Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Guide

List of official maps with preview images for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

List of official maps with preview images


Comprehensive list of all the official maps in the game with preview images, categories, and descriptions.

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Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Asian Maps, Team Game Maps

Alaska: a beautiful, coastal wilderness with plenty of mines – find gold deposits near the mountains.

Settlements: Nootka
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

In this beautiful northern wilderness, players begin surrounded by forests, mountains and cliffs overlooking the ocean. This mineral-rich region sports plenty of silver mines, as well as gold mines deposited directly below the mountains. There are no trading routes, but a few fishing boats will prove economically valuable.


Categories: N/A

Amazonia: fight along the mighty Amazon River.

Settlements: Maya, Tupi, Zapotec
Outlaws: Pirate, Pistolero

Teams are separated by the mighty Amazon River. Trade Routes and Natives may be separated… or maybe not. Tupi, Zapotec or Maya live deep in the rain forests. Build a navy to control the river, and control the map — but keep an eye out for enemy Outposts and cannon on the shores.


Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Andes: The Inca can prove a powerful ally, but watch out for the warlike Huari.

Settlements: Mapuche
Outlaws: Pistolero, Comanchero, Renegado

Andes is a mountainous region with the warring factions starting dangerously close. A Trade Route with three Trading Post sites separates the teams. Four Inca settlements are on the far side of the map. Allying with all the Natives is potentially powerful.

Andes – Upper

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Treaty Maps

Andes – Upper: teams begin exceptionally close to each other – perfect for the Treaty game mode.

Settlements: Incas
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Teams begin exceptionally close to each other and are surrounded by plenty of resources – walling up and playing defensively will be easier than usual. There are no rivers in this region of the Andes… only a trading route and wide-open mountains where many native Inca settlements occupy the chokepoints.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Araucania: fight along the western coast of South America.

Settlements: Mapuche
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero

Araucania runs the length of South America’s west coast and has plentiful hunting, fishing and whaling. The Mapuche inhabit this variable landscape of mineral-rich northern deserts, bountiful central grasslands, and treasure-laden southern wastes.

Arctic Territories

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Standard Maps

Arctic Territories: a desolate land in the Arctic archipelago – wind, snow and ice aplenty.

Settlements: –
Outlaws: Pistolero, Comanchero

In pursuit of the Northwest Passage, players find themselves lost in the Arctic archipelago, confined to a windy and desolate island. The sheer ice cliffs make it completely inaccessible by ship – docks cannot be constructed. Resources are limited, especially coin, though a trading route can be found to the southeast.

Baja California

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Baja California: two opposing shorelines are divided by a mountain range with several chokepoints.

Settlements: Apache, Navajo, Maya
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

This coastal peninsular region sees players begin on opposing shorelines divided by a mountain range. Teams must control the wide central pass, or sneak through narrower chokes as they vie for control of a winding trade route and the surrounding resource. Keep an eye out for enemy docks on your side!


Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Bayou: swampland with limited space for settlements.

Settlements: Seminoles, Cherokee
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

A vast swamp where dry land is at a premium. You can only build on solid ground, but armies can travel across the wetlands, so beware of unexpected ambushes.

Cherokee and Seminole villages occupy islands through the middle of the map.


Categories: Asian Maps

Bengal: vast swampland and dense mangrove forest lie beyond a spacious starting area.

Settlements: Udasi, Sufi, Bhakti
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado, Marathan Catamaran

Situated in the Sundarbans of the Bay of Bengal, players initially begin on dry land. Teams share a modest starting plateau with limited space and resources – but both run out quickly and expansion will be necessary! Though, due to seasonal flooding; beyond lies vast swampland and dense mangrove forest where land is premium and walls are difficult to build.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps

Borneo: A resource-rich island with lucrative Trade Routes in the interior, and surrounded by well-charted waters.

Settlements: Jesuit, Sufi
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Wokou Pirate

With a rich coastal region and a bountiful interior, the island of Borneo promises endless opportunities for expansion and conflict. Each team has access to a Trade Route servicing the breadth of the island, where a wealth of Gold and Food may be discovered by those willing to brave the dense jungle. The waters around the island are visible at the start of the game, and are ripe for fishing.


Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

California is a beautiful area along the Pacific Ocean. Towering redwoods line the shore, giving way first to mountains, then to the Mojave Desert to the east. Two Native settlements of Klamath and/or Nootka are on opposite map sides, and there are always four Trading Post sites along the Trade Route.

