Medieval Dynasty Guide

Medieval Dynasty Ultimate Guide (All You Need to Know) for Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty Ultimate Guide (All You Need to Know)






Quests – Chapter Quest (Tutorial)

– Chapter Quest is basically a tutorial quest.
– There is no time limit. Meaning the quest will never expire or fail.


Starting a new life

Talk to the castellan

Development Stage: Hermitage (Buildings Limit: 1)


Chapter I – A new beginning

Stick: 0/10
Stone: 0/2
Stone Axe: 0/1
Cut trees: 0/5

Straw: 0/20
Collect Reed for Straw in the riverside.
Check “Basic Material” section for more info.

Build your first house: 0/1

10x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Camp (Buildings Limit: 5)


Chapter II – A survivalist

Set a trap Rabbit Trap: 0/1
Wooden Spear: 0/1
Stone Knife: 0/1

Hunt a wild animal: 0/1
Hunt Rabbit or Fox or Buck or Doe or Wolf or Boar or Bear.
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

Survive for a season

20x Dynasty Reputation


Chapter III – Good morning my neighbours

Complete some quests for neighbours: 0/3
Spend a Talent Point in any Talent Tree: 0/1
Successful flirting: 0/1
Check “Employment Guide, Relationship Guide” section for more info.

50x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Small Farm (Buildings Limit: 10)


Chapter IV – Into the wilderness

Construct buildings: Hunting Lodge: 0/1

Hunt: Fox 0/3
Hunt: Boar 0/3
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

100x Dynasty Reputation


Chapter V – A farm

Place fields: 0/1
You cannot rotate a field. Fields placement is permanent.

Construct buildings: Barn: 0/1

250x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Farm (Buildings Limit: 15)


Chapter VI – A big game

Bow: 0/1
Check “Vendor” section for more info.

Hunt: Deer 0/10
Hunt: Wolf 0/3
Hunt: Wisent 0/2
Hunt: Bear 0/1
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

500x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Hamlet (Buildings Limit: 25)


Chapter VII – The resourcefulness

Construct buildings: Resource Storage: 0/1
Construct buildings: Woodshed: 0/1
Construct buildings: Food Storage: 0/1
Gain Dynasty Reputation: 0/1000
Built at least 10 buildings: 0/10

1000x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Settlement (Buildings Limit: 35)


Chapter VIII – A newcomers

Village inhabitants: 0/10

2500x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Village (Buildings Limit: 45)


Chapter IX – The dynasty continues

Get a wife: 0/1

Get an heir: 0/1

Gain Dynasty Reputation: 0/5000

5000x Dynasty Reputation
Development Stage: Town (Buildings Limit: 55)

The Dynasty reputation and number of buildings are the rewards for the quests.
How many dynasty reputations you have does not depend on how many buildings you can build and vice versa.
If you manage this chapter, you can build so and so many buildings.

* You need to pay tax when the season change to Spring.
When the season change into Summer, then it will become a debt and will -1000 Dynasty Reputation, with each season changed you have a debt, until you reached -10000 Dynasty Reputation, then game over.

Chapter Quest: Pay taxes

Tax needs to be paid to the taxman (your current coin in inventory)



Quests – Uniegost’s Story Quest – Part 1

– Uniegost’s Story Quest is one of the Story Quest.
– There is a time limit. Meaning the quest will expire or fail at some point.
For example, if the NPC has died of old age, or cause of nature (if the developer has enabled NPC health).

Start taking Uniegost’s Story Quest from Year 1 and complete it as soon as possible.

Racimir and NPCs will start randomly died when their age has reached 60 years and above.


Uniegost’s Story I

Talk to: Uniegost
Talk to: Sambor
Talk to: Uniegost
Talk to: Dagobert

Deliver to: Dagobert – Log 40
Talk to: Matylda
Talk to: Uniegost

1x Potage (from Matylda)
1x Soup (from Matylda)


Uniegost’s Story II

Wait for the further events

(Start Spring, Year 5)

– You do not need to pay your tax after finishing this quest this Spring.
However, keep in mind “Pay taxes” Quest will be failed (-1 Dynasty Reputation) when changed to Summer.
Then it will become debt. When you’ve completed this quest, all your amount of tax and debt will be erased or ignored by Uniegost to 0 Coin.
– Except when the debt is -10000 Coin, which results in a game over.

