Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Guide

Level 99 XP Farm Tips for Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds

Level 99 XP Farm Tips


A quick guide on an easy way to farm XP to get to level 99


I was looking at the task of levelling to 99 and thinking it was going to take an extreme amount of time. A few times I’d complete a level on nightmare and not even get a single level up, then I realised that XP was based largely off combo’s and it changed my life.

Gate of Steiner Theme


First of all, I would make sure you have gone through normal mode and hard mode to get the character unlock achievements. I would use this same character as the character you use to get to level 99. I would recommend Mikoto as her moveset is integral to what I am about to suggest.

1. Make sure you have unlocked all the skill tree, it is also useful to have quite a decent amount of speed.
2. Play on the mid-level nightmare mode levels.
3. **MOST IMPORTANT** I can’t believe when I searched not one person suggested this, but in most beat ’em ups like Street Fighter etc, the corner juggle is what wins the match. We are going to utilise this tactic to get the largest combo possible.
4. As soon as a level starts, rush to the side of a map until you can’t move any further, as Mikoto you want to press Down + A to do an uppercut. As the enemies are in the air, press Down + A again to bounce them off the floor, when they bounce up you want to uppercut again. Repeat this process again and again, ignoring any enemies approaching from behind. Even when they are dead you will continue juggling the enemies for quite some time. Basically stand in a corner and tap down and A.
5. The enemies that come from behind you will get caught in the repeating pattern of juggles, so you don’t have to worry about your combo chain getting broken(although once in a while it will, but not enough to stop this being effective).
6. Once you reach a combo of 100 you will start to get a LOT of points/coins/gems, because of the juggling system we’re using, you will automatically collect the coins.
7. This also makes nightmare incredibly easy to the point of breaking the game, you can use this technique on bosses as well as enemies, once they get stuck in the loop they will not be able to break out of it.
8. Using the “A” button, also doubles as putting you in “emergency mode”, so if you do get hit, you will counter keeping you able to simply repeat the juggling technique.
9. Don’t get impatient and stop juggling, the enemies WILL come to you eventually, once the majority of enemies have cleared, there may be 1 or 2 you will need to pick off to end the level.
10. I get bored around a combo of 200+ as I don’t want to kid you, this really breaks the game, you will literally be in a corner tapping A + down. I’d suggest playing levels in bursts and setting yourself goals, I got 200 combo, can I get 300?

I went from getting a level maybe once per Nightmare stage, sometimes no levels, to getting 5 levels+ per nightmare stage. It has really sped up my levelling!