho (2000).
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Full-Auto laser with strong recoil
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Fungal Gorger
Location: The Cankerwood
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Super unnatural.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: Critical hits leave a sticky bomb that fires a shot on detonation.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Kritchy
Location: Cursehaven
Note: Crew Challenge – Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt
Red Text: A broken smile beneath her whispered wings.
Red Text Reference: It’s a quote from the book The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel.
Shotguns (1/4)
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Large slow shock orb. 4 ammo/shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Katagawa Ball
Location: Skywell-27
Note: Requires Space-Laser Tag story mission completed
Red Text: Some say it can lead you to your fate.
Red Text Reference: Brave (2012)
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Equalizer visualizer projectile.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Mouthpiece
Location: Ascension Bluff
Note: Requires Cult Following story mission completed
Red Text: I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Red Text Reference: Dune by Frank Herbert
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Ricochet disk.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from General Traunt
Location: Desolation’s Edge
Note: Requires Footsteps of Giants story mission completed
Red Text: See green text for description | See red text for description.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Very low charge time. 3-round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Private Beans
Location: Athenas
Note: Requires Invasion of Privacy side mission completed
Red Text: Trev is gunna get you!
Red Text Reference: Trevor Eastman, Borderlands Fan
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Vosk’s grasp singularity shot / 6 shot laser trap.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Troy Calypso, Valkyrie Squad and Wotan The Invencible
Location: The Great Vault (Troy Calypso) or Midnight’s Cairn (Valkyrie Squad and Wotan)
Note: Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: A good death is its own reward.
Red Text Reference: Man of Steel (2013) Quote
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire or Radiation
Gimmick: Explosions everywhere
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Manvark
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Flak the world.
Red Text Reference: Battlestar Galactica “Frak the world”
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Increased fire rate with a weapon charge up duration.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Road Dog
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: I live my life a quarter mag at a time.
Red Text Reference: The Fast and the Furious “I live my life a quarter mile at a time.”
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Shoots 3 grounded sawblades that dig in fired direction. 2 ammo/shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Antalope
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: This is beyond science.
Red Text Reference: 2.0 (2018 Bollywood Film) Quote
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: 3-round burst of big slow orbs. Goes through enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Graveward
Location: The Floating Tomb
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed
Red Text: Everything has to be magical.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Shots pierce enemies. Makes meteors fall from the sky. 2 ammo/shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Wotan the Invincible
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: A gaping hole in the sky.
Red Text Reference: —
Shotguns (2/4)
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: Reload creates target for homing projectiles the gun shoots.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Mother of Grogans
Location: The Anvil
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: I creep across the land.
Red Text Reference: Creeping Death by Metallica
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Reload projects target that can be shot to create a Singularity.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Maxitrillion
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: You can’t leave. She wont let you.
Red Text Reference: Event Horizon (1997)
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Reload becomes a crab turret. Spread forms a square.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from GenIVIV
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Requires The Family Jewel story mission completed
Red Text: 21. 11. 33. 14. 24. 42.
Red Text Reference: Polybius Square cryptography. Translation: “Fandir”.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Guitar riff plays when shot. Pentagram or Sigil of Lucifer spread pattern.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Road Dog
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: So, my demons. Your time has come.
Red Text Reference: Video game – Doom & Song – Concealing Fate, Part 2: Deception by TesseracT
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Tight spread. 1 shot reload.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Handsome Jackie
Location: Skywell-27
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump and kill lunatics.
Red Text Reference: Jack Be Nimble nursery rhyme
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: 50% chance to not consume ammo.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from One Punch
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: I swear, that has never happened before.
Red Text Reference: Premature ejaculation
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Fires in bursts. High mag size. 2 ammo/shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Hot Karl
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: The Legend Lives (still).
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire or Shock
Gimmick: Wave pattern. Ricochets off surfaces.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Dumptruck
Location: The Droughts
Note: Requires Dump on Dumptruck side mission completed
Red Text: Ride the wave, dude!
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: High mag size. 2 ammo/shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Chonk Stomp
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Rooty-tooty, pointy-shooty.
Red Text Reference: “Rooty tooty point and shooty”.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Tidal wave pattern. Ricochets off surfaces.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Dumptruck
Location: The Droughts
Note: Requires Dump on Dumptruck side mission completed
Red Text: Flee the wave, dude!
Red Text Reference: —
Shotguns (3/4)
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Shocks nearby enemies. Lightning Bolt spread pattern.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Katagawa Ball
Location: Skywell-27
Note: Requires Space-Laser Tag story mission completed
Red Text: Let’s put our heads together.
Red Text Reference: Common phrase
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Spawns more projectiles. Same as in Borderlands 2.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Judge Hightower
Location: Lectra City
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Let’s just ping everyone all at once.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Shoots your melee dmg.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Handsome Jackie
Location: Skywell-27
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Man your own jackhammer.
Red Text Reference: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 by Coheed and Cambria
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Increased pellets per terror level up to 07.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Loot Ghosts
Location: The Heck Hole
Note: Requires Bloody Harvest Event to be active.
Red Text: I can’t control their fear, only my own.
