A fairly straight forward guide to acquiring a few extras for your Minion Masters account. Published as Work In Progress.
Minion Masters is a strategic card playing tower game where you control a master that plays minions and spells to control a couple bridges to the other player(s) tower. It is all out war as each player attacks the other tower, as the last tower standing wins the match. This game is described as … “an addictive fast-paced hybrid of Deckbuilding & Tower-Defense. Play 1v1 – or bring a friend for 2v2 – and engage in epic battles full of innovative strategies and smart plays! Collect 200+ cards with unique mechanics.”
The best part is the game is free-to-play! Any in game purchases are completely optional.
Enjoy this guide intended to help you build your decks and collect more in game assets. Keep in mind, just like the game itself, that this guide is free. The information in this guide may become outdated as the game evolves. Please consider this guide a work in progress.
Ratings are appreciated!
…. “Because every game has to have them.”
Achievements in Minion Masters actually assists you in building your decks! With each achievement, you’ll acquire a set amount of in game currency (coins, shards or rubies) or an actual card as an additional reward.
This means that the Steam Achievements are more then just badges of honor for your profiles. They actually help with in game progression. I should also mention that the achievements appear to be hidden until unlocked on your steam profiles. However, you can actually track your own achievement progress in game.
Buying Power Tokens
Early on, you may or may not notice that you can actually purchase additional power tokens with either gold coins or rubies. I tend to use up gold coins on them to get additional cards and shards, (which are acquired when you spin tokens,) and save the rubies for specials in the daily shop offers.
Click on the power tower, and then go to the shop to get to this screen to buy more tokens.
In the daily shop offers, once in a while you will see an offer of 10 power tokens for 9000 gold coins. this is a good deal when you normally pay 1000 gold coins per token. I’ll get a screenshot of this the next time I see it, but it’s fairly easy to spot if it is available. The only problem with it is having the 9000 gold coins on hand to spend on it at the time it shows up.
Free Monthly Gifts
When you log into the game, you may see a large button on the loading screen entitled “Free Monthly Gifts.” This is simply an invite to get the newsletter in your email box, which you receive free items for doing so.
Note the “Free Monthly Gifts” button under the news feed.
Get DLC’s for Free!
Once in a while, you can pick up a DLC pack for free through the Steam Store on the Minion Masters store page. This usually happens for a limited time when a new DLC is released. Keep an eye out for new updates to the game and you might pick up some extras through one of these packs. Of coarse, the DLC’s are still available to purchase for anyone who may have missed out on the promotion.
Since I have missed out on a few of the expansion packs from their promotional periods, I would have to purchase them individually like anyone just finding the game. The point I want to make here is that you can get future expansions for free if you keep an eye out for them at the time of their release.
All of the expansion DLC’s will be listed in the sections below, and I will copy the contents of each DLC from their respective store pages so that you can read through them all in one spot. The goal here is less clicking around, you’ll have all the information on one page.
Now if you have money to burn, you can acquire a lot of extras by acquiring these packs. The cards they grant should have the option to be crafted in game with shards you acquire through power tokens and achievement unlocks. This means that buying the packs is ultimately optional. They may have some exclusive in game items, but they are simply meant to give players an edge by paying for additional in game items.
DLC Voidborne Onslaught
The first DLC I actually acquired the day I started playing Minion Masters during their promotion for Voidborne Onslaught. This package primarily gives you copies of the Colossus (Legendary) card, and a few other items listed below.
Personally, I am a huge fan of the Colossus. I use it in most of my decks…. more on that later.
3x Colossus (Legendary)
5x Succubus (Supreme)
20x Rammer
40x Nether Bat
40x Morgrul’s Ragers
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x Legendary Faction Box exclusive Voidborne Avatar – Animated Colossus! *
1x Legendary Faction Box exclusive Voidborne Emote – Animated Doompuffer!
* I love this animated avatar. I have used it since day one.
DLC Crystal Conquest
Another DLC pack I manged to acquire later on for free is called Crystal Conquest This is also available on the steam store. Yay, it adds lots of purple!
3x Lord-Sentinel Thelec (Legendary)
5x Guardian (Supreme)
20x Crystal Arcanist
40x Arcane Ring
40x Crystal Archers
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x exclusive Legendary Crystal Elf Avatar – Animated!
1x exclusive Legendary Crystal Elf Emote – Animated!
DLC Uprising
The latest DLC I was able to grab during the promotional period is Uprising. You will be able to get this expansion through the steam store.
3x Shen Stormstrike (Legendary)
5x Lightning Bolt (Supreme)
20x Zap Shrine
40x Jade Flingers
40x Blue Golem
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
3x Season Pass Tiers
DLC Nightmares
Thus far the only downloadable content that I used some steam wallet funds to purchase is the Nightmares expansion. Admittedly, I didn’t do my research on this pack. The legendary card that the pack actually gives you is not the one that they illustrate in the graphic design for the DLC.
