Legend of Grimrock Guide

Localfire's Grim Review for Legend of Grimrock

Localfire’s Grim Review


Want to play mods? well half the stuff out there is terrible and if you hit that stuff first it may put you off. Well let me help you out by playing those first and telling you about them, hopefully you can then find the ones you’d be interested in playingIf you happen to disagree then leave a comment, I’m making this to help people find good mods and these are just my opinions, so not everyone will like what I like. If you happen to be the mods author then I’m happy to re-review your mod if its been updated or some other change has taken place.Lastly if you want me to review your work make sure its of a standard you are happy with and have it tested by several players. No WIP’s for the most part I’ll be focusing on established mods.


I’ll be rating each mod on a scale of 0 to 5 heres what each number means

0-Terrible: This is one to avoid as playing it is painful, it may be pointless or broken but it is for sure a chore to play.

1-Bad: A lack of effort or skill sees these fail, lacking scripting or some other element, there are at least some positives in here.

2-Ok: Nothing special, these have some scripting and and work well but fail to match the quality of the base game.

3-Good: These are solid efforts, good all round. They match the quality of the base game but never offer anything beyond.

4-Great: These take at least one element and raise it beyond the basic grimrock experience or add something new. Well worth checking out.

5-Must play: All elements mesh well and go beyond vanilla grimrock, new features come into play and anyone who loves Grimrock should play these.

Shameless Youtube plugs

So first up my channel you can get newer reviews from there first since I’ll build up a group before adding them here:


Second Solitary Drake has been kind enough to let me use his Grimrock in review videos for this guide! you can find him here:


Or via the link on my channel.

Tomb of Zarthos

Reviews: Not all of these are good or even being reccomended so watch the video first then check the link to the workshop if the mod seems interesting to you.

Some mods don’t have workshop pages in this case I’ll probably place a link to the Grimrock.net Forums since it will have links to all the sites hosting the mod.

Tomb of Zarthos; by Skuggasaveinn

3: A solid dungeon with numerous new assets but it doesn’t change up the standard gameplay formula.


The Sunset Gate

A story driven dungeon with great new UI elements, one of the best available mods

The Sunset Gate: by Xanathar

5: Numerous enhancements and changes add to the gameplay, puzzles fit well into the dungeon without seeming like they were tossed in for the sake of it and to cap it all off an interesting and well delivered story.


Dawn Tower-The Escape

Solid well crafted dungeon, some novel mechanics and more puzzle than combat based

4: Well crafted puzzles and a good atmosphere, interesting new mechanics using keys. Maybe a few to many timing based puzzles


Grimrock mods: Remake, Master quest and legend of chaos

Mods that change up Grimrock itself, Remake in particular is an excellent resource.

Grimrock remake, Master quest and Legend of Chaos

Remake: 3: does what it intends, a three because it isn’t just the same quality as the base game; it is the base game!

Legend of Chaos: 3: Again does what it intends which is to remove spiders, serves as an example of what the remake can be used for.

Master Quest: 5: Theres a reason this is the top rated mod, everything is improved and no element is lacking.


One Room Round Robins!

Some of the best modders in Grimrock showing off

ORRR1: 4: the best modders showing their stuff, some of it can be difficult and the rooms are mixed quality and enjoyability but overall good stuff

ORRR2: 5: Everything that made the first one good is kicked up a notch, this is the best of grimrock above even Master quest.

[link] [link]

Prison Ward

This one is unique, with clever new puzzles and tricks and a great sense of humor.

Prison Ward: by Desperate games

5: Novel mechanics and a sense of humour as well as themed floors set this apart from other mods, no other does it like this!

And Solitary Drakes review


The Taltraxus Engine

This thing eats adventurers for breakfast and I love it!

The Taltraxus engine: by Lostlorax

4: For the forst time playing a dungeon I felt that the dungeon itself was a threat to me, lost in a maze without any clear direction and powerful monsters to chase me deeper into the unknown.


Tower of the Arlorak

Excellent use of music and sound, as well as some tense and frantic puzzles!

Tower of the Arlorak: by SlimyAmeoba

4: The best use of sound assets I’ve seen in Grimrock, add some frantic puzzles and challenges and you’ve got a great dungeon.


Party mods: Wisdomizer, Characterizer and Party time

Mods to alter the party setup. These are unique mods and some of the few non-dungeons available

Party mods: Wisdomizer, Characterizer and Party time


Dhael Ahrkbeths ruins

Love puzzles and hate combat? maybe this could be for you….

Dhael Ahrkbeths Ruins: by Ulwaen

4: A tight layout and great use of space, this is puzzle based dungeon for those who want to use their wits rather than a sword.


Tower of Bones

Short and sweet, good if lack the time for a lengthy dungeon

Tower of Bones: by Alcator

4: Novel Layout and fairly well balanced (for the most part) its good for a quick playthrough and has multiple endings!


Grimsouls: Prepare to die edition

This one is actually well balanced and quite enjoyable, it is however a WIP

Grimsouls prepare to die edition: by Sin

3: Unfinished but surprising well balanced and fair considering mods based on the souls games tend toward being brutal and unfair, worth a look


Prison of the six

A mix of good and bad elements in this one, but still I think worth a look

Prison of the Six: by Boyflea

3: Multiple endings based on action in the dungeon rather than a choice at the end are the most interesting thing in this dungeon. other than that its a mixed bag.


Warriors Challenge

Some nice puzzles marred by ridiculous mobs

Warriors Challenge: by Robikz

2: Some intersting sections but dumping you into rooms just flooded with monsters in an attempt to make combat a challenge instead makes it a grind.


