Lumino City Guide

Lumino City ♦ Walkthrough (Full Video Guide) for Lumino City

Lumino City ♦ Walkthrough (Full Video Guide)


Having trouble with your adventure in Lumino City?This little walkthrough might help!

Lumino City

Grandad’s House

  1. Click on the door with your mouse to enter grandad’s house.
  2. Go down stairs to make some tea.
  3. Pick up the Handy Manual on the floor, walkthrough the door to the city and start your adventure!

The Stairs

  1. Pick up the Stick on the floor.
  2. Follow the instruction, drag and drop.

The Gatehouse

  1. Click on the gate for your very first puzzle to open the gate! ─┐

  2. Go in the kitchen, pick up the lemons and the diagram on the shelf.
  3. Click on the electric box near the kitchen for next puzzle. Remember to drag the diagram and lemons from your bag first. ─┐

  4. Climb up the stair to the rooftop. Grab the hook and drag it to the antenna.
  5. Push the switch next to the window and get ready to the next location!

Video guide! ─┐

The Market

  1. Chase the neko I mean cat… and follow it to the mayor house.
  2. Go downstair for next puzzle. ─┐

  3. Click on the panel on the right next to the mayor house’s door.
    Another puzzle! ─┐
  4. Climp up to the next location!

Video guide! ─┐

The Photographer

  1. Press the button on the door of the house on your left to enter. And say “CHEESE
    *Click the book on the shelf inside the house for some beautiful photos.
  2. Go to the next room, two puzzles! ─┐
    *Solve the sitcker puzzle first and then put chemical number ① & ② in the box.

    Press Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓔ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓕ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓒ
    *Different combinations are possible.

  3. Pull the level next to the door three times.
  4. Put the negatives in the chemical bath. Guess who’s the criminal?
  5. Show the photo to the photographer.
  6. Go outside, and show your grandad’s photo to the security camera.

Video guide! ─┐

The Crane

  1. Climp up to the crane at the top and pull the backup motor trigger.
  2. Start the crane motor by yourself before speak to the local people ask for help.
  3. Speak with the baker, you’ll get a bun after you solved the puzzle.

    *Spot the difference.

  4. Give the bun to the bad mood guy.
  5. Next, speak with the mustache guy and then the lady for can opener.
  6. Go back to the crane and click on the local people to start the motor. ─┐
    Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ restart the motor ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓒ ⇒ restart the motor ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓓ ⇒ Ⓐ ⇒ Ⓑ

Video guide! ─┐

The Lightwell

  1. Grab the rope and place the mirrors on the wall. ─┐

  2. After that, enter the code. ─┐
    Code: 16492510

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The Park

  1. Click on the door for puzzle. ─┐

  2. Pull the red handle and ride on the bicycle.
  3. Go outside, climb down the rope.
  4. Talk with the old man at the hutch and take the spanner.
  5. Climb back to the top and use the spanner on the blue handle to stop the water flow.
  6. Grab the blue trouser on the wheel, and give it back to the old man.
  7. Talk with him again to start your guitar practice! ─┐
    Part 1: 33436 • Part 2: 55443 • Part 3: 22113 • Part 4: 44336 • Part 5: 3343666
    Part 6: 5544363

Video guide! ─┐

The Cyclist

  1. Talk with the cyclist and fix the puntures. ─┐

  2. Climb on top of the roof and adjust the track. Ready to fly~

Video guide! ─┐

The Captain

  1. Go to the ticket station and pick up the shovel.
  2. Climb on top of the roof. Potatoes! ─┐

  3. Send the potatoes to fish & chips shop.
  4. Climb up to the top, steal one packet of salt from the husband.
  5. Next, speak with the sailor then go check the pump. Put the salt in the water tank.
  6. Click on the red handle, puzzle! ─┐

  7. Speak with the sailor again, put the fish & chips on top of the mast and open the boat hatch next.
  8. Speak with the crew member, another puzzle! ─┐

  9. Go outside and click on the anchor. Heave Ho!

Video guide! ─┐

The Sky Garden

  1. Fix the CO² pump first. ─┐

  2. Go to the aquatic garden (balloon), and get the garden coin from the fish tank. ─┐
    Ⓒ ⇒ Ⓑ ⇒ Ⓒ

  3. Now go to the red building, click on the machine. Puzzle! ─┐
    ① ⇒ ③ ⇒ ④ ⇒ ② ⇒ ② ⇒ ③ ⇒ ① ⇒ ③ ⇒ ② ⇒ ①
    *Different combinations are possible.

  4. Climb on top of the roof, inflated the balloon with helium!

Video guide! ─┐

The Town

  1. Go to the library search catagory “M” and get the morse code first.
  2. Climb up all the way to the lightmill.
  3. Solve the lightmill puzzle. ─┐

  4. Get the key from the drawer, climb back down stairs unlock the box and get the hanger.
  5. Send S.O.S signal first follow by R.O.P.E signal.
  6. Use the hanger to the next location!

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The Diner

  1. Climb on top of the diner, fix the solar oven.
  2. Play the pinball game and get the drinks token for the mailman. ─┐

  3. Go to the post stop. ─┐

  4. Speak with the waiter, go back to post stop and click One spinner house‘s mailbox.

Video guide! ─┐

Spinner House

Here’s the video on how to get the hammer, nails and the key to the next level!

The Moving City

  1. Click the maintenance panel on top of the roof. Puzzle! ─┐

  2. Jump down, go inside the orange house through the window and get the key.
  3. Use the key to open the circuit board next to the red door. Puzzle! ─┐
  4. Follow the markers to the next location!

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The Turbine Hall

  1. Press the button on the wall, climb up and go to the room number 1 on your left.
  2. Click on the birds pamplet on the table, look for the password.
  3. Enter your password Mary follow by manual override! ─┐
    M: 1001101 • a: 1100001 • r: 1110010 • y: 1111001

  4. Go to room number 2. Fix the radio machine!
  5. Now go to the office and fix the camera! ─┐
    *How to fix the power? Hint: LEMON!

  6. Enter the emergency exit code 49463 for your next destination!

Video guide! ─┐

The Factory Roof