Settlements: Klamath, Nootka
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

California is a beautiful area along the Pacific Ocean. Towering redwoods line the shore, giving way first to mountains, then to the Mojave Desert to the east. Two Native settlements of Klamath and/or Nootka are on opposite map sides, and there are always four Trading Post sites along the Trade Route.

Settlements: Klamath, Nootka
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado


Categories: N/A

Caribbean: a collection of islands in warm ocean waters.

Settlements: Caribs
Outlaws: Pirate

The islands of the Caribbean support only a few animals, but the ocean offers a bounty of fish. Palm trees provide plenty of Wood for constructing ships.

You will share an island with your teammates. There will always be an additional island with a Trade Route. Carib settlements are scattered across all the islands.

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Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Carolina: start with extra resource crates on this coastal map.

Settlements: Seminoles, Cherokee
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero, Renegado

The southeast coast of North America has plenty of resources and extra Crates. The ease of naval transport and lack of cliffs means you are never too far from your enemy. A Trade Route runs along the coast with four sites for Trading Posts.

This is the home of the Cherokee, who will always have two villages on the map. Sometimes you may encounter one or two Seminole villages as well.

Cascade Range

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Team Game Maps

Cascade Range: A snowy valley with very limited resources and treasures.

Settlements: Klamath, Nootka
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Players begin on opposite sides of a valley, nestled within the Cascade Range. There are only small tin mines and not many animals to hunt. A smattering of berries surround the lakes – which can be fished – though neither will be particularly bountiful. Be quick to collect the many unguarded muskrat treasures, because you won’t find much else…

Central Plain

Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Central Plain: a long trading route spans across the open plains of central China.

Settlements: Shaolin
Outlaws: Wokou Horseman, Wokou Monk

The Central Plain is the most populous region of China, home to many Shaolin settlements and wildlife aplenty. An extensive trading route spans across the fertile, open grassland – controlling this is a surefire way to a powerful economic victory. Fierce competition over each post is essential!


Categories: N/A

Ceylon: Migrate by sea to a large, resource-rich continent.

Settlements: Bhakti, Zen
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Thuggee, Marathan Catamaran

Players begin on a humble patch of rock rising up from the middle of the sea. Fortunes will be sought on the central island, as players must migrate north to establish bases on this resource rich coast. Wild beasts roam the island’s northern region, while Gold mines and ancient Treasures can be found nestled amongst the cliffs to the south. Your Home City has prepared well for this expedition, so your first Shipment will be available quickly.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Colorado: a frosty mountainous region with a trading route that meanders through chokepoints.

Settlements: –
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Divided by a rockface, teams begin on opposites sides of this frosty, mountainous region. Three fairly open passages permit movement between each side — though trading routes meander through each, making them difficult to fully wall. Researching Stagecoach or Ironhorse here will upgrade every traderoute – be careful not to aid your opponents.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Dakota: two dusty red mesas occupy the center of wide-open prairies.

Settlements: Comanche, Cree
Outlaws: Renegado, Pirate

Players will find wide-open prairies peppered with flowers, ponds and forests. Two red mesas restrict movement through the middle of the map — but also create lots of defendable positions! Form an early alliance with the natives for some powerful economic options; the Cree will supply coureur des bois and the Commanche can reduce the coin cost of all technologies and wonders. Researching stagecoach or Ironhorse here will upgrade every traderoute – be careful not to aid your opponents.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Deccan: A central, forested plateau overlooking a series of strategically placed trade sites.

Settlements: Udasi, Sufi, Bhakti
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Thuggee, Marathan Catamaran

Players start on opposite sides of a central plateau that contains thick forests and abundant wildlife. Resources are plentiful, as Mines, small herds, and sparse forests ring the surrounding lowlands. Trade sites are situated at the edge of the map, while natives inhabit the plateau. The plateau is not present in free-for-all games.

Fertile Crescent

Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Fertile Crescent: a pair of rivers divide the region into three – being everywhere can be challenging!

Settlements: Sufi
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Thuggee, Marathan Catamaran

The Fertile Crescent is divided into three regions by rivers with shallow crossings. Teams begin on the central plain where there are fewer resources compared to the surrounding east and west. Maintaining control of each region and its trading posts is tough – you can’t be everywhere! Form an alliance with the Sufi for some powerful late-game upgrades.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Florida: players begin on the coast with a market and spawn on top of the trading route.

