Meadow Guide

Meadow 100% Achievement Guide for Meadow

Meadow 100% Achievement Guide


This guide will walk you through every aspect of earning 100% completion for achievements in the game Meadow.

Guide Overview & Author’s Notes

Hi! This is my complete guide to achievements in Meadow. In my playthrough I have aimed for efficiency and intent to gather achievements, but you may choose to just play normally and unlock them eventually, slowly but surely.
For players more intent on knocking out achievements specifically, this is for you. I will provide routes and tips for achievements when available. You should expect to put many hours into this game to unlock all of them. My first 100% took my about 50 hours, but I’d estimate it may take longer now due to more achievements to unlock.
Some achievements also require that you purchase other Might and Delight and Shelter titles, so expect to put some money into it (well worth it though, M&D has a wonderful set of games for you to explore).
I have split up the guide into different sections for your convenience. If you’re searching for a specific achievement, use ctrl+F to search for a specific keyword if necessary.

Pop on some good music or a podcast and get ready for a grind.


Exploration Achievements – Environment Interaction

These achievements have to do with interacting with the environment in some way around you.

Lotus flowers:
Light as a feather – Stepped on 10 lotus leaves

Lotus Eater – Stepped on 500 lotus leaves

For these achievements, I simply ran across the lotus flowers repetitively until the 500 threshold is met.

Snow Piles:
Winter Joy – Jumped in 50 snow piles

Snow Man – Jumped in 500 snow piles

For these achievements, I followed a continuous route in the snowy area that allowed me to hit many snow piles in a circuit. The route is as follows:
I do only stick to this one snowy area as I prefer the route through here as well as the concentration of snow piles. It is also easier to travel than the monolith part of the snow area. Snow piles seem to be less common than the leaf piles, but following this route around the area and keeping note of where I found the piles, the achievements were easy to knock out in a short-ish amount of time.

Leaf Piles:
Autumn Joy – Jumped in 50 leaf piles

Submerged in Leaves – Jumped in 500 leaf piles

Just like the snow piles, I followed a route in a circuit that had me hitting leaf piles. That route is as follows:
The leaf piles will be all over the autumn area, some places more than not. I found that just looping through the autumn area like so was enough to get the leaf pile achievements as well as find some other goodies as well.

Popper – Popped 100 puffballs

Grand popper – Popped 1000 puffballs

For the puffballs, as I followed my general route throughout Meadow, I’d spam the puffballs each time I came across them. They regenerate quickly, so if you aim for 50-100 pops per visit, and just go berzerk in the puff, this should not be too grindy.

Trippy – Sniffed catnip when playing as the Lynx or Lynx Cub

Catnip is a distinct and noticeable herb in Meadow with many locations across the map. Simply walk into the patch, smell, and trip. For me, the button to initiate the smell action is the middle mouse button.

Exploration Achievements – Landmarks

By simply visiting different locations in Meadow, you can unlock various achievements.

A Musical Bath – Listened to the whole song in the rainy lake area

To unlock this achievement, swim into the water in the rainy area until the music starts. Do not leave the water until the music has ended or until you have received the achievement.

Brilliant Discovery – Found the white crystal room

Autumn View – Climed to the top of the autumn tree

Center Tree Top – Reached the top of the center tree

Lonely Pear Tree – Visited the lonely pear tree

End of the world – Looked out from the end of the world

Monolith Moment – Shared a moment with the snowy monolith

Mystery Stone – Contemplated over the meaning of the mystery stone

Pride Rock – Reached the summit of the prideful rock formation

Snowy Passage – Passed through the snowy passage

With all of these landmark achievements, they should pop once you visit the spot. If you’ve got the eagle unlocked, some can be visited with an eagle and you’ll get around pretty quickly. If you don’t go out of your way to get these, you’ll likely run into them anyways just from exploring the whole map.
If you visit all of these locations circled, all of these achievements should be granted.

This guide provides all of the exact coordinates for most of the landmark locations:

Collection Achievements

You will be required to collect many different things in the Meadow.

One thing at a time – Found all types in one category of collectables

For this achievement, collect at least one flower/crystal/shroom/whatever in each of the respective categories. You can view your progress by clicking on the collection tab from the den.

All of the different flowers, mushrooms, crystals, food, and whatnot will also appear in the den around the animals.

Collection Achievements – Flowers

Flowers are very common throughout the meadow, and by traversing the whole map, you should be able to knock out these achievements pretty handily. The fabled flowers will require more intent to get the total of 100.

