Complete list of Weapon Mod locations, including those that are unobtainable without cheating.
Liberty Island
There is an Accuracy mod located in a crate near the entrance to Unatco HQ.
Inbetween the crates next to the sniper there is an unselectable hatch that can be destroyed to reveal a Range Mod.
Laser and Clip Mods in some crates in the bunker on the other side of the arcing electricity.
Off of the north dock there is a sunken ship. If you swim down and destroy the hatch with explosives you will find Accuracy and Reload Mods in some crates.
When you get to the top of the statue where the two NSF are talking if you go out on the balcony and creep around the ledge to the other side of the statue you will find a Reload Mod in a crate.
Kaplan has a Scope Mod for sale for 700 credits.
Unatco HQ First Visit
In Madnerley’s office there is a cabinet with a Range Mod in it. It is not obtainable even with cheats as it is not selectable. It remains there and is still unobtainable during the second and third visits.
Battery Park
At the other end of the docks there is a crate containing an Accuracy Mod or a Reload Mod if you are playing on realistic.
Hell’s Kitchen
On the roof of the building next to Smuggler’s Hideout there is a scope mod hidden behind a vent.
Across the street from the entrance to Smuggler’s there is a Reload Mod hidden behind some bushes.
Smuggler’s Hideout
There is a Clip Mod located behind the mirror on the second floor of Smuggler’s Hideout.
If you stack crates you can get above the rafters in Smuggler’s where you will find a Laser Mod in the corner in a crate.
You can buy a Scope Mod from Smuggler for 2100 or 700 if you rescue Schick.
The room behind the grates is not able to be entered but if you use the cheat “opensesame” on the door you can acquire: 2 Silencers, an Accuracy Mod, a Range Mod, a Laser Mod, a Scope Mod, and a Clip Mod.
Sewers and Secret Facility
There is an Accuracy Mod located on the bottom pipe in the sewer.
Unatco HQ Second Visit
A Recoil Mod can be found in the Unatco breakroom cabinet.
A scope mod can be found in the crawlspace beneath Alex’s office.
Mole People Hideout
At the back of the traincar in the mole people hideout Accuracy and Range Mods can be found.
LaGuardia Helicopter Base
The room connected to the west end of the helipad has a houseplant in the southwest corner, press the button behind it and it will open a secret door revealing the Range Mod.
LaGuardia Airport
If you leave the Helicopter Base through the manhole in the back left of the hangar you will fall into a sewer. Continue through the sewer until you load into the next zone. Immediately upon loading there will be a pipe to your right, look inside and you will find a Reload Mod.
If you leave the Helicopter Base through the elevator the security tower to the left contains a Recoil Mod.
Also to the left of the elevator is a transformer. Inside is a crate containing a Clip Mod.
You can climb some ladders on one of the shipping crates to get on top. After platforming around you will find a crate containing an Accuracy Mod.
Inside the barracks there is a trick brick that opens a secret storage room. Inside is a Scope Mod.
LaGuardia Hangar
In one of the trucks is a crate containing an Accuracy Mod.
The mechanic underneath the plane sells a Recoil Mod.
Unatco HQ Third Visit
There is a Clip Mod inside of Paul’s Office behind the family portrait.
There is a Reload Mod hidden in the corner of Manderley’s bathroom.
Sam Carter gives you an Accuracy Mod.
If you are playing on NG+ you can open Gunther’s Safe where you will find a Silencer and a Scope. If not on NG+ “opensesame” will open the door.
If you use “opensesame” on the door to the weapons locker in the shooting range you will find a Reload Mod and a Clip Mod.
Hell’s Kitchen Second Visit
After arriving in Hell’s Kitchen walk along the edge of the roof to the side of the building facing Osgood’s and Sons. On the highest balcony on the right is an Accuracy Mod.
Inside the safe in the shop above the Underworld Tavern there is a Reload Mod.
‘Ton Hotel Second Visit
There is a Recoil Mod at the top of the elevator.
Smuggler’s Hideout Second Visit
Behind the mirror there is a Recoil and a Clip Mod.
Smuggler also sells a Range Mod for 2400/800 and a Clip Mod for 1500/500 depending on whether or not you saved Schick.
