MORDHAU Armor Encyclopedia (Patch 21!) for MORDHAU

MORDHAU Armor Encyclopedia (Patch 21!)


A complete encyclopedia of in-game armor, with ID’s, level requirements and prices.


Welcome to this great project, the sole purpose of which is to document all there is about in-game armor and clothing.

Warning! There are a lot of pictures, so they may take a while to load.

If any pictures are missing, just reload the page.

If you see any inaccuracies, then please tell me in the comments or DM’s.

If you like this kind of stuff, then check out the very nice MORDHAU Weapon Skins and Stats as well, made by my good friend Sajmonness! [link]
We also made a version for Peasant and other weapons! [link]

Game.ini Loadout Format

If you are here purely for the armor pieces, you can safely ignore this.

To make sense of the ID’s for all the armor pieces, first let’s break down how the loadouts work inside the Game.ini file.
This is how a typical loadout will look like:

CharacterProfiles=(Name=INVTEXT(“Typical Loadout”),GearCustomization=(Wearables=((),(),(ID=30),(),(),(),(),(ID=15),(ID=8)),Equipment=((),(),())),AppearanceCustomization=(Emblem=0,EmblemColors=(0,0),MetalRoughnessScale=0,MetalTint=0,Age=0,Voice=7,VoicePitch=242,bIsFemale=False,Fat=85,Skinny=85,Strong=85,SkinColor=0,Face=0,EyeColor=0,HairColor=0,Hair=0,FacialHair=0,Eyebrows=0),FaceCustomization=(Translate=(15360,15360,15840,12656,15364,12653,15862,0,15385,0,16320,15847,15855,15855,384,8690,8683,480,480,480,31700,480,480,480,15360,15840,18144,15840,31690,15850,15860,11471,11471,12463,12463,11471,11471,15840,15840,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7665,7660),Rotate=(0,0,0,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,0,14,0,0,12288,591,367,0,15855,15855,18976,0,0,0,0,18432,0,0,18816,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,655,335,0,0,15840,15840,0,0,15840,15840,0,0),Scale=(14351,14351,0,15360,0,15360,0,15855,0,15855,14336,0,0,0,14350,0,0,15855,15855,15855,15840,0,15855,15855,0,15914,6,0,15840,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15855,15855,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),SkillsCustomization=(Perks=0))

Let’s ignore FaceCustomization for now, and focus on GearCustomization.

Wearables are set up in a certain order, from Head to Feet:


For example, the Typical Loadout is equipped with nothing on the head, neck, waist, shoulders, arms, hands and feet, but has a Workers Vest and Workers Shorts with default colors, and no patterns.

CharacterProfiles=(Name=INVTEXT(“Colorful Loadout”),GearCustomization=(Wearables=((ID=121,Colors=(1,9),Pattern=1),(ID=1,Colors=(1,10)),(ID=17,Colors=(1,9),Pattern=1),(ID=10,Colors=(1,9),Pattern=1),(ID=2,Colors=(1,9),Pattern=2),(ID=5,Colors=(1,9),Pattern=1),(ID=7,Colors=(1,1),Pattern=1),(ID=12,Colors=(1,9),Pattern=1),(ID=7,Colors=(1,10)))

Meanwhile this loadout has custom colors and patterns.

Item ID’s are fairly straightforward, with the exception of Neck, Waist and Foot items.

Why? Because the ID’s for Neck, Waist and Foot items change depending on what Helmet, Chest and Leg item you have equipped respectively.

This should be it for the wearables section of the loadout, I will cover the rest of the loadout sections in a separate guide sometime in the future, so let’s begin the encyclopedia proper!


(Will be filled out later)

The most expensive item in the game is the Winged Greathelm, costing 100000 Gold.

The Eye Patch can show emblems.

There are 345 armor pieces in-game. (needs a recount)

The Scout’s and Hunter’s Hats are solid underneath:

Between Patch #17 and it’s first hotfix, players could equip both a Vanguard’s Kettle and Covered Flat Top:

The Executioner’s Hood was expected to be released in Patch #18, but was cut, but then was released in the 2020 Halloween Event.

Patch #21 added inaccessible armor pieces for the upcoming Eastern Invasion update.


Cpl. Corgi for Pictures, Item ID’s and Item Info

Sherbesh Lemel and his brother for Item Prices and Required Levels

u/OfficialAMCT for Winged Greathelm Patterns

KjKalle for telling me about the wrong picture on Landsknecht Sandals

u/PetMyPeePeePlease for the Metal Tints

u/catsmire for the New Items Section

Rvo for Info on Patch 19 Items

Imperialism for Info on the Kickstarter Helmets and Patch 17 Competitive Items

simple goose for Info and Pictures of the inaccessible Eastern Invasion Armor Pieces

Color Sets

Cloth Color Set:

Leather Color Set:

Fur Color Set:

Metal Color Set:

Metal Tint Color Set:

New Armor Pieces! (Patch 21)

{Tier 2 Head}

Decorated Morrion

ID: 154
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Refer to Decorated Morrion With Ear Guards for Color Areas.