Red Text Reference: Avengers: Endgame Scarlet Witch Quote
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: May spawn Fire, Corrosive, Shock or Cryo
Gimmick: Heals you when damaging enemy. Heart shaped projectile pattern.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Gorgeous Armada
Location: The Compactor
Note: Crew Challenge – Mayor’s Killer Look
Red Text: I don’t want to set the world on fire…
Red Text Reference: I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire by The Ink Spots
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Very small spread and high range. 2 ammo/shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Wick and Warty
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Faster than all estimates.
Red Text Reference: Rick and Morty TV Series
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Heals you when damaging enemy. Slow explosive projectiles.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from DEGEN-3
Location: Impound Deluxe
Note: Crew Challenge – Mayor’s Killer Look
Red Text: Take your time, sugar…
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Chance to refill mag. Full auto. Very high fire rate & accuracy.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Ragin Titan or Traded for Loot-o-Gram
Location: The Slaughter Shaft (Raging Titan) and Skywell-27 (Dinklebot, for Loot-o-Gram drop)
Note: Requires access Slaughter Shaft
Red Text: Fresh Meat!
Red Text Reference: Diablo
Shotguns (4/4)
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Does not require charging. Fires multiple elemental bullets that travel forward in a randomized cluster. Projectiles explode on contact, dealing elemental splash damage. Consumes 2 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: You can run, but you can’t hide.
Red Text Reference: Well-known expression, started by the prefessional boxer Joe Louis back in 1946.
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element.
Gimmick: Every automatic reload or kill grants a 30% damage bonus and reduces accuracy. Damage bonus is reset if reloaded manually, the weapon is put away, or the user is downed. Small chance for shots to ricochet off the environment towards the nearest enemy.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: The stacks… THE STACKS!
Red Text Reference: Both the weapon and the text are references to Gaige, playable character on Borderlands 2 and NPC on Borderlands 3.
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Shock only.
Gimmick: Always shock. Fires 3 elemental orbs.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No.
How to Obtain: Drop from Voltborn
Location: Negul Neshai
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Everything has to be magical. Surprise!
Red Text Reference: It’s actually a reference to a red text from another gun, The Lob. They both work in a similar fashion and have similar appearance.
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Fire only.
Gimmick: Fires 9 projectiles in an O-pattern (8 in a circle and 1 in the center) with the pattern expanding and contracting as it travels. Projectiles bounce once on contact with terrain. Consumes 1 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive.
Red Text: VIII. Never turn your back on a Monster!
Red Text Reference: Refers to track of the piece La Villa Strangiato from Rush.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: All except Neutral
Gimmick: Fires additional projectiles around the main beam that explode.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Gmork
Location: The Cankerwood
Note: Crew Challenge – Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt
Red Text: A hole would be something.
Red Text Reference: Reference to the fantasy novel The Neverending Story.
Snipers (1/2)
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Splits into 3 projectiles.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tremendous Rex or Mail from Zer0.
Location: Cistern of Slaughter (Tremendous Rex) or Your Mail Box (Zer0 Challenge 100% completed)
Note: Tremendous Rex spawns in the last round and last wave of the Cistern. Zer0 Target of Opportunity Challenge 100% completed for mail delivery
Red Text: Man killer.
Red Text Reference: Named after Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a Soviet Sniper known as the most successful sniper in history.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Fires energy Orbs / Orbs explodes when shot with energy bolt.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Maxitrillion
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: You planning a follow up?
Red Text Reference: Acronym for something Steam won’t like me to quote here. It’s from Fear of a Black Hat (1993)
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: High splash radius / 02 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Katagawa Jr.
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Requires Atlas, At Last story mission completed.
Red Text: Seek shelter immediately.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Turns killed grounded enemies into mini volcanoes.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from The Rampager
Location: Forgotten Basilica
Note: Requires Beneath the Meridian story mission completed.
Red Text: Get him angry and he’s bound to erupt
Red Text Reference: Quote from Spongebob cartoon, S1E12.
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Shock orb on impact / High splash radius / 02 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Katagawa Jr.
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Requires Atlas, At Last story mission completed.
Red Text: Tut, Tut, it looks like rain.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Winnie-the-Pooh
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Shots explode on impact.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Manvark
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: That happens all the time.
Red Text Reference: From Master Exploder song by Tenacious D
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: High critical damage / bonus while aiming down sights up to 350%.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Demoskaggon
Location: The Droughts
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: One is enough.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Always Fire and Cryo both
Gimmick: Shoots as fire and ricochets as cryo / Critical hits returns 1 bullet to magazine.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Reward after 100 Broken Hearts
Location: –
Note: Requires Broken Hearts Day Event turned on at the Main Menu (when available)
Red Text: Will you be the rest of my life?
Red Text Reference: From the Meet Me Where You’re Going song by Cloud Cult.
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: Extra projectile per each terror stack / 03 round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Loot Ghosts
Location: The Heck Hole
Note: Only obtainable during the Bloody Harvest seasonal event.
Red Text: All that remains is an icy husk.
Red Text Reference: Quote from The Lich King from the World of Warcraft MMORPG.
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Shock or Corrosion
Gimmick: Full-Auto / 02-round burst / Shoots homing lasers
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Freddie the Traitor
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Requires All Bets Off story mission completed
Red Text Reference: —
Snipers (2/2)
Manufacturer: Dahl
Possible Elements: May spawn in Cryo or Fire
Gimmick: Semi-Auto ricochet / Alt. fire mode as Shotgun fireballs.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Pheonix
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Welcome to the end.