In the unenterable storageroom there are: 2 Silencers, 2 Accuracy Mods, a Laser Mod, and a Clip Mod. Use “opensesame” to get in.
Sewers and Secret Facility Second Visit
There is another Accuracy Mod on the same pipe as before.
NSF Headquarters
There is a Recoil Mod in a crate on top of some shelves in the warehouse to the left of the start of the area.
There is an Accuray Mod in the cabinet where you find the evidence against Unatco.
MJ12 Prison
On the second floor of the armory there is a Silencer and a Range Mod.
In the security room in the middle of the research lab there is a cabinet. In the bottom left drawer there is a Reload Mod.
Unatco HQ Final Visit
You can finally open Manderley’s cabinet to retrieve the Range Mod.
Anna’s cabinet contains Recoil, Reload, Range, and Clip Mods.
There is a Recoil Mod and a Range Mod in the armory.
There is a silencer in the weapons locker in the shooting range. It can be opened using the security terminal at the entrance to the range.
MJ12 Helibase
There is a Recoil Mod on the table in the munitions room.
WanChai Market
There is a room above and to the right of the flower shop. If you stack garbage cans and crates you can reach that window and retrieve the Clip Mod inside.
There is a Reload Mod in the police station that Maggie Chow sends you to.
The Canals
The woman on this sampan sells an Accuracy Mod, a Reload Mod, and a Recoil Mod.
In the Old China Hand’s freezer there is a air duct that leads to a caved-in tunnel, the Laser Mod is at the east end behind rubble.
Tonnochi Road
In the room next to the room where you find the Dragon Tooth’s Sword there is a cabinet with a Clip Mod in it.
Lucky Money Club
There is a street across from the shop with the large glass windows. If you go down it you will see another shop whose window can be broken with a Clip Mod inside.
There is a Recoil Mod in the room off of Max Chen’s office.
Canal Road Tunnel
The police officer facing away from you standing next to the dead body is carrying a Clip Mod.
Tong’s Laboratory
There is a Clip Mod in one of the crates in the shooting range.
After coming up the elevator this painting is to the right. You can walk through it to find a Range Mod, a Recoil Mod, and a Reload Mod.
There is a clip mod in the security room on the desk.
On the third floor at the back of the data entry room there is a vent that leads to the large fish tank. At the bottom on the side nearest the vent there is a Laser Mod.
MJ12 Labs Level 1
In the barracks there is a vent that leads to the room above the labs. In that room on a vent there is a Range Mod and a Clip Mod. Stack crates to get to them.
When coming down the stairs into the lab there is a grate with 2 crates behind it. Destroy it with an explosive and one of the crates will drop a Range Mod. If you use a tnt crate and shoot it with a silenced weapon the guards will not go hostile to you.
Hell’s Kitchen Final Visit
There is an Accuracy Mod in the same place as the last visit to Hell’s Kitchen, the top right balcony just off of the roof where you land.
On the roof with a sniper just across from the roof you start on there is an Accuracy Mod next to a vent near the sniper.
If you go in the back entrance to Osgood and Sons you will find a body with a Range Mod.
In the alleyway where you saved Sandra on your first visit to Hell’s Kitchen you will find a crate with a Range Mod.
Underworld Tavern Final Visit
In the back room across from the freezer there is a chest with Accuracy Mod in it.
Smuggler’s Hideout Final Visit
In the room only openable with “opensesame” there are: two Silencers, two Accuracy Mods, a RangeMod, and a Laser Mod.
Sewers and Secret Facility Final Visit
There is yet another Accuracy Mod on the same pipe as before.
Naval Shipyard
In the building to the right of the front gate there is a Range Mod and an Accuracy Mod in the chest on the right.
In the truck that is facing the warehouse there is a Range Mod in a crate.
In the command centre building in the room with the safe there is a Reload Mod in the left drawer of the desk.
PRCS Wallcloud Upper Deck
Once you get out onto the docks there is a room to the right. There is a wall safe in that room with a Reload Mod.
Adjacent to that room is another with a Range Mod sitting on the desk.
In the tech room on the Wall Cloud there is a Silencer and an Accuracy Mod sitting on the desk.