Talk to: Uniegost

Recommended Optional Quest Path:
Do Karolina Quest 1st (in Hornica), Teobald 2nd (in Lesnica), and 3rd is Irmina (in Rolnica).
Considering the distance you will take on the 3 quests from Hornica to near Rolnica.

* Talk to: Karolina (in Hornica, Seamster)

Karolina dialogue options:
1. So, regarding the taxes …
2. Why did you say that? Is there something I should know?

Pick option 2. You are curious.

Deliver to: Dagobert (in Denica, Crop worker) –
Simple Tunic x2 (2) – Karolina gives you.
Iron Hammer x2 (0) – You can try to convince Jan in Hornica to give you for free, if not possible, you can craft or buy from him.

Jan dialogue options:
1. I am not here to prove my strength. I am here to pick up the iron hammers for Dagobert.
2. I don’t wrestle, but I had my share of fist fights in the past …

Pick option 1 (pick up the hammer for Dagobert). If you have at least 1 Iron Bar in your inventory.
Next dialogue options:
Then option 1 to give Jan 1 Iron Bar to make the 2 Iron Hammer or option 2 to lie and keep the Iron Bar.
Either way, you get 2, Iron Hammer.
Pick option 2 for Jan dialogue options (fist fights and lie), if option 1 is not available since you have no Iron Bar in your inventory.

Then deliver the items to Dagobert in Denica.
+1 Karolina’s Taxes (In your inventory).

NEXT talk to Irmina in Rolnica.

* Talk to: Irmina (in Rolnica, Pigsty Animal Breeder)
Hunt: Wolf 0/1 – Kill any wolf.
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

Talk to: Irmina.

Irmina dialogue options:
1. What do you mean by that?
2. But a servant that wants to get paid. Where are the coins?

Pick option 1.
She will give you a piece of advice in a more polite way & pay you for killing the wolf.
+1 Irmina’s Taxes (In your inventory).

NEXT talk to Teobald in Lesnica.

* Talk to: Teobald (in Lesnica)

Teobald dialogue options:
1. Uniegost sent me to collect the taxes of this year.
2. A big house, fertile fields, a glorious harvest, the most beautiful wife and the smartest children in all kingdoms.

Pick option 2. To make him more friendly during tax collecting.

Teobald dialogue options:
1. I can help you with the search for the key. If you let me in …
2. I can find her, if needed. I got some hunting experience myself and know the best spots for game.

Pick option 2: Find Gizela, his wife.

– Talk to: Gizela

Gizela dialogue options:
1. Because Teobald sent me. He needs to know where the key for the stash is hidden.
2. You call that sneaking? I ran through the forest like a drunk boar and made noises like a bear in heat.

Pick option 2. She will be impressed with you.

Deliver to: Gizela – Iron Arrow x3 (0) – You can buy from Teobald in Lesnica or craft it in Smithy Anvil.

Talk to: Teobald
+1 Teobald’s Taxes (In your inventory).

Go to Gostovia and talk to Uniegost.

If Uniegost sleeping at night and does not want to talk to you, talk to him the next day.

Deliver to: Uniegost –
1x Karolina’s Taxes (1)
1x Irmina’s Taxes (1)
1x Teobald’s Taxes (1)

+97 Coin
+200 Dynasty Reputation

Uniegost dialogue options:
1. But that’s not right! People work really hard for the money!
2. Oh, I understand. Thank you so much!

Pick option 1.
+100 Dynasty Reputation

Also, your Pay taxes Chapter Quest is completed.

Doesn’t matter how much tax and debt you have to pay this Spring.


Quests – Uniegost’s Story Quest – Part 2

Uniegost’s Story III

Wait for the further events

(Start Spring, Year 10)

Make sure to pay your tax after taking this quest.

Talk to: Uniegost


Talk to: Uniegost
Recruit people for Uniegost: 0/3

* Talk to Jan in Hornica.
Jan Recruitment
Deliver to: Jan – Firewood 0/50 (0)
1 Log = 4 Firewood, so you need an Axe to chop a tree to make 13 Log to make 52 Firewood.
Once you had 50 Firewood deliver it to Jan, then he joins the watchmen.

* Talk to Domastoj in Jezerica.

Domastoj dialogue options:
1. it will be difficult, but I can try it. (LIE)
2. Of course I can! If you want, you can sign up today.

Pick option 2.

Domastoj Recruitment
Talk to: Nieluba

Nieluba dialogue options:
1. Actually, that is not true. He just signed up for the night watch. (LIE)
2. But he wants to, he is eager to prove that he could run the tavern.