Red Text Reference: From the Welcome to the End song by Celldweller.
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Explosive bolt / One shot magazine size.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Urist McEnforcer
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.
Red Text Reference: From the Dwarf Fortress videogame.
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Every kill adds weapon damage to next magazine.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Captain Traunt, Valkyrie Squad and Wotan the Invencible
Location: Athenas (Captain Traunt) and Midnight’s Cairn (Valkyrie Squad and Wotan)
Note: Captain Traunt requires The Impending Storm story mission completed. Valkyrie Squad and Wotan require access to Maliwan Takedown.
Red Text: You ever seen this dude tank anything ever?
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element except Neutral
Gimmick: Fires a 04-round burst.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Indo Tyrant
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: You don’t get into woodblocks unless you are ready to f***.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Fires 5 projectiles per shot. Reduced damage per projectile. Increased critical hit damage. Reduced accuracy. Very high fire rate for a Jakobs sniper rifle.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop only from Chests within the DLC 02.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: DLC 02 Chests exclusive.
Red Text: Makes your brain hurt.
Red Text Reference: Common expression that referes to problematic thoughts.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only.
Gimmick: On a critical hit, deals shock damage equivalent to the critical hit.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop only from Chests within the DLC 02.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: DLC 02 Chests exclusive.
Red Text: Great, kid.
Red Text Reference: Both the name of the gun and the text are reference to a quote from Han Solo from the Star Wars franchise.
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Landing a critical hit will spawn up to 3 homing bullets that seek the nearest enemy. If there are no nearby enemies, all 3 bullets will seek the original target. Increased base damage. If a critical hit results in the enemy’s death while scoped in, nearby enemies remain unaware of the character.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Amach
Location: Cursehaven
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Taste their fear.
Red Text Reference: Both the name of the gun and the text are references to Kha’Zix’s abilities in the League of Legends videogame.
Rocket Launchers (1/2)
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Radiation only
Gimmick: Works as a Mortar / Explodes into mirv grenades.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Crushjaw
Location: Cathedral of the Twin Gods
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: I prefer the weapon you only need to fire once.
Red Text Reference: From the Iron Man movie (2008)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Heals you when damaging enemy.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Junpai Goat Eater
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Crew Challenge – Mayor’s Killer Look
Red Text: Non-dairy.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Radiation or Corrosive
Gimmick: Launches hovering ball that shoots many rockets before exploding.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Princess Tarantella II
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Full of bees.
Red Text Reference: Known saying to describe for someone who is “full of energy”.
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Mortar-like rockets with large splash radius.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Loco Chantelle
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Crew Challenge – Mayor’s Killer Look
Red Text: Name dropper.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Shoots 01 large rocket with 03 smaller swirling around it. / It’s 04 ammo / shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Brood Mother and Alacritous Vanda
Location: The Pyre of Stars (Brood Mother) and Cistern of Slaughter (Alacritous Vanda)
Note: Brood Mother is a Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt. Alacritous Vanda is found on the Cistern of Slaughter (Not sure which round/wave, someone please help).
Red Text: Or am I?
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Always Fire, Corrosion and Radiation (3 in 1)
Gimmick: Shoots 04 Massive Rockets / Alternates elements / 02 ammo / shot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from The Rampager
Location: Forgotten Basilica
Note: Requires Beneath the Meridian story mission completed.
Red Text: Damn near killed ’em.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Black Sheep (1996)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Fires 2 rockets that rise on impact before detonating.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Chonk Stomp
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Crack the skye.
Red Text Reference: The “Tunguska event” in 1908.
Manufacturer: Atlas
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Laser guide your missiles with aim movement.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Warden
Location: The Anvil
Note: Requires Hammerlocked story mission completed.
Red Text: The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
Red Text Reference: From the videogame Half-Life 2.
Rocket Launchers (2/2)
Manufacturer: Atlas
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: 07 rockets that can be homed in using alternative fire (vortex grenade).
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Chonk Stomp
Location: Floodmoor Basin
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: No one can escape.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Charging shot releases fast rocket / 7 ammo per shot.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Fabricator
Location: Jack’s Secret
Note: Requires Jack’s Wild story mission completed.
Red Text: Fun Detected: Obliterate.
Red Text Reference: Ion Hazzikostas, World of Warcraft developer (could also be a BL3 community reference regarding BL3’s developers).
Grenade Mods (1/3)
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Fire
Gimmick: Explodes twice releasing radial burst of projectiles.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from DJ Deadsk4g
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: It burns, burns, burns
Red Text Reference: Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Removes stat effects on allies. Piss-covered enemies take +20% dmg.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Sloth & Thunk
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Hey you guys!
Red Text Reference: The Goonies (1985) Quote
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Rubberized. Splits into 2 laser-connected grenades.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Blinding Banshee
Location: Desolation’s Edge
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text Reference: Red Queen from Resident Evil (Movie). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Quote
Manufacturer: Vladof
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Throw Buttstallion with a rainbow explosion.
Expansion Pack: Deluxe Edition
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Purchase Deluxe Edition
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: Bye bye, Li’l Butt Stallion!
