Monster Hunter: World Guide

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne [DLC] - 100% Achievement Guide for Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne [DLC] – 100% Achievement Guide


DLC “Iceborne” required! – Online Play required (1) – NO Missables

This Guide is about Iceborne

Since Iceborne doubled the achievements for Monster Hunter World, and most of you probably already unlocked all (or most) of the achievements from the base game, I decided to write a stand-alone guide for Iceborne.

For a guide on the base game, click:

And while I’m here, I want to tell you about the most important change in gameplay:

Clutch Claw Neophyte
Study the ways of the clutch claw.

There’s a good reason the clutch claw received it’s own achievement.
Because it can be used to deal A LOT of damage in a quest.

Once you’ve reached the new city, the smith will have an optional quest waiting for you.
This quest will be a 1* low rank tutorial. Do it as early as you can, make sure to memorize it, and get this achievement on the completion screen.


These are story-related and can’t be missed. Just progress through the “assignment” quests.

The True Hunt Begins
Hunt your first large monster in a master rank quest.
The Beginning of a New
Earn the right to take on one-star master rank assignments.

Obtained after hunting Beotodus
Time to Get Serious
Earn the right to take on two-star master rank assignments.

Obtained after hunting Viper Tobi-Kadachi
The Elusive Elder Dragon
Earn the right to take on three-star master rank assignments.

Obtained after hunting Barioth
Indomitable Spirit
Earn the right to take on four-star master rank assignments.

Obtained after hunting Shrieking Legiana
The Old Everwyrm
Earn the right to take on five-star master rank assignments.

Obtained after slaying Velkhana
An End and a Beginning
Solve the mystery of the Old Everwyrm.

Obtained after slaying Shara Ishvalda

Online / Multiplayer

There’s but one achievement that requires you to play online:

Helpful Hunter
Aid a low rank or high rank hunter on 10 quests as a master rank hunter.

Joining through SOS works.

Hunts & Quests

Keep hunting!

Hunter Prodigy
Hunt 100 large monsters in master rank quests.
Master Capturer
Capture 50 large monsters in master rank quests.
Master Slayer
Slay 50 elder dragons in master rank quests.

You should know the drill.
Base game elder dragons count, only thing that matters, is that they’re slayed in master rank.

Here’s an overview of all available elder dragons in master rank – for convenience:

Carried Over
New Variants
New Elder Dragon
Ruiner Nergigante
Blackveil Vaal-Hazak
Shara Ishvalda
Confronting the Unknown
Hunt your first variant monster.
Seen It All
Hunt 30 variant monsters.

Variants are a new type of monster, next to subspecies and tempered monsters.

The monsters, which count for these achievements are:

  • Shrieking Legiana
  • Seething Bazelgeuse
  • Savage Deviljho
  • Scarred Yian-Garuga
  • Blackveil Vaal Hazak
  • Ruiner Nergigante

Fate’s Conclusion
Slay Ruiner Nergigante in the Guiding Lands, removing the cap on
maximum master rank.

Now that I mentioned this fella’ both in the list of elder dragons and variants, how do you get access to him?
1) You need to get to master rank 99.
2) Guiding Lands. I wasn’t able to find any definitive info, but if all else fails:

  • Level the forest to at least 3 and trigger the Yian Garuga introduction cutscene
  • Level at least one region to 4
  • Aim for a level sum of 11, if not 12

Master of Masters
Reach master rank 200.

No recommendations on event quests with increased MR points, this time… because pretty much every 2nd event quest comes with those, now. Reading the ingame descriptions is faster than checking any list I could provide you.

Personally, I used this one, because a) I completed the quest in <15min with every random group and b) no one ever carted, which made this a comfortable choice for almost 1 MR per quest:
(Use the “Heavy Artillery” skill + the cannons for a solid damage boost)

Guiding Lands

This is post-story content. You’ll unlock the guiding lands, once you’ve slayed the Iceborne equivalent of the Xeno’Jiiva -> the Shara Ishvalda.

Let me say this… part of the community calls them the grinding lands.
Once you’re trying to unlock the following achievements, you’ll know why.

To the Land of Discoveries
Reach the Guiding Lands.
In Search of Rare Materials
Gather materials at rare outcrops and bonepiles.

Keep gathering ores/bones, until it unlocks the ‘giant’ spots.
Insatiable Investigator
Analyze 50 special tracks.
Evolving Ecology
Raise any region to level 7.

