Ancestors Legacy Guide

[MOD] Village and Resource Generator Setup for Ancestors Legacy

[MOD] Village and Resource Generator Setup


Description of basic setup for villages and resource generators – one of the most important buildings on map

Creating a new village

So first you need to put a new village on the map.
Our village actors are called “BP_Bd_Warehouse_0x” and can be found in Blueprints/Buildings/Villages/

Connecting resource generators to a village

So you have village on map, but if you want village to generate resources you have to connect resource generators to it. You can find this actors here – Blueprints/Buildings/ResourceGenerators/

So first put few resource generators on the map, then select village on the map, find the My Resource Generator property and add few elements (same amount as resource generators you want to connect to this village). Click on Pick actor from scene and select recently added resource generator on map.


More configuration options for villages

So the basic village configuration is done.
Yet there is still a little more options for you to use if you want to.

  • Desired Player Index – use 255 for neutral village

  • My Village Houses – buildings that will come to your control after capturing a village – but they only functionality is to give you visibility in fog of war. They are in: Blueprints/Buildings/Villages.

  • Spawn Peasants Instantly – if you check this option the village will automaticaly spawns peasants that will go to resource points when the game starts.