Might & Magic VI Guide

Might & Magic VI Patches, Fixes, Tools, Mods & Hints [2021] for Might & Magic VI

Might & Magic VI Patches, Fixes, Tools, Mods & Hints [2021]


This short and simple guide will show you how to modify Might & Magic VI: Mandate of Heaven resulting in fixing bugs, nicer look and quality of life improvements. I’ve also added other tools you may use in your adventures, links to the mods, other resources like maps and helpful sites.

Adding Steam Grid Artwork

Because of the fact that Might & Magic VI was not sold separately but it was included with the Deluxe Edition of Might & Magic® X Legacy it doesn’t have Steam grid artwork. This is a pure joke when you paid something extra for Deluxe Edition and Ubisoft doesn’t even care to add such basic thing as artwork when even vaporware publishers do that.

If You want to have a picture/artwork as below

download artwork from [link] (direct link to one included in my library: [link].

After that right-click on the empty grid or on name of the game, choose Manage, then choose Set custom artwork, browse to your downloaded artwork, choose it and open it.

Done! Now it looks nice and shiny.

GrayFace MM6 Patch v2.4

GrayFace MM6 Patch is an unofficial patch for Might & Magic VI created by … GrayFace. It includes Mok’s patch and Angel’s patch. In addition to features like “Always Run” and “Flip On Exit”, it adds quick saves, changing controls, playing MP3 tracks, double speed mode, mouselook, and so on. It should run on new Windows versions without any problems (no need to set compatibility with Win 9x).

There are three versions of the patch – one for English localization, one for Russian localization, and one for other localizations.

Download GrayFace MM6 Patch v2.4 from [link] and install it to Might and Magic VI game location.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI

GrayFace MM6 Mouse Look Keys Settings

MM6 Mouse Look Keys Settings contains the setup for mouse look in Might & Magic VI. It was created by GrayFace.

Download Mouse Look Keys Settings archive from location: [link], extract it and copy its interior to the base game folder.

Modified keys values (you may also edit mm6.ini to your liking using notepad etc.):

WASD – Movement (default keys: arrows)
Q – Attack (default key: A)
E – Quick Spell (default key: S)
F – Jump (default key: X)
V – Land (default key: Home)
X – Quests (default key: Q)
F5 – Quick Save (default key: F11)
F8 – Quick Load (no default key)
Mouse Wheel Up/Down – Fly Up/Down

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI

Igroglaz MM6 “RPG” Cursor

Standard cursor, which is just default Windows arrow, brakes immersion of fantasy RPG. To fix that, player named Igroglaz created more immersing cursors.

You may download them from his website: [link].

Extract Cursors.zip archive and copy two files (MouseLookCursor.bmp and MouseLookCursorHD.bmp) to data folder of Your Might & Magic VI installation.

Default location of data folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VIdata

GrayFace MM6 MMExtension

MMExtension is a rich modding environment for MM6-8 created by GreyFace. It features a level editor, uses Lua scripting language, lets you use all commands of internal M&M scripts language and lets you do a lot of other things. In future it can be extended with commands modders need.

Download MMExtension v2.2 from location: [link], extract to folder and copy its interior to Might and Magic VI base game folder.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI

Launch game two times in the row to generate DataTables. On first launch you’ll get prompt with information about longer than normal launch time. It says it will take few minutes but it takes few seconds on current machines.

GrayFace MM6 Fixed Monster Treasure Script

Fixed Monster Treasure Script makes it so that moster treasure is generated when you enter a map and then doesn’t change upon reloading the game. It was created by GrayFace.

Download Fixed Monster Treasure Script archive from location: [link], extract to folder and copy its interior to Might and Magic VI base game folder.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI.

GrayFace MM6 Upscaled Textures

Upscaled x2 sprites and textures for MM6 and a script to make it work. Requires MMExtension.

Download MM6 Upscaled Textures archive from location: [link], extract to folder and copy its interior to Might and Magic VI base game folder.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI.

Tnevolin MM6 Skill Emphasis Mod

This mod corrects melee weapons damage scaling. While magic skill proportionally increases spell damage/effect, weapon/armor skills in vanilla game do not.