Requires the MR 99 assignment to be completed.

I won’t bother to explain you, what you have to do here.
Once you’ve reached the lands, two ingame tutorials are waiting for you, which cover all you need to know in order to unlock the achievements above.
That being said, check out this amazing guide, if you crave for more detailed information:

I wanna tell you something nice, though:

Put a decoration for the Fortify skill in your armor.
Fortify increases your damage by 10% upon your first cart, and another 10% for the second.
The guiding lands count as expedition, so you can cart how often you want.
This will, however, lower your rewards, so consider, if you really want to use this.

The effect will wear off after ~50min though, so depending on how long you want to grind, you might need to reset it once in a while.

Deft Digger
Capture a creature that loves to dig holes in the ground.
Creatures of the Earth
Capture a hole-digging creature from every region.

Misleading. The guiding lands consisted of 4 regions at launch.
By now, you only need to capture a Moly in 4 out of the 6
available regions. Doesn’t matter which.

There are actually 7 kinds of moles, spread all over the guiding lands.
The “normal” ones, simply called Moly, and 6 region bound ones:

  • Forest -> Mossy Moly
  • Waste -> Rocky Moly
  • Coral -> Fluffy Moly
  • Vale -> Spikey Moly
  • Vulcanic -> Rowdy Moly
  • Tundra -> Glacial Moly
  • Note, that these 6 can only be found, if the region they reside in is at least on level 5.

For the second achievement, you actually NEED to capture at least 1 out of the 6 special Molies and 1 normal one in three of the other regions.
Even though the Vulcanic and Tundra regions were added post-launch, they actually count for the achievement.

Daytime: Any, but increased during dusk & dawn
Captured by: Net
Ghillie Mantle recommended: Yes

For the exact locations, refer to this super helpful guide by RedSiskin:

Research & Gold Crowns

This chapter is an extension to the research & cold crown achievements of the base game guide! If you haven’t yet unlocked the following three achievements, do them before going for the new equivalents:

Monster Ph. D.
Miniature Crown Master
Giant Crown Master

You do NOT need the following monsters, which were added between the base game launch and Iceborne:

  • Kulve Taroth
  • Behemoth
  • (Ancient- &) Leshen

But you DO need:

  • Deviljho
  • Lunastra

You do NOT need the monsters, which were added after the initial release of Iceborne:

  • Title Update 1: Rajang
  • Title Update 2: Stygian Zinogre | Safi’Jiiva
  • Title Update 3: Furious Rajang | Raging Brachydios
  • Title Update 4: Alatreon | Frostfang Barioth
  • Title Update 5: Fatalis

The following monsters did NOT receive a Master Rank version, so you do NOT need to research them beyond the base game achievements. However, you DO need their crowns, if their size can vary:

  • [V] Bazelgeuse
  • [V] Deviljho
  • [V] Vaal Hazak
  • [V] Nergigante
  • Zorah Magdaros
  • Xeno’Jiiva
  • [V] – Has crowns to it and has a new variant, which IS available in master rank AND required for the achievements below.

And a fifth and final list.
There’s 1 returning monster and, additionally, 6 new monsters, which you DO need for the achievements. You’ll have to face and successfully hunt them in the guiding lands, before they are unlocked for optional quests and investigations:

  • Forest | First Visit -> Zinogre
  • Forest | Level 3 -> Yian Garuga
  • Forest | Level 6 -> Scarred Yian Garuga (spawnable with a normal Garuga’s lure)
  • Waste | Level 5 -> Lunastra
  • Waste | Level 6 -> Golden Rathian
  • Corals | Level 6 -> Silver Rathalos
  • R.Vale | Level 6 -> Brute Tigrex
  • With the exception of Lunastra, all of them received event quests – if you don’t feel like leveling the guiding lands. And for Lunastra herself – her crown is farmable with HR quests/investigations.

Monster Master
Maximize the research level for almost all large monsters.

You know the drill by now.

You should get most of the research done by going for all the other achievements. But if you want to farm a certain monster, remember to use either one of these two:

True Miniature
Crown Collector
Obtain a miniature crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
True Large
Crown Collector
Obtain a gold crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.

Here’s an overview for all event quests with increased crown chances.
Note, that you do NOT need to finish the quests. If you return from the quest (NOT abandon), all monsters killed or captured up until the return will be evaluated as if you would’ve finished the quest.

