-100% = Leaving
-99% to -29% = Unhappy
-30% to 30% = Neutral
30%+ to 100% = Happy
Inhabitant including family member will leave at -100% Mood and will bring their family with them.
– 250 Dynasty Reputation for a family 1 Father, 1 Mother, and 1 Child.
Unless if you expel them first.
You can start by providing enough Wood and Food.
Remember they would need enough to survive when you are away and come back to the village.
Followed by housing them with a higher tier house made from higher material as your village grows into a town.
Such as a roof made from a Wooden tile roof, a wall made from Stone Wall then upgrade with Limestone to insulate it to make it last longer from degradation, and for better protection in Winter.
You can accomplice this by equipping hammer, Press “Q” then Building->Houses, then pick one available higher tier house.
During the Building mode, hover over to the roof or wall it should display “E” to Edit.
From there you can change the default material from the lowest to the highest, from left to right.
Please refer to “Building – Houses – Part 1″ & “Building – Houses – Part 2 Q&A” section for more information.
Profession or job plays an important role in inhabitant development such as increasing their skills & helping with the technology experience point.
Not only helping you to grow into a town but also to increase your inhabitant mood.
When the lowest skill of the inhabitant is 1, then you assign a profession. It will increase their mood multiplier by 2%.
So if you assign to them the highest job skill of 4, their mood will increase by 8%, and vice versa.
Highest skill of 4×2% mood = 8% mood increase.
Excluding Events mood bonus increase.
You can allocate a skill point into (Good Host – Tier 3) under the Diplomacy skill.
Last but not least, help your inhabitant to get married & have children of their own.
Will increase their mood drastically.
* Some “Events” will help temporarily increase or decrease mood for a season.
Yes, in a future update. So far this just a rumour.
* Get them to get married to start with then have a child, get them houses made from a Stone Wall (upgraded with a Limestone), and Wooden Tile Roof. Make sure to always have food and wood. If their mood drops maybe need two or one of the above.
* A temporary mood boost:
– Get their job at their highest skill. If you expel and/or change their job to lower skill, their mood will drop to adjust.
– An Event. Mood up or drop. Apply only for 1 season. Then return to normal (before the Event boost was applied).
– Herald Quest, if you manage to finish the quest.
If the King is a good King title, the inhabitant mood will go up the next season.
If the King is a neutral King title, no Mood boost apply, regardless you’ve complete the quest or not.
If the King is a bad King title, the inhabitant Mood going to drop even more, the more you complete the quest, the more it will drop in percentage.
An exception to Herald Quest, if you somehow fail or ignore the quest, the Mood will drop or up the next time depending on the King title, mostly around the next time another Herald come again to give a quest, if not completed until he’s gone, then the next each season changed the King Status will slowly back to 0% (King Tax and inhabitant Mood in the MAP).
Note for Herald Quest:
This only mention Mood, excluding King tax alteration. Since the question is specific about mood.