LuckCatchers Guide

Magic items and skills for LuckCatchers

Magic items and skills


In this guide, you will learn about magic items and skills.


World on the Edge of the Inside Out is the world of magic and steam! In the upper left corner of the screen it shows: (1) the amount of mana of your character, (2) progress of learning the skill level

If you want to use “spells”, you need to learn the appropriate skills and get certain items and powders. To open your “Skill tree”, click the “Book” icon located under your character’s portrait.

To get an opportunity to start learning middle and high levels of skills, you need to read the appropriate books and have enough livres. You can finish learning immediately by paying some gold louis d’or.

Every skill is divided into 3 parts – beginner, middle and high levels. Beginner level is available to be learnt any time. To get an opportunity to learn middle and high levels you will need books for the appropriate skill level. You can find books in shipwrecks of NPCs and receive them as a reward for capturing and holding a Bastion. Book can be bought/sold among the players. Activate your book in the warehouse of the Flight Center in any NPC city or in your settlement.

Non PvP players cannot learn lots of skills and their levels. You should activate Letters of marque and reprisal to be able to learn most skills.

Letters of marque and reprisal

Letters entitling player to attack the enemy and have been attacked by the enemy.” Letters of marque and reprisal ” is for sale in the capital city of your faction. You can activate it in the Flight Center of any city or settlement.


Allows to have more ships under the captain’s control.

1 level: Control up to three ships equipped with a Navigation System.

2 level: Control up to six ships equipped with a Navigation System.
Requires activation of “Letters of marque and reprisal”

3 level: Control up to nine ships equipped with a Navigation System.
Book required: “Jolly crowd”

4 level: Control up to twelve ships equipped with a Navigation System.

5 level: Control up to fifteen ships equipped with a Navigation System.
Book required: “Skillful commander”

Piloting of special ships

Opens access to the control of special ships.

You can control the “Prospector” special ship.
Skill required: “Pilotage”.

Piloting of orc cargo ships

Allows you to pilot orc cargo airships.

1 level: You can pilot cargo airships and ships such as Tractor and Boar 150.
Skill required: “Pilotage” of 1 level.

2 level: You can pilot cargo airships and ships such as Tractor, Boar 150 and Merchant.
Requires activation of “Letters of marque and reprisal”. Book required: ” Desert wind”.

3 level: Allows one to pilot the small cargo ship Ox 200.
Book required: “Power of the beast”.

Piloting orc warships

Allows you to pilot orc warships.

1 level: Allows you to pilot the combat airship Mammoth and Margudes airship the Wanderer.
Skill required: “Pilotage” of 1 level.

2 level: You can pilot small 100ft combat ship Toad 100.
Book required: “Steel dawn”.

3 level: You can pilot 200ft medium-sized combat ships Toad 200 and Toad K 200.
Book required: “Rage of heavens”.

Piloting human cargo ships

Allows you to pilot human cargo airships.

1 level: You can pilot cargo airships and ships such as Dodger and Wolf 150.
Skill required: “Pilotage” of 1 level.

2 level: You can pilot cargo airships and ships such as Dodger, Wolf 150 and Negotiator.
Requires activation of “Letters of marque and reprisal”. Book required: “Trustworthy assistant”.

3 level: Allows one to pilot the small cargo ship Forwarder 200.
Book required: “Steel giant”.

Piloting human warships

Allows you to pilot human warships.

1 level: Allows you to pilot the combat airship Paladin and Margudes airship the Wanderer.
Skill required: “Pilotage” of 1 level.

2 level: You can pilot small 100ft combat ship Blade 100.
Requires activation of: “Letters of marque and reprisal”. Book required: “Battle unit”.

3 level: You can pilot 200ft medium-sized combat ships Blade 200 and Blade K 200.
Book required: “Nerves of steel”.


