Having trouble with your adventure in Lumino City?This little walkthrough might help!
Lumino City
Grandad’s House
- Click on the door with your mouse to enter grandad’s house.
- Go down stairs to make some tea.
–Cutscene– - Pick up the Handy Manual on the floor, walkthrough the door to the city and start your adventure!
The Stairs
- Pick up the Stick on the floor.
- Follow the instruction, drag and drop.
The Gatehouse
- Click on the gate for your very first puzzle to open the gate! ─┐
- Go in the kitchen, pick up the lemons and the diagram on the shelf.
- Click on the electric box near the kitchen for next puzzle. Remember to drag the diagram and lemons from your bag first. ─┐
- Climb up the stair to the rooftop. Grab the hook and drag it to the antenna.
- Push the switch next to the window and get ready to the next location!
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The Market
- Chase the neko I mean cat… and follow it to the mayor house.
- Go downstair for next puzzle. ─┐
- Click on the panel on the right next to the mayor house’s door.
Another puzzle! ─┐
- Climp up to the next location!
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The Photographer
- Press the button on the door of the house on your left to enter. And say “CHEESE“
*Click the book on the shelf inside the house for some beautiful photos. - Go to the next room, two puzzles! ─┐
*Solve the sitcker puzzle first and then put chemical number ① & ② in the box.
Press Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓔ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓕ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓒ
*Different combinations are possible. - Pull the level next to the door three times.
- Put the negatives in the chemical bath. Guess who’s the criminal?
- Show the photo to the photographer.
- Go outside, and show your grandad’s photo to the security camera.
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The Crane
- Climp up to the crane at the top and pull the backup motor trigger.
- Start the crane motor by yourself before speak to the local people ask for help.
- Speak with the baker, you’ll get a bun after you solved the puzzle.
*Spot the difference. - Give the bun to the bad mood guy.
- Next, speak with the mustache guy and then the lady for can opener.
- Go back to the crane and click on the local people to start the motor. ─┐
Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ restart the motor ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ restart the motor ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓓ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ
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The Lightwell
- Grab the rope and place the mirrors on the wall. ─┐
- After that, enter the code. ─┐
Code: 16492510
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The Park
- Click on the door for puzzle. ─┐
- Pull the red handle and ride on the bicycle.
- Go outside, climb down the rope.
- Talk with the old man at the hutch and take the spanner.
- Climb back to the top and use the spanner on the blue handle to stop the water flow.
- Grab the blue trouser on the wheel, and give it back to the old man.
- Talk with him again to start your guitar practice! ─┐
Part 1: 33436 • Part 2: 55443 • Part 3: 22113 • Part 4: 44336 • Part 5: 3343666
Part 6: 5544363
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The Cyclist
- Talk with the cyclist and fix the puntures. ─┐
- Climb on top of the roof and adjust the track. Ready to fly~
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The Captain
- Go to the ticket station and pick up the shovel.
- Climb on top of the roof. Potatoes! ─┐
- Send the potatoes to fish & chips shop.
- Climb up to the top, steal one packet of salt from the husband.
- Next, speak with the sailor then go check the pump. Put the salt in the water tank.
- Click on the red handle, puzzle! ─┐
- Speak with the sailor again, put the fish & chips on top of the mast and open the boat hatch next.
- Speak with the crew member, another puzzle! ─┐
- Go outside and click on the anchor. Heave Ho!
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The Sky Garden
- Fix the CO² pump first. ─┐
6 • 8 • 1 • 3 • 11
- Go to the aquatic garden (balloon), and get the garden coin from the fish tank. ─┐
Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓒ
- Now go to the red building, click on the machine. Puzzle! ─┐
① ⇒ ③ ⇒ ④ ⇒ ② ⇒ ② ⇒ ③ ⇒ ① ⇒ ③ ⇒ ② ⇒ ①
*Different combinations are possible. - Climb on top of the roof, inflated the balloon with helium!
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The Town
- Go to the library search catagory “M” and get the morse code first.
- Climb up all the way to the lightmill.
- Solve the lightmill puzzle. ─┐
- Get the key from the drawer, climb back down stairs unlock the box and get the hanger.
- Send S.O.S signal first follow by R.O.P.E signal.
- Use the hanger to the next location!
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The Diner
- Climb on top of the diner, fix the solar oven.
- Play the pinball game and get the drinks token for the mailman. ─┐
- Go to the post stop. ─┐
Mail③: 24 LIGHTWELL ST • Mail④: ONE SPINNER HOUSE - Speak with the waiter, go back to post stop and click One spinner house‘s mailbox.
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Spinner House
Here’s the video on how to get the hammer, nails and the key to the next level!
The Moving City
- Click the maintenance panel on top of the roof. Puzzle! ─┐
- Jump down, go inside the orange house through the window and get the key.
- Use the key to open the circuit board next to the red door. Puzzle! ─┐
- Follow the markers to the next location!
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The Turbine Hall
- Press the button on the wall, climb up and go to the room number 1 on your left.
- Click on the birds pamplet on the table, look for the password.
- Enter your password Mary follow by manual override! ─┐
M: 1001101 • a: 1100001 • r: 1110010 • y: 1111001
- Go to room number 2. Fix the radio machine!
- Now go to the office and fix the camera! ─┐
*How to fix the power? Hint: LEMON!
- Enter the emergency exit code 49463 for your next destination!
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The Factory Roof