Forum post from Celestial Heavens: [link] with more info and download links.

Readme from Github: [link]

Information about installation: [link]

Download latest release, extract to folder and copy contents of folder to base folder of the game. Overwrite if asked to do so.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI.

Then, open mm6.ini in game directory and add following lines at the bottom

MMExtension=(path to the game directory)ExeModsMMExtension.dll

Other Tools – GrayFace MM6 Controls

MM6 Controls is a tool to set up keys for MM6. It changes [Controls] section in mm6.ini of GrayFace Patch. It also shows key codes which you can use to configure the patches.

Download MM6 Controls v1.1 archive from location: [link], extract to folder and copy MM6Controls.exe to Might and Magic VI base game folder.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI.

Launch it from there to set up keys to you liking.

Other Tools – GrayFace MMEditor

MMEditor is is a fully-featured levels editor. You need to install it together with MMExtension. For details read MMEditor Readme.txt

Download MMEditor v2.1 archive from location: [link], extract folder and copy its interior to Might and Magic VI base game folder.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI.

Other Tools – GrayFace Solo Game Script for MM6/MM7

Solo Game Script for MM6/MM7 is a very basic solo game support script for MM6/MM7. Unpack this script into the game folder, run the game, press Ctrl+F1, write “vars.Party

Download Solo Game Script for MM6/MM7 archive from location: [link], extract to folder and copy its content to Might and Magic VI base game folder.

Default location of base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMight & Magic VI.

Run the game, press Ctrl+F1, write “vars.PartySize = 1” and press Ctrl+Enter. This will make you play solo. To play with 2 or 3 persons write “vars.PartySize = 2” or “vars.PartySize = 3” correspondingly.

Other Tools – Might and Magic VI Save Edit Tool

Might and Magic VI Save Edit Tool is a tool to edit the Save of Might and Magic VI, you can add stats, exp, items, gold (even gold piles you get from chests), food, levels, etc. You can even add some of the items like lockpick and leather pouch witch I believe are droped items from development of the game.

Download link: [link]

Big Mod – The Chaos Conspiracy Redone

The Chaos Conspiracy Redone is a modified version of … Chaos Conspiracy.

The Chaos Conspiracy is a fantasy/adventure game that uses the original Might and Magic VI game engine and map world. The adventure takes place in the vast world of Nimradur; a land of diverse topology, realms, populations, myths, customs, and ‘creatures’. The central game plot is unique, unfolds in nine ‘chapters’, and is supported by a plethora of local challenges. In Part 1 you will travel the same world as the original “Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven” but then, in Part 2, you will find a completely new world, crafted especially for the TCC universe. You will discover the legend of the creation of the world, reveal the mysteries, and the conspiracy of mighty enemies. Be also prepared to fight the Lord of Chaos himself in his domain. It was made with GrayFace modding tools and Corel Draw.

Link to original The Chaos Conspiracy: [link]

The original mod was made by Big Daddy Jim and later modified by Maestro and now by David Hernandez.

Link to The Chaos Conspiracy Redone: [link]

The Chaos Conspiracy Redone changes:

1. Start with more money.
2. Store open late hours.
3. Stable and Boat travel almost every day plus everyday area.
4. Six new quests that help prepare you better for those brutes in Kastution Waters. Three quests are at Ellesia, where you should go first. One quest is at Sutter’s Bay and it will take you to two other quests.
5. New textures, sprites, and models.
6. New helmets, shields, rings, books, and bows.
7. Two new towns. One in “The Far Reaches” and the other in “Glacier’s End”. They have shops that give services and NPCs for hire.
8. Monsters drop more money and useful stuff.
9. and other changes.

Download location: [link]

Install patch too: [link]

Optionally you can download mod from Nexus Mods website: [link]

Forum thread on Celestial Heavens: [link]

Other Fixes – Skip intro videos

Use -nomovie parameter

  • Right click the game’s shortcut and choose Properties.
  • Add -nomovie at the end of the Target.
  • Click OK. This shortcut will go directly to the main menu.

