DOOM 3 Guide

making doom 3's FOV look good :D for DOOM 3

making doom 3’s FOV look good :D


so here’s a guide on how to get your doom 3 FOV from looking like crap to looking good! (decent anyway)AND THIS SHOULD WORK IN ALL THE MODS IN YOUR GAME !

how ???

ok so firstly look at the crappy/normal doom fov, its HORRIBLE AHHH

honestly its meh but after a while it may start to annoy you (it did with me)

…now take a look at this

the trick is simple, put this piece of code into the launch options of DOOM 3 via right clicking the exe, hitting properties then click set launch options

THE FOV FIX >>>> +set g_fov 120

aaaand thats it, your fov will look just like mine if anyone wants help ADD ME anyways enjoy the fix lads and lassies

Weapons w/ new FOV
