Don’t Starve Guide

Low-Cost Gobbler Prevention for Berry Farming for Don't Starve

Low-Cost Gobbler Prevention for Berry Farming


Dealing with gobblers can be a pain in the ass. Here are some low-cost ways to deal with them– no darts, ice staves, or other late-game equipment required.

Gobbler Behavior

Gobblers are a huge PITA. They were added early in development to make berry-farming harder, and they’ve certainly succeeded.

The size of berry farm sufficient to sustain a character (alongside regular farms and rabbit farming)

Whenever a player picks from a berry bush, the bush has a chance of spawning a Gobbler. Gobblers will:

  • Avoid the player
  • Seek out berry bushes and eat the berries on them
  • Eat berries on the ground
  • Eat any vegetable on the ground

Most guides will talk about neutralizing Gobblers with ice staves or sleep darts. This is unnecesarry! Gobblers’ basic behaviors can be easily exploited to kill them and protect berry bushes– even in the early game, when players do not have access to many ranged weapons.

The Red Mushroom Cap Gambit

Red mushroom caps are classified as a vegetable. Because of this, Gobblers will eat any uncooked red mushroom caps they find on the ground. Raw red mushroom caps do 20 HP of damage to anyone– including Gobblers!– who eat them. You can easily exploit this to kill Gobblers who spawn while you are picking your berry farm.

Gobblers have 50 HP. Before picking your berry farm, pick at least three red mushroom caps. Drop them in stacked groups around the berry bushes. Make sure that each stack contains at least three caps.

When a Gobbler spawns, it will rush toward the caps and begin eating them. It will do this even if the caps are spoiled or stale. It will continue eating caps until it is dead.

Mushrooms respawn after every rainstorm, and red caps are only visible during the day. Although both raw and cooked red caps are highly damaging, I take care to pick every red cap I see– their utility when used for berry farming is so high that they are definitely worth the inventory space. Every three red caps used in this way provide two drumsticks from the Gobbler and save countless berries for you to collect.

The Walled Farm Gambit

Using grass or wooden walls and tooth traps, it is quite easy for a very early-game player to create a berry-farm-death-trap. The only hard-to-come-by resource required for this is hounds teeth, but this plan can be accomplished even with only a single hound’s tooth, or with no hounds teeth at all, depending on the shape of the farm walls.

Hounds begin attacking the player at regular intervals around the end of the first week. Although they will first approach in small groups, they will later attack in very large packs. The teeth they drop can be crafted into tooth traps with 1x rope and 1x log. Tooth traps will do 60 damage to any monster which walks over them– killing Gobblers instantly. Traps can be reset, and have 10 uses total.

It is possible to plant a berry farm within walls, then trap all exits and entrances with tooth traps. In very early game, when teeth are hard to come by, one entrance with one trap will do.

Whenever a Gobbler spawns, simply chase it out the exit and over the tooth trap as quickly as possible. Collect the meat, reset the trap, and begin harvesting again.

Another possibility with the walled farm is to build the farm in such a way that it has many narrow corners. Chasing Gobblers into these tight spots will restrict their movement and allow you to kill them with spear hits.

It is not necesarry to wall farms off seperately; a farm shoud be small enough to fit inside your base, which must also be trapped for safety.

The Night Farming Gambit

If they spawn during dusk or nighttime, Gobblers will immediately dive into a nearby bush and hide there. They will not eat any berries before they do this.

By farming at dusk or night, players can avoid Gobblers eating any of the berries in their farm at all.

This is the easiest way to avoid losing berries to Gobblers, but it also misses out on collecting the Gobblers’ drumstick drops. Because meat has such high utility compared to berries, I do not recommend this method for anyone except extremely desperate early-game players.

The high utility of Gobbler drops.

The Frog Farming Gambit

This is the most dangerous method of neutralizing Gobblers without ranged weapons, because it exposes the player to damage.

Frogs are hostile mobs and will attack Gobblers which enter their range. Gobblers are too stupid to avoid frogs, and will sit still while the frogs kill them. By planting berry farms next to frog ponds, the player can wait until frogs are plentiful in the area, then begin farming. When GObblers spawn, they can chase the Gobblers over to the frogs.

Collecting the drumsticks after they drop may be dangerous, because the frogs are just as eager to attack players as they are to attack Gobblers.