Red Text Reference: Parks & Recreation S3E16
Manufacturer: Tediore, Vladof or Hyperion
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Rains fireballs down from the sky. Count increased with “Rain” variant.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Captain Traunt
Location: Athenas
Note: Requires The Impending Storm story mission completed
Red Text: Soon afterwards, the cloud descended upon the earth.
Red Text Reference: Pliny the Younger quote about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius AD 79
Manufacturer: Tediore, Vladof or Hyperion
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Splits into 4 grenades that deal continuous shock to nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from El Dragon Jr.
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Very, very frightening.
Red Text Reference: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Manufacturer: Torgue, Vladof or Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Proximity grenade. Spawns homing rockets
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Aurelia Hammerlock
Location: Blackbarrel Cellars
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed
Red Text: À la vie, à la mort.
Red Text Reference: Overwatch Character & Quote
Manufacturer: Atlas or Hyperion
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Leaches onto enemy dealing HP damage-over-time. Also explodes.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Chupacabratch
Location: Athenas
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Cabrón.
Red Text Reference: Chupacabra translation “goat sucker”. Cabron translation “male goat”.
Manufacturer: Atlas
Possible Elements: May spawn in Shock, Radiation or Cryo
Gimmick: Hovers around releasing beams of damage to nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sky Bullies
Location: The Anvil
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Keeper of the stars, I hope to never find…
Red Text Reference: All Bodies by Between the Buried and Me
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: Explosions of ghosts. High corrosive damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Loot Ghosts
Location: The Heck Hole
Note: Requires Bloody Harvest Event to be active.
Red Text: To you I am past, a story to tell.
Red Text Reference: Story to Tell by Death
Grenade Mods (2/3)
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Rubberized. Releases 3 mirv grenades every bounce
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Thar she blows!
Red Text Reference: Moby ♥♥♥♥ 1851
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Shock, Radiation or Cryo
Gimmick: Rubberized. Releases 2 mirv grenades every bounce.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Raging Titan
Location: The Slaughter Shaft
Note: Requires The Slaughter Shaft side mission completed
Red Text: Hare today, bomb tomorrow.
Red Text Reference: Denis Hornsey “Here today, bomb tomorrow”
Manufacturer: Torgue
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Explodes into bouncing grenades & bouncy balls
Expansion Pack: Deluxe Edition
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Purchase Deluxe Edition
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Red Text Reference: SNL Season 16: Happy Fun Ball (1991)
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any element except Neutral
Gimmick: Splits into 2 slow drones that shoot in a straight line before exploding.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from GenIVIV
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Requires The Family Jewel story mission completed
Red Text: Grip tightly.
Red Text Reference: Dune (Novel) Quote
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Throws the grenade like a fast baseball. Explodes on impact.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Thunk
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Forget the curveball Ricky, give him the heater.
Red Text Reference: Major League (1989)
Manufacturer: Tediore or Hyperion
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Hovers & sucks enemies in. Constant arcs of electricity.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Wick and Warty
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: E=mc^(OMG)/wtf
Red Text Reference: E=mc^2
Manufacturer: Tediore
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: “Enemies drop a holy metric buttload of cash when damaged”
Expansion Pack: Deluxe Edition
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Purchase Deluxe Edition
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: Make it rain.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Atlas, Hyperion or Tediore
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Heals for 120% of hp dmg dealt. Heals shields for 60% shield dmg.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Here go, hell come.
Red Text Reference: The Fashion Show (2009) Quote
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Depletes enemy shields.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Baron Noggin
Location: Meridian Metroplex
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Drop the shields.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Spawns circle of longbow grenades that target one spot.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Chupacabratch
Location: Athenas
Note: Crew Challange – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Beltalowda!
Red Text Reference: The Expanse
Grenade Mods (3/3)
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire or Shock
Gimmick: Rubberized. Throws 2 grenades at once. Increased dmg every bounce.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Killavolt
Location: Lectra City
Note: Requires Kill Killavolt side mission completed
Red Text: Prepare for trouble, and make it double.
Red Text Reference: Pokemon Team Rocket’s catchphrase
Shields (1/3)
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Corrosive or Cryo
Gimmick: Reserves 60% max hp returned as shield capacity.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Private Beans
Location: Athenas
Note: Requires Invasion of Privacy side mission completed
Red Text: You could always use a little more life insurance.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Shock, Corrosive or Radiation
Gimmick: Instant recharging with cooldown. Absorbs ammo. Fortify drop chance.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Urist McEnforcer
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Once more, with feeling.
Red Text Reference: Common phrase
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: Shocks nearby enemies while depleted
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sylestro
Location: Tazendeer Ruins
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: You conduit.
Red Text Reference: Water Boy Quote
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Immune to dmg on depletion for 5 seconds.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from El Dragon Jr.
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: The process is called “living”.
Red Text Reference: Terry Pratchett Quote
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Shock only
Gimmick: 100% Shock resistance 40% chance to absorb bullets.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Killavolt or Mission Reward
Location: Lectra City (Killavolt) and Desolation’s Edge (Mission)
Note: Requires Kill Killavolt (Killavolt) or It’s Alive side mission completed
Red Text: There’s more than your eye can see.