“Exploration” skills help to determine concentration of resources in a given place. While active, white marks on the map denote unclaimed base sites where you can build your own settlement. Develop the skill to determine the percentage of resources more precisely and find new types of resources.

1 level: Allows you to reveal up to 25% of the concentration of resources.

2 level: Allows you to reveal up to 50% of the concentration of resources.

3 level: Allows you to reveal up to 75% of the concentration of resources.
Book required: “Gladsome morning of a geologist”.

4 level: Allows you to reveal up to 100% of the concentration of resources.
Book required: “How to find resources”.


Learn more levels of the skill to increase the amount of extracted resources.

1 level: You can extract up to 20% of the located resources.
Skill required: “Exploration” of 1 level.

2 level: You can extract up to 30% of the located resources.

3 level: You can extract up to 40% of the located resources.

4 level: You can extract up to 50% of the located resources.
Book required: “Take more, throw farther”.

5 level: You can extract up to 60% of the located resources.

6 level: You can extract up to 70% of the located resources.

7 level: You can extract up to 80% of the located resources.

8 level: You can extract up to 85% of the located resources.

9 level: You can extract up to 90% of the located resources.
Book required: “Everything at once”.

10 level: You can extract up to 95% of the located resources.

11 level: You can extract up to 100% of the located resources.

Industrial extraction of resources

Opens access to learning skills of industrial extraction of resources by special ships.

1 level: Opens access to learning skills of industrial extraction of resources up to the 3rd level.
Skill required: “Piloting of special ships” of 1 level. Skill required: “Extraction” of 4 level.

2 level: Opens access to learning skills of industrial extraction of resources up to the 6th level.
Skill required: “Extraction” of 7 level. Book required: “Progress”.

3 level: Opens access to learning skills of industrial extraction of resources up to the 10th level.
Skill required: “Extraction” 1of 1 level. Book required: “Erasing the Boundaries”

Industrial extraction of building stone

Increases the amount of building stone extracted by special ships.

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 10%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 1 level.

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 40%

Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Crusher”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Crushed Stone”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted building stone by 100%

Industrial extraction of timber

Increases the amount of timber extracted by special ships

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 10%
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of resources ” of 1 level.

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Somewhere in the Forest”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Bark”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted timber by 100%

Industrial extraction of food

Increases the amount of food extracted by special ships

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 10%
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of resources ” of 1 level.

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources ” of 2 level. Book required: “Storage”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Preserving”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted food by 100%

Industrial extraction of iron ore

Increases the amount of iron ore extracted by special ships

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 10%

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Pickaxe”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Ironsmith”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted iron ore by 100%

Industrial extraction of phlogiston

Increases the amount of phlogiston extracted by special ships.

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 10%

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Black square”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Phlogiston Master”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted phlogiston by 100%

Industrial extraction of ayma

Increases the amount of ayma extracted by special ships

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 10%

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Liquid Gold”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Black Gold”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted ayma by 100%

Industrial extraction of sulpurit

Increases the amount of sulpurit extracted by special ships

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 10%

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Great Luck”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources ” of 3 level. Book required: “Bulk material”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted sulpurit by 100%

Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore

Increases the amount of miphlirite ore extracted by special ships.

1 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 10%

2 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 20%

3 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 30%

4 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 40%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 2 level. Book required: “Somewhere in the Mountains”.

5 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 50%

6 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 60%

7 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 70%
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of resources” of 3 level. Book required: “Metal-Air”.

8 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 80%

9 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 90%

10 level: Increases the amount of extracted miphlirite ore by 100%

Efficiency of building stone extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of building stone extraction by special ships

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 1 level.

2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 2 level.

3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 3 level.

4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 4 level. Book required: “Upgraded Quarry”.

5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 5 level.

6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 6 level.

7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 7 level. Book required: “Stonemason”.

8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 8 level.

9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 9 level.

10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: ” Industrial extraction of building stone ” of 10 level.

Efficiency of timber extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of timber extraction by special ships.