Settlements: Seminoles, Caribs
Outlaws: Pirate

The Floridian coast boasts sandy beaches, a starting market, and a trading route which passes through every player’s town. Food is exceptionally abudant here — players will find plenty of turkeys and deer to hunt; as well as sheep and fish to gather. Native Seminole and Carib tribes offer some incredibly powerful archer technologies – beware!

Gran Chaco

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Gran Chaco: wild llamas and plenty of wildlife roam the South American Chaco Plain.

Settlements: Tupi
Outlaws: Pistolero, Pirate

Players find themselves in a hot, semi-arid lowland with no access to trading routes. Instead, players must fight to control the center of the map where there are plenty of Rhea and Guanco to hunt as well as llamas to tame. The Chaco Plain is very open! Only a few small ponds break up the landscape – be prepared for raiding on all sides…

Great Lakes

Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Great Lakes: large lakes surrounded by a single circular trade route.

Settlements: Cree
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

Fight around the outside of a large freshwater lake. Control of the single long Trade Route is crucial. Huron, Cheyenne, or Cree villages ring the lake. Resources, including fish, are plentiful.

Build too close to the shore without controlling the water, and you risk having your town shelled by enemy ships late in the game. Sometimes the lake may be frozen over, presenting a different tactical challenge.

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Great Plains

Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Great Plains: home of many Natives and plenty of Food.

Settlements: Comanche, Cheyenne
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

Wide-open spaces, large herds of Bison to hunt, plentiful Mines, and as many as six Cheyenne and Comanche villages offer a wide variety of potential strategies. The Trade Route will have three Trading Post sites.

Control the more dense forests near the edges of the map to supplement your late-game wood gathering, or rely on the scattered clumps of trees out on the plains.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Himalayas: A series of geographic chokepoints stand in the way of abundant natural resources. A Trade Route runs through this mountainous region.

Settlements: Udasi, Bhakti
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Catamaran, Wokou Horesman

Gain control of vital choke points on the map to restrict your enemies’ access to the most valuable resources. Players start with Town Centers in close proximity to thick forests. Beyond the trees, in the lush central valley, vast quantities of Food and Gold lie ripe for the taking. A Trade Route runs through this mountainous region; but beware, established native settlements also dot the landscape.

Himalayas – Upper

Categories: Asian Maps

Upper Himalayas: The same chokepoints of the Himalayas but without the Trade Route to obstruct your wall placement.

Settlements: Udasi, Bhakti
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Catamaran, Wokou Horesman

Gain control of this expanded map’s vital choke points to restrict your enemies’ access to the most valuable resources. Players start with Town Centers in close proximity to thick forests. Beyond the trees, in the lush central valley, vast quantities of Food and Gold lie ripe for the taking. Beware, as established native settlements dot the landscape. In the Upper Himalayas, there are no Trade Routes to obstruct wall placement.


Categories: American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps

Hispaniola: a large island surrounded by warm tropical seas.

Settlements: Caribs
Outlaws: Pirate

Surrounded by sea, Hispaniola promises conflict on both land and water. Inland, Carib tribes live in the jungles, around the base of an impassable mountain.

Extra starting crates of Food will help you jump start your early economy. Whales in the western bay are a strategic secondary source of Coin.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Standard Maps

Hokkaido: players do battle around the foot of a beautiful Japanese volcano.

Settlements: Zen
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

Teams find themselves on opposite sides of an enormous, but beautiful mountain peppered with flowers, ferns and red maples. South of it lies the ocean, and north of it lie two valuable trading routes, as well as Zen devotees. Players will do battle on these two fronts – you won’t find other ways around the mountain!


Categories: Asian Maps, Standard Maps

Honshu: A narrow strip of land is surrounded with islands, one of which features a tiny Trade Route.

Settlements: Zen, Jesuit
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

Players begin on either end of a long narrow island. Mines can be found on the smaller islands nearby. A larger landmass opposite the other coast features a tiny but pivotal Trade Route. The limited supply of Food on the main island will drive players to fish the rich coastal waters.


Categories: Asian Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps

Indochina: A resource-rich land with coastal fishing and many possible alliances.