Tower of the Dragon God

While its nice to see effort going into a mod this one has to many flaws for me to reccomend it

Tower of the Dragon god: by Donoknight

1: Numerous texture issues as well as a lack of puzzles, this one relies on combat and that combat is rooms flooded with monsters or tossing in a bunch of high powered monsters early on, additionally some “challenges” don’t challenge; walking into a fireball isn’t hard, walking into a bunch is just as easy, forcing the party to take damage doesn’t make for challenge, it makes for time wasted resting.



A few nice features, but a chore to play

Goldlust: by WRF Studios

1: Boring, poor item progression, crazy easy puzzles and again reliance on (poor) combat to save things.


Tower of Warshack

I found this one to be boring and with no real reason to play.

Tower of Warshack: by Gogomar

0: Honest to god the worst mod I’ve played, no monsters, no items, no story, barely any “puzzles” just multiple floors of empty rooms.


Mine of Malan Vael

The classic mod that brings in the mine tileset

Mine of Malan Vael by Phitt

4: Great new tileset adds to the game, it feels like something new, that said combat encounters depend on ambushes that grow old as things progress.


Madmans Joke

A novel idea but not reccomended for most players

Madmans Joke by Killiwilligan

4: Yes I gave it a four, thats based on the original idea (which you’d have to beat the game to discover) it is an exercise in frustration however so you may want to avoid it.

Get it here: [link]

Beneath the Sands

Good mix of Puzzles and combat for higher level groups

Beneath the Sands by Localfire

3: One of my own mods, its a sold effort but nothing beyond the basic experience, good if you’re looking for a high level dungeon to impirt a party into.


Waterdeep Sewers

A remake of the first levels of EoB, its buggy and unfinished

2: Looks like EoB the classic dungeon crawler game, this is however buggy and has been abandoned by its author so is probably not going to see any fixes


Dungeon Lucius

An alright dungeon not really anything special

Dungeon Lucius by Onaikul

2: its ok, really thats about all that to be said.


Awakening of Taarnab

Story driven with introduction of novel mechanics

Awakening of Taarnab by Decoy

5: A new and reworked spell system, custom assets, npcs and an excellent story whats not to love?


Forgotten Dungeons

Great dungeon, interesting puzzles and good atmosphere

The Forgotten Dungeons by MasterHawn

4: Great atmosphere and well done puzzles as well as custom lights and particle effects make this dungeon stand out.


Lair of Alrak

A fair early dungeon

Lair of Alrak by 1142

3: considering its age this is pretty good, but compared to more recent mods it is lacking.


The Masters Fortress

This one looks interesting. That is all

The Masters Fortress by Alan1149

unscored: its not finished but it looks good, whats there anyway.


The Reeking Depths

A good early dungeon, good for a quick playthrough

The Reeking Depths by McSkiv

3: Another solid early dungeon nothing above and beyond the standard Grimrock gameplay however.


Paths of the Earth

Some new assets but Ultimately falling short

Paths of the Earth by Localfire

2: My first ever modding attempt and it shows, looks good but lacks substance and the story is poorly delivered.


Toorums Quest 2

Super retro gaming in grimrock? look at this one

Toorums Quest 2 by Petrih, HD version by Skuggasvein

4: Like play an old side scoller made using grimrock, totally unique

And Drakes Review:


HD Version: [link]

Gurglmars Evil Maze

A very short dungeon, just 1 level

Gurglmars Evil Maze by Bukkake Warrior

2: mostly just frustrating rather than enjoyable, its fairly easy to beat.


Eye of the Dragon

A remake based on Eye of the Beholder 2: quite difficult

Eye of the Dragon by Drakkan

3: A mixed bag, this is the most beautiful mod out there, if you want a new look you got it, massive sets of new items and a non-linear story driven dungeon. However I hope you like insta-death because this dungeon uses it alot.

Review by Solitary Drake:

Review by Localfire:

You can Eye of the Dragon here: [link]

Cows on wheels

A novel idea made by one of the Grimrock Devs

3: its like space invaders, but with cows.

Review by Solitary Drake:


Tombs of Winterfell

This one showcases all the neat stuff made by Leki, trust me some of the resources hes made are awesome

3: not finished but still interesting.

Review by Solitary Drake:


Ruins of Argorn

An incomplete dungeon, this one is decent but lacks challenge.

2: Too short, too easy.


Halls and Return of the Lich King

A decent first attempt but marred by pointless and cheap sections

1: A first attempt and it shows lacking in so much.

The best of Donoknights work, not that that says much.

2: Better, although why its been split into two dungeons is beyond me.


Big Friendly Warden

A charming and quick story dungeon, worth the short time with it.

4: uses Npcs to tell a charming little story, short and sweet

Big Friendly Warden: by Edsploration


Pyramid of Xafi

A challenging non-linear dungeon making great use of the standard assets

4: only the standard assets here for those looking for something new, but it doe’s everything well and is non-linear to boot.

Pyramid of Xafi by Soaponarope


The Hospital

Early mod with good atmosphere and story but poor in many areas

2: Atmosphere is there and so is the story, but it looks bad and the translation is bad causing some clues and puzzles to be confusing.


Back into the Dungeon

One of the many Dungeon Master remakes this is one of the good ones

3: A dungeon master remake, this is the one to play if you are looking for one as it is finished and looks good, its a remake so yeah it doe’s waht it intends.



I plan to update this from time to time, it may not be regular because I have to finish a mod before I review it

As I said above these are just my opinions and if you disagree please comment and explain! Help others to find the mods that suit them.

And if you are an author I’ll review your mod provided it is complete and has been tested by at least a few players. If I’ve reviewed your mod and you disagree I’ll happily redo it if you have updated or made changes, or you can contact me for more detailed feedback if you it.