Aspiring florist – Picked 10 flowers

Gatherer of flowers – Picked 100 flowers

So many much pretty – Picked 1000 flowers

A handful of pretty – Picked 10 rare flowers

Doctor Malcom – Found all types of flowers

More colors than I can bear – Picked 100 rare flowers

Only the best will do – Picked 10 Fabled Flowers

Because I deserve it – Picked 100 fabled flowers

The fabled flowers are more common than you might think, you just need to understand where to look. Mountains, unique areas, caves, and mouths of waterfalls are all great areas to begin to look. You will gradually learn the specific spots where fabled flowers spawn and be adept at spotting them.
For a more detailed view of where exactly spawns are, check out this guide: [link]

Collection Achievements – Mushrooms

Like flowers, mushrooms are also available to collect in Meadow. However, they are less common.

Mushroom Hoarder – Found 500 common mushrooms

Delicious Rarities – Found 100 rare mushrooms

Odd Picks – Found 50 fabled mushrooms

Fungus Scholar – Found all types of mushrooms

Although it does not include the newly added parts of the map, (they don’t have many mushrooms anyways) I have a guide made that provides a route to follow to ensure that you encounter many mushrooms. The common ones are no problem, but the rare and fabled are definitely harder to come across.

Collection Achievements – Water flowers

Water flowers spawn specifically to rivers and lakes, and will come in three variants:
The common lily pad
The uncommon blue lily pad
and finally, the fabled golden lily pad.

Dipping a Paw – Picked 50 water flowers

Like a Fish – Picked 500 water flowers

To get these achievements, I played as the frog and swam only through the rivers and lakes, getting the flowers as I went. The route I used is as shown:

Some of the more obscure areas in the corners of the bodies of water have fabled lily pads tucked away in them. It is worth the swim. The crystal cavern and spiral/waterfall cavern are included in the route, but the interior of which is not available on the map.

Collection Achievements – Food

Food is a great source of essence in Meadow and is not too bad to collect, as it spawns in bunches.

Gourmand – Ate 50 pieces of food

Buffe Veteran – Ate 500 pieces of food

A taste of everything – Have eaten all types of food

While traversing the whole map, food is pretty easy to come across in the different areas. For a more specific look at which foods spawn where on the map, this guide is helpful:

Collection Achievements – Crystals

Crystals are yet another collectible, and are definitely one of the less common ones as their spawn areas are limited.

Crystal Connoisseur – Found all types of crystals

Treasurer – Found 100 crystals

These achievements were definitely more grindy to get. I recommend scanning the entirety of the spiral/waterfall cave, white crystal cave, and the outside of the mountain surrounding the white crystal cave. When I got these achievements, the white crystal cave was not available yet, so I had only the spiral/waterfall cave to rely on.
Using the strategy of grovehopping, (leaving your current grove and then joining the next one) you can quickly scan for crystals in the desired areas, and then hop to the next grove and do it all gain.

Animal Achievements – Unlocking & Playtime (1/2)

All of the animals require 15 minutes and 2 hours to be played with them at least. Some are also not unlocked at the start. Given the time it takes for other achievements alone, you will have plenty of time to knock out all of the time related achievements.

Frog – Unlocked the frog

A curious start – Frog – Play with the frog for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Frog – Play with the frog for 2 hours

How to unlock the Frog:
To unlock the frog, you need to collect gold essence crystals. The frog is the first animal you will unlock from this process. To check your progress on unlocking an animal, skins, or emotes, you can press P in game.

Rabbit – Unlock the rabbit

A curious start – Play with the rabbit for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the rabbit for 2 hours

How to unlock the Rabbit:
To unlock the rabbit you need to collect the golden essence crystals. The rabbit is the second animal you will unlock from this process.

Goat – Unlock the goat

A curious start – Play with the goat for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the goat for 2 hours

How to unlock the Goat:
To unlock the goat, you will need to collect the golden essence crystals. The goat is the third animal you will unlock from this process.

Top of the World – Play as the eagle

A curious start – Play with the eagle for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the eagle for 2 hours

How to unlock the Eagle:
To unlock the eagle, you must own the entire Shelter Collection. You may choose to purchase this bundle or buy them separately. Steam sales are a great opportunity to purchase the titles.

A curious start – Play with the lynx for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the lynx for 2 hours

How to unlock the Lynx:
To unlock the lynx, you must own Shelter 2

Lynx Cub:
A curious start – Play with the lynx cub for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the lynx cub for 2 hours

How to unlock the Lynx Cub:
To unlock the lynx cub, you must own Paws

Bear Cub:
A curious start – Play with the bear cub for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the bear cub for 2 hours

How to unlock the bear cub:
To unlock the bear cub, you must own Shelter, Shelter 2, and Paws

Badger Cub:
A curious start – Play with the badger cub for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the badger cub for 2 hours

How to unlock the badger cub:
The badger cub is the default animal unlocked. You simply need to own Meadow.