Settlements: Jesuit, Sufi
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Wokou Pirate

With rich coastal waters and plentiful resources, the Indochinese peninsula promises many opportunities for expansion and conflict. A central river provides naval access inland, and numerous religious sites dot the landscape.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Naval Maps

Indonesia: a large island surrounded by smaller ones amidst an enormous, fish-laden archipelago.

Settlements: Jesuit, Sufi
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Pirate, Marathan Catamaran

Teams find themselves situated on a large, bountiful island, surrounded by smaller ones, amidst the Indonesian archipelago. There are no trading routes here, meaning that a fishing economy and naval presence is absolutely necessary! Wild water buffalo roam all of the islands; use your starting catamaran to bring them back to your town where you begin with an extra coin crate and saloon or equivalent building.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Kamchatka: A watercourse divides the region and forks in the center to form an island.

Settlements: Klamath, Nootka
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Wokou Horesman

A watercourse divides the region and forks in the center to form an island. Shallow crossings offer passage but only in predictable locations — a keen awareness of your opponent will be rewarded as they can only approach you from limited angles. There are no natives here, but a friendly macaque awaiting rescue next to your town will help you scout for goats.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Korea: a peninsular region that touches the ocean in the north with a trading route to the south.

Settlements: Jesuit
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

It’s autumn in Korea – players will find themselves nestled between flowers, falling leaves and all shades of red and orange. This picturesque, peninsular region gently touches the coast to the north where there are fishing opportunities; though no whales this far inland. Find a trading route to the south which passes through each team’s side of the map.

Lrg Carolina

Categories: Large Maps

Carolina: start with extra resource crates on this coastal map.

Settlements: Seminoles, Cherokee
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero, Renegado

The southeast coast of North America has plenty of resources and extra Crates. The ease of naval transport and lack of cliffs means you are never too far from your enemy. A Trade Route runs along the coast with four sites for Trading Posts.

This is the home of the Cherokee, who will always have two villages on the map. Sometimes you may encounter one or two Seminole villages as well.

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Lrg Deccan

Categories: Large Maps

Lrg Deccan: A central, forested plateau overlooking a series of strategically placed trade sites.

Settlements: Udasi, Sufi, Bhakti
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Thuggee, Marathan Catamaran

Players start on opposite sides of a central plateau that contains thick forests and abundant wildlife. Resources are plentiful, as Mines, small herds, and sparse forests ring the surrounding lowlands. Trade sites are situated at the edge of the map, while natives inhabit the plateau. The plateau is not present in free-for-all games.

Lrg G. Plains

Categories: Large Maps

Great Plains: home of many Natives and plenty of Food.

Settlements: Comanche, Cheyenne
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

Wide-open spaces, large herds of Bison to hunt, plentiful Mines, and as many as six Cheyenne and Comanche villages offer a wide variety of potential strategies. The Trade Route will have three Trading Post sites.

Control the more dense forests near the edges of the map to supplement your late-game wood gathering, or rely on the scattered clumps of trees out on the plains.

Lrg Saguenay

Categories: Large Maps

Saguenay: plenty of resources and good fishing.

Settlements: Cree, Huron
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

In this resource-heavy region, you will start with an extra random economic building in addition to your Town Center. Building Outposts near the local Cree and Huron villages may help control sections of the map.

Lrg Siberia

Categories: Large Maps

Lrg Siberia: A frozen river divides the map, and a Trade Route runs along the southern edge, with plentiful hunting among the great forests.

Settlements: –
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

In the distant north, hunting is plentiful among the great forests, and a frozen river separates you from your enemies. The future route of the Trans-Siberian Railway lies to the south.

Lrg Silk Road

Categories: Large Maps

Lrg Silk Road: Travel the legendary Trade Route, capturing existing Trading Posts. You begin with a free Market.

Settlements: Bhakti, Udasi
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Catamaran, Wokou Horesman, Wokou Monk

Starting from their Markets at opposite sections of the famed Silk Road, players vie for control of this lucrative Trade Route. Since the map portrays a randomly selected part of the passage, three terrain variations are possible, each with unique characteristics. Players do not need to establish the route, only capture it before the enemy does!

Lrg Sonora

Categories: Large Maps

Sonora: cliffs and valleys, and a winding trade route.

Settlements: Maya, Apache, Navajo
Outlaws: Pistolero, Comanchero

A twisting Trade Route winds its way through this barren, desolate region. Many cliffs and canyons create choke points. Resources can be difficult to find, though sometimes there are rich ore deposits in the center of the map. Search for Apache, Maya, or Navajo villages on the edge of the map.

