The basic Do’s and Don’t’s of Finding Bigfoot. How to capture, how to avoid injury, and how to gather resources. This guide will help clear up some of the misconceptions that I have encountered in the beta.
The Quick and Simple Run Through
Objective: Kill Bigfoot
Now this may seem unorthodox, but basically your primary goal here is to injure and basically incapacitate Bigfoot using a rifle and ammunition. When you first damage Bigfoot, you will see a health bar at the top center of the screen. When the bar is depleted, Bigfoot will become a ragdoll and lay motionless until you use the rope to tie him up. Once you have the rope bound around him, you must then drag him ever so carefully back to the cage at the spawn campsite.
Very rarely can you actually ‘hide’ from Bigfoot. The lights on the camper being turned off can’t hide you. Basically, your goal isn’t to hide from him at all, it’s to go after him! When you see him, shoot quick and chase as fast as you can. The quicker you shoot and apply damage, the quicker you win. Too many people want to make sure all of the lights are off and that they are hidden, when the focus should be finding and chasing Bigfoot. Hunt, don’t be hunted.
What to do when you spawn:
Basically you have two behavioral cycles for Bigfoot. In the daytime he runs from you, at night he attacks. When Bigfoot attacks, he will sprint towards one player, hit them for approx 33% damage, then sprint away. In order to inflict the most damage, shoot as much as you can while backpeddling away from him. Once he strikes and turns to run, chase after him full sprint and keep firing until you can no longer see him. Only use your health kit (medpack) after you have been hit twice or are at lower than 50% health. When you spawn, run and place as many traps and cameras as possible before night fall and fall back to the camper. If you are playing a 3 player coop, and only find 2 rifles in the camper, the 3rd rifle can be found inside the cabin on the island in the swamp. For 3 player games, the cabin in the swamp should be the first stop. Always make sure each player is fully stocked. Most important are guns, ammo, and rope.
Below is the Cabin in the middle of the island of the swamp. (3rd Rifle inside)
You can find Ammo, a gun, and a random pickup at the island in the swamp.
You can find a medkit in Bigfoot’s Cave (top right of map)
You can find more random pickups in the watch towers on the right side of the river and the little dead end paths around the lake.
You can also find a medkit and an easter egg in the cave near the valley in the mid-lower right side of the map.
How to communicate:
The beta game (so far) has no system for communication with your teammates. You would have to organize beforehand, utilizing Steam Chat, Discord (most recommended), Team Speak, Ventrillo…etc. Make sure you have a plan and work together.
The only way that you can avoid a Bigfoot attack is to be out of his range. When he attacks the trailer that you are stationed in, he can only attack one window or the door. If you see him running towards the door, get to the bunk bed or corner where cameras are kept. If you see him running at a window, move away quick, but get back to it and shoot him as he flees.
To get on top of the camper, stand on the gate for the cage and spam E and SPACEBAR together and you will fly about 30ft in the air. If you land on the camper or truck, no harm is done. If you take the full fall to the ground however, you will lose about 50% health. When you are on top of the camper, you cannot be attacked my Bigfoot.
When you “Kill” Bigfoot:
Make sure a player has rope and uses it to “capture” Bigfoot. Once he is tied, a player must drag him back to the cage at the spawn. The player who drags can move about half the speed of a normal walk, no don’t expect a quick process. You do not need to worry about any more attacks at that point, it is recommended that the other players spread out to find the bodies of the lost campers while the other player spends time dragging Bigfoot home.
When you see Bigfoot is incapacitated, Use your rope to capture.
Good Luck out there in Jasper Park! Be sure to add me on Steam for coop play!