X Rebirth Guide

Map of the Galaxy WIP for X Rebirth

Map of the Galaxy WIP


Due to my other thread turning into navagation help, I thought I should post this here, where people looking for it may find it more easly, under a proper title.

The Galaxy

To do list:
Add order of navagation to reach each Super Highway.
Take better photos.
Add station locations. IE. Ship yards, ect.

Lets begin.

The galaxy:

Albion and its Sectors:

Damaged Jumpgate location:

Jumpgate to Devries:

Devries and its Sectors:

Jumpgate to Omicron Lyrae:

Omicron Lyrae and its Sectors:

Jumpgate to Maelstrom:

Maelstrom and its Sectors:

After looking around for hours, I was unable to locate another Superhighway, nor a Jumpgate.
Thats all I have so far. If anyone finds anything else, or feels that something should be corrected, feel free to leave a comment or sugestion, and I’ll add it in.

Super Highways

AL: Far Out Superhighway:

AL: Asendency Superhighway:

AL: Inner World Superhighway:

DV: Bleak Pebble Superhighway:

DV: Barren Heart Superhighway:

DV: Glareing Truth Superhighway

OL: Eclipse Clouds

OL:Commerce Core Superhighway:

ML: Sigma Sector Superhighway:

Ml: Blurred Reflection Superhighway:


Below is a list of Shipyard locations.

Shady Vault:

Three Yards. One Cap yard.( Due note that this yard tends to glitch up the most, and in some cases become compleatly unuseable)

Damn Hot End?

Two yards, One Cap (This yard tends not to get as bugged as much as the one in Shady Vault)

Fuel Stations

Fuel stations are importent for larger ships to use their jump drives.
They look like:

Locations comeing soon.