Decorated Morrion With Ear Guards

ID: 155
Cost: 5500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

Open Hussar Helmet

ID: 153
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?

Winged Open Hussar Helmet

ID: 152
Cost: 18000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?

[Tier 3 Head]

Hussar Helmet with Face Cover

ID: 151
Cost: 10000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?

Winged Hussar with Face Cover

ID: 150
Cost: 25000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?


Duke’s Hourglass Gauntlets

ID: 23
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

[Tier 3 Legs]

Italian Leg Harness

ID: 28
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

Possible Future Armor Pieces (Patch 22?)

{Tier 2 Helmets}
Eastern Helmet

ID: 157
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: ?
Color Set: ?
Patterns: ?

[Tier 3 Helmets]
Eastern Helmet with Nasal Guard

ID: 156
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: ?
Color Set: ?
Patterns: ?

[Tier 3 Chest]
Eastern Armor

ID: 49
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: 1?
Color Set: Cloth?
Patterns: ?

Cuirassier Breastplate

ID: 50
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

{Tier 2 Legs}
Cuisses 2

ID: 29
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

Eastern Boots

ID: 13 (Italian Leg Harness)
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: ?
Color Set: ?
Patterns: ?

Head (Tier 1 Armor)

Peasant Cap

ID: 1
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None


ID: 2
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 13

Bishops Mantle

ID: 18
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: None
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 16

Chain Coif

ID: 19
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: None
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Padded Coif

ID: 20
Cost: ? Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Peasant Hat

ID: 22
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Maille Hood Lowered

ID: 53
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: None
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Maille Hood Spiked Lowered

ID: 54
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: None
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Archers Cap

ID: 55
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Archers Cap Feather

ID: 56
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Chaperone Hat

ID: 59
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Landsknecht Hat Feather

ID: 60
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 6
Level Required: 30

Refer to Landsknecht Hat for Patterns.

Landsknecht Hat

ID: 61
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 6
Level Required: 22

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Wanderers Hood

ID: 69
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Workers Hood

ID: 70
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

—Patch 17—

Hunter’s Hat

ID: 93
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 24

Scout’s Hat

ID: 94
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 16


ID: 97
Cost: Your Life (Winning an eligible Tournament)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Plague Doctor Mask

ID: 98
Cost: 7000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 14

—Patch 18—

Tight Hood

ID: 121
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 10

Pattern 2

—Patch 19—

Bag Hat

ID: 146
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

—2020 Halloween Event—

Executioner Hood

ID: 148
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Colorable Areas:

Head {Tier 2 Armor} Part 1

Spanish Kettle

ID: 2
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None


ID: 4
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15


ID: 5
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Flat Top

ID: 6
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Sallet Raised Visor

ID: 7
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None


ID: 8
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Viking Helmet

ID: 9
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Bascinet Raised Visor

ID: 12
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Barbute Raised

ID: 16
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 13


ID: 17
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Slitted Kettle

ID: 21
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Klappvisier Up

ID: 24
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Unvisored Klappvisier

ID: 25
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Klappvisier Italian Up

ID: 27
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Norman Casque

ID: 28
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Raised Gothic Armet

ID: 29
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 12

Domed Armet Raised

ID: 31
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 22

Point Armet Raised

ID: 33
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 16

Regular Armet Raised

ID: 35
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 15

Wedge Armet Raised

ID: 37
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 30

Painted Sallet Raised Visor

ID: 40
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 26

Refer to Painted Sallet for Emblem Position and Patterns.

Painted Sallet

ID: 41
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 26
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Royal Flat Top

ID: 42
Cost: 400$ (on Kickstarter)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Hounskull Raised

ID: 51
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Hounskull no visor

ID: 52
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

German Kettle

ID: 57
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

German Kettle Raised

ID: 58
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Burgonet No Buffet

ID: 63
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 25

Spangenhelm stripped

ID: 66
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 26


ID: 67
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 30

Norman Casque No Nasal Guard

ID: 68
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Painted Barbute Raised

ID: 72
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 21

Refer to Painted Barbute Visor for Patterns.