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 1 level.
2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 2 level.
3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 3 level.
4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 4 level. Book required: “Woodchips”.
5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 5 level.
6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 6 level.
7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 7 level. Book required: “Woodcarver”.
8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 8 level.
9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 9 level.
10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of timber” of 10 level.

Efficiency of food extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of food extraction by special ships

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 1 level.
2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 2 level.
3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 3 level.
4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 4 level. Book required: “Steamer”.
5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 5 level.
6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 6 level.
7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 7 level. Book required: “Food Master”.
8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 8 level.
9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 9 level.
10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of food” of 10 level.

Efficiency of iron ore extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of iron ore extraction by special ships

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 1 level.

2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 2 level.

3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 3 level.

4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 4 level. Book required: “Guide”.

5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 5 level.

6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 6 level.

7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 7 level. Book required: “Pickaxe and Chisel”.

8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 8 level.

9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 9 level.

10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of iron ore” of 10 level.

Efficiency of phlogiston extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of phlogiston extraction by special ships.

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 1 level.

2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 2 level.

3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 3 level.

4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 4 level. Book required: “Fire Rock”.

5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 5 level.

6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 6 level.

7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 7 level. Book required: “Phlogiston Master”.

8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 8 level.

9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 9 level.

10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of phlogiston” of 10 level.

Efficiency of ayma extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of ayma extraction by special ships.

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 1 level.

2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 2 level.

3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 3 level.

4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 4 level. Book required: “Ayma Lake”.

5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 5 level.

6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 6 level.

7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 7 level. Book required: “Fuel Flow”.

8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 8 level.

9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 9 level.

10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of ayma” of 10 level.

Efficiency of sulpurit extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of sulpurit extraction by special ships

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 1 level.

2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 2 level.

3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 3 level.

4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 4 level. Book required: “Mountain Range”.

5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 5 level.

6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 6 level.

7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 7 level. Book required: “Jeweller”.

8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 8 level.

9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 9 level.

10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of sulpurit” of 10 level.

Efficiency of miphlirite ore extraction

The decrease in using of mana boosts the efficiency of miphlirite ore extraction by special ships

1 level: Using of mana decreases by 1
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 1 level.

2 level: Using of mana decreases by 2
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 2 level.

3 level: Using of mana decreases by 3
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 3 level.

4 level: Using of mana decreases by 4
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 4 level. Book required: “Large Amounts”.

5 level: Using of mana decreases by 5
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 5 level.

6 level: Using of mana decreases by 6
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 6 level.

7 level: Using of mana decreases by 7
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 7 level. Book required: “Refractory Metal”.

8 level: Using of mana decreases by 8
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 8 level.

9 level: Using of mana decreases by 9
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 9 level.

10 level: Using of mana decreases by 10
Skill required: “Industrial extraction of miphlirite ore” of 10 level.

Strekolet piloting

Enables you to fly strekolets.

1 level: You can pilot single-pilot monoplanes and the unpowered glider “Dragon wings”

2 level: You can pilot biplanes.

3 level: You can pilot two-engine strekolets.
Book required: “We can still fly…”.

4 level: You can pilot single-engine monoplanes equipped with landing gear and flaps.
Book required: “Above are only the stars”.


Proficient commanding allows you to control more strekolets.

1 level: Up to 5 strekolets under your leadership.
Skill required: “Strekolet piloting” of 1 level.

2 level: Up to 6 strekolets under your leadership.
Book required: “Fire from the sky”.

3 level: Up to 7 strekolets under your leadership.
Book required: “Sucker punch”.

Air traffic controller

A qualified air traffic controller can quickly raise all strekolets into the air.

1 level: Strekolets take off 20% faster.
Skill required: “Сommand” of 1 level.

2 level: Strekolets take off 35% faster.
Book required: “Wheels up”.

3 level: Strekolets take off 65% faster.
Book required: “Quick take-off”.