(If the monsters’ names are like this, they were already featured in the high rank quests or aren’t required for any achievements.)

Monster 1
Monster 2
Monster 3
Monster 4
Monster 5
Yodeling in the Forest
Yian Garuga
HeavyMetal in the Waste
Black Diablos
Savage Deviljho
Symphony of the Coral
Coral Pukei-Pukei
Ebony Odogaron
Rotten Canzone
Great Girros
Fulgur Anjanath
Acidic Glavenus
Alt Rock Recess
Azure Rathalos
Seething Bazelg.
Ballad of the Hoarfrost
Viper T. Kadachi
Shrieking Legiana
Stygian Zinogre
Further required crowns
Blackveil V. Hazak
Scarred Y. Garuga
GL Forest Lv.6
Waste Lv.6
Silver Rathalos
Corals Lv.6
Brute Tigrex
R.Vale Lv.6
Further required research
Shara Ishvalda

And for the event quests with guaranteed crowns:

The Greatest Jagras (HR)
Paolumu Lullabies
Nightshade Paolumu
Don’t Forget The Earplugs!
Yian Garuga
A Farewell to Zinogre
Giant / Miniature
(random; but always 1 out of the 2)
Brand New Brute
Brute Tigrex
Giant / Miniature
(random; but always 1 out of the 2)

The Youtuber Gaming with Abyss created 2 playlists of videos on how to measure every required gold crown. Here are the links to his playlists:

  • Mini crowns:
  • Large crowns:

Further hints are available in the base game guide, which I linked at the top.


Source of Relaxation
Spend some time in a natural hot spring.

While the devs gave you an awesome hot spring as part of your new base, they realised, that a true hunter only finds relaxation in a hunt.
… In other words, this only unlocks in the hot springs of the Hoarfrost Reach.

Master Explorer
Establish all camps in the Hoarfrost Reach.

The Hoarfrost Reach is the first and only area with 5 camps.
This can only be unlocked well into the story of Iceborne.

For a little help, watch the following video by Youtuber Gaming with Abyss:

Personal Treasure
Equip your first pendant.

There are several sources for pendants, but as far as this achievement goes, you just have to know, that you’ll receive a pendant as a reward for one of the main story assignments.
Once you got it, the game will display a tutorial on how to equip it.
I have nothing to add to said tutorial.

Devastating Offense
Obtain five extremely rare weapons.
Unwavering Defense
Obtain five extremely rare pieces of armor.

Only rarity 12 counts, so the ‘sparkling’ white rarity equipment.

Eager Engineer
Help the Steamworks 20 times.
Skilled Steamworker
Send the Steamworks into overdrive.

Operating the Steamworks requires fuel. You’ll get natural fuel for each successfully completed quest.
Additionally, you can trade Dragonvein ores for more fuel. These ores can be mined on all maps.

Now, just play the Steamworks’ mini game. Give the Steamwork operator some of your fuel and follow the instructions given in the tutorial displayed by the game.

Just play it 20 times and you’ll get the first achievement, regardless of the input.
Play often enough, and the bar at the top of the Steamwork fills itself. At first it’ll be yellow, the second layer will be orange and the third will be red. Once the third bar, the red one, is filled completely, you’ve reached the ‘overdrive’ state.

You can stop at any given time and just play a few quests. Your progress won’t be lost.

Change your room’s interior for the first time.
Interior Decorator
Have 50 different types of room decor to choose from.
Architectural Artist
Have 120 different types of room decor to choose from.

Rejoice! You can decorate your new home in Seliana.
And because it’s such an integral new part of the game and changes absolutely everything, it even got three whooping achievements.

As a heads up: There are way more than 120 types of decor, so you don’t have to do all of the things below.

The available sources for new decor, which I currently know of, are:

  • Given by the Housekeeper for free – mainly as part of the free title updates.
  • [A] Rewards for the completion of main story assignments. Need to be bought afterwards.
  • [A] 1 as reward for helping out on 10 low/high rank quests
  • [A] 5 as rewards for an overdrive at the Steamworks.
  • [A] 6 as rewards for completing all the lynian photo challenges in a region.
  • [A] 10 found as treasures
    • 2 – Ancient Forest
    • 1 – Wildspire Waste
    • 1 – Rotten Vale
    • 4 – Elders Recess
    • 2 – Hoarfrost Reach

