Welcome To My Guide About Monsters! And How To Deal With Em!
Movement: WASD
Interact: F
Peek: Q and E
For Items Like The Flash Light: LMB
To Drop Items: RMB
By The Top Is The Upper Area! The Lower Area Is By The Bottom!
Top Has Pitfall Traps And Cameras!
The Bottom Has Steam Pipes!
And The Scary Cargo Area!
These Are Power Locked Doors You Need Fuses To Open These Up!
These Are Destroyed Doors You Need To Throw A Egg Timer Or Radio To Go Through!
Big Ol’ Brute!
This Guys A Bit Of A Tricky One To Deal With! So heres your best bet to deal with the brute!
Hes VERY DUMB use this to your advantage! he will go after any noise! he has a glowing light coming out of his head!
Thats what it looks like! Its very easy to see in the lower decks around decks 4 and 1!)
Try to stay quiet and use NOISE to your advantage! also hes very fast when running but slow when searching! Hes very easy to confuse even when running in giant circles!!! Also the Fire Extinguisher Works GREAT!Try Using CTRL and stay moving like that! Also hes HARD to tell where he is so be careful!DO NOT USE THE FLARE GUN OR ANY THING WITH FIRE ALSO DONT LOCK THE DOORS! Keep in mind he can use shortcuts in a chase! (heres why even tho hes stupid he can run fast and break doors very easily!) Try to throw NOISEY objects to where you want him to go and then run the opposite way!(even tho darkness is scary make sure its dark to see his red light easier!)
Audio Clues: Heavy Footsteps! LOAD ROAR!
Visual Clues: Glowing Light! Random Broken Doors!
OVERALL!: Smartness 1/3 Speed 3/3 Strength 3/3 Scariness 2/3!
That Slimy See Through Alien!
The Hunter! Well shes pretty scary! so LETS BEGIN!!!
So When roaming shes Medium paced! Shes VERY AGGRESSIVE! She also IMMEDIATELY COMES WHEN A CAMERA GOES OFF! She can come from eggsacs and vents!
Thats Pretty Scary! Its a good idea to use firey things here as it looks like a slushy mess!
It stays low To The Ground And In Dark Areas Its VERY HARD TO SEE, LIGHT IS YOUR BEST BUD HERE! so try to use fuses on lights (even tho its kinda a waste) THE FLARE GUN IS A BIG HELP! Speed during a chase is slightly faster than your walking speed! (locking doors helps too!)
Also Walking Is a Good Idea Too!
Audio Clues: Slimy Footsteps! LOUD SCREECHING NOISE!
Visual Clues: Eggsacs! More Vents Than Usual!
OVERALL: Speed 2/3 Strength 2/3 Smartness 2/3 Scariness 3/3!
Your Ghostly Fiend!
So Heres The Very Spooky Fiend!!! SO LETS BEGIN!!!
Well the fiend is a SMART one! So he can tell when a room changed! (like picking up ONLY ONE ITEM and he can tell you have been there recently!) so try to loot that area and DONT COME BACK!
Also Theres Almost NO AUDIO CLUES… So look for flashing lights! Also hes the fastest when searching! BUT VERY SLOW WHEN IN A CHASE! Also distractions dont work well as he goes there and IMMEDIATELY leaves! (you can also use this to your advantage! Flashlights Flicker as well!
try to use fuses on lights (even tho its kinda a waste) Also when in a chase has 2 NASTY TRICKS up his sleeve! Such As Locking Doors By You! (purple mist around doors!) And When your in his LOS he can FREEZE YOU ON PLACE FOR LITTLE BIT! (also theres a faint creepy sound in the backround when your in his LOS!)
Audio Clues: A Faint Creepy Humming Sound WHEN VERY CLOSE!
Visual Clues: Flicking Lights and Flashlight!
OVERALL: Scariness 1/3 Speed 1/3 Smartness 3/3 Strength 1/3!
To Check Out My Other Guide On This Game Look Up:
Monstrum! Tips And Tricks To Help You With Items And Escape!