Worms W.M.D Guide

Making your first Hat and Using In-Game for Worms W.M.D

Making your first Hat and Using In-Game


In this guide I will teach you on how to make your first hat and use it in-game.

1. Getting started

All you need to start making your first hat is the graphic editor supporting transparency as well as download this template

Once you have done this steps, move to the next section

2. Designing a Hat

I used Photoshop for this guide
Now when you have a template, create a new layer (to do that, select Layer/New/Layer, or press Ctrl+Shift+N). That will be your hat you’re going to make. While designing a hat, you can use any tools you can use.

Once you’ve finished, you need to resize the image to 128×128, as this is the maximum resolution for the custom hat needed to be imported (the template you’ve downloaded is 514×514). To resize image, go to Image/Image Size, and in width/height value, type 128, and make sure it is set to pixels.
After resizing to 128×128, hide the Template layer by clicking the eye checkbox of the Template and save the image as PNG.

3. Importing Hat to Workshop

Launch Worms W.M.D Editor by Tools Library on Steam Client.
When the software launches, select File/Import Hat
In Import Hat window, you have the following options:

  • Update existing item?: Decides whether you want to upload a new hat or update an existing one. Selecting No, publish as new content uploads a new hat
  • Title: The title of your hat
  • Description: The description of your hat
  • Import Image: Imports a hat you want to publish
  • Preview Image: Selects the preview image that will be shown on Workshop. Clicking G button automatically generates the preview image
  • Visibility: Decides whether you want to make your hat public, friends only, or private
  • Subscribe to this Workshop item now: If checked, when you upload a new hat, it automatically subscribes (downloads) your hat
  • I agree to the terms of Steam subscriber agreement: Needs to be checked

When you familiarize these options, all you have to do is import your hat, pick a nice name for your hat, describe it, set visibility, check the terms of Steam subscriber agreement, and hit OK.
If your hat uploads successfully, you’re moved to the item page of your hat. Hit subscribe (if you didn’t check “Auto-subscribe checkbox”), and move to the next section of this guide
Tip: Generated preview images are rendered in 514×514, but your hat image is rendered 128×128, making it appear pixelated. To make the hat look less pixelated, you have to edit manually – or can save the high-resolution hat (with template) as a preview image before resizing.
Note: You can’t type special characters (like question marks or quote marks) in title box and special characters (like “@”) in description box. You can put special characters once you upload your hat

4. Test in-game

Launch Worms W.M.D. Go to Customisation menu and open Outfit list. Your hat should appear on top of the list

Congratulations, you have created your first hat!

Now you can make as many hats as you want if that guide helped you.

Reference Item Download

Download the reference item below:
