Using these highly coveted, secret tips you will find your game has reached an unforeseen level of play that only well renowned highly skilled civ players (such as Yoruus, Arvius, BabaYetu, and Filthyrobot) seem to possess.1) Forward settle. Always. See your nearest neighbor in the early game? Count 4 spaces from his capital towards your’s. That’s where you’ll be putting your city. If you’re persistent enough with this you’ll get an offer from your unfortunate neighbor to raze your city for 500 gold. That’s where you’ll accept, buy another settler, and re-settle in the same spot. Civ is all about the mind game. 2) Harrass with your scout. See your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, or perhaps even the furthest civ from you. Go in and steal worker(s) and pillage tiles when possible. If the civ is far, delete the worker and retreat with your scout to find more targets to harrass. Later in the game, these players will offer you the best trade deals for peace because of your ruthlessness.3) Declare war early and without provocation. You meet a wandering unit from another civ looking for ruins, city-states, and potential settlement spots. The ‘right’ thing to do is to acknowledge their presence and offer a declaration of friendship. The -best- thing to do is to declare war and either kill their unit or retreat into the vast forests never to be seen again. You know how many mistakes players make in a constant state of fear from a smooth play like that? Tons.3b) Sometimes declarations of friendship are advantageous to masquerade the violence you will unleash as soon as you can start producing units in a few turns instead of several. Always make sure you renegotiate the friendship into an agreement where they will have to send you a lux, strategic resource, or gold… maybe even a city. This will let the others know that you are an MLG warlock bestowed with the tactical prowess of military generals all throughout history. If they do not accept your terms, remind them that you are not afraid to quit and ruin the game. This leads into point 4.4) Quitting is a tool to get what you want. Didn’t get a cushy salt/desert start ripe to be harnessed by desert folklore and petra? Ask politely if the host can remake. Fabricate any reason and be persistent. Later move to directed threats and employ the previous tips non stop until the host is forced to remake.5) Some general lobby tips. Quickly pick Huns or Spain: you will usually be asked to change your civ. Do so but also quickly change your difficulty to warlord, chieftain, etc and ready up. If you’re lucky you can get into a game where your citizens are happier based on your ability to deceive all others in the lobby with lightning reflexes. These reflexes also transfer over to great prowess in wars and quick response times. This tip can work vice versa: first change your difficulty lower than others, then line it up to the others’ when asked to do so. With that, also quickly choose Huns or Spain and you can unleash a reckoning no1 hase sen b4.More will come later ~6) Declare war on someone and buy or gather enough influence to get ally status with their neighboring city-states. This can allow the neighboring city-states to become kind of a nuisance and send military to pillage tiles in their cities, etc. Great reasons to do this are: you were insulted in chat privately or publically, he or she got the civ you wanted, and/or he or she managed to protect his or her settler/worker mere nanoseconds before your unit could steal it. Enraging stuff, why not reciprocate?