ENDLESS™ Legend Guide

Minor Faction Unit Analysis for ENDLESS™ Legend

Minor Faction Unit Analysis


A Minor Faction analysis by their weapon proficiency against each other.Major Factions not included as of now.


This is yet another Minor Faction guide, and I decided to make this analysis more for my curiosity on the best Minor Faction units to recruit for military purposes.
Mostly subjective but using a context of base stats, numbers, and rock-paper-scissors scenario against each other.
Not including assimilation bonuses or Major Faction units at this time.

Big inspiration and references from below.

[link] I used Khaibit’s guide numbers to make a similar chart, with additional information.

Minor factions detailed information. from EndlessLegend

A Minor Faction infograph from Reddit had an excellent idea to present the Minor Factions in power charts, and will use that as an inspiration as a base for my guide.

Minor Faction Stats

This is the base information I will use to compare and analyze the Minor Factions. Several additional information like SPD RNG VIS are included for convenience sake, but not factored.

HP = Hitpoints
ATK = Accuracy / Critical
DEF = Defence
INI = Initiative
DMG = Damage
TOTAL = Sum of HP / ATK / DEF / INI / DMG
PRD = Production Cost
SPD = Movement Tiles
RNG = Range
VIS = Visibility Range

Sorted by each individual stat. Units having the same value are further ranked by their TOTAL value.

Kazanji are a beast of a unit, leading against the game’s main front-line tankers.
Dorgeshi are interesting in that the lead in both Initiative and Production Cost.

Sorted by class type and most total stats. Units having the same value are further ranked by the lower PRD value.

Tetike suffers from 2 range so that is a factor to consider in damage.
Note these rankings do not factor in weapon proficiency against each other.

Sorted by the lowest PRD value. Units having the same value are further ranked by their TOTAL value.

The more units you can produce or buyout, the less attached you feel when they die since it would be easier to re-make compared to a high production cost unit.

Weapon Proficiency

And now here is the meat of my own content. Think rock paper scissors except you use both hands instead of one.

These cage match tables use both Weapon Type 1 and 2 available. Supports are not included.
” > ” always have a weapon type advantage against their opponent due to the opponent not having an available counter.
” = ” either have the same skill (Stun vs Stun) or canceled out (Flyer with Range Slayer fighting against Ranged)
” < ” means they will always be at a disadvantage (these fights are in context of equal fighting conditions)

Bos and Gauran have identical weapon pools.
Dorgeshi are more effective against a larger pool of Minor faction units comparatively.
Geldirus have the highest base damage, but don’t have a strict weapon advantage over others.
Keep an eye out for Flyers and Sisters of Mercy.

Haunts have the most advantage over other Minor Faction units.
Kazanji have the best stats, but don’t have a large advantage with weapons.
Nidya are a lot cheaper to produce, and don’t have as big of a weakness to archers as Haunts do.
Make sure your Flyers are faster than Ranged archers.

The Stun / Sweepstrike type of Infantry don’t have explicit advantages over other units.
Sisters of Mercy and Urces enjoy weapon advantages, but to compensate for their lower stats, SOM have the most flexible weapon pool to switch to.

All the Ranged units have the same weapon type advantage/disadvantages.
The one caveat is the Magtay can do %HP damage, so they can fare better against bigger enemies.


That’s it! Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
Any feedback is appreciated, maybe I’ll develop this more with Major Factions if this takes traction.