In the Command Center on the top floor there is a Laser Mod under one of the desks.
PRCS Wallcloud Lower Decks
Above the room with the tri-weld point on the right of the engine room is a Range Mod.
On the bottom floor, find the section with three spinning fans in one place, two on the wall and one on the floor, and look for a floor-vent near them. Go through this vent all the way to the end. It terminates in a room containing a Reload Mod.
In the room with a few computers near the bilge room there is an Accuracy Mod sitting on a desk.
Denfert-Rocheraeu Metro Station
There is a Range Mod hidden next to a shelf in the dark shop to the right of the entrance.
Defoe the arms dealer sells a Recoil Mod in the shop to the left of the entrance for 1200 or 400 if you kill the MJ12 in the station.
Paris Streets
Inside of apartment #11 there is an Accuracy Mod and Range Mod on the desk.
In a chest in the next room there is a Clip Mod and a Laser Mod.
Chateau DuClare
In Nicolette’s bedroom there is a skull on her fireplace. Touch it and it will reveal a Clip Mod in a secret room.
Behind the painting Nicolette tells you about in Beth’s bedroom there is a Reload Mod.
There is an Accuracy Mod on the table to the left of the basement computer.
Cathedrale de Payens
There is a Recoil Mod next to the southernmost bed in the monk’s quarters.
There is a Scope Mod in a crate in the gold vault.
There is also a Reload Mod in a crate in the gold vault.
On top of one of the stacks of gold there is a Range Mod.
There is a Clip Mod in an alcove to the right of the place where Simons contacts you in the room where you fight Gunther.
Paris Metro
Joseph the Metro Technician sells an Accuracy Mod for 750 and a Range Mod for 800.
Everett’s Mansion
There is a Laser Mod and an Accuracy Mod inside of a cabinet in Everett’s Lab.
Vandenburg Air Force Base
If you walk to the north side of the building you land on you will see an MJ12 corpse with a Range Mod. If you have speed aug you can either jump off of the main building or climb up the ladder on the tank to the right and jump up to the roof.
There is another Range Mod on another MJ12 corpse in the flooded hazard lab.
Inside the first of two bunkers to the right of the front door of the main building there is a Laser Mod and a Scope Mod in a cabinet.
Abandoned Gas Station
Fred the Bum sells an Accuracy Mod for 750 and a Recoil Mod for 400 but you can only buy one because of a bug.
In the back of a truck in the area where Jock’s helicopter lands there is a Silencer.
MJ12 Sub Base
In the back or a truck near the starting area there is a Silencer that can only be accessed if you have strength aug.
Inisde the base in the room to the left of the spiral stairs there is another Silencer on a table.
Ocean Lab
When you arrive in the Ocean Lab, swim back out the door you came in and go to the right. You will eventually see flickering lights, swim toward it and in one of the rooms you will find a Clip Mod.
When you swim out the door if you instead turn left and head towards the crew quarters you can swim around the back where you will find an Accuracy Mod in a locker.
To the left of the large mined out room there is a crate with a Reload Mod in it.
In the room with the adult karkian there is a cabinet with a Recoil Mod in it.
On the top floor of the crew quaters there is a locker with a Reload Mod.
On the bottom floor of the crew quarters there is a Laser Mod in another locker.
Ocean Lab Universal Constructor
In the armory there is a Silencer and a Reload Mod in crates.
MJ12 Missile Silo
In the barracks there is a Range Mod in one of the footlockers.
In an abandoned building at the northwest end of the facility there is another Range Mod in a footlocker.
Area 51 Surface
Just outside of the control tower there is a dead soldier with an Accuracy Mod.
If you jump down the air intake in the hangar at the northwest end of the map and swim north you fill find a dead body at the bottow of a pipe with a Laser Mod.
Area 51 Entrance
In the barracks there is a Recoil Mod sitting on one of the tables.
In the barracks bathroom there is an Accuracy Mod and a Recoil Mod on the right locker facing the door.
Area 51 Page
There is a Recoil Mod in a footlocker in the radioactive area in the southwest corner of the map.
If I missed any please leave a comment describing where it is and I’ll add it to the guide. Thanks!