This a a guide on Magicite with simple tips and whatnot to help you get started and have better runs. Basic crafting guide on the basic stuff you need.
Guide / Walkthrough
Warning: Massive, informative wall of text.
Let’s talk about starting character/stats/traits. The traits and the stats are randomly picked. (You can cycle through them though) I usually try to get 6 HP which is the highest roll, then as high as possible ATK and DEX. Best setup in my opinion is 6 HP, 4 ATK, 3 DEX, and 2 MAG. As for the traits, there is one that in my opinion is absolutely essential. Potion Brewer; it allows you to craft big HP potions out of two Herbs instead of a Small HP potion. This is incredibly useful for until you get a bow. As for the other stat, depending on how skilled you are, go for Healthy (+2 max HP) or Defensive (+2 DEF, +2 HP, -1 ATK).
It seems like there are three possible starting biomes; Forest, Snow, and Swamp. Out of all three of these, I believe Swamp is the most dangerous. (Due to the shamans ranged attacks) However, the Forest can be just as deadly as the Snow one because of the Boars, and Spiders, and giant-ass T-Rex like things. I still usually try to restart until I get a Forest biome though, I like them.
Chances are you’re going to die a lot trying to get started. Especially if you’re unlucky enough to get a bunch of spiders and boars right next to each other or an early T-Rex thing. There no way around that at the beginning unless you’re perfect.
Now, you start with a Wood Axe so get to chopping. You can only get 16 wood out of a Wood Axe’s 50 durability, which means if you break your axe and you don’t have 4 Wood, you’re screwed because you can’t craft another axe to keep chopping. I suggest you make another axe as soon as possible, as well as Wooden Pickaxe. The Wood Sword isn’t too useful, and takes a lot of wood.
As soon as you get 4 stone, craft a Stone Pickaxe so you can start getting Iron from Ore Nodes. Always upgrade your pickaxe first over anything else. (The way to the Pickaxe works is it can obtain ore one tier above it’s quality; so wood can get stone, stone can get iron, iron can get gold, gold can get diamond). It’s really important to not waste any potential ore.
As for the rest of your goals for this first zone. Gather as much wood as you can while killing as many monsters as you can (without taking damage preferably). Obvious right? Well there really isn’t a trick to it except be really fast at getting wood, and killing monsters. Because you have about 6 minutes until you hit a time gate which spawns three massive purple heads that will no matter what, one shot you if they catch you and touch you. However, this leaves you with about 7 minutes per zone to get as much stuff as possible.
By the way, the three doors at the end of the zone can have unique colors which correspond to their biome. White = Snow, Blue/Green = Swamp, Green = Forest, Red = Veldt, etc..
When you get to your first town, take a breather. Your hunger doesn’t deplete in towns and nothing can kill you. Go ahead and kill any chickens that are there for exp and gold.
BUG ALERT: There is a known bug in the game where the first two items on your bar can be deleted while interacting with the merchants and smith, so for the sake of your items, take the first two items off of your bar and you’re safe. (Sean knows about this and is actively working on a fix.)
Now depending on if you were able to make a complete bow dictates how you’re going to want to spend your resources. If you were; don’t craft any armor out of your stone, and instead make as many arrows as you can and equip them. If you weren’t then make as much armor as you can, and also make a Stone Sword if you can. Hopefully, you got some Iron Ore in the last zone, but I doubt you got 4. If you did however, smelt and craft yourself an Iron Pickaxe.
Before you head out, clean up your inventory and cook some food so you can restore any hunger you may have accumulated.
In the following zones, keep gathering all Ore Nodes you can, killing all monsters within reason, and gather at least up to a stack of Wood, and Wood Sticks. (A stack is 99. After a stack, just ditch your Axe and quit chopping trees.) You hopefully have a bow by the fifth level or so and if you do you should be using it to kill any monster you have difficulty killing without taking damage normally. Don’t waste arrows on rabbits, sheep, or pigs. Also by now, you should have at least full Stone Armor, as well as an Iron Sword and Pickaxe. You should also have accumulated quite a bit of Coin, save it for a Gold Pickaxe or a Diamond Pickaxe. (By the way the Diamond Pickaxe says it requires 700 coins to buy, but that’s wrong, it only take 350. The tooltip is bugged.)
If you ever get the option go for the Red Doors, to the Veldt biomes. They are by far the best/easiest biomes as long as you have a bow. None of the enemies should ever hit you, and the small mushrooms really often drop Small Potions, sometimes two at a time. If you get this biome a few times, it’s likely you’ll have a lot of potions accumulated over the 20 zones.
Also if I were to recommend a biome to stay away from if possible, I would have to say to stay away from the Dungeon biomes. They are big, stone, blocky doors. The monsters and swinging ball traps are quite deadly. The purple biomes, are also pretty deadly. The monsters in there are quite fast and have a lot of health.
Anyways, you should be pretty geared by the time you hit District 20. If not, good luck. You should have full Iron Armor at least. Diamond Pickaxe, and Diamond Sword. And at least 200 Stone Arrows. Along with a good number of potions. The way you’re supposed to kill the Wall Demon thing is to mine all of the Special Ore Nodes throughout the level and craft the Ores together to create this special spell that does 150 damage to whatever it hits. But you can also kill the wall just by shooting 100 to 150 arrows at him depending on how much DEX you have. If you have 20 DEX, it’s only 100 arrows to kill him.