Pick option 2.

Deliver to: Nieluba –
Coin x250 (0)
Rye Grain x100 (0)
Meat x5 (0)

Talk to: Domastoj

Domastoj dialogue options:
1. I am sure it will (LIE)
2. Probably not. But it will teach you the skills needed to take it.

Pick option 2.

Then he joins the watchmen.

Talk to Rudolf & Oskar in Lesnica.

The last is Dalebor.
Talk to Dalebor in Gostovia.

Dalebor dialogue options:
1. You right hand. And your left. And your wits!
Would you like to join the local watch?
2. I want to offer you an opportunity to really stand out. Join the local watch and help us to defend the villages from bandits!

Pick option 1 or 2.

Dalebor Recruitment

Deliver to: Dalebor –
Fur Hood x1 (0)
Coin x100 (0)
WARNING: If you had Fur Hood equipped, it still can be used for the quest.

Deliver to: Uniegost Coin x1000 (0)
1x Iron Crossbow


Uniegost’s Story IV

Wait for the further events

(Start Spring, Year 12)

Talk to: Sambor

Sambor dialogue options:
1. I am perfectly fine standing. What is it? Are you worried that I hunt all your game?
2. Thanks, I prefer standing anyway. What I don’t like, are bad news.

Pick option 1 or 2.

Sambor dialogue options:
1. Well, Uniegost is the castellan, and he takes good care of the land…
2. Why would you say that?

Pick option 1 or 2.

Sambor dialogue options:
1. I could simply kill Uniegost…
2. But how would I get Uniegost punished?

Pick option 1 or 2.

Talk to: Gizela

Gizela dialogue options:
1. No. It is about my uncle Iordan and his early demise. I know you have something to do with it. Confess now, or regret later.
2. I wouldn’t dare to ask for more right now. But I want to know what happend to my uncle, and rumour has it you can help me.

Pick option 1 or 2.

Deliver to: Gizela –
Crossbow x2 (0)
Iron Bolt x20 (0)

Talk to: Jan

Jan dialogue options:
1. Actually, I am talking to you in a semi-official matter. I learned you are somewhat of a commander in the watch now?
2. I an on a quest for justice. And I need your strong arm on my side.

Pick option 1 or 2.

Jan dialogue options:
1. I know. For now, it is good enough if you do nothing – and don’t help Uniegost once I officially raise the accusations.
2. Just promise me, that you will protect the withnesses, if needed – and not Uniegost.

Pick option 1 or 2.

Talk to: Gizela

Gizela dialogue options:
1. Fair enough. Sambor came a bit later to the scene than you, but still soon enough to see you heading back. Actually, he thought you could have been the murderer.
2. I can’t tell you his name. But I can tell you, he actually had a suspicion you were there murderer – not a strong one, but still.

Pick option 1 or 2.

Talk to: Sambor

Talk to: Uniegost

Uniegost dialogue options:
1. You are right, I have no power over you. None here has. But I will summon the steward from a nearby city to judge the accusations properly. If you are really innocent, you have nothing to be afraid of…
2. “See, you WERE the voice of the king. I sent a letter to the court, describing your involvement in Iordants death. And, more important, all the detail about how you withheld taxes and kept them for yourself… (LIE)”

Pick option 1 or 2.

If Uniegost sleeping at night and does not want to talk to you, talk to him the next day.


Uniegost Ending: Spoiler ahead

* Hover your mouse cursor to the black area to reveal, you’ve been warned it’s a spoiler. Do at your own risk.

Uniegost will leave Gostovia for good.
His replacement will come from the south entrance to Gostovia with a different name, at random.

Working progress

Quest is in working progress, currently the spoiler above at the moment.
It might change later on as time goes on. We will see how the developer plans for a brighter future.


Quests – Alwin’s Story Quest

– Alwin’s Story Quest is one of the Story Quest.
– There is a time limit. Meaning the quest will expire or fail at some point.
For example, if the NPC has died of old age, or cause of nature (if the developer has enabled NPC health).

Start taking Alwin’s Story Quest from Year 1 and complete it as soon as possible.

Racimir and NPCs will start randomly died when their age has reached 60 years and above.


