Life is Strange™ Guide

Life is Strange - All Achievements Guide. for Life is Strange™

Life is Strange – All Achievements Guide.


How to get all achievements in Life is Strange.

Episode 1

  • Chrystalis
    Finish Episode 1: Chrysalis
    An achievement that you will get after completing the first episode of the game.

  • Macro Eyes
    Take optional photo #1 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    When you take control of Max after the lesson is over, go to one of the desks in the classroom, on which you will see an inscription cut with a knife. Take a picture of him to unlock this achievement.

  • Wide Angles
    Take optional photo #2 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    After leaving the school, you will see a tall statue in front of you. Walk towards it from the front and look up to take a photo and unlock the achievement.

  • Telephotogenic
    Take optional photo #3 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    In the school yard, approach the group of skaters and talk to Justin. After a short conversation, she’ll call you a poser and end the conversation. Rewind the time to the beginning of the conversation and use the new dialogue option, and then ask to perform the tre flip trick. As it will end in a painful failure, Max will have a great opportunity to take a photo that will unlock another achievement.

  • Close-Ups
    Take optional photo #4 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    In the section in front of Max’s dormitory, go to the tree on the other side of the yard, next to which you will see a squirrel. Get close enough to be able to take a picture of her.

  • Red Eye
    Take optional photo #5 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    Inside Max’s room, point the lens at the mirror to the right of the front door while taking another selfie.

  • Focused
    Take optional photo #6 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    After leaving Max’s room and talking to Juliet in the corridor, enter Victoria’s room. On the wall to the right of the entrance you will find a collection of photos. First, shuffle them into a shape that shows your middle finger, and then photograph the new composition.

  • Zoomed In
    Take optional photo #7 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    After leaving the dorm, one of the students, Alyssa, will be hit with a ball. Turn back time and warn her of the danger. The ball will hit the building and break the window. Approach him and take a photo of the damage done.

  • Focal Pointed
    Take optional photo #8 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    In the parking lot, before talking to Warren, approach the parked RV. On the dirty window, draw a picture and add text, then photograph your little work of art.

  • Maximum Aperture
    Take optional photo #9 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    When you and Chloe go to the lighthouse, at the very beginning of the path in the forest, turn back and approach the stone on which the bird is sitting. It will be the next object of the Max camera.

  • Light Leak
    Take optional photo #10 in Episode 1: Chrysalis[/b]
    At the end of the path, under the lantern, approach Chloe from the back, sitting on the bench. Take a photo of her against the setting sun and unlock the final photographic achievement in the first episode.

  • Visionary
    Take all optional photos in Episode 1: Chrysalis
    You will get the achievement after taking all 10 photos from the first episode described above.

  • What If?
    Unlock all other achiements from Life Is Strange™
    Complete all five chapters of the game and find 50 locations where you can take optional photos

Episode 2

  • Field Of View
    Take optional photo #1 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    When Max visits Kate in her room, take a picture of your friend’s rabbit.

  • Full Exposure
    Take optional photo #2 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    Outside the dorm, head towards the bench near the tree where Max has photographed the squirrel previously. Take the leftover food out of the trash can, and then move away a few steps so as not to scare the animal. When the squirrel is tempted to give a gift, take a picture of it.

  • Processor
    Take optional photo #3 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    Outside the restaurant, take a picture of the whale in its sign.

  • Image Stabilizer
    Take optional photo #4 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    Before you enter the restaurant, walk to the back of the restaurant, passing a homeless woman. You will see a man sitting outside the camper and lying next to a dog. Take a picture of the animal to unlock the achievement.

  • Compressed
    Take optional photo #5 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    Inside the restaurant, go to the bathroom and take a picture of the writing on the mirror.

  • Pixelated
    Take optional photo #6 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    When you reach the garbage dump with Chloe, take a photo of the bus right in the middle of it.

  • Dynamic Range
    Take optional photo #7 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    In the same location as photo # 6, go to the green clearing, to the left of the entrance to the dump. Max will pay attention to the deer, which she will be able to take a photo of right there.

  • Colorized
    Take optional photo #8 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    When Max regains consciousness from ‘playing’ with the gun, before talking to Chloe, take a picture of her lying on the hood of the car.