  • [A] – Also required for other achievements

With the stuff above done, you already have this achievement unlocked.
But for the sake of completion:

  • Complete the optional quests & ->
  • -> the deliveries given by the housekeeper (also avail. in the hut next to your house).
  • 6 as rewards for the endemic life bounties.
  • [DLC] – Quite a lot of decors are only available through DLCs.
    This includes

    • all the monster statues
    • the “Cute” set
    • the “Intimate” set
    • the “Mini Model” set
    • the “Splendid Decor” set
    • the “Lil’ Bit of Glamour” set
    • and, hidden behind the “Deluxe Kit” DLC, the “Traditional” set

Maybe someone will write a guide about all decors and how to get them.
If so, I’ll link it here.
I won’t write that guide, though. Sorry.

Rare Pets

The first thing I want to talk about here is a new Felyne cooking skill:
Felyne Zoomaster

With this skill active, you’ll have a way better chance of finding the rare pets below.
The con: you’ll need a voucher to activate it.
The pro: once activated, you can permanently walk between the different maps in expedition mode. As long as you do NOT go back to any of the towns, the skill will stay in effect.

Here’s an awesome video on how to unlock it – by Youtuber Gaming with Abyss:

That taken care of, onto the achievements:

Another Miniature
Obtain your first miniature crown for capturing endemic life in master rank.
Another Giant Crown
Obtain your first gold crown for capturing endemic life in master rank.

Yes, more gold crowns!
But don’t worry, you only need one single crown. Each endemic life in master rank now has a size to it.
Just capture everything in your way and you should get the two achievements within a few quests.

Friendly Pointer
Capture a creature that seems to be pointing at something.

Name: Arrowhead Gekko
Daytime: Any
Captured by: Net
Ghillie Mantle recommended: No

This one is a special case among the achievement pets. Because there’s an event quest with a 100% encounter rate for it.
It’s named “The Lord of the Underworld Beckons” and takes you to the Rotten Vale.
It’ll then be in area 10 up the vines.

To make it easier for you: here’s a video by Youtuber Gaijin Hunter:

Apart from that, it’ll spawn whenever you’re close to a “sparkling” gathering spot for those items, which then turn into cooking ingredients; regardless of the map.

Sweet Melody
Capture a creature that creates a beautiful melody.

Name: Blue Diva
Daytime: Night
Captured by: Net
Ghillie Mantle recommended: No

This one can be found in the Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste and Coral Highlands.
The Blue Diva will NOT leave, if you fail to capture it – it’ll relocate. As such, it can also spawn at several positions on each map. For the Coral Highlands specificially, there are 2 seperated routes, where it can appear.

Here’s an amazing video showing you the full routes on AF, WW and one of the routes in CH – by Youtuber GLACIER EXAMS:

Fun fact: a Boaboa actually paw-swap’ed me one, while I was collecting the treasures in the Hoarfrost Reach. So you might do those first.

Golden Gleam
Capture a creature with a golden gleam in the Hoarfrost Reach.

Name: Goldspring Macaque
Daytime: Any
Captured by: Net
Ghillie Mantle recommended: Yes

The only location for this one is: Hoarfrost Reach | Area 2, 6 | In the hot spring.

While it can spawn in every quest for the Hoarfrost Reach, it has a 100% spawn chance for Area 6 in the “Monkey Business” event quest.

To make it easier for you: here’s a video by Youtuber PowerPyx:

Fun fact: as for the Blue Diva, the Boaboa actually paw-swap’ed me two of them, while I was collecting the treasures in the Hoarfrost Reach. So you might do those first.

Submerged Mystery
Capture a mysterious creature lurking beneath the water’s surface.

Name: Sealord’s Crestfish
Daytime: Night
Captured by: Fishing Rod | Baitbug
Ghillie Mantle recommended: No

The only location for this one is: Hoarfrost Reach | Area 8 | In the water

To make it easier for you: here’s a video by Youtuber PowerPyx:

Celestial Illusion
Capture a fantastical creature that floats through the sky.

Name: Wintermoon Nettle
Daytime: Night | Clear weather
Captured by: Net
Ghillie Mantle recommended: No

The only location for this one is: Hoarfrost Reach | Area 14 | At the mountain top

This one is super hard to figure out, so just watch the following video by Youtuber PowerPyx:

You do NOT need the Glider Mantle, even though he used it in the video.