Speeds up the refuelling of strekolets.

1 level: Strekolets are refuelled 10% faster.
Skill required: “Сommand” of 1 level.

1 level: Strekolets are refuelled 25% faster.
Book required: “Until the last drop”.

1 level: Strekolets are refuelled 50% faster.
Book required: “Full tank”.

Pilot’s luck

It is harder to shoot a strekolet of a lucky avatar.

1 level: Chance to avoid being shot is 5%.
Skill required: “Сommand” of 1 level.

2 level: Chance to avoid being shot is 10%.
Book required: “Up and down”.

3 level: Chance to avoid being shot is 15%.
Book required: “Difficult target”.


Ammunition is loaded into strekolets faster

1 level: Ammunition recharges 10% faster.
Skill required: “Сommand” of 1 level.

2 level: Ammunition recharges 25% faster.
Book required: “With little fuss”.

3 level: Ammunition recharges 50% faster.
Book required: “Sleight of hand”.


Developed leading skills will allow you to simultaneously control flights of more strekolets.
1 level: Up to 8 strekolets under your leadership
Skill required: “Сommand” of 1 level.

2 level: Up to 9 strekolets under your leadership.
Book required: “Full concentration”.

3 level: Up to 10 strekolets under your leadership.
Book required: “Wave of fire”.


Speeds up strekolet repairs

1 level: Strekolets are repaired 10% faster.
Skill required: “Сommand” of 1 level.

2 level: Strekolets are repaired 25% faster.
Book required: “I can manage!”.

3 level: Strekolets are repaired 50% faster.
Book required: “Strong and firm”.


A hero warrior is an example to his subordinates. Pilots under his leadership will not leave the battle without his order.
1 level: Pilot will not leave the battle when he is running out of fuel.
Skill required: “Leadership” of 1 level.

2 level: Pilot will not leave the battle when he is short of ammunition supplies.
Book required: “Only forward”.

3 level: Pilot will not leave the battle under any circumstances.
Book required: “Sky menac”.


Opens access to learning skills of ship construction.

1 level: Opens access to learning skills of the 1st-level-ship construction.

2 level: Opens access to learning skills of the 2nd-level-ship construction.
Book required: “Log and Rope”.

3 level: Opens access to learning skills of the 3rd-level-ship construction.
Book required: “Not for All”.

Production of orc cargo ships

Allows you to produce orc cargo ships and airships.

1 level: You are able to produce cargo ships and airships, such as Tractor, Boar 150.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 1 level.

2 level: You are able to produce cargo ships and airships, such as Tractor, Boar 150 and Merchant.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 2 level. Book required: “Oasis”.

3 level: You are able to produce cargo ships and airships, such as Tractor, Boar 150, Merchant and Ox 200.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 3 level. Book required: “Steel hoop”.

Production of human cargo ships

Allows you to produce human cargo ships and airships.

1 level: You will be able to produce the cargo airship Dodger and the ship Wolf 150.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 1 level.

2 level: You are able to produce cargo ships and airships, such as Dodger, Wolf 150 and Negotiator.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 2 level. Book required: “Heavy hauler”.

3 level: You are able to produce cargo ships and airships, such as Dodger, Wolf 150, Negotiator and Forwarder 200.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 3 level. Book required: “Coaster”.

Orc warships production

Your shipwrights can produce orc warships.

1 level: You will be able to produce orc combat airship Mammoth.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 1 level.

2 level: You will be able to produce orc combat airship Mammoth as well as small artillery ship Toad 100.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 2 level. Book required: “Ray of hope”.

3 level: You will be able to produce orc combat airship Mammoth as well as small artillery ship Toad 100 and mid-sized combat ship Toad 200.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 3 level. Book required: “Will to live”.

Human warship production

Your shipwrights can produce human warships.
1 level: You will be able to produce human combat airship Paladin.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 1 level.