Lrg Texas

Categories: Large Maps

Texas: an open plain with some cliffs and two Trade Routes.

Settlements: Comanche, Apache
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

Texas is an open plain with scattered low cliffs. Two Trade Routes, each with two Trading Post sites, cut through the center of the map, separating the teams. There will always be at least two Comanche or Apache settlements, and sometimes three. Expect attacks from every side.

Lrg Yellow River

Categories: Large Maps

Lrg Yellow River: A wet-dry region similar to the Yellow River, but on a much grander scale.

Settlements: Shaolin, Zen
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Monk

During the dry season, the waters of the Yellow River recede to create fertile new islands, and animals often gather near the river’s edge to drink. During times of flood, extra resources abound and naval craft are sometimes seen along the river. Recruit local groups as allies to take advantage of their multiple trade routes located along the borders of the map.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Naval Maps

Malaysia: a peninsular region with separate, defendable oceans on each side.

Settlements: Jesuit, Sufi
Outlaws: Marathan Catamaran

Teams begin on opposite sides of the Malaysian peninsula next to separate, easily defendable oceans. Two trading posts can be found in the far corners of the map, not so far away from a Sufi or Jesuit settlement, tucked behind the wallable treelines. Each player’s starting tin mines won’t supply much coin; look to the whales, or silver deposits scattered around the map for more, where you will also find water buffalo to tame.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps

Manchuria: a coastal region sparcely littered with trees and yaks. The trading route position varies.

Settlements: Shaolin, Zen
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Wokou Pirate

Players find themselves on the Manchurian coast where cliffs and rock overlook sizable fish-stocks. Yaks and trees are sparcely littered across this harsh, open landscape – whilst the wood supply may be limited, controlling a few trading posts should more than make up for it. Teams will find an easily defendable route behind their base… or maybe it will be out in the open towards the northwest – either is possible.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Mexico: a lengthy trading route passes through a large central mesa.

Settlements: Navajo, Apache, Zapotec, Maya
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero

With scorching rays and dried-up ponds, this particular region of Mexico is hot and dry – but certainly not barren. Plenty of pronghorn, and even a few bison, roam this semi-arid landscape. Veins of copper will supply adequate coin, but there are very limited trees. A large mesa occupies the center of the map through which a lengthy trading route passes by. Surrounding it are several native settlements; players will sometimes find the Apache and Navajo, but at other times the Zapotec and Maya.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Mongolia: Explore generous grassland populated with unprecedented herds of grazing animals and a distant northern Trade Route.

Settlements: Sufi, Shaolin
Outlaws: Marathan Catamaran, Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

Players begin in generous grassland. To the north lie the fertile slopes of the steppe, where players will have to extend their reach in order to bolster their economies and reach the distant Trade Route. The number of grazing animals is astounding, and can be utilized to great advantage.

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New England

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps

New England: unspoiled wilderness with central lakes and an offshore island.

Settlements: Huron, Cherokee, Cree
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado, Pirate

Each team will have an easily-defended Huron village; the fight will be for control of the four Trading Post sites along the single central Trade Route.

Lakes and low stone walls provide natural barriers and choke points. Search the isles off the coast for hidden coin mines.

Northwest Territory

Categories: American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps

Northwest Territory: a green and rainy region divided by rivers with shallow crossings.

Settlements: Nootka, Klamath
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

Northwest Territory is a green and rainy region along the Pacific Coast of North America. Resources are plentiful, and Klamath and Nootka villages can be found nestled among the trees. Control the crossings and the resource-rich region across the main river to ensure victory.


Categories: Standard Maps, Treaty Maps

Orinoco: a tropical river map with crossings.

Settlements: Tupi, Maya
Outlaws: Pirate, Pistolero

Orinoco is a tropical region just north of the Amazon jungle. The teams are separated by the mighty Orinoco River, which empties into the Caribbean Sea to the north. Up to four different Native tribes can live in this area, including the Tupi and Maya.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Treaty Maps

Ozarks: Dense thickets filled with wildlife dot this rolling terrain.

Settlements: Cheyenne, Comanche, Cherokee
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Hilltop trading posts sit beside a trade route that crosses the map from East to West. Teams are split across the trade route.

Painted Desert

Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Painted Desert: Open desert with plentiful resources but no trade route.