Congratulations you win!
Notes: The reason I put so much emphasis on the starting and not the middle and end, is because the game becomes a whole lot easier when you’re prepared early.
TL;DR: If you really care, stop being lazy and read the guide.
NOTE : This is a guide posted on reddit. I simply posted this guide here in steam seeing as there’s no Magicte guide here of any sort whatsoever.
BY : Parthhay000
Link :
( Was posted 2 months ago )
Even though i simply copied this guide, i hope this helped 😀
Crafting 101
Crafting 101
To craft in Magicite, open the inventory using the R key. Shift-Left Click on the first part of the crafting recipie, and then do the same to the second. This will craft the two items together producing the crafting result. Example: Wood + Wood = Wooden Plank.
Known Crafting Bugs
As of now, crafting has a bug associated with it.
Crafting arrows of the same type of arrows already in your inventory will give you the number of (Ex.)*Refined Stone* instead of x5 the amount of refined stone.
Wood + Wood = Refined Wood (Wooden Plank)
Stick + Refined Wood (Wooden Plank) = Sword Hilt
Stick + Stick = Axe Handle
Stick + Axe Handle = Pick Handle
Pick Handle + Stick = Unstrung Bow
Spider Web + Spider Web = String
Stone + Stone = Refined Stone
String + String = Net
Monster Bone + Monster Bone = Refined Monster Bone
Refined (Material) + Refined (Material) = (Material) Bar
(Material) Bar + (Material) Bar = (Material) Blade
(Material) Blade + (Material) Blade = (Material) Large Blade
(Material) Bar + Stick = (Material) Arrow x 5
Monster Hide + Monster Hide = Refined Leather
Monster Pelt + Monster Pelt = Refined Cloth
(Elemental) Bug + (Elemental) Bug = (Elemental) Gem x 1
NPC Crafting
When standing next to a non-shop NPC, press W to interact and open the interface.
Grognar the Blacksmith: Materials include: Ironite, Goldite, and Diamondite for all, and Stone/Bone for the armor slots.
(Material) Ore + (Material) Ore + Furnace = Material Bar
(Material) Bar * 3 in Helmet slots = (Material) Helmet
(Material) Bar * 3 in Armor slots = (Material) Armor
(Material) Bar * 3 in Shield slots = (Material) Shield
Finn the Leatherworker: Materials include: Stone, Bone, Ironite, Goldite, and Diamondite for making different kinds of leather.
Refined Leather + (Material) Bar = (Type) Leather
Stone + Refined Leather is Rugged Leather
Bone + Refined Leather is Tribal Leather
Ironite + Refined Leather is Elegant Leather
Goldite + Refined Leather is Royal Leather
Diamondite + Refined Leather is Luminous Leather
(Type) Leather * 3 in Helmet slots = (Type) Cap
(Type Leather * 3 in Armor slots = (Type) Cloak
Flora the Tailor: Materials include: Stone, Bone, Ironite, Goldite, and Diamondite for making different kinds of fabric.
Refined Cloth + (Material) Bar = (Type) Fabric
Stone + Refined Cloth is Rugged Fabric
Bone + Refined Cloth is Tribal Fabric
Ironite + Refined Cloth is Elegant Fabric
Goldite + Refined Cloth is Royal Fabric
Diamondite + Refined Cloth is Luminous Fabric
(Type) Fabric * 3 in Helmet slots = (Type) Hood
(Type) Fabric * 3 in Armor slots = (Type) Robes
Havel the Hoarder:
Any amount of items = (1-3 * stack number of items) in coins.
(Material) Blade + Sword Hilt = (Material) Sword
(Material) Great Blade + Axe Handle = (Material) Great Axe
String + Unstrung Bow = Wooden Bow
Fire Gem + Stick = Fireball (Fire Staff)
Thunder Gem + Stick = Bolt (Lightning Stave)
Ice Gem + Stick = Frostshard (Ice Staff)
(Material) Blade + Axe Handle = (Material) Axe
(Material) Blade + Pick Handle = (Material) Pick
Bone Blade + Monster Bone = Bone Axe (NOTE: This is the only way to craft an axe if you are an Orclops)
Stick + Net = Bug Net
Stone + Coal = Firestarter
Coal + Coal = Firestarter
Herb + Herb = HP Potion
HP Potion + HP Potion = Big HP Potion
Mushroom + Mushroom = Mana Potion
Mana Potion + Mana Potion = Big Mana Potion
Herb + Root = Mystery Potion
Herb + Shroom = Mystery Potion
Mushroom + Root = Mystery Potion
(Type) Potion + (Type) Potion = Big (Type) Potion *Note potions must be the same type
Refined Leather + Refined Wood = Tribal Drum
Tribal Drum + Fire Bug = Drum of Strength (STR Drum)
Tribal Drum + Thunder Bug = Drum of Agility (DEX Drum)
Tribal Drum + Ice Bug = Drum of Wisdom (INT Drum)
NOTE : This is a guide from Magicite Wikia , i simply copied it here on steam seeing as theres isnt any crafting guide in here of any sort.
Link : [link]