2 level: You will be able to produce human combat airship Paladin as well as small artillery ship Blade 100.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 2 level. Book required: “Friends only”.

3 level: You will be able to produce human combat airship Paladin as well as small artillery ship Blade 100 and mid-sized combat ship Blade 200.
Skill required: “Shipbuilder” of 3 level. Book required: “For friends and enemies”.


Opens access to learning skills of engine, weapons and armour production.

1 level: You can learn beginner levels of engine, weapons and armour construction skill.

2 level: You can learn middle levels of engine, weapons and armour construction skill.
Book required: “Engineering”.

3 level: You can learn high levels of engine, weapons and armour construction skill.
Book required: “Big turbine”.

4 level: You can learn special levels of engine, weapons and armour production skills.

Automatic weapons

Allows production of large caliber machineguns and bee-throwers.

1 level: Allows you to produce 1/40-pound-caliber machine-guns.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 1 level.

2 level: Allows you to produce 1/20-pound-caliber machine-guns.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 2 level. Book required: “In dragon’s eye”.

3 level: Level 3 allows production of machineguns of 1/10 pound caliber and bee-throwers of 1/50 pound caliber.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 3 level. Book required: “Gunmaker”.

Explosive ordnance

Makes progressively larger and complex bombs available for production

1 level: A 20-pound bomb is available for production.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 1 level.

2 level: A 50-pound bomb is available for production.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 2 level. Book required: “Rain of fire”.

3 level: A 100-pound bomb is available for production.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 3 level. Book required: “Carpet bombing”.


The better you develop this skill, the higher-performance engines you can produce.

1 level: Level 1 allows production of motors class M-2, engines class SM-1.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 1 level.

2 level: Level 2 allows production of motors class M-3, engines class SM-2.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 2 level. Book required: “Artisan”.

3 level:
Level 3 allows production of motors class M-4, engines class SM-3, and torpedo engine TM-1.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 3 level. Book required: “Steel heart”.

4 level: Level 4 enables the production of the M-4 and SM-3 class engines as well as the TM-1 and TM-2 torpedo engines.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 4 level. Book required: “Turbine Rumble”.

Level 5 enables the production of ship engines with a single turbocharger.

Level 6 enables the production of twin-turbo ship engines.

Rocket weapons

Allows you to produce missiles and 1M torpedo.

1 level: Missiles R-1, RU-1 are available for production.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 1 level.

2 level: Missiles RSN-1, RSNU-1 are available for production.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 2 level. Book required: “Air shield”.

3 level: Missiles R-1, RU-1, RSN-1, RSNU-1 are produced 25% faster and cheaper. Unlocks the production of 1M torpedo.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 3 level. Book required: “A missile is the best line of defense”.

4 level: Enables the production of the 2M torpedoes and the MK-2 heavy torpedoes.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 4 level. Book required: “Chopping Strike”.

Heavy weapons

Unlocks the technology of producing 10-pound cannon, torpedo carriers, missile launchers and the torpedo launcher.

1 level: Unlocks the technology of producing 10-pound cannon and missile launchers.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 1 level.

2 level: Unlocks the technology of producing torpedo carriers and Improved missile launcher.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 2 level. Book required: “Arms dealer”.

3 level: Unlocks the technology of producing the torpedo launcher.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 3 level. Book required: “Main armament”.

4 level: Unloks 37 lb gun production.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 4 level. Book required: “Fire Star”.

Level 5 enables the production of improved cannons.

Level 6 enables the production of modified cannons.

Armour production

Skill of armour production allows one to manufacture armour in the Foundry shop and leather sheathing on the Farm. Leather and iron armour is produced in general-purpose settlements, iron and mithril armour can be produced in specialized settlement “Mine”.

1 level: Production of armour up to 1 inch thick and one-layer sheathing.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 1 level.

2 level: Production of armour up to 5 inch thick and two-layer sheathing.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 2 level. Book required: “Iron foreman”.

