This guide will list off all of the recipes used to craft items in Magicite, and where. Essentially a mini-wiki, made for ease of access when in-game.
Basic Crafting
This section is just for the basics that you’ll use for the entire game, from beginning until the end.
Raw Materials are, in order of worst quality to best: Wood, Stone, Monster Bone, Ironite, Goldium, Diamonite.
NOTE: Ironite , Goldium
, and Diamonite
require the Blacksmith NPC, found only in between-level towns, to craft into bars.
(Raw Material) + (Raw Material) = Refined / Bar of Material
Stick + Stick = Axe Handle
Axe Handle + Stick = Pick Handle
Pick Handle + Stick = Unstrung Bow
Refined Wood + Stick = Sword Hilt
(Refined Material) + (Refined Material) = (Material) Blade
Monster Hide + Monster Hide = Refined Leather (used in crafting DEX-boosting armor)
Monster Pelt + Monster Pelt = Refined Cloth (used in crafting MAG-boosting armor)
Spider Web + Spider Web = String
String + String = Net
Elemental Bug + Elemental Bug = Elemental Gem (elemental bugs are Fire, Ice, and Lightning)
(Material) Blade + (Material) Blade = (Material) Greatblade [Blades MUST be of SAME material]
Tools and Weapons
The nitty-gritty of crafting, this is what it comes down to to survive.
Sword Hilt + (Material) Blade = (Material) Sword
Axe Handle + (Material) Blade = (Material) Axe
Pick Handle + (Material) Blade = (Material) Pickaxe
Axe Handle + (Material) Greatblade = (Material) Greataxe
Coal + Stone OR Coal = Firestarter (used to cook food)
Net + Stick = Bug Net (used to catch Elemental Bugs)
Elemental Gem + Stick = Elemental Staff (named for their elements of fire, ice, and lightning respectively: Fireball, Frostshard, and Bolt)
Unstrung Bow + String = Wooden Bow
Stick + Refined (Material) = Arrow
NPC Crafting
This area deals with the crafting recipes that the player cannot utilize by themselves, and thus must ask the NPCs in town. Recipes sorted by NPC.
(Material) Ore + (Material) Ore = (Material) Bar
(Material) Bar + (Material) Bar + (Material) Bar = (Material) Helmet , (Material) Armor
, (Material) Shield
*NOTE – For Blacksmith crafting recipes, Refined Stone and Refined Bone work as well.
**NOTE – Shields work with everything, as they only give an HP bonus. ALWAYS equip a shield.
Refined Cloth + (Material) Bar = (Name) Fabric (example: Refined Cloth + Ironite Bar = Elegant Fabric )
(Name) Fabric + (Name) Fabric + (Name) Fabric = (Name) Hood . (Name) Robes
Refined Leather + (Material) Bar = (Name) Leather (example: Refined Leather + Ironite Bar = Elegant Leather ).
(Name) Leather + (Name) Leather + (Name) Leather = (Name) Cap , (Name) Cloak
The stuff you craft to keep you alive and your spells fueled.
Basic Materials are: Herbs , Shrooms
, and Roots
*NOTE – Roots currently cannot be crafted with each other.
**NOTE – With the Potion Brewer perk, the player has a 50% chance of crafting Big potions when making any kind of potions. The effect also affects stacks, so the player must be careful when creating potions more than one at a time.
Herb + Herb = HP Potion (restores 2 HP)
HP Potion + HP Potion = Big HP Potion (restores 5 HP)
Shroom + Shroom = Mana Potion (restores 3 mana)
Mana Potion + Mana Potion = Big Mana Potion (restores 7 mana)
Shroom + Herb = Mysterious Potion (has a weak random effect)
*NOTE – Roots can also be used in this recipe to replace either the Shroom or the Herb.
Mysterious Potion + Mysterious Potion = Big Mysterious Potion (has a strong random effect)
The Vial of Poison is currently uncraftable, but will likely become craftable in future updates. It is able to be used a throwing weapon.
Secret Recipes
This area deals with the crafting recipes less commonly-known by the Magicite community.
*NOTE – The Crystal Fragments can ONLY be mined in District 20: Scourge’s Lair with a Diamonite Pickaxe.
Crystal Fragment + Crystal Fragment = Crystal Shard (when used, fires a bolt of magic that deals 150 damage and does not benefit from the MAG stat).
Refined Wood + Refined Leather = Tribal Drum
Tribal Drum + Fire Bug = ATK Drum
Tribal Drum + Ice Bug = MAG Drum
Tribal Drum + Lightning Bug = DEX Drum
*NOTE – Tribal Drums are used to temporarily boost stats.
Zweihander + Fire Gem = Firebrand
Zweihander + Ice Gem = Icebrand
Zweihander + Lightning Gem = Thunderbrand
*NOTE – The Zweihander can ONLY be found in chests – it cannot be crafted.
**NOTE – Elemental Zweihanders cast the spell that their respective magic staves do, for the same mana cost per swing. The sword will still swing without mana, but no spell will be cast if mana is at 0 (or 1-2 for Icebrand).