Red Text Reference: Transformers “More than meets the eye”
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: +25% weapon dmg, +300% melee dmg depleted. +2%hp/sec active.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Graveward
Location: The Floating Tomb
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed
Red Text: Free me master, see me shiver
Red Text Reference: Aquarium by Haken
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Nova. +10% XP boost & Loot Rarity Boost through lvl 10.
Expansion Pack: Deluxe Edition
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Purchase Deluxe Edition
Location: –
Note: –
Red Text: Take it up to eleven!
Red Text Reference: This is Spinal Tap (1984)
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: Nova 30% of nova dmg returned as HP.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Aurelia Hammerlock
Location: Blackbarrel Cellars
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed
Red Text: I feel… cold.
Red Text Reference: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Quote
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Amp. Drains 25% shield for ~125% dmg bonus.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Valkyrie Squad and Wotan The Invencible
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Stand and Clap.
Red Text Reference: —
Shields (2/3)
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Corrosive or Shock
Gimmick: Gives you a drone. Drone dmg is same as element resist.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from GenIVIV
Location: Voracious Canopy
Note: Requires The Family Jewel story mission completed
Red Text: It’s complicated.
Red Text Reference: Common phrase
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Fire only
Gimmick: Nova on depletion and fill.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Power Troopers
Location: Atlas HQ
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Feel the Bern.
Red Text Reference: Bernie Sanders, US Politician
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Shock, Cryo or Radiation
Gimmick: Sliding drains all shield to deal bonus dmg
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Gigamind
Location: Meridian Metroplex
Note: Requires Hostile Takeover story mission completed
Red Text: All studs.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Corrosive, Shock or Radiation
Gimmick: Sliding drains all shield to deal bonus damage / Instantly begins recharging when broken (seconds cooldown).
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Valkyrie Squad
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: One more kick, with feeling.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Corrosive or Radiation
Gimmick: Amp. next shot drains 50% shield. dmg returned as HP.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Princess Tarantella II
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: –
Red Text Reference: –
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Damage taken from behind is reduced by 56%.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Troy Calypso
Location: The Great Vault
Note: Requires The Great Vault story mission completed
Red Text: Synthetic Vercuvian ham. Typhon DeLeon approved.
Red Text Reference: Typhon DeLeon
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: No capacity. Reduces incoming dmg by 23% & grants +35% Max HP.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Urist McEnforcer
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: It takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.
Red Text Reference: Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: Sliding into enemies drains all shields & deals up to 5949 bonus cryo.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Loot Ghosts
Location: The Heck Hole
Red Text: Behold the flesh and power it holds.
Red Text Reference: The Flesh and the Power It Holds by Death
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Cryo only
Gimmick: Sliding into enemies drains all shields & deals up to 5949 bonus cryo
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Valkyrie Squad and Wotan The Invencible
Location: Midnight’s Cairn
Note: Access to Maliwan Takedown
Red Text: Give em’ the cold toelder.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Corrosive and Shock
Gimmick: Nova. 25% chance to drop IEDs when damaged.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Crushjaw
Location: C. of the Twin Gods
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Situation normal.
Red Text Reference: —
Shields (3/3)
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral or Shock
Gimmick: Nova & Black Hole (Pulls enemies in).
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Wick and Warty
Location: Lectra City
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: She’s gone from suck to blow.
Red Text Reference: Spaceballs Quote
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Fire, Corrosive, Shock, Radiation or Cryo
Gimmick: +22% wpn dmg while depleted. Low capacity, Very high recharge rate.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from The Unstoppable
Location: Ambermire
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: I said “♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥…”
Red Text Reference: “I said ♥♥♥♥♥” by Keye & Peele
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: May spawn in Neutral, Fire, Corrosive or Radiation
Gimmick: Boosters restore 60% shield, grenade, & heavy ammo. 15% absorb.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from The Unstoppable
Location: Ambermire
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: For all your big boom blasting needs!
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: Corrosive only
Gimmick: Fires homing spikes to attackers when taking bullet dmg.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Antalope
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Out for a walk, ♥♥♥♥♥
Red Text Reference: Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5E5: No Place like Home Quote
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: Radiation only
Gimmick: 100% Radiation resistance Nearby enemies take constant rad dmg.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Atomic or Mission Reward
Location: Tazendeer Ruins (Atomic) and Sandblast Scar (Mission)
Note: Crew Challange – Target of Opportunity (Atomic) or Angels and Speed Demons story mission completed
Red Text: Warning. Containment failure.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: While depleted, successful melee summons a projectile.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Sky Bully
Location: The Anvil
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Don’t look up.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Anshin
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: 50% chance to reflect shots while shielded. 80% while not shielded.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Mission Reward
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Reward for completing the All Bets Off story mission.
Red Text: You wanna live forever?
Red Text Reference: Quote from chracter named Rico in the Starship Troopers movie (1997).
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Deal 20% increased damage for the element it is resistant against. 25% damage reduction against all elements.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: The end comes from within.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: Fire only.
Gimmick: When depleted, launches fireballs at nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: Inflammable means flammable?!
Red Text Reference: Reference could be either to the episode “Trilogy of Error” on The Simpsons TV show, or a reference to Lilith’s legendary shield reward in Borderlands 2.
Manufacturer: Pangolin
Possible Elements: Cryo only.