3 level: Production of armour up to 10 inch thick and three-layer sheathing.
Skill required: “Engineer” of 3 level.

4 level: Production of armour up to 20 inch thick and four-layer sheathing.
Book required: “Mithril Hammer”

5 level: Production of armour up to 40 inch thick and five-layer sheathing.


Allows you to manage a number of settlements.

1 level: You can have 1 settlement under your control.

2 level: You can have 2 settlements under your control.

3 level: You can have 3 settlements under your control.

4 level: You can have 4 settlements under your control.

5 level: You can have 5 settlements under your control.

6 level: You can have 6 settlements under your control.
Book required: “Friendly neighbor”.

7 level: You can have 7 settlements under your control.

8 level: You can have 8 settlements under your control.

9 level: You can have 9 settlements under your control.

10 level: You can have 10 settlements under your control.

11 level: You can have 11 settlements under your control.
Book required: “Overlord”.

12 level: You can have 12 settlements under your control.

13 level: You can have 13 settlements under your control.

14 level: You can have 14 settlements under your control.

15 level: You can have 15 settlements under your control.


Speeds up construction of buildings and reduces cost of the process.

1 level: Constructions are built 10% faster and cheaper.
Skill required: “Planner” of 1 level.

2 level: Constructions are built 20% faster and cheaper.
Book required: “Faster than rabbits”.

3 level: Constructions are built 30% faster and cheaper.
Book required: “Time is money”.


Enhances durability of newly-built constructions and speeds up repair of existing buildings.

1 level: The buildings are 5% stronger and are repaired 10% faster.
Skill required: “Builder” 1 level.

2 level: The buildings are 15% stronger and are repaired 20% faster.
Book required: “Stonework”.

3 level: The buildings are 25% stronger and are repaired 35% faster.
Book required: “DIY”.


Your bases’ anti-aircraft defenses have been redesigned to take more damage (combined with Architect’s skills).

1 level: Antiaircraft towers are 15% stronger.
Skill required: “Architect” of 3 level.

2 level: Antiaircraft towers are 30% stronger.
Book required: “Master of defense”.

3 level: Antiaircraft towers are 50% stronger.
Book required: “Defense genius”.


Unlocks the dormant powers necessary to master magic. Each level increases the maximum size of your mana pools.

1 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

2 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

3 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

4 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

5 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

6 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.
Book required: “Widening boundaries”.

7 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

8 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

9 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

10 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

11 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.
Book required: “Inner stream”.

12 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

13 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

14 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

15 level: Increases the maximum store of mana by 100 units.

Mana regeneration

Accelerates mana regeneration.

1 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 11 units per 10 seconds.
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 12 units per 10 seconds.

3 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 13 units per 10 seconds.

4 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 14 units per 10 seconds.
Book required: “Pulsation of mana”.

5 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 15 units per 10 seconds.

6 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 16 units per 10 seconds.

7 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 17 units per 10 seconds.
Book required: “No place for emptiness”.

8 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 18 units per 10 seconds.

9 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 19 units per 10 seconds.

10 level: Accelerates mana regeneration up to 20 units per 10 seconds.

Ruby needles

Allows usage of Ruby needles for speeding up airships.

1 level: Allows you to use all types of ruby needles. Increases demon power by 20%. The time of effect depends on the type of the ruby needle.
Skill required: ” Magic ” of 1 level.

2 level: Increases demon power by 45%. The time of effect depends on the type of ruby needles.
Book required: “Needles for demons”.

3 level: Increases demon power by 70%. The time of effect depends on the type of ruby needles.
Book required: “Demon needles”.

Dragon сall

Blow a magical Dragon Horn to stir the slumbering beasts from their nests and make them move towards you.

1 level: Summons the dragons within a range of 5 miles; a dragon horn requires 125 mana.
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2 level: Summons the dragons within a range of 10 miles; a dragon horn requires 250 mana.
Book required: “Veterinarian”.