Settlements: Apache, Navajo
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero

Painted Desert is a lonely open range with scattered mesas and rich ore deposits. Hunting is plentiful, but Wood is a little scarcer. Lost cows can also be found wandering among the mesas. Four Apache and Navajo villages line the center of the map.


Categories: American Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Pampas: a long grassy plain divided by a river with shallow crossings.

Settlements: Tupi, Mapuche
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero

Pampas is a long plain divided by a river with several crossing points. You and your allies are initially separated by the river, but the exact placement of your starting towns varies widely. There are always four Trading Post sites. Expect to find a number of Mapuche or Tupi villages villages.

Pampas Sierras

Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Pampas Sierras: Wild llamas roam the mountains to the West – there are many Mapuche settlements but no trading routes.

Settlements: Mapuche
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero

Wild llamas roam the western Pampian mountains, and players must choose whether to invest into the wealth of livestock, or take their chances picking out the first treasures in the lowlands. This semi-arid region offers no trading routes, though Mapuche settlements populate the landscape — player should watch out for potential alliances that can offer a variety of early aggressive options as well as valuable lategame technologies.

Parallel Rivers

Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Team Game Maps

Parallel Rivers: wade upstream in pursuit of treasures, goats and resources. The rivers can be crossed on foot.

Settlements: Zen
Outlaws: Wokou Horseman, Wokou Monk

Players begin in a southerly position, nestled between three parallel rivers. This scenic region boasts many treasures and plenty of natural resources – though all of them upstream. There are no trading routes here, so teams must push northward towards the mountains. There, goats roam freely – though will need to be escorted home… it’s a long journey back.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Patagonia: continent with Trade Routes, but no Natives.

Settlements: –
Outlaws: Pirate, Comanchero

No Natives, but six Trading Posts. To ensure a steady supply of Wood, stay near the coast.

A central lake offers tactical opportunities, and may restrict movement along the western side of the map. The lake is not present in Free for All games.


Categories: American Maps

Plymouth: A bountiful land of natural treasures and grateful Pilgrims.

Settlements: Huron
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Each colony can use intrepid Pilgrims and Scout Turkeys to explore the bountiful wilderness for Native Settlements and unique treasures.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps, Treaty Maps

Punjab: a trading route and fordable river flow through the open Punjabi plains.

Settlements: Udasi
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Thuggee, Marathan Catamaran

Players will find no shortage of resources on the open Punjabi plains. Water buffalo graze nearby the fordabable river to the north, across which lies fertile grassland, berry bushes, and two Udasi temples. The south sports a trading route which gently borders the Thar Desert. With densly packed forests and a starting mango grove rickshaw, there will be absolutely no shortage of wood.

Regicide – Honshu

Categories: N/A

Regicide – Honshu! Beginning in a fortified town, search this narrow, resource-rich island for your opponent, being sure to protect your own Regent at all costs.

Settlements: Zen, Jesuit
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

Players must protect their Regent or lose the game! Start at either end of a long and narrow island. Few mines are to be found on the starting continent, but smaller islands with valuable mines lie just offshore. On the opposite coast, players will find a landmass featuring a Trade Route. A short supply of Food on the main island may drive players to fish from the sea.


Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Rockies: teams are separated by a resource-rich valley.

Settlements: Cheyenne, Comanche
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Your team occupies one mountain range and your opponents the other. The victors will be the ones that can control the central valley and the choke points. Forests and Treasures are more heavily concentrated in the center of the map.

The Cheyenne and Comanche have ventured up into the mountains, and may prove to be useful allies.

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Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Saguenay: a coastal region with plenty of resources. It may be summer or winter.

Settlements: Cree, Huron
Outlaws: Pistolero, Renegado

Summer or winter, there is no shortage of resources here. Constructing defenses on the islands in the sea, or nearby the Cree and Huron settlements will help control the ocean. Forming an alliance with either of these natives will unlock some fantastic economic options. The position of the trading route varies but is always in the middle of the map.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, Asian Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Siberia: A frozen river divides the map, and a Trade Route runs along the southern edge, with plentiful hunting among the great forests.

Settlements: –
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Ronin

In the distant north, hunting is plentiful among the great forests, and a frozen river separates you from your enemies. The future route of the Trans-Siberian Railway lies to the south.

Silk Road

Categories: Asian Maps, Standard Maps, Team Game Maps

Silk Road: Travel the legendary trade route, capturing existing Trading Posts. You begin with a free Market.