Gimmick: Fires elemental homing projectiles to enemies when taking bullet damage.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Empowered Scholar
Location: Dustbound Archives
Note: Requires the main mission Case of Wainwright completed.
Red Text: Be careful what comes out.
Red Text Reference: —
Artifacts (1/2)
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Slam creates a random elemental puddle that lasts for 5 seconds.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from General Traunt
Location: Desolation’s Edge
Note: Requires Footsteps of Giants story mission completed.
Red Text: Come on and SLAM!
Red Text Reference: Space Jam (1996)
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Reserves all but 1 HP / +100% shield cap / +25% r rate / -20% recharge delay.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Phoenix
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: What do we say to the God of Death?
Red Text Reference: Quote from Syrio Forel in the Game of Thrones TV Show.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: 20% bullet proc chance.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Psychobillies
Location: Ambermire
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: We never could have foreseen the success.
Red Text Reference: Risk of Rain & Quote by Ted Dwane of Mumford and Sons.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: + Melee Damage < 50% HP / + Weapon damage < 20% HP / + Splash damage < 5% HP.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Graveward
Location: The Floating Tomb
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed.
Red Text: Pain becomes power.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Slam Launches a barrage of homing rockets.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Red Rain
Location: Slaughterstar 3000
Note: Requires Slaughterstar 3000 side mission completed.
Red Text: Pocket Rockets.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: -75% Max HP / Increases Luck.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Pain
Location: Guts of Carnivora
Note: Requires Blood Drive story mission completed.
Red Text: Feelin’ Lucky?
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Elerment
Gimmick: +8% Combat XP.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Graveward
Location: The Floating Tomb
Note: Requires Cold as the Grave story mission completed.
Red Text: Hey, sugar. I got somethin’ for ya
Red Text Reference: Reference to Mad Moxxi’s character.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Restores +13% max HP after killing an enemy.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyreen the Destroyer
Location: Destroyer’s Rift
Note: Requires Divine Retribution story mission
Red Text: Every man for himself.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Gain 100% HP on second wind.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Phoenix
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Rise from the ashes.
Red Text Reference: Referemce to the Pheonix, a mythical incendiary creature that is reborn from it’s own ash.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: +67% elemental melee damage / Element type changes every 05 seconds.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Atomic
Location: Tazendeer Ruins
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: The power is YOURS!
Red Text Reference: From the Captain Planet cartoon.
Artifacts (2/2)
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral or Radiation
Gimmick: Slam generates a singularity effect, pulling enemies toward you.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from DJ DeadSk4g
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity
Red Text: Doesn’t work how you think it does…
Red Text Reference: Reference to a Birth control (Withdrawel Method).
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Slide launches homing rockets that deal incendiary damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Blue Fire
Location: Slaughterstar 3000
Note: Requires Slaughterstar 3000 side mission completed.
Red Text: Not that kind.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Slam triggers a shield that reduces damage taken by +57%. Lasts 05 seconds.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Rakkman
Location: Carnivora
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn.
Red Text: My own little bubble.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: +50% Shotgun Damage while Sliding.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Road Dog
Location: The Splinterlands
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: This Is My BOOMSTICK!
Red Text Reference: Quote from Army of Darkness movie (1992).
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Slide builds up static for next melee to deal 50% bonus shock damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Antalope
Location: Devil’s Razor
Note: Crew Challenge – Legendary Hunt
Red Text: Shock me like an electric eel.
Red Text Reference: From the Electric Feel song by MGMT.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral only
Gimmick: Melee, slide, and ground slam have 100% chance to ignite enemy.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from El Dragon Jr.
Location: Jakobs Estate
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: En fuego!
Red Text Reference: Reference to El Dragón from the Battleborn videogame.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Increased movement speed and damage on badass kill for 60 seconds.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sloth
Location: Konrad’s Hold
Note: Rare Enemy Spawn
Red Text: Another one.
Red Text Reference: Catchphrase from DJ Khaled.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Any Element
Gimmick: Melee attacks have a 30% chance to attach a sticky bomb.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Agonizer 9000 & Terror
Location: Guts of Carnivora
Note: Requires Blood Drive story mission completed.
Red Text: It’s a SURPRISE!
Red Text Reference: Reference to the real life game “White elephant”.
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral only.
Gimmick: Doubles shield capacity but increases shield recharge delay.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Empowered Grawn
Location: Negul Neshai
Note: Requires the Mountain of Mayhem story mission completed
Red Text: Equivalent Exchange.
Red Text Reference: —
Manufacturer: Eridian
Possible Elements: Neutral only.
Gimmick: Consecutive successful hits grant a 1% damage bonus per hit for up to 15 times. At maximum stacks, an additional damage bonus of 90% is added.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Mission Reward
Location: The Lodge
Note: Requires The Call of Gythian story mission completed.
Red Text: Knowing is half the battle.
Red Text Reference: —
Class Mods (Zane)
Gimmick: While sliding or airborne, gain +40% weapon damage /+20% damage reduction.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Arbalest of Discipline and Wotan the Invincible
Location: Precipice Anchor (Arbalest of Discipline) and Midnight’s Cairn (Wotan the Invincible)
Note: Arbalest of Discipline requires access to the Trial of Discipline and Wotan requires access to the Maliwan Takedown.
Red Text: Jet propulsion disengage.