Deft Digger
Capture a creature that loves to dig holes in the ground.
Creatures of the Earth
Capture a hole-digging creature from every region.

Since these 2 are tied to the guiding lands, I’ll go into them in the respectively named section above.

Palico Related

Alright, we got quite a few achievements related to palicos in Iceborne. Let’s dive into them:

First Ride
Use your first Raider Ride.
Experienced Rider
Use Raider Ride many times.

Not really that many times, tbh. Active use in ~20 quests, maybe.

The Raider Ride is the gadget of the palicos from the Hoarfrost Reach.
Once available, it only summons a mount, if you’ve avlready befriended the local grimalkyne tribe.

For a guide on how to unlock it, check out the one by Pink///:

Fledgling Observer
Complete your first request for the Lynian Researcher.
Outstanding Observer
Complete many requests for the Lynian Researcher.

The Lynian Researcher resides in the commando tent of Seliana.
Once he has an exclamation mark above his head, you’ll unlock his requests.
The game will then throw a tutorial on the screen, with instructions on what you have to do.

That being said, this is a little bit more complicated than it seems at first, so I wrote a stand-alone guide just for this:

Fledgling Collector
Find your first treasure.
Veteran Collector
Find all treasure within a single locale.
Ultimate Collector
Find all treasure.

With the arrival of Iceborne, the max. unity with a palico tribe increased from 5 to 10.
Once the unity reaches 6, you’ll unlock the ‘Paw-Swap’ with that tribe.
You can then visit the tribe at it’s camp/lair in expedition mode and start trading items for hints on treasure locations on that map.
As I wrote a few times before, the game will show a tutorial on how to do it.

Note, that you can fast-travel to the paw-swap locations, once unlocked! When opening your map, switch to the hide all icons filter and you’ll see it instantly.

When unlocking a new hint, it’ll be displayed like ->

Desired items include:
– Mega Potion, Max Potion, Lifepowder, Dust of Life
– Nutrients, Mega Nutrients
– Ration, Well-done Steak, Energy Drink
– Astera Jerky
– Tranq Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Farcaster
– All Barrels and Bombs – Small, Large, Bouncy
– Trap Tool, Pitfall Trap, Shock Trap
– Boomerang, Binoculars
– Fishing Bait
– Bowgun Ammo

Each grimalkyne has different interests and said interest returns after 4-5 cycles of trading 3 items.

For the exact treasure locations, check these videos by Youtuber Gaming with Abyss:

or visit the following website for a screenshot based guide:


Conqueror of the Hinterlands
Unlock all achievements for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

Thanks to Bruno Bucciarati for adding a 2nd location for the Golden Macaque

Thanks to babooshka for telling me, that I named a monster wrong. Won’t say which, since it’s hidden behind a spoiler tag above.

Thanks to Ганфайтер for noting an error with daytime info for Blue Diva

Thanks to Eymeil for adding Fish Bait as accepted items for Paw-Swap.

Thanks to Crème Dè Lá Mème?! for adding Bowgun ammo as accepted items for Paw-Swap.

Thanks to OrangeRaptor & Dorg4s for confirming, that the vulcanic special Moly is valid for the Creatures of the Earth achievement.

Thanks to Mr. Mxyzptlk for his input regarding the need of the HR only monsters’ crowns for the Iceborne crown achievements.

Thanks to AlphaXander for pointing out, that a miniature gold crown deviljho is guaranteed to appear in the “The Greatest Jagras” quest.

Thanks to Cicala Kid for adding another quest with 2 guaranteed crowns.

Thanks to Baffi for adding two more quests with guaranteed crowns.

Thanks to Baffi & Glitch for telling me, that the “Monkey Business” event quest features a guaranteed Golden Macaque spawn. (And an apology to Glitch, that I forgot to add it, after he posted it first.)

Thanks to tho_d for a) bringing a downside of my Fortify-GuidingLands suggestion to my awareness and b) telling me, that MR99 is not enough to unlock Ruiner Nergigante.

Thanks to RafaFlashMan for confirming, that Safi’Jiiva (and therefor most likely Alatreon) count towards the 50 MR Elder Dragons achievement.


I hope, this guide could answer you a few questions.
If so, I’d be happy, if you’d take the effort to leave a like or write a comment.

Please try to excuse my probably messed up grammar and spelling; still learning the language.

If you have any hints or questions, just post a comment.

Have fun playing Monster Hunter World: Iceborne!