  • Meter Made
    Take optional photo #9 in Episode 2: Out of Time
    At school, before you go to your class, enter the classroom where Warren is sitting. Talk with him. He will ask you for help with a chemical experiment. Choose any answer you want, then turn back time and talk to the teacher. Ask her the same question Warren asked. After getting the answer, go back to the boy and use the new dialogue option to help him successfully conduct the experiment. Then take a photo of him as he poses with the experimental result.

  • Resolution Revolution
    Take optional photo #10 in Episode 2: Out of Time[/b]
    Once you reach the photography class, take a photo of Alyssa standing under the window.

  • Lab Master
    Take all optional photos in Episode 2: Out of Time
    You will get the achievement after taking all 10 photos from the second episode described above.

  • Out of Time
    Finish Episode 2: Out of Time
    You will unlock the achievement after completing the second episode of the game.

Episode 3

  • Parallax View
    Take optional photo #1 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    After entering Victoria’s room, direct the flashlight at the figurine on the cupboard next to the girl’s desk. After a few seconds of exposure, Max will be able to take a picture of the glowing figurine.

  • Lenscrafted
    Take optional photo #2 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    After leaving the dormitory, head towards your favorite squirrel bench where you will meet a little friend. Unfortunately, when you approach him, he will run away. While still standing at the bench, turn back time to the moment when the squirrel is standing on it. Take a picture of her then.

  • The Reflex
    Take optional photo #3 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    After Max and Chloe get to school at night, head to the chemistry class. Turn on the light in the aquarium on the wall below the window and take a picture of the fish.

  • Histogrammar
    Take optional photo #4 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    In the same room as # 3, go to the back door with a skeleton with a cigarette. Take a photo of him.

  • Bokeh
    Take optional photo #5 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    After getting into the director’s office, Chloe will sit at his desk and start looking at the documents. Before you talk to her, take a picture of her.

  • Pinholed
    Take optional photo #6 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    When Max wakes up in Chloe’s house and puts on clothes from her wardrobe, go to the bathroom on the same floor. Mirror only means one possibility – selfie!

  • RAW Strength
    Take optional photo #7 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    After you descend to the ground floor, lead Max to the living room. There is a bird on the wardrobe on the right. Before you approach him, open the window on the opposite side of the room. Then chase the bird out of the wardrobe and chase it again to fly out of the window. Go out to the garden where you will find a bird sitting on a fence. Take a picture of him.

  • Viewfinder
    Take optional photo #8 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    You will see a large red truck near the restaurant. Talk to her driver standing in front of the restaurant entrance. After the conversation, turn back time and use the new dialogue option to let you take a photo of the vehicle.

  • Optican
    Take optional photo #9 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    Also outside the restaurant, go to the alley to the side of the restaurant. You will see bird remains and a swarm of ants on the concrete. Take a picture of this macabre sight.

  • Flash!
    Take optional photo #10 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    You will take the last photo in the third episode after going back in time to the youth of Max and Chloe. After taking control of the heroine, grab the camera and take a photo of Chloe and her dad.

  • Camera Eye
    Take all optional photos in Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    You will get the achievement after taking all 10 photos from the third episode described above.

  • Chaos Theory
    Finish Episode 3: Chaos Theory
    You will unlock the achievement after completing the third episode of the game.

Episode 4

  • Ambient
    Take optional photo #1 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    Take a picture of Chloe sitting with her back to Max at her desk.

  • Time-Lapsed
    Take optional photo #2 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    After you go down to the garage, take your steps towards the entrance. On the left side of the gate you will find a bird nest covered with beams. Move the beams aside and then take a picture of the socket.

  • Balance
    Take optional photo #3 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    You will take photo number three again in the courtyard in front of the dormitory. Keep to the left path and at the end of it, on the left side of the grass, you will find a mound (greetings to Nathan!) That you can capture on film.

  • Rangefinder
    Take optional photo #4 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    Also in the courtyard, talk to the caretaker Samuel. In the conversation, mention animals and squirrels. Samuel will feed one of the squirrels, after which Max can use the food next to the janitor to summon another. Take a few steps back and take a picture of them while both squirrels are eating.

  • Gamma Value
    Take optional photo #5 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    Inside the boys’ dorm, go to the end of the corridor, then turn right and go to the window. Outside the window, on the grass, you will find traces that Max can use to take a photo.

