POSTAL 2 Guide

List of cheats: Postal 2 for POSTAL 2

List of cheats: Postal 2


This is a short list for Postal 2 cheats for those people who are sissy enough to play with em activated.

How to enter cheat mode

Press the Shift and the @ key, the ~ key, or the Shift key to make the Game Console Window Appear (This might appear as a little tiny letter line). Type in SISSY to enable the cheat mode, then enter the cheats you wish to activate.


When a patch for Postal 2 Complete was released, the game had been as explained by one of the devs (Kamek), installed with a feature for unlocking achievements and how they act with cheats.
The following was found on a pinned thread in the Discussion board:
“Achievements are disabled when cheating, and any save files created while cheating will be flagged with an Asterisk of Shame. You’ll need to create a new save file, without using cheats, in order to get achievements.”
Thread: [link]


Some of the cheats can either be broken, mispelled or simply don’t exist..

List of cheats

Alamode – God Mode
Packnheat – Gives every destructive weapon
PayLoad – Gives all weapons maximum ammo (will not reset to maximum number by switching weapons)
PiggyTreats – Gives alot of Donuts
JewsForJesus – Gives a certain amount of money
BoyAndHisDog – Gives alot of Dog Treats
Jones – Gives alot of Health Pipes
SwimWithFishes – Gives you all radar items
FireInYourHole – Activates Rocket Cameras
IAmTheOne – Gives alot of Catnip
LotsA♥♥♥♥♥ – Gives alot of cats
BlockMyAss – Gives you body armor
SmackDatAss – When activation, it will give you the Gimp Suit
IAmTheLaw – When activation, it will give you the Cop Uniform¨
Healthful – Full health + four healthkits
Whatchutalkingbout – All NPC with become Gary Coleman
Osama – All NPC will become Fanatics
RockinCats – Changes the M16 and SPAS to have a cat mounted on the gun
DokkinCats – Removes Cat repeating guns
IFeelFree – Activates Ghost Mode
LikeABirdy – Activates Fly Mode
slomo . Slow Motion and slomo 1 to disable it
playersonly – Stops every non-triggered action
Ghost – Noclip Mode
iamsolame – Max ammunition, invincibility and all weapons
walk – Disables fly and ghost modes
nowwedance – Grants the player the Scissors machine gun
headshots – One shot kills
boppincats – When the gun launches cats, the cats will ricochet
splodincats – Disables ricoheting cats
SuperMario – Super Jump
Setday – Resets the week to the beginning (Restarting from Monday)

Lizard Kings, baby!

Comment Contributed Cheats

Some of these cheats are contributed through the comment section, but not tested by the guide creator.
Here are but a few.

User “coolskeleton95” suggests the following:
Anarchist – Freeroam without becoming wanted for your vandalism/murder/shooting sprees.
zombification – This will turn bystanders/civilians into zombies (exept for cops).

User “dewdude” suggested these:
Moonman – Low gravity.
mightyfoot – Super kicks (One kick kills).
sonicboom – Speed walk.
sonicspeed – Same effect as above.

User “Coder” hints an alternative for slomo
bullet – Slow motion.

User “Cyka-Cyka Powa” throws in a bone:
SuperMario – Higher jumps (maybe stomps?)

User “IMCR8Z” found a bunch of cheats to the DLC “Paradise Lost”, shown here:

AmazingAquaCura Gives water bottles. (E: Fallout 3 reference)
BullHonkey – Gives Habib’s Power Stations. (possible Homestar Runner reference)
BeastLove – Spawns a friendly demon dog.
DudesBestFriend – Spawns Champ.
CoverMyAss – Spawns an AI human that you can boss around with a radio.
FunzerkingKicksAss – Permanent dual-wielding
GunForAnts – Makes guns shrink people?
HammerTime – Gives the Eternal Damnation hammer.
ThisIsMyBoomstick – Gives the lever-action shotgun. Or the sawn-off, I didn’t have time to try it.
TexasChainsawMassacre – Gives the chainsaw, which as far as I know cannot be obtained in Paradise Lost normally.
Robolution – Turns bystanders into Vend-A-Cure robots.