Counter-Strike: Source Guide

Long jump bind for Counter-Strike: Source

Long jump bind


A long jump bind useful for kz and such.

How to and the bind itself.

Alright let’s get to it, it’s just a bind for long jumps aka crouch and jump at the same time, which gives you an additional 1 unit jump height. basically you’re able to jump further.(usually used for kz it doesn’t makes sense in deathmatch, casual, pug servers).

The bind itself:

alias +jumpy “+duck; +jump; -forward; -back” alias -jumpy “-duck; -jump;” bind “put your own desirable key here” +jumpy

scroll doesn’t applies to this.

What you do is put the script in your autoexec.cfg or make a config of your own. How you use the script is basically typing the config name in console for activating it and simply just pressing it once no need to hold it. ~example: exec longjump~

I would make a script ready to put in the games cfg folder but we all know how steam is with external links so i’m not even gonna bother doing that.

This isn’t a cheat it’s just a simple script to help people that cannot sync everything perfectly, aka newbies(myself included) or lazy ones.