Alwin’s Story I

Deliver to Alwin: Stick x1

Wait for the next day
Talk to: Alwin



Alwin’s Story II

Deliver to Dalebor: Stick x1
Talk to: Alwin

Wait for the next Summer
Talk to: Alwin

1x Flatbread

Will fail in year 8, if this quest is not completed by year 7.
Since Dalebor is too old to play with a stick.

If you fail this quest, you will lose the rest of Alwin’s Story Quest.


Alwin’s Story III

Deliver to: Matylda – Alwin’s Waterskin x1 (Check your inventory).

Hunt: Deer/Boar 0/2
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

Collect Leather: 0/4

Deliver to Matylda – Leather x4

Deliver to: Alwin: Alwin’s Waterskin x1

Wait for the next day
Talk to: Alwin

20x Onion Seed


Alwin’s Story IV

Deliver to: Falibor – Coin x150

Deliver to Alwin: Alwin’s Stone Hoe x1 (1)

1. Yes, Falibor even sold it cheaper for you. (Give 30 Coins)
2. Yes, it was enough.

Pick option 1.
Alwin’s Approval +5% (approval feature was removed in patch v0.6.0.0)

Wait for the next season
Talk to: Alwin



Alwin’s Story V

Talk to: Sambor (Alwin will follow you)
Talk to: Alwin

Wait for the next day
Talk to: Alwin

20x Iron Arrow


Alwin’s Story VI

Deliver to Alwin:
Log x5 (0)
Wooden Hammer x1 (0)
– Follow Alwin to build his archery range.

Talk to Alwin
– Alwin’s archery range built.



MD How to: Alwin’s Archery Challenge


Alwin’s Story VII

Talk to Alwin
Score: 0/20

Talk to: Alwin
Wait for the next season

Talk to: Alwin


* You have to follow Alwin, then he will stop at his archery range.
– Just in case, here’s the location.
– Only works with Alwin archery range.

Alwin’s Archery Range Location.

Score 20 = Iron Spear or Bow with Arrow + your distance to Alwin archery range.


Alwin’s Story VIII

Score: 0/64 | Shots: 0/3

Talk to: Alwin
Wait for the next season

Talk to: Alwin

Alwin archery competition.
Alwin archery score is 64.
So you need to beat his score.
You have 3 shots to try to beat him.

Hint by @Capuzzi09:
The game measures your distance from the target.
Let’s say your 15m away. If you score 100%, you get 15 points – 1 point per 1m distance.
If you didn’t aim well and you get maybe 78%, you get 11,7 points, which is 78% from 15 points.
64/3=21,33 points per shot. So you need a minimum distance of 22m and have to score 100% three times in a row and you’ll win.

Score 64 = Longbow + Iron Arrow + your distance to Alwin archery range.
Do some practice training before taking Alwin’s quest.
Drop an item to where you stand to measure the distance point to Alwin’s archery range.

Beat Alwin’s in one shot.

Talk to: Alwin
Wait for the next season

200x Coin

If you do not pick up the arrows from the surrounding and on Alwin’s archery range,
the arrows will disappear when the season change.


Alwin’s Story IX

Hunt: Bear 0/1
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

Talk to: Alwin
Wait for the next season

Talk to: Alwin

400x Coin
1x Longbow


Alwin’s Story X

Talk to: Sambor
Talk to: Alwin

Deliver to: Alwin – Recurve Bow x1 (0)

1x Iron Scythe
1x Iron Hoe

Alwin’s Story Quest – Completed.


Quests – Side Quest – Part 1

* Side Quest is OPTIONAL *

You can skip it.
As long as you do not take a Side Quest. You will not lose any Dynasty Reputation.
If you are early in the game, such as year 1 and if you think you don’t have time to do it.
It is fine to have not taken a Side Quest for a time being until you are ready.

Unfortunately, currently the colour of the “!” and “?” is the same in the MAP.

– Only take Side Quest during days 1 and 2.
– Do not take any side quest on day 3 when the season nearly ends.
Because it’s automatic failed when the season changed.
* F5 = Quick Save.
Quick Save can be overwritten, every time F5 is pressed.
* F9 = Quick Load.
– Manually save before taking any quest. So you can reload if there’s a problem.
– Do not rely on Autosave.
– If the quest failed or bug. You can reload and ignore the Side Quest. Not Story Quest.
If the quest failed, you lose Dynasty Reputation.
– Side Quest reset every season changed. Also, their reputation rewards are different from each other.
* -1 to -5 Dynasty Reputation if you failed Side Quest.
* If you had a tool on equipping in one of the quick slots. Also clothing on equip.
A quest will use that first. This applies to any and all quests including Chapter Quest, Story Quest as well.