3 level: Summons the dragons within a range of 15 miles; a dragon horn requires 500 mana.
Book required: “The art of hunting”.

Chain of lightning

Allows usage and enhancement of the “Chain of lightning” powder. The exact amount damage to the first target is 200,000 units, to the secondary targets 100,000 units, to third targets 50,000 units.

1st level of the skill. Strikes 1 target at a maximum distance of 2 miles.
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2nd level of the skill. Strikes up to 3 targets at a maximum distance of 3 miles.
Book required: “Sky thunder”.

3 level: up to 9 targets, maximum distance to targets – 4 miles.
Book required: “Enlightenment”.


Allows to use the “Leap” scroll

1 level: Transfers the ship on a distance of up to 3 miles, using 600 units of mana.
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2 level: Transfers the ship on a distance of up to 6 miles, using 700 units of mana.
Book required: “Run for life”.

3 level: Transfers the ship on a distance of up to 10 miles, using 800 units of mana.
Book required: “The last chance”.


Gives a chance to pierce the defence crystal and its reflection sphere of magical damage.

1 level: Probability of causing damage 1%
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2 level: Probability of causing damage 2%

3 level: Probability of causing damage 3%

4 level: Probability of causing damage 4%

5 level: Probability of causing damage 5%

6 level: Probability of causing damage 6%
Book required: “Through the barriers”.

7 level: Probability of causing damage 7%

8 level: Probability of causing damage 8%

9 level: Probability of causing damage 9%

10 level: Probability of causing damage 10%

11 level: Probability of causing damage 11%
Book required: “Fatal blow”.

12 level: Probability of causing damage 12%

13 level: Probability of causing damage 13%

14 level: Probability of causing damage 14%

15 level: Probability of causing damage 15%


At the expense of mana, a protective cocoon is created around the ship. The cocoon lowers air resistance up to 3-7 times depending on the level of the skill “Glide”.

1 level: Lowers air resistance by 3,3 times. Mana consumption – 4 points per second.
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2 level: Lowers air resistance by 3,6 times. Mana consumption – 5 points per second.

3 level: Lowers air resistance by 4 times. Mana consumption – 6 points per second.

4 level: Lowers air resistance by 4,3 times. Mana consumption – 7 points per second.
Book required: “Clear prop!”.

5 level: Lowers air resistance by 4,6 times. Mana consumption – 8 points per second.

6 level: Lowers air resistance by 5 times. Mana consumption – 9 points per second.

7 level: Lowers air resistance by 5,3 times. Mana consumption – 10 points per second.

8 level: Lowers air resistance by 5,6 times. Mana consumption – 11 points per second.
Book required: “Unstoppable”.

9 level: Lowers air resistance by 6 times. Mana consumption – 12 points per second.

10 level: Lowers air resistance by 6,3 times. Mana consumption – 13 points per second.

11 level: Lowers air resistance by 6,6 times. Mana consumption – 14 points per second.

12 level: Lowers air resistance by 7 times. Mana consumption – 15 points per second.

Magic anchor

Influences someone else’s ship prohibiting it from the use of skill “Glide”. If used, you will be added to the aggressors against the owner of another ship. Consumes all mana.

1 level: Duration of the effect – 0,1 seconds for every 10 mana.
Skill required: “Magic” of 1 level.

2 level: Duration of the effect – 0,2 seconds for every 10 mana.

3 level: Duration of the effect – 0,3 seconds for every 10 mana.

4 level: Duration of the effect – 0,4 seconds for every 10 mana.
Book required: “Where’s speed?”.

5 level: Duration of the effect – 0,5 seconds for every 10 mana.

6 level: Duration of the effect – 0,6 seconds for every 10 mana.

7 level: Duration of the effect – 0,7 seconds for every 10 mana.