3x Mal’Shar Shadowfork (Legendary!)
5x Demon Warrior (Supreme)
20x Shadow Whelp
50x Dragon Ball
50x Boomer
5x Power Tokens
1x Legendary Emote – Animated!
1x Supreme Avatar
DLC Charging into Darkness
I believe I just missed the promotional period on this one and didn’t bother to acquire it.
3x High-mage Leiliel
5x Leiliel’s Vortex
20x Border Patrol
50x Crystal Construct
50x Lone Scout
5x Power Tokens
1x Legendary Emote – Animated!
1x Supreme Avatar
DLC Zealous Inferno
This is one of the expansions I missed out on.
3x Caeleth Dawnhammer (Legendary)
5x Sun Burn (Supreme)
20x Banner Man
40x Brother of the Burning Fist
40x Legionnaires
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x exclusive Legendary Empyrean Avatar – Animated!
1x exclusive Legendary Empyrean Emote – Animated!
DLC Might of the Slither Lords
This is one of the expansions I missed out on.
3x Musketeer (Legendary)
5x Harbinger (Supreme) *
20x Rabid Prowler
40x Daggerfall
40x Slitherbound
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x exclusive Legendary Slither Avatar – Animated!
1x exclusive Legendary Slither Emote – Animated!
* I hate being on the receiving end of this card…
DLC Accursed Army Pack
This is one of the expansions I missed out on.
3x Bahra the Witchwolf (Legendary)
5x Blastmancer (Supreme)
20x Undying Skeleton
20x Once Bitten
40x Skeleton Horde
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x exclusive Legendary Accursed Avatar – Animated Nyrvir’s Breath!
1x exclusive Legendary Accursed Emote – Animated Haunting Hugger!
The Upgrade DLC’s
The Premium Upgrade and the All Masters Upgrade DLC’s are not expansion packs. They were merely meant to reward players that purchase them with an edge against the players that don’t support the game monetarily. I’ll detail these rewards in the following sections.
DLC Premium Upgrade
The premium upgrade basicly boosts the rewards you would acquire in normal gameplay.
[link]DLC All Masters Upgrade
This is fairly straight forward. The DLC unloacks all of the Masters available in the game.
[link]Outlandish Operations Announcement
Today I noticed a blog post on the in game news feed regarding a new Outlander Expansion announcement. So in case you missed it, I’m posting it here! It seems the player base really wanted to see more outlanders, so they are focusing an expansion on them. Keep an eye out for the expansion to launch and the possibility of picking up another free DLC for Minion Masters.
The Outlandish Operations logo.
Redeem Codes
I intend to add some working codes that you can redeem in the shop in this section. Other guides have a long list of them. Some work, others don’t. I intend to weed out the ones that don’t and post working codes here only. If you find a broken code in this section, let me know! Thanks.
Deck Evolution
I’m not going to share too much information regarding cards and decks in this guide because the cards and even the game play is always evolving. How cards worked when I started playing and how they work now have changed over time.
Some exceptions may be made and I’ll write about a couple specific cards you want to look into, or some decent card combinations that I use in my decks. If you see a card mentioned in this guide with no other information with it, it’s so that you can look up the current evolution of that card in game.
Card: Colossus
My favorite overkill card, as long as I can get it to the enemy tower, is the Colossus. This card played by itself is quite bluntly intimidating to your opponent, because they do not want to see the Colossus up close having a conversation with their masters. The reason I mentioned the card here, aside from favoritism, is to tell you that there are cards that work really well with it.
Rampage: You’ve seen the Colossus slam a tower down, right? Casting Rampage on it gives something like twice the damage to do so.
The Colossus card is featured in the Void Onslaught DLC mentioned above.
Card: Ghost
The first time I noticed this card being used against me, it was right after I had cast a Colossus as the first minion on the board. The other player hadn’t cast yet, which made me think he was away from keyboard, so I played my biggest card. He was simply waiting to counter, and had the right card in his hand right away, the Ghost!
This minion will fly around looking for an enemy target to take control of, so you want to place it right by powerful minions that can’t target it. It’ll take a few seconds after they pick a target, but that target will either fall under control of the player running the ghost, or the ghost will die trying during the few seconds it has to take control. Try not to cast it by flying creatures or minions that can target flying creatures.
It is a really fun card to play, because if cast correctly, your enemy is essentially giving you high mana creatures to use against them. The match I mentioned above where someone got my Colossus ended very quickly. Well played. Save up the shards for this card, it is a must have.
Tip: If you do craft this card, you are also unlocking the achievement for crafting a Legendary.
A paragraph in the introduction is copied from the official Minion Masters store page.
Outlandish Operations logo image found here…
Various information is copied from the DLC store pages for the sections on each expansion.
Other Published Steam Guides
You can check out all of my Published Steam Guides here, the following guides I feel are related in one way or another.
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