Side Quest by AI Town NPC: Random for each gameplay

– Objectives and Rewards are subject to change.
– Without Diplomacy->Diplomat – Tier 1 skill perk.

* Save a lot of Berry’s (not unripe Berry) for Side Quest, at least 50-100.
Store Berry inside the Food Storage chest for a longer duration of going into Rotten Berry.
Check the “Food Spoilage and Food to Rot” section for more info.

Side Quest: New axe
Asking for Stone Axe.
15x Dynasty Reputation (received 15 D.R.)
x Production Technology

Side Quest: Mouths to feed
Asking for Meat and Berry.
x Coin
20x Dynasty Reputation (received 20 D.R.)

Side Quest: Old Rags
Asking for Leather.
x Coin
1x Strawhat/Linen Thread
15x Dynasty Reputation (received 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Mushroom treatment
Variety of mushrooms and herbs.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Survival Technology

Side Quest: Missing bow
Asking for Bow or Longbow.
15 Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)
x Production Technology

Side Quest: Sewing problem
Asking for Wool.
1x Wool Thread
x Coin
15x Dynasty Reputation (Received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: House Rebuilding
Asking for Building Material (Straw, Stick, Log, Stone).
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Building Technology

Side Quest: House Renovation
Asking for Wooden Hammer or Copper Hammer.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Building Technology

Side Quest: Just like papa
Asking for Wooden Spear or Wooden Hammer or Stone/Iron Knife or Stone Axe.
30 Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)

Side Quest: Family dispute
– Talk to Wife

1. I want you to go and make up with your husband.
Life is short and dangerous in these parts, you
shouldn’t throw the relationship away for petty

2. I think you should make up with your husband. He
misses you.

Pick option. 1.
– Talk to Husband.

+45 coins
40 Dynasty Reputation (received: 40 D.R.)

Side Quest: Family dispute
– Talk to Wife
– Talk to Husband
Asking for Berry.
Wait for the next day.

+1 Fruit Pie (hidden rewards)
40 Dynasty Reputation (received: 40 D.R.)

Side Quest: Food processing
2x Meat (0)
3x Flour (0)
1x Fruit Tart
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Have you heard of the trading village?
(Quest giver give +300 Coin)
300x Coin (Buy a Noble Boots from Seamster for 300 Coin)
Talk to the Quest giver

1. Here you go, the boots you wanted.

2. I was attacked on my way here.
The bandits stole the boots I was supposed to bring you.
I’m sorry. (LIE)

Pick option. 1.
– Option 1 (honest, -1 Noble Boots)
x Coin
??x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)

– Option 2 (lie, keep 1 Noble Boots)
-10x Dynasty Reputation
-1x Dynasty Reputation
(loss: 11 D.R.)
Side Quest Failed.

Side Quest: Berry Juice
Asking for Unripe Berry in Spring or Berry in Summer.
x Apple
10 Dynasty Reputation (received: 10 D.R.)

Side Quest: Lavish Meal
Asking for Food Ingredient (Meat, Fish Meat, Flour).
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)
x Production Technology

2 rival Seamster between Branica and Hornica.

Side Quest: Sew me!
Deliver to another Seamster.
You receive the item from the NPC quest giver. 1 Noble Shoes.

Then, receive another 2 garments to deliver back to the quest giver.
1 Fur Hood.
1 Noble Shoes.

30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)

1. Your item is clearly better. No competition.
2. I’m sorry but her item is better than yours.

Pick option 1, if you want her item. 1 Noble Shoes.
Pick option 2, if you want her competition item. 1 Fur Hood.

Side Quest: I’m in your debt.
Asking for Coin
40x Dynasty Reputation (received: 40 D.R.)

Side Quest: Hole in the roof
Asking for Stick or Straw.
1 Wooden Hammer or 1x Apple
x Coin or 1x Wooden Spear
10x Dynasty Reputation (received: 10 D.R.)

Side Quest: Little Garden
Asking for Seed.
Flax Seed, or Oat Grain, or Wheat Grain
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Handyman
Asking for Material (Log).
x Coin
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Woodcutter challenge
Asking for Log.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Building Technology


Quests – Side Quest – Part 2

Side Quest: Night Hunt

Any dangerous wild animal you kill during this time before reaching 8 PM, will not be counted towards the quest.

Hunt: Bear/Wolf/Boar 0/8 (started to show at 8 PM)
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

12:00 -> The time you have to kill in-game time. It is hidden now, so be warned.
Hunt: Bear/Wolf/Boar 0/8 -> You have to kill a mix of this wild animal total of 8.
Can be the same animal 8 times.

x Stone Arrow
x Coin
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Night howl
Hunt: Wolf.
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

– Talk to the quest giver.

x Coin
1x Simple Torch or Torch
x Stone Arrow or Iron Arrow
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)

Side Quest: New Fields
Cut down trees: 0/10
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Farming Technology

Side Quest: Animal overcrowding
Hunt: Deer or Rabbit.
– Talk to the quest giver.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)
x Building Technology

Side Quest: Destroyed crops
Asking for Grain.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Farming Technology

Side Quest: Warm clothes
Asking for clothing.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Survival Technology

Side Quest: Thirst
Asking to drink from your Waterskin, if the Waterskin is 4/4, the quest giver just wants to drink from it once.
x Coin
20x Dynasty Reputation (received: 20 D.R.)

Side Quest: A challenger
Hunt: 2 types of wild animals.
– Talk to the quest giver.
x Coin
10x Dynasty Reputation (received: 10 D.R.)

Side Quest: Missing Bucket
Asking for a Bucket.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Farming Technology

Side Quest: Dessert time
Deliver food to 4 people. The Innkeeper will give the food.
– Talk to Innkeeper quest giver.
1 the same delivered food (hidden rewards)
x Coin
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)


Quests – Inhabitant Side Quest

* Inhabitant Side Quest is OPTIONAL *

You can skip it.
As long as you do not take an Inhabitant Side Quest Quest. You will not lose any Dynasty Reputation.
It is fine to have not taken an Inhabitant Side Quest for a time being until you are ready.

Unfortunately, currently the colour of the “!” and “?” is the same in the MAP.

– Only take Side Quest during days 1 and 2.
– Do not take any side quest on day 3 when the season nearly ends.
Because it’s automatic failed when the season changed.
* F5 = Quick Save.
Quick Save can be overwritten, every time F5 is pressed.
* F9 = Quick Load.
– Manually save before taking any quest. So you can reload if there’s a problem.
– Do not rely on Autosave.
– If the quest failed or bug. You can reload and ignore the Side Quest. Not Story Quest.
If the quest failed, you lose Dynasty Reputation.
– Side Quest reset every season changed. Also, their reputation rewards are different from each other.
* -1 to -5 Dynasty Reputation if you failed Side Quest.
* If you had a tool on equipping in one of the quick slots. Also clothing on equip.
A quest will use that first. This applies to any and all quests including Chapter Quest, Story Quest as well.


Quest – Inhabitant Side Quest: Random for each gameplay

– Objectives and Rewards are subject to change.
– Without Diplomacy->Diplomat – Tier 1 skill perk.

Side Quest: Night Hunt
Please see “Quest – Side Quest – Part 2” section for more detail.

Side Quest: Lavish Meal
Asking for Food Ingredient (Meat, Fish Meat, Flour).
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)
x Production Technology

Side Quest: Mouths to feed
Asking for Meat and Berry.
x Coin
20x Dynasty Reputation (received 20 D.R.)

Side Quest: Time to hunt
The quest giver would ask for Bow/Recurve Bow/Crossbow or Stone Arrows/Wooden Bolt or Stone Spear or Wooden Spear or Stone Knife.
125x Coin
A weapon or material or food
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Missing bow
Asking for Bow.
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)
x Production Technology

Side Quest: Food processing
2x Meat (0)
1x Flour (0)
1x Fruit Tart
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: House Renovation
1x Copper Hammer (0)
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Building Technology

Side Quest: Old Rags
Asking for Leather.
x Coin
1x Strawhat/Linen Thread
15x Dynasty Reputation (received 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Mushroom treatment
Variety of mushrooms and herbs.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Survival Technology

Side Quest: This mine is mine
Hunt: Bear 0/1
5x Iron Bar
x Coin
30x Dynasty Renovation (received: 30 D.R.)

Side Quest: Sewing problem
3x Wool (0)
1x Wool Thread
x Coin
15x Dynasty Reputation (Received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Have you heard of the trading village?
(Quest giver give +300 Coin)
300x Coin (Buy a Noble Boots from Seamster for 300 Coin)
Talk to the Quest giver

1. Here you go, the boots you wanted.

2. I was attacked on my way here.
The bandits stole the boots I was supposed to bring you.
I’m sorry. (LIE)

Pick option. 1.
– Option 1 (honest, -1 Noble Boots)
75x Coin
??x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)

– Option 2 (lie, keep 1 Noble Boots)
-10x Dynasty Reputation
-1x Dynasty Reputation
(loss: 11 D.R.)
Side Quest Failed.

Side Quest: Iron Shortage
Asking for Iron Bar x3 (0)
+20 Coin (hidden reward)
13x Iron Arrow
15x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)

Side Quest: Thirst
Asking to drink from your Waterskin, if the Waterskin is 4/4, the quest giver just wants to drink from it once.
x Coin
20x Dynasty Reputation (received: 20 D.R.)

Side Quest: Destroyed crops
Asking for Grain.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Farming Technology

Side Quest: Starving hunter
Asking for Food Ingredient (Meat, Fish Meat, Berry, Herb).
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Survival Technology

Side Quest: Warm clothes
Asking for clothing.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)
x Survival Technology

Side Quest: A challenger
Hunt: Boar or Wolf or Rabbit.
– Talk to the quest giver.
x Coin
10x Dynasty Reputation (received: 10 D.R.)

Side Quest: Berry Juice
Asking for Unripe Berry in Spring or Berry in Summer.
x Apple
10 Dynasty Reputation (received: 10 D.R.)

Side Quest: Animal overcrowding
Hunt: Deer or Rabbit.
– Talk to the quest giver.
30x Dynasty Reputation (received: 15 D.R.)
x Building Technology


Quest – Child Side Quest

* Child Side Quest is OPTIONAL *

You can skip it.
As long as you do not take a Child Side Quest. You will not lose any Dynasty Reputation.
It is fine to have not taken a Child Side Quest for a time being until you are ready.

Unfortunately, currently the colour of the “!” and “?” is the same in the MAP.

– Only take Side Quest during days 1 and 2.
– Do not take any side quest on day 3 when the season nearly ends.
Because it’s automatic failed when the season changed.
– Manually save before taking any quest. So you can reload if there’s a problem.
– Do not rely on Autosave.
– If the quest failed or bug. You can reload and ignore the side quest. Not Story Quest.
If the quest failed, you lose Dynasty Reputation.
– Side Quest reset every season changed. Also, their reputation rewards are different from each other.
* F5 = Quick Save.
Quick Save can be overridden, every time F5 is pressed.
* F9 = Quick Load.
* -1 to -5 Dynasty Reputation if you failed Side Quest.
* If you had a tool on equipping in one of the quick slots. Also clothing on equip.
A quest will use that first. This applies to any and all quests including Chapter Quest, Story Quest as well.

The quest can fail.

Objectives and Rewards are subject to change.

Side Quest: BOY!
Hunt: Boar/Deer 0/4
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.

Talk to your son.

10x Dynasty Reputation (received 10 D.R.)

Yes, your Heir / Son, is coming with you for the hunt.

* After you have completed the quest, your son should walk home by himself.

Side Quest: Just like papa
Asking for Wooden Spear or Wooden Hammer or Stone/Iron Knife or Stone Axe.
30 Dynasty Reputation (received: 30 D.R.)


Quest – Herald Quest

* Herald Quest is OPTIONAL *

You can skip it.
As long as you do not take a Herald Quest. You will not lose any Dynasty Reputation.
It is fine to have not taken a Herald Quest for a time being until you are ready.

Unfortunately, currently the colour of the “!” and “?” is the same in the MAP.


* F5 = Quick Save.
Quick Save can be overridden, every time F5 is pressed.
* F9 = Quick Load.
– Manually save before taking any quest. So you can reload if there’s a problem.
– Do not rely on Autosave.
– The Herald would be wearing red and blue clothing, like a joker style of cloth.
– The Herald name, the season they appear, and their quest are random.
– You have 1 year to complete the quest.
– If the quest failed or bug. You can reload and ignore the Herald Quest. Not Story Quest.
– There is no penalty if you do not take the Herald Quest.

– Ignoring (when not taken the quest) and failing Herald Quest would increase the chance of the current King dying when seasons change.
– Once you’ve reached an EXCELLENT status with the King, you might not receive anymore Herald Quest, however, this may or may not change in the future. If it does it will be random.
– This never changes King in Patch v0.4.0.2. Starting a new game is the only solution unless maybe you’ve taken and failed it on purpose.

