How to boost your rocket silo with +40% productivity (max) and -80% energy consumption (max) with optional speed booster at the cost of energy.
The Basic Layout
The basic layout starts with 4 rocket silo for maximum coverage, with emitters in between the four, think of a venn diagram, where the circle, in this case square, from the middle emitters overlap with at least four silos, down to two silos from the side emitters.
All rockets silos come with 4 productivity 3 modules.
Why productivity over speed
- The resource for making the rocket are expensive, productivity literally give free resources
- Rather than having a fast rocket silo, multiple rocket silos will compensate the speed along with the productivity advantage
- Multiple silos allows for productivity advantage and also a “max limit”, before the rocket materials start to pile up on the belt.
- More silos mean more time to scout for resources, and having the satisfaction of pressing the launch buttons all at once when you return
Add Ons
To add and take advantage of the side emitters, simply add pairs of silos at either vertical or horizontal sides of the base layout. To add for both vertical and horiztonal sections to the base layout, you will need to use logistics chests, but it is best to keep it one direction, vertical or horizontal as one side is for rocket materials (belt/logistics chest) loading.
Noticed that the middle ones from have only -70% energy reduction, but have a improve 25% to speed, at the cost of -35% instead of -60%. Due to the overlapping emitters, the bonus energy efficiency allows for one speed 3 in place of one efficiency 3 in the middle emitter every eight rocket silos. This is entirely optional, but it maximises the modules usage at the expense of slightly higher energy consumption.