8 level: Duration of the effect – 0,8 seconds for every 10 mana.
Book required: “Snail”.

9 level: Duration of the effect – 0,9 seconds for every 10 mana.

10 level: Duration of the effect – 1 second for every 10 mana.

Defense Crystal 1 carat

Does not require a skill to use it.

Protects from 100,000 units of damage caused to your ship, strekolet or building. It should be activated in the hold/warehouse of your ship, strekolet or building.

Defense Crystal 3 carats

Does not require a skill to use it.

Protects from 300,000 units of damage caused to your ship, strekolet or building. It should be activated in the hold/warehouse of your ship, strekolet or building.

Defense Crystal 5 carat

Does not require a skill to use it.

Protects from 500,000 units of damage caused to your ship, strekolet or building. It should be activated in the hold/warehouse of your ship, strekolet or building.

Defense Crystal 10 carat

Does not require a skill to use it.

Protects from 1,000,000 units of damage caused to your ship, strekolet or building. It should be activated in the hold/warehouse of your ship, strekolet or building.

Chain of lightning

Skill required: “Chain of lightning”

Defence tool that is only active against enemy attacking multiple targets. Number of targets is determined by the level of the skill. Does not cause damage to friendly objects. Activated in the hold of your ship. Usage cost – 500 mana.

Small chain of lightning

Skill required: “Chain of lightning”

When applied, inflicts damage to multiple targets at a short distance. It does not do damage to friendly objects.

Arcane Repairs

Skill required: “Chain of lightning”.

There is a fee of 0,1% of the difference between ship’s full health and the amount of damage received. Mana consumption – 100, 350, 500 for 1, 2 and 3 levels of the skill.


Skill required: “Leap”

Instantly transfers the ship on a distance corresponding with the level of the learnt skill. In order to transfer, the “Leap” should be activated in the hold of your ship.

Vial of mana of 1 level

Does not require a skill to use it.

Accelerates mana regeneration 5 times during 10 minutes.

Vial of mana of 2 level

Does not require a skill to use it.

Accelerates mana regeneration 10 times during 3 minutes.

Vial of mana of 3 level

Does not require a skill to use it.

Accelerates mana regeneration 15 times during 1 minute.

Dragon horn

Skill required: “Dragon сall”

A dragon horn filled with magic powder gradually raises dragons from their nests within a radius determined by the skill “Call of the Dragon”

Ruby needles of 1 level

Skill required: “Ruby needles”

During 5 minutes the power of demons is increased. The power increase multiplier depends on the level of the skill: lvl 1 – 20%, lvl 2 – 45%, lvl 3 – 70%. The needles are activated in the ship’s hold. Mana consumption 10.

Ruby needles of 2 level

Skill required: “Ruby needles”

During 5 minutes the power of demons is increased. The power increase multiplier depends on the level of the skill: lvl 1 – 20%, lvl 2 – 45%, lvl 3 – 70%. The needles are activated in the ship’s hold. Mana consumption 10.

Ruby needles of 3 level

Skill required: “Ruby needles”

During 5 minutes the power of demons is increased. The power increase multiplier depends on the level of the skill: lvl 1 – 20%, lvl 2 – 45%, lvl 3 – 70%. The needles are activated in the ship’s hold. Mana consumption 15.


Beginner’s medallion

To get medallions, Luckcatchers partnership program is required.
Each one of these medallions allows one of your characters to learn 1 beginner skill.

Medallion of Knowledge

To get medallions, Luckcatchers partnership program is required.
Each one of these medallions allows one of your characters to learn 1 middle skill.

Medallion of Wisdom

To get medallions, Luckcatchers partnership program is required.
Each one of these medallions allows one of your characters to learn 1 high skill.

Dove of peace

Gives invulnerability for 1 minute. Your ship becomes damage-proof, but you cannot do damage during this time as well. You can see the remaining charges in the Skill Tree. You can add more charges by completing daily tasks.