  • Dioptric Power
    Take optional photo #6 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    When visiting Frank, walk close to the rope separating the road from the beach. One of the whales lying in the sand will be able to be photographed by Max.

  • Fisheye
    Take optional photo #7 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    When Max and Chloe’s investigation leads them to the barn, go left immediately, where you will find a bird sitting on the fence. Take a picture of him.

  • Manually Exposed
    Take optional photo #8 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    Inside the barn, after Max steps onto the second platform, take a photo of the owl hiding under the roof of the building.

  • Tripod
    Take optional photo #9 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    After arriving at the party and walking through the first door, immediately point Max right and back and then look up through the windows near the swimming pool ceiling. Outside the window, you will see two red moons that you need to capture on film.

  • Slideshow
    Take optional photo #10 in Episode 4: Dark Room
    Right after entering the toilet at the swimming pool, turn left and match the skeleton graffiti with Justin peeing. Take a picture of him.

  • Shutterbug
    Take all optional photos in Episode 4: Dark Room
    You will get the achievement after taking all 10 photos from the fourth episode described above.

  • Dark Room
    Finish Episode 4: Dark Room
    You will unlock the achievement after completing the fourth episode of the game.

Episode 5

  • Incandescent
    Take optional photo #1 in Episode 5: Polarized
    When you take control of Max in the next version of the initial photography class, approach Kate and talk to her. After the conversation, turn towards her and take a photo of her.

  • Night Vision
    Take optional photo #2 in Episode 5: Polarized
    While controlling Max in the gallery, go to the right of the elevated where the school principal is using the buffet. Then go down to the room with a few stairs. You will see a woman sitting there and a camera. Use it to take a photo.

  • Framed
    Take optional photo #3 in Episode 5: Polarized
    In Jefferson’s hideout, after he is attacked by David, turn back time and ask him for the last request, which will be a photo. Once the teacher has done it, this achievement will unlock.

  • Camera Obscura
    Take optional photo #4 in Episode 5: Polarized
    Before entering, when Max goes to the restaurant to talk to Warren, take a photo of the whale lying on the road in front of the place.

  • Blowup
    Take optional photo #5 in Episode 5: Polarized
    Before you enter the restaurant, just after photo # 4, pay attention to the car located on the building in front of the restaurant. You need to be close enough to the building to be able to take a photo of the vehicle.

  • Iris
    Take optional photo #6 in Episode 5: Polarized
    After the next version of the classes with Jefferson, go to the bench where Max took the first photo in the first episode. Look at it several times and notice that it has a different inscription on it each time. After a few changes, Max will be able to take a picture of him.

  • Sensor
    Take optional photo #7 in Episode 5: Polarized
    While walking through the looped corridors of the dormitory, photos will appear on its walls at some point. During this time, Max will look ‘normal’ and will be wearing her clothes. Go to the window next to the bathroom and you will see huge squirrels behind it. Take a picture of them.

  • On Display
    Take optional photo #8 in Episode 5: Polarized
    In the school scene where everything goes backwards, go to Max to the bathroom, but don’t enter it. Turn right and you will see a skeleton in the corner. When you approach it, the icon of the taken photo will appear in the lower right corner of the screen. When you see this, open the diary and an animation of Max taking a photo … back will play. This will allow you to unlock another achievement.

  • Light Meter
    Take optional photo #9 in Episode 5: Polarized
    While sneaking through the area with school lockers, avoid Warren’s light and then turn left. Then take the first right until you reach the edge of the area. Turn right and walk back along the lockers towards the starting point. One of the cupboards will be highlighted as Warren’s cupboard. Open it and then take a picture of what you find inside.

  • Silhouettes
    Take optional photo #10 in Episode 5: Polarized
    The next sneaking scene takes place after the equivalent of the dump. Just like in the original chapter, you need to find five bottles. After collecting them, head towards the lighthouse and on the board on the right you will see five bottles stacked next to each other. Take a picture of them.

  • Selfie Awareness
    Take all optional photos in Episode 5: Polarized
    You will get the achievement after taking all 10 photos from the fifth episode described above.

  • Polarized
    Finish Episode 5: Polarized
    You will unlock the achievement after completing the fifth episode of the game.