This guide is to create your OWN Mods, including making Allies, Mounts and Costumes for your mod, then publishing it to Steam Workshop! I’ll update this guide later about how to make VFX.
Preparing for Modding
To prepare for Modding, we will need 2 Apps, and a Website. Let’s see about them !
1. Zoxel
You will need to download ” Zoxel “. Zoxel is an editor to modify every files of Trove game (QB files). We will see later on this guide how to use it.
Download Link : [link]
2. TroveTools.NET
You can install ” Trovetools.net “, but at the section where we build our mod, we’ll use the manual building too ( in-game ). So you’re not forced to download it, even if it’ll make it faster for us.
Download Link : [link]
3. Trovesaurus
Trovesaurus is a website we’ll use for our entire modding sections. It’s our ” database “. It’s here that we will download the mounts, allies, costumes and weapons that we want to modify.
Link of the Website : [link]
Modifying our first Costume!
Let’s go in the depths of the modding….
Instead of binary codes and all that passes from the head of other game’s Mod Developers, Trove modding is a bit easier. We’ll need to go on [link] to DOWNLOAD what we want. Let’s show you how to find your costume on the database ( essential for modding )
Firstly, search on Google ” *The Class you want* *Costume* Trovesaurus “. For example, I searched
” Boomeranger Level 10 Trovesaurus “.
Now, Magic or Not, the request is automatically putted first. Click it! Now, you may ask me ” What I need to find in here … “. No panic! Im here to solve that!
Click on the Text with the circle around ( I added it ). It will show you a list of all costumes, but it’s not what we want. Follow next steps to get to the bodyparts!
Now click ” Parts ” ( At the right of RIG ) and here they are! All bodyparts! Now click on Blueprint for EVERY bodyparts and accept the download.
No modder won’t create a “Modding” Directory. Create one on your computer!
When you’ll be inside this directory, create a folder for your mod ( Like Testy Boomeranger ? You take it ? No ? Well… )
When inside this folder, paste ALL the blueprints you collected during your small vacations on Trovesaurus. Then, you’ll need to go at
C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTroveGamesTroveLive ( If you use Steam ) to get to a brand new weapon that you’ll use for all your mods. I don’t use Glyph, so I recommend you searching the directory for it on Google. You’ll need to find the .bat ” devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB.bat ” and paste ALL the .blueprints ON the .bat ( Copy blueprints, right click devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB.bat ” and paste. ) You’ll need to go to
C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTroveGamesTroveLiveqbexport after that to find ALL the extracted files. Don’t take the .blueprints, and take ONLY the files with no letter after them ( for example, there’s a file called example.qb. Don’t copy example_a.qb, example_r.qb and all ). Paste thoses QB into your QBFiles folder that you’ll create inside the Mod’s folder.
Now, create another Folder in this QBFiles Folder, called Finished Files. It will do alot of work for us, since we will not have to verify which file we’ve modified and which we haven’t . Everytime you finish a file, put it in this folder.
Let’s modify, after all those lines wrote for the collect of the elements, our first element! Open Zoxel ( Or use the installer if you haven’t done it yet, then tick ” Create Icon on Desktop “, then go on it and click Zoxel ), click File ( UP-LEFT ) and then Open in the tab that just appeared. It’ll make a selection of files.
Be sure to click QB Files, either you’ll NEVER ( Yes, never ) find your QB File!
Now double click the file. You’ll access to a large selection of buttons. Refer to the image under this for more infos.
When we’re modifying an element, we must be sure he’s on the good axis. To change the axis, go at Edit ( UP ) then click ” Rotate Model X-Axis “, ” Rotate Model Y-Axis ” or ” Rotate Model Z-Axis “.
X-Axis is to rotate the down side of the model to the part where we can see it, Y-Axis is to rotate it to the Right side and Z is to rotate it to the UP side using the left.
On the image down, we show you a Pink cube. DONT MODIFY IT! If you do, the model will completely bug, and when you’ll connect to Trove, he will appear on the Head ! ( Nobody wants that )
Now, I did a small modification. I putted it to black.
How to make the mod ? Go to C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTroveGamesTroveLive then find ” devtool_dungeon_QB_to_blueprint.bat “. Do the same manipulation you’ve done as for the morph blueprint to QB ( Copy then paste in the .bat ) and you’ll not find anything in qbfiles, but a another blueprint version of this QB! We needed to morph the blueprint into QB to modify it then the QB into blueprint to see it in game. Now, go to C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTroveGamesTroveLiveblueprintsoverride and but the blueprint folder you have.
1 – Building the mod in-game
To build the mod in-game, do /buildmod title=”Mod Title” author=”Your Name” notes=”Notes” preview=”If you have something to preview put the file here ( like example.png) “. Reload the game just after this and look the part of the costume you modified!
2 – Building the mod from TroveTools.NET
Go in TroveTools.NET ( THE APP ) then go to ” Modder Tools “. Fill everything, put your .blueprint ( In add files ) then click ” Build .TMOD “. It will create your mod. Relaunch your game and enjoy!
The end ?
No! I’ll modify this guide later to add the VFX, Mount modification and Allies ( Even if it’s pratically the same as Costumes ) and Weapons. I leave you showing the final result of the Boomeranger !
Publishing to Steam Workshop
You have your .tmod and blueprints ? If you want your mod to be on Steam Workshop, perform this command ( In Trove ! )
/workshop upload title=”Title” author=”Your name” changes=”Notes about your mods” tags=”Tags ( Like Costume, Mount, Ally “
Now, peoples can download it!
Modifying Allies!
We’ll do like last time. Search ” < Ally’s Name > Trovesaurus ” on Google
Another time, it magically appears first! We’re gonna click the link
Then click on ModInfo
Then on Parts then download EVERY blueprints by clicking ” Blueprints “
Now, I’ll create a folder of my mod ( For me, Corrupt Qubesly )
Now I’ll create my QBFiles folder in it
Put the .blueprints in devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB.bat
Paste all QB’s inside the QBFiles folder and create a Finished Files folder
And now we are ready to mod it! Open Zoxel and take any bodypart of the Ally you want. I’ll create my Corrupted Qubesly!
Now, you can see the Head of Qubesly ( For me, but you can see any bodypart of your ally if you choose it ). The advantage of Qubesly’s head is that Head and Eyes are separated, and the head only have 1 Color. Let’s take advantage of this!
Ima just use the bucket to fill the color of Qubesly’s head with Black
Tadaaaaa! Now I just save the model
Put it in my ” Finished Files ” Folder
Get this QB to Live folder, then in ” devtool_dungeon_QB_to_blueprint.bat “
Now, I look in finished files and a Blueprint appeared!
So I put this blueprint in override ( You click blueprint, then override and put it in )
Now I just need to reload the game to see modifications in-game! Now, I made it, even if it’s strange, it worked!
Now, I just need to add the mounts… They are coming, don’t worry!