Fox – Unlock the fox

A curious start – Play with the fox for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the fox for 2 hours

How to unlock the Fox:
To unlock the fox, you will need to collect the golden essence crystals. The fox is the fourth animal you will unlock through this process.

Pheasant – Unlocked the pheasant

A curious start – Play with the pheasant for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the pheasant for 2 hours

How to unlock the Pheasant:
To unlock the pheasant, you will need to collect the golden essence crystals. The pheasant is the fifth animal you will unlock through this process.

Hedgehog – Unlocked the hedgehog

A curious start – Play with the hedgehog for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the hedgehog for 2 hours

How to unlock the Hedgehog:
To unlock the hedgehog, you will need to collect the golden essence crystals. The hedgehog is the sixth animal you will unlock through this process.

Wolf – Unlocked the wolf

A curious start – Play with the wolf for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the wolf for 2 hours

How to unlock the Wolf:
To unlock the wolf, you must own the Symbols Comic Book

A curious start – Play with the badger for 15 minutes

Returning favorite – Play with the badger for 2 hours

How to unlock the Badger:
To unlock the badger, you must own Shelter

Animal Achievements – Unlocking & Playtime (2/2)

(needed another section as I used the apparent character limit on the other one)

Elephant Calf:
Curious Start – Elephant Calf – Played 15 Minutes as an Elephant Calf

Returning Favorite – Elephant Calf – Played 2 hours as an Elephant Calf

How to unlock the Elephant Calf:
To unlock the Elephant Calf you must own Shelter 3

Animal Achievements – Actions

These are all achievements that come from using actions or 3D emotes.

NOTE: some 3D emotes, like the Spring Blossom emotes, are seasonal and may come and go interchangeably with other emotes. You may have to wait until an update happens to use a 3D emote.

NOTE: some actions need to be unlocked from your total essence count. As you will need to collect things that give you essence for other achievements, this will be no problem in the end, but don’t be alarmed if you don’t have an action available yet. I have noted which actions require essence counts and how much.

Conversationalist – Called 100 times

Loud Mouth – Called 1000 Times

The calling achievements are easy and you really just need to spam click your mouse. It will come in no time.

Climbing up in the world – Jumped 100 times

Bouncy – Jumped 1000 times

The jumping ones will probably come naturally as you play the game. If you find that you’ve fallen behind on the Bouncy achievement, you can really just spam jump until it pops.

Yawn – Went to sleep 100 times

Sitting Around – Sat down 100 times

For these two achievements, and others on the list, they may come naturally if you roleplay, but I don’t do that. My method to getting through it is after I get a flower or eat a piece of food, I would sleep or sit 10 times for every flower or food eaten. It’s grindy, but it gets the job done.
The sit action is unlocked when you hit 2,000 total essence.

Stern – Shake your head 100 times

Agreeable – Nod 100 times

To do these actions, you can move your mouse quickly to initiate it. To nod, move your mouse vertically up and down. To shake your head, move your mouse quickly side to side. These are a little grindy but will come easily if you just spam it.

Hello there – Waved 10 times

Don’t you notice me? – Waved 100 times

My arm is getting tired here – Waved 1000 times

The waving ones definitely are a bit grindy, especially for the 1000 times one. Like mentioned before, I’d wave 10 times for every flower found or piece of food eaten.
The wave action is unlocked when you hit 9,000 total essence.

X marks the spot – Placed first marker on map

Made your mark – Placed 50 markers on map

These achievements have to do with the marker action. You can just spam click these as you run around Meadow. If you’re with a group however, you might confuse them haha.
The marker action is unlocked when you hit 70,000 total essence.

Butterflies in your stomach – Placed first Butterfly 3D emote

Social butterfly – Placed 50 Butterfly 3D emotes

The butterfly effect – Placed 500 Butterfly 3D emotes

Spring to life – Placed first Spring Blossom 3D emote

The joys of spring – Placed 50 Spring Blossom 3D emotes

Spring fever – Placed 500 Spring Blossom 3D emotes

For the butterfly and spring 3D emotes, I would just spam them as I walked along in the game. Goes by fairly quick.
To unlock the butterfly 3D emote, you must own the Trails Comic Book

Animal Achievements – Other

These are other achievements that have to do with animals.
NOTE: Some skins for the animals are only able to be unlocked from DLC/ other M&D content.

