Enderal: Forgotten Stories Guide

Magical Thorium Ingot for Enderal: Forgotten Stories

Magical Thorium Ingot


I couldn`t find a guide with exact place where to find it, so i did it myself. Hope it will help somebody.

Quest: A drop in the ocean.

After you enter the Planeswalker with Yuslan you will appear on some small island in Qyra.
There will be several things you don`t want to miss, like 3 (at least) Ice Claws, Mystical symbol, Magical leather in the chest with “Seven Things” backpack recipe (inside the lighthouse, hard to miss), 3 Dreamflowers (you only need one, they glow in the dark) and of course Magical Thorium Ingot for the Perfect Thorium Sword. Here it`s location.