Disable intro videos in mm6.ini using the GrayFace patch

  • Install the GrayFace MM6 Patch.
  • Run the game to generate mm6.ini.
  • Open MM6.ini and ensure NoIntro= is set to NoIntro=1.

Starting – Creation of a squad, Main screen, Character screens, Spells, First steps in the game

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Basics:

  • Creation of a squad
  • Main screen
  • Character screens
  • Spells
  • First steps in the game

from [link] website through google translate:


Starting – Ten Good Tactics for Starting Off

Tips form Mandate Mania website:

  • Immediately work on a Master Water Mage!
  • Buy non-weapon-based skills for everyone (Learning, Meditation, Body Building) since they cost less than a magic item that would have the same effect.
  • Get learning to at least expert as quickly as possible.
  • Horseshoes are best used by mages who need a great deal more SP than, say, the Knight.
  • Everyone should get the bow skill
  • Essential spells include Wizard’s Eye, Cure Wounds, Fireball, Portal, and Beacon.
  • Always work on a quest. The experience gain from completing a quest almost certainly ensures a level-up.
  • Don’t “spread the damage”. When fighting, work on a monster at a time until it’s dead. Unlike real warfare, your enemies can strike just as hard when wounded as when at full health.
  • Shield and Protection from Magic work well when in crowded monster areas to slow down the damage. Ring of Fire works especially well in close quarters with a ton of monsters.
  • In a dungeon, when in doubt, click about. Check every torch if need be (it can net you 5000 gold in the Temple of Baa, for example.

Starting – Character Creation & General Information

Tips from Mandate Mania:

Not worth; instead use Knight or Paladin with bow skill; this is of course subjective.
Must have; just don’t select it while creating your character, buy it instead before getting to combat.
Must have; everyone should have it least at level one (get expert overtime).
Disarm Traps and Perception
Must have; both should be on same character; master them ASAP as you take a lot of damage from traps.
Must have; one of the more useful skills to begin with, especially since identifying things can get expensive; at least level 1, try to bring higher as soon as possible.
Useful; probably should be on the same character with Identify.
Must have; get expert for all characters as things get awfully expensive without this skill; not needed to start with, but you’ll want it before leaving New Sorpigal.
Must have; Spirit Magic at expert and Water Magic at master should be an immediate goal, but not at the cost of neglecting the other magical abilities; get Body Magic for the Paladin as Healing Touch is not worth it as with Spirit Magic at expert, Bless and Heroism affect the whole party; don’t forget to get Fireball for really mass killing.
Not worth; the effects are too small for it to work well for the party.
Meditation, Bodybuilding, and Learning
Very Useful, but should not be considered essential; you will probably want all your characters to become experts in these, but it can wait.
Must have; get them all as they add 2 skill points when you use them on a character. A good strategy is to save a few so that when you just miss the skill you want you can boost it with a horseshoe.
Must have; everyone should have at least level 1.
Useful; buy enchanted rings and switch your rings during combat as necessary to accommodate the various monsters on each turn (from fire to cold resistance etc…).
Wizards Eye
Must have; always be sure it was cast! Either hire someone to do it, or get the spell and do it yourself.
Must have; make them and use them in need.
Useful; use chests to store stuff for later, especially things labeled “Double Damage against Demons” 🙂
Enchant Spell
Must have; your moneymaker; learn it as soon as you can; buy items that are “enchantable” and cast enchant on them and then sell them back.

Starting – Helpful Steam Guides for Beginners

These Steam Guides I’ve found very helpful in starting a game:


Detailed Walktrough

Detailed Walkthrough from [link] website through google translate:


Characters – Classes, Levels, Basic parameters, Resilience parameters, Age, Negative conditions, Skills, Reputation, Fame, etc.

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Characters:

  • Classes
  • Levels
  • Basic parameters
  • Resilience parameters
  • Age
  • Negative conditions
  • Skills
  • Reputation
  • Fame
  • Record passes
  • Weapons
  • Armor and additional protection elements
  • Speed ​​of weapons and armor
  • Other equipment
  • Artifacts and relics

from [link] website through google translate:


Services – Temples, Temples of Baa, Training centers, Taverns, Markets, Shops, Buyers of things, Magic guilds etc.