Red Text Reference: From the Silent Flight Parliment by Between the Buried and Me.
Gimmick: Random Status Effect applied to enemies freezed by Zane.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sera of Supremacy
Location: Hall Obsidian
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Supremacy.
Red Text: A song of ice and radiation and acid and lightning and fire
Red Text Reference: Reference to A Song of Ice and Fire novels.
Gimmick: Kill Skill: On a kill, get + Accuracy, Handling, Critical, Status Effect (damage and chance).
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Skag of Survival
Location: Gradient of Dawn
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Survival.
Red Text: Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Red Text Reference: Quote from the US Government official, James Norman Mattis.
Gimmick: Weapon damage and shield increase ~20% / The lower the shield capacity, higher bonus.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyrant of Instinct
Location: Wayward Tether
Note: Requires access to Trial of Instinct.
Red Text: When the leaves hang trembling, the wind is passing through.
Red Text Reference: From The Wind song by Christina Rossetti.
Gimmick: + Binary System augment / Shock Nova on getting meleed.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Hag of Fervor
Location: Skydrowned Pulpit
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Fervor.
Red Text: There’s a spark between us, can you feel it?
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: Kill Skill: +5% chance to recharge SNTNL Cooldown & Duration on kill.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Arbalest of Discipline
Location: Precipice Anchor
Note: Requires access to Trial of Discipline
Red Text: If you love something, set it free.
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: 4% chance to auto-activate all Kill Skills on weapon damage / +25% Kill skill effect.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jackpot
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Requires All Bets Off story mission completed.
Red Text: Musha rain dum a doo, dum a da.
Red Text Reference: From the Whiskey in the Jar song from actual Irish Folk.
Gimmick: Zane gains up to 25% Bonus Shock Damage based on his remaining action skill duration. The more duration remaining, the greater the bonus. This effect stacks.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: Half a league onward.
Red Text Reference: —
Class Mods (Moze)
Gimmick: Decreases fuel use / increases Iron Bear’s duration.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyrant of Instinct
Location: Wayward Tether
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Instinct.
Red Text: Rocket ’til the wheels fall off.
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: The longer going without reloading, the more splash dmg Moze deals.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Arbalest of Discipline
Location: Precipice Anchor
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Discipline
Red Text: Slow and steady wins the arms race.
Red Text Reference: Reference to The Tortoise and the Hare tale.
Gimmick: If moze is healed, she gains shields instead.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Skag of Survival
Location: Gradient of Dawn
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Survival
Red Text: Ideas are bulletproof.
Red Text Reference: Quote from V is for Vendetta movie.
Gimmick: Crit hit has 25% chance to drop Micro grenade that explodes.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tink of Cunning
Location: Ghostlight Beacon
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Cunning
Red Text: Brain blast!
Red Text Reference: Catchphrase from The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius cartoon.
Gimmick: Iron Bear kills decreases Fuel Usage / Get + damage if Iron Bear takes damage.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Billy, The Annointed and Wotan the Invincible
Location: Jakobs Estate (Billy) and Midnight’s Cairn (Wotan)
Note: Billy requires Lair of the Harpy story mission completed. Wotan requires access to the Maliwan Takedown.
Red Text: You won’t just be strong. You’ll be unbeatable.
Red Text Reference: Quote from The Adventure Zone.
Gimmick: Auto Bear lasts remaining duration / Removes refunded cooldown.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Arbalest of Discipline
Location: Precipice Anchor
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Discipline
Red Text: Chew ’em up!
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: Bonus corrosive damage to weapons after firing for a few seconds.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jackpot
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Requires All Bets Off story mission completed
Red Text: We often smilin’ at sights of violence.
Red Text Reference: From Run the Jewels song by Run the Jewels.
Gimmick: Moze gains up to 12% life steal. The longer she holds down the fire button, the greater the life steal.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: To each according to their needs.
Red Text Reference: Reference to a slogan popularized by Karl Marx.
Class Mods (Fl4k)
Gimmick: 3% Hunt Kill Skill chance / Bosses are treated as regular enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Hag of Fervor
Location: Skydrowned Pulpit
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Fervor
Red Text: The world is made up of two classes — the hunters and the huntees.
Red Text Reference: Quote from The Most Dangerous Game story (and now movie).
Gimmick: FL4K’s Hunt Skill Power is increased by 25%.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyrant of Instinct
Location: Wayward Tether
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Instinct.
Red Text: Like a bird from the snare of the fowler…
Red Text Reference: Quote from the Bible, Psalm 124:7
Gimmick: FL4K & their pets deal +35% damage against enemies above 75% HP.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tink of Cunning
Location: Ghostlight Beacon
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Cunning
Red Text: Cut them down to size.
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: On enemy kill pet gains Second Wind / Pet damage +20%.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Arbalest of Discipline
Location: Precipice Anchor
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Discipline
Red Text: Don’t worry, the dog lives.
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: Whenever Fl4k’s Rakk hits an enemy, they split into two more Rakk.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Tink of Cunning and Wotan the Invincible
Location: Ghostlight Beacon (Tink) and Midnight’s Cairn (Wotan)
Note: Tink requires access to the Trial of Cunning. Wotan requires access to the Maliwan Takedown.
Red Text: Hail and well met!