Head {Tier 2 Armor} Part 2

—Patch 13—

Veterans Barbute Plume Raised

ID: 77
Cost: 70000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Veterans Barbute Raised

ID: 78
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 11

Veterans Barbute Trim Raised

ID: 79
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 23

Veterans Helm

ID: 80
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 9

Veterans Helm Plume

ID: 81
Cost: 25000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Covered Flat Top

ID: 82
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Covered Flat Top Orle

ID: 83
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

—Patch 17—

Vanguard’s Kettle

ID: 90
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Vanguard’s Kettle Orle

ID: 91
Cost: 8000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Vanguard’s Kettle Strap

ID: 92
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 13

—Patch 18—

German Sallet

ID: 103
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

German Sallet Plume

ID: 104
Cost: 60000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

German Sallet Raised

ID: 105
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

German Sallet Raised Plume

ID: 106
Cost: 60000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

German Sallet Helm

ID: 107
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

German Sallet Helm Plume

ID: 108
Cost: 40000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Archer’s Sallet

ID: 109
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Italian Armet No Visor

ID: 114
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Italian Armet Raised

ID: 115
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Italian Armet Alt Raised

ID: 116
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 19

Head {Tier 2 Armor} Part 3

—Patch 19—


ID: ?
Cost: 600 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Black Sallet

ID: ?
Cost: 850 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Black Sallet Tilted

ID: ?
Cost: 850 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Black Sallet Visor Up

ID: ?
Cost: 850 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Black
Patterns: None

Painted Black Sallet

ID: ?
Cost: 1100 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Painted Black Sallet Visor Up

ID: ?
Cost: 1100 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Painted Black Sallet Raised

ID: ?
Cost: 1100 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Bretache Nasal Guard

ID: ?
Cost: 1200 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Covered Black Sallet

ID: ?
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Covered Black Sallet Raised Visor

ID: ?
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Covered Black Sallet Tilted

ID: ?
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Flat Face Bascinet Raised

ID: ?
Cost: 2100 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Pig Face Bascinet Raised

ID: ?
Cost: 2100 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Valsgarde Basic

ID: ?
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (?)
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Valsgarde With Ear Guard

ID: ?
Cost: 6600 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (?)
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Flat Face Bascinet Raised Plume

ID: ?
Cost: 35000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: ?

Pig Face Bascinet Raised Plume

ID: ?
Cost: 35000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: ?

—2020 Halloween Event—

Shame Mask

ID: 147
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Note: No longer available!

—Patch 21—

Decorated Morrion

ID: ?
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Refer to Decorated Morrion With Ear Guards for Color Areas.

Decorated Morrion With Ear Guards

ID: ?
Cost: 5500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

Open Hussar Helmet

ID: ?
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?

Winged Open Hussar Helmet

ID: ?
Cost: 18000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?

Head [Tier 3 Armor] Part 1

Flat Templar

ID: 10
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0 (1 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2

Pattern 2

Pointy Templar

ID: 11
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2

Pattern 2

Bascinet Visor

ID: 13
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Close Helmet

ID: 14
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2

Barbute Visor

ID: 15
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 14


ID: 23
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Klappvisier Italian

ID: 26
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 17

Domed Armet

ID: 30
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3

Point Armet

ID: 32
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 16

Regular Armet

ID: 34
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 15

Wedge Armet

ID: 36
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 29

Sallet Bevor

ID: 38
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Painted Sallet Bevor

ID: 39
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 7
Level Required: 26

Emblem Position

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Pattern 7

Royal Helmet

ID: 43
Cost: 400$ (on Kickstarter)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None


ID: 44
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Greathelm Band

ID: 45
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Greathelm Cloak

ID: 46
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Greathelm Paint

ID: 47
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 8
Level Required: 20
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Pattern 7

Pattern 8

Greathelm Band Paint

ID: 48
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 8
Level Required: 25

Refer to Greathelm Paint for Patterns.

Greathelm Cloak Paint

ID: 49
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 8
Level Required: 30
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Refer to Greathelm Paint for Patterns.


ID: 50
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Metal
Patterns: None

Burgonet Buffet

ID: 62
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 30

Conic Facemask

ID: 64
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Painted Facemask

ID: 65
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 15

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Painted Barbute Visor

ID: 71
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 22

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Armet Plume

Cost: 60000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Head [Tier 3 Armor] Part 2

—Patch 13—

Veterans Barbute

ID: 74
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 9

Veterans Barbute Plume

ID: 75
Cost: 80000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Veterans Barbute Trim

ID: 76
Cost: 5500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 23

Enclosed Flat Top

ID: 84
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Enclosed Flat Top Orle

ID: 85
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Visored Flat Top

ID: 86
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

—Patch 17—

Vanguard’s Kettle Buffet

ID: 87
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Vanguard’s Kettle Buffet Orle

ID: 88
Cost: 10000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Vanguard’s Kettle Buffet Straps

ID: 89
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 21

Heavy Barbute

ID: 95
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Champion’s Barbute

ID: 96
Cost: Your Life (Winning an eligible Tournament)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

—Patch 18—

German Sallet Buffet

ID: 99
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

German Sallet Buffet Plume

ID: 100
Cost: 70000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

German Sallet Buffet Raised

ID: 101
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

German Sallet Buffet Raised Plume

ID: 102
Cost: 70000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Italian Armet

ID: 110
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Italian Armet Alt