Settlements: Bhakti, Shaolin, Sufi, Udasi, Zen
Outlaws: Marathan Dacoit, Marathan Catamaran, Wokou Horesman, Wokou Monk

Starting from their Markets at opposite sections of the famed Silk Road, players vie for control of this lucrative Trade Route. Since the map portrays a randomly selected part of the passage, three terrain variations are possible, each with unique characteristics. Players do not need to establish the route, only capture it before the enemy does!


Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Sonora: cliffs and valleys, and a winding trade route.

Settlements: Maya, Apache, Navajo
Outlaws: Pistolero, Comanchero

A twisting Trade Route winds its way through this barren, desolate region. Many cliffs and canyons create choke points. Resources can be difficult to find, though sometimes there are rich ore deposits in the center of the map. Search for Apache, Maya, or Navajo villages on the edge of the map.


Categories: American Maps, Standard Maps

Texas: an open plain with some cliffs and two Trade Routes.

Settlements: Comanche, Apache
Outlaws: Comanchero, Renegado

Texas is an open plain with scattered low cliffs. Two Trade Routes, each with two Trading Post sites, cut through the center of the map, separating the teams. There will always be at least two Comanche or Apache settlements, and sometimes three. Expect attacks from every side.


Categories: N/A

Unknown: a mysterious uncharted wilderness.

Settlements: –
Outlaws: –

The mysterious Unknown! Snow or desert, land or water, Trade Routes or Natives or both – you never quite know what you’re going to get. Expect the unexpected!

Yellow River

Categories: Asian Maps, Standard Maps

Yellow River: Offers extra resources and choke points when flooded, but is open and fertile when dry. Trade Routes on each side of the map, and many natives.

Settlements: Shaolin, Zen
Outlaws: Wokou Horesman, Wokou Monk

During the dry season, the waters of the Yellow River recede to create fertile new islands, and animals often gather near the river’s edge to drink. During times of flood, extra resources abound and naval craft are sometimes seen along the river. Recruit local groups as allies to take advantage of their multiple trade routes located along the borders of the map.


Categories: American Maps, Naval Maps, Standard Maps

Yucatan: dense jungles and nearby natives.

Settlements: Zapotec, Maya
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero, Pirate

The Central America rain forests are home to many Treasures. Each player will start with a nearby Zapotec or Maya village. Use your ships to control the land on your side, or try to build a dock on the far shore and control both coasts.

The dense forests mean you will never run short of Wood, and herds of Tapir and Capybara offer unusual hunting opportunities.


Categories: All Competitive Maps, American Maps, Land Maps, Standard Maps, Standard Maps

Yukon: A region of snowy trees and frosty blizzards! Find gold mines and plenty of treasure across the ice-cool river.

Settlements: Cree, Nootka
Outlaws: Comanchero, Pistolero

Your enemy’s towns are close, so be on your guard. Cross the river to the north-west where you will find an abundance of valuable treasures as well as large gold deposits. The Trade Route will be hard to completely control, with each team having access to one Trading Post site. Cree or Nootka villages can be found north of the river, both offer valuable improvements that will be helpful in this harsh, but beautiful region.


The content of this guide is automatically generated from the game files with a custom-made program. Rough approach:

  • Load localization string tables from the game’s archive
  • Load map categories and maps from steamappscommonAoE3DEGameRandMaps
    • Categories: .set files
    • Maps: .xml files whose root element is mapinfo
  • Extract <map>_mini.png for each map from
  • Remove all existing uploaded images from the Steam guide
  • Upload all extracted images to the Steam guide
  • Generate the BBCode content from the list of maps and the list uploaded images
    • Split BBCode into chunks of < 8000 characters
  • Update each section manually with the generated BBCode chunks
  • Done!

  • Thanks to VladTheJunior[] for making the Age of Empires III DE Resource Manager[] open source (source code was used to implement deserialization of .bar and .xmb file formats).


  • 2020/12/10 100.12.9476.0
    • Updated with latest map categories and descriptions
  • 2020/11/06 100.12.5208.0
    • No changes to maps.
  • 2020/11/01 100.12.5025.0
    • No changes to maps.
  • 2020/10/28 100.12.4087.0
    • No changes to maps.
  • 2020/10/23 100.12.3552.0
    • No changes to maps.
  • 2020/10/20 100.12.1529.0
    • Initial release