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: Rakk Attack! Skill gains 1 extra charge.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sera of Supremacy
Location: Hall Obsidian
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Supremacy
Red Text: Get ready to rakk.
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: While Gamma Burst is active, FL4K’s pet taunts all enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tyrant of Instinct
Location: Wayward Tether
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Instinct
Red Text: Mean and green.
Red Text Reference: —
Gimmick: On critical hit, gain +5% weapon damage until miss on critical (effect stacks).
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jackpot
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Requires All Bets Off story mission completed.
Red Text: If you can make God bleed, people will cease to believe in them.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Iron Man 2 movie.
Gimmick: Whenever FL4K’s pet would kill an enemy there’s a 25% chance it confuses that enemy instead for 20 seconds. Once Dominated, the enemy is set to 25% health and once the duration ends the enemy is killed.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: This is my cause.
Red Text Reference: —
Class Mods (Amara)
Gimmick: Up to 29% damage reduction while close to enemy.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Skag of Survival
Location: Gradient of Dawn
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Survival
Red Text: The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Pipin in the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers movie.
Gimmick: Melee kills triggers Amara’s action skill augment.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Tink of Cunning
Location: Ghostlight Beacon
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Cunning.
Red Text: Fatality.
Red Text Reference: Reference to the Mortal Kombat videogame series.
Gimmick: Phasegrasp applies Action Skill Element to nearby enemies.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sera of Supremacy
Location: Hall Obsidian
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Supremacy
Red Text: Firmly grasp it.
Red Text Reference: Quote from the Spongbob cartoon (S1E3: Jellyfishing).
Gimmick: First damage from Action Skill creates cloud of Action Skill’s Element.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Sera of Supremacy
Location: Hall Obsidian
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Supremacy
Red Text: It’s a terrible day for rain.
Red Text Reference: Quote from the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime (again, best anime ever).
Gimmick: On action skill, gain max Rush stacks, but decay over time.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Hag of Fervor
Location: Skydrowned Pulpit
Note: Requires access to the Trial of Fervor
Red Text: I’m always angry.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Bruce Banner in The Avengers movie (2012).
Gimmick: On action skill, apply skill element to self / + Gun damage while moving.
Expansion Pack: Base Game
Possible to World Drop: No
How to Obtain: Drop from Sylestro and Wotan the Invincible
Location: Tazandeer Ruins (Sylestro) and Midnight’s Cairn (Wotan)
Note: Sylestro is a Crew Challenge – Target of Opportunity / Wotan requires access to the Maliwan Takedown.
Red Text: Only on the brink can we see so clearly.
Red Text Reference: from the Nocturne song by Tesseract.
Gimmick: Increases Action skill cooldown rate (5%) for 8 seconds when taking damage.
Expansion Pack: DLC 01 – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from Jackpot
Location: VIP Tower
Note: Requires All Bets Off story mission completed.
Red Text: I can do this all day.
Red Text Reference: Quote from Steve Rogers in the Captain America: The First Avenger movie.
Gimmick: Whenever Amara is damaged she gains a +20% chance to gain a stack of Rush. For every stack of Rush Amara gains +3% Damage Reduction. Rush stacks goes up to 5 max.
Expansion Pack: DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Possible to World Drop: Yes
How to Obtain: Drop from any Badass, Rare Spawn, Boss, or Chest.
Location: Only within DLC 02 maps.
Note: World Drop Exclusive
Red Text: She mighty mighty.
Red Text Reference: —
– Guide released – Some items from the Handsome Jackpot DLC are missing but are already being added.
– The B*itch SMG and the It’s P*ss grenade are now written this way because steam censorship.
– Missing images being added along the day.
– Lucky 7 pistol and Rico shield from Handsome Jackpot DLC were added to the guide.
– Thunderbolt Fists pistol’s gimmick description fixed.
– Redline shotgun’s gimmick description fixed.
– Epicenter pistol’s elements fixed: only spawns in Fire Element, instead of Neutral or Fire.
– Scoville pistol’s expansion fixed. Can only be obtained by players who own the Handsome Jackpot DLC.
– Seein’ Dead Class Mod’s red text reference fixed.
– Magnificent pistol’s gimmick description fixed.
– Infinity pistol’s gimmick description fixed.
– Sellout pistol’s mission to obtain fixed.
– Craps pistol from the DLC 01 added to the guide.
– Changes made to the Introduction section, mainly to clarify World Drops;
– Boomer SMG from the DLC 01 added to the guide.
– Cheap Tips SMG from the DLC 01 added to the guide.
– Weapons from the DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles (Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns and SMGs) were added to the guide.
– Shields, Artifacts and Class mods from the DLC 02 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles were added to the guide.
Thanks & Credits
Selene, who helped me put this together here on Steam! ♥
https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/ – Who put together an awesome spreadsheet that helped a lot filling a lot of information, especially regarding Gimmicks and Red Text Refences!
Borderlands Wiki Fandom[borderlands.fandom.com] – who provided the screenshots used in the guide (although I’ll probably replace those later once I take some of my own).
https://www.youtube.com/user/Joltzdude139 – Best Borderlands Youtube Channel out there in my humble opinion! He also streams here on Twitch.[www.twitch.tv]
Sleepyhead, Steam user and very nice guy, is helping me out fixing typos and other details on the guide, and for that I’m very grateful!