Happy – Unlocked an emote

A range of expressions – Unlocked all emotes for an animal

The emotes in the game can be unlocked by picking up the pink colored essence crystals. These are fairly common.

New coat – Unlocked a skin

Full wardrobe – Unlocked all skins for one animal

The base skins in the game can be unlocked with the blue essence crystals, which are not as common as pink, but can still be found pretty easily if you know where to look.
For any essence crystal in the game, their presence is indicated by an ambient sound if you don’t already see them.

Multiplayer Achievements

Some achievements can only be unlocked by playing with other people. As the game has been out for many years at this point, some servers (like US West lol) are more “dead” and scarce for players than others. I’d recommend connecting with a group of people to go look for obelisks.

Starting Out – Unlocked 10 obelisks

Moving Up – Unlocked 100 obelisks

Browsing the range – Unlocked an obelisk of each type

Obelisks are a great way to get essence crystals (not to be confused with the collectible) and use them towards unlocking new animals, emotes, and skins.

Misc Achievements

These are achievements I didn’t feel I could categorize anywhere else.

Late night conversation – Talked to the stars

This achievement can only be knocked out during the night. Head north from the center tree and past the large waterfall. In this corner of the map, you should be able to find stars with. They only drop at certain times.
For a more detailed look at where and when stars drop, along with troubleshooting if none appear, check out this guide:

A place to lay your head – Set your home to a place in the world

Mountaineering – Set your home at a high altitude

For the home achievements, these can both be knocked out at the same time if you do it initially at the top of a mountain. To set your home, refer to your actions and click the one with the home icon on it. You can set your home anywhere you’d like, teleport back to it, and set it such that you spawn in there in the settings.

Shelter resident – Own everything Shelter

This achievement is pretty self explanatory. Owning different M&D shelter titles will earn you different perks in the game, along with an achievement of course. This includes the base games with their soundtracks and DLCs, the meadow comics, and Might and Delight’s shelter related books. This will run you a bit of cash, but it’s well worth it in my opinion as all of the games are great, the music is amazing, and the comics/books are fairly cheap anyways.
This guide will show you what each shelter title/DLC will get you in the game:

Statue Achievements

With the announcement of Shelter 3, Might and Delight is teasing it with series of statues changing every month up until the game’s release. Not all groups of statues will stay, but M&D have ensured that they will come back eventually. So if you missed any, you need not to worry as you will have an opportunity to get the achievements for them sooner or later.

According to Sofia from Might & Delight, this will be the recurring yearly rotation of the statues in case you missed them previously:
January: Antelope
February: Vulture
March: Elephant Calf
April: Elephant
May: Crocodile
June – July: Flamingo
August – September: Buffalo
October: Rhino
November: Bear
December: Tiger

Elephant in the room – Found the first Elephant statue

Trunks full of love! – Found 5 Elephant statues

Elephantastic 10 years! – Found all 10 Elephant statues


A toothy smile – Found the first Crocodile statue

Five o’Crock – Found 5 Crocodile statues

Toothsome ten – Found all 10 Crocodile statues


In the pink – Found the first Flamingo statue

Tickled pink – Found 5 Flamingo statues

Seeing pink flamingos – Found all 10 Flamingo statues


In the moo-d – Found the first Buffalo statue

Moo-ving up – Found 5 Buffalo statues

Deja-moo? – Found all 10 Buffalo statues


Rhin(o)stone in the rough – Found the first Rhino statue

Dazzling rhin(o)stones – Found 5 Rhino statues

Crash of rhin(o)stones – Found all 10 Rhino statues


Baby bear – Found the first bear statue

Bear with me – Found 5 bear statues

Bear hug – Found all 10 Bear statues


Eeny, meeny – Found the first tiger statue

Miny, moe – Found 5 Tiger statues

Catch a tiger by the toe! – Found all 10 tiger statues


Bust-a-hoof – Found the first Antelope statue

Hoof-way-there – Found 5 Antelope statues

Living Hoof – Found all 10 Antelope statues


On the Fly – Found the first Vulture statue

Feather in Your Cap – Found 5 Vulture Statues

In Full Feather – Found all 10 Vulture statues


Elephant Calves:
Toot toot! – Found the first elephant calf statue

Calf-way there – Found 5 elephant calf statues

Ten tiny trunks – Found all 10 elephant calf statues


Guide Conclusion

Whether you’re a completionist like me, or simply want to grind out some achievements, I hope that you found my guide useful and enjoyable. If you have any further questions or need clarification please ask in the comments section.

If you’re still curious about other aspects of Meadow gameplay, please check out my other guides:

[link] [link]

Other useful Meadow guides not made by me are:
