Medieval Dynasty Guide

Medieval Dynasty Ultimate Guide (All You Need to Know) for Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty Ultimate Guide (All You Need to Know)







* How to use MAP?

– “W” & “S” to zoom-in & zoom-out towards where the mouse cursor is pointing, or by using the mouse scroll wheel.

– Press “F” to tag Waypoint in and out into the MAP.
By pointing the mouse cursor in the MAP, then pressing “F“.

– Press+Hold “Left Mouse” click and drag in the MAP.


MAP Explanation

MAP reading from left to right:

– Current Temperature.
– Current Season.
– Current Time.
– Current Year.
– Current King’s name and title.
– Tax percentage (+ increase or – decrease), and Inhabitant Mood (+ increase or – decrease).

Patch v0.6.0.0
* Reordered parameters on map -> temp, hour, season, year.

Press “M” for MAP.

MAP Legend:

!” yellow = There’s a new story quest available.
!” yellow = There’s new side quest available.
?” yellow = Next available queue quest.
Trumpet” white = Herald has appeared in one of the towns.


MAP – Filter

Things you can find when using the MAP – Filter function