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Services:

  • Temples
  • Temples of Baa
  • Training centers
  • Taverns
  • Markets
  • Shops
  • Buyers of things
  • Magic guilds
  • Nonmagical guilds
  • Teachers
  • Banks
  • Urban centers
  • Professional satellites
  • Transport and travel
  • Arena
  • A seer
  • Circus of the Sun

from [link] website through google translate:


Objects – Altars, Destiny cards, Obelisks, Dragon towers, Chests, Disguised treasures, Piles of skulls, Heaps of garbage, etc.

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Objects:

  • Altars
  • Destiny cards
  • Obelisks
  • Dragon towers
  • Chests
  • Disguised treasures
  • Piles of skulls
  • Heaps of garbage
  • Crystals
  • Swords in stone
  • Horseshoes
  • Fruit trees
  • Cooking pots
  • Sacks and bags
  • Boilers
  • Barrels
  • Fountains, pools, wells
  • Alchemical elixirs
  • Scrolls with messages

from [link] website through google translate:


Magic – General information, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Spirit, Mind, Body, Light and Dark Magic

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Magic:

  • General information
  • Fire Magic
  • Air Magic
  • Water Magic
  • Earth Magic
  • Spirit Magic
  • Mind Magic
  • Body Magic
  • Light Magic
  • Dark Magic
  • Explanations for some spells

from [link] website through google translate:


Monsters – People, Humanoid monsters, Elementals, Undead, Robots, Krigans, Lizards and Dragons, etc.

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Monsters:

  • Peasants
  • People, mostly warriors
  • People, mostly mages
  • Humanoid monsters
  • Elementals
  • Undead
  • Robots
  • Krigans
  • Lizards and dragons
  • Other animals and magical creatures
  • Explanations

from [link] website through google translate:


Things and Modifiers of Things

Amazing “mithril mine” of information on Things and Modifiers of Things from [link] website through google translate:

[link] [link]

Region Maps and Landscapes of Enroth (Russian Descriptions)

Region Maps and Landscapes of Enroth (Russian Descriptions) from [link] website through google translate:


Location Maps (Partly Russian Descriptions)

Location Maps (Partly Russian Descriptions) from [link] website through google translate:


Drawings of monsters and “Flora of Enroth” (Partly Russian Descriptions)

Drawings of monsters and “Flora of Enroth” from [link] website through google translate:


Schemes and the “Link of Worlds” (Partly Russian Descriptions)

Schemes and the “Link of Worlds” from [link] website through google translate:


Other Resources – World Maps (English Descriptions)

World Map

World Map with Annotations

Complete Map of Enroth with Annotations

Other Resources – Town Maps (English Descriptions)

All maps are from Mandate Mania – The Unofficial Guide to Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven website with last news on it from year 2000.

New Sorpigal



Bootleg Bay

Free Haven


Castle Stone

Castle Stromgard


White Cap

Silver Cove


Desert Resort

Paradise Valley

Other Resources – Dungeon Maps (English Descriptions)

Maps from Mandate Mania website:

Goblin Watch

Abandoned Temple

Agar’s Labratory

Caves of the Dragon Riders

Dragoons’ Caverns

Dragoons’ Keep

Icewind Keep

Shadow Guild Hideout

Silver Helm Outpost

Superior Temple of Baa

Supreme Temple of Baa

Temple of Baa

Temple of the Fist

Temple of the Moon

Temple of the Snake

Tomb of Ethric the Mad

Frozen Highlands

Castle Kriegspire

Caves of the Dragon Riders

Lair of the Wolf

Free Haven

New World Computing

Silver Cove

Helpful Websites

[link] – Might and Magic and Heroes of Might and Magic information, map, and mod website. Currently the biggest and best resource about those game series.

[link] – Celestial Heavens Might and Magic forum.

[link] – Mandate Mania. Great resources but with last news from staff from the year 2000.

[link] – Might and Magic VI: Mandate of Heaven Wikia.

[link] – GrayFace website with lots of content (patches. mods, scripts).

[link] – Russian site (use Chrome to translate the whole website) with tons of data including detailed maps.


[work in progress]
