This is the little known alternate way to enter cheats while you play MDK:The usualy method only aalows you to enter them once per level…this one is the debug mode cheats…Yes..you read that correrctly,…Debgu Mode cheats.
Thie is really rather simple.
1. Go to Steam and right click on MDK and select properties.
2. Click on “Launch Options” and enter the following command lines:
3. Install Alyxx’s Fan Patch
4. Start a new game. To enter cheats you simply quickly type them in as you play.
Dummy decoy: dum
World’s most interesting bomb: wmi
World’s smallest nuclear explosion: nuk
Thumper: thu
Tornado: twi
Tornado: tii
Hand grenade: hbo
Bones airstrike: bon
Super chain gun: gat
homing bullets: hom
Sniper grenade: sgr
Homing sniper grenade: hgr
Mortar: lgr
Gunta snack: sea (not to be used until the final boss…..)
Finish world, advance to tunnel sequence: end