– Failing the quest will cost you -1 Dynasty Reputation.
– The current King can die of young age.
– He will spawn from Gostovia or Hornica campfires and will walk into the tavern and stay there waiting for you until you complete the quest.

If he’s not in the Tavern, check the surrounding village.


* How to deliver to the Herald?

* Most likely he will ask you to store it in the Resource Storage chest or Food Storage chest, then go to tell him it’s ready to complete the quest.
* If you have fulfilled the objective request, and if you have a wife, you can also ask her to help you to inform the herald to complete the quest.

You have 2 options.
1. You can deliver it to him in person, all in one go.
2. You can have some portions in your RS/FS and some in your inventory.

You cannot deliver in person to the Herald pieces by pieces.
For example: When he asks you for 50 Meat, and you only have 20 with you or in FS.
There will be no options to complete it.
He will take it from RS/FS as a priority first before taking it from your inventory.

* If you have a horse it would be a lot easier since you can store it in the horse inventory for temporary transportation.

For food-related quests, it is better to use option 1.

For resources, it is better to store them in the Resource Storage chest and then go to the Herald to complete the quest.
For food, it is better to deliver in person, all in one go.
If you store it in the Food Storage chest, the inhabitant might eat it.

King title: Dobrogost 1 the Merciful.
King status: Good King.

See “Herald – List of King Title” section for more info.

– Dynasty Reputation Rewards are subject to change, depending on skill perk under Diplomacy->Diplomat – Tier 1.
– In here without Diplomat skill perk.

Trigger by: Good, Neutral, Bad King Title.
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Golden wedding

Asking for Coin: Coin x1500 (0)

250x Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Good, Neutral, Bad King Title.
Season: Autumn, Summer.

The Big Wedding

Asking for food:
Multigrain Bread x10 (0)
Fruit Pie x15 (0)
Meat Tart x5 (0)

300x Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Good King Title.
Season: Autumn, Summer.

Let’s make it better

Asking for building material:
Log x150 (0)
Stone x90 (0)
Iron Bar x60 (0)

250x Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Good, Bad King Title.

Great famine

Asking for food ingredient:
Flour x200 (0)
Meat x20 (0)

150x Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Good, Neutral King Title.
Season: Winter.

Kingdom for a chicken

Asking for food ingredient and crops:
Wheat x100 (0)
Meat x50 (0)
Fish Meat x25 (0)

250x Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Bad King Title.

Please Sir, can I have some more clothes?

Asking for clothes:
Fur Boots x15 (0)
Fur Hood x15 (0)
Simple Tunic x15 (0)
Strawhat x25 (0)

200x Dynasty Reputation

For example, if it displays Fur Hood x15 (1), it means you had 1 piece of equipment, and it will be used for the quest.
So make sure to double-check your own equipment before completing the quest.

Trigger by: Neutral, Bad King Title.

Cold war

Asking for clothes:
Fur Hood x5 (0)
Fur Boots x5 (0)
Joined Hose x10 (0)

250x Dynasty Reputation

For example, if it displays Fur Hood x5 (1), it means you had 1 piece of equipment, and it will be used for the quest.
So make sure to double-check your own equipment before completing the quest.

Trigger by: Good, Neutral King Title.
Season: Spring.

Business of war

Asking for Coin:
Coin x2000 (0)

150x Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Good King Title.

King’s big hunt

Hunt: Boar | Wolf 0/29
Check “Animal Location” section for more info.


Trigger by: Neutral King Title.
Season: Winter.


Asking for Coin:
Coin x150 (0)

100 Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Neutral King Title.
Season: Winter.

We need to feed

Asking for crops:
Wheat x200 (0)
Oat x200 (0)
Rye x200 (0)

250 Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Neutral King Title.
Season: Summer.

At the barricades

Asking for material:
Log x100 (0)
Stone x75 (0)
Iron Bar x50 (0)

200 Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Neutral King Title.
Season: Summer.

Time to rebuild

Asking for material:
Iron Hammer x15 (0)
Iron Axe x5 (0)
Wooden Hammer x5 (0)

150 Dynasty Reputation

Trigger by: Neutral King Title.
Season: Summer.

A war builder

Asking for material:
Iron Hammer x15 (0)
Iron Axe x5 (0)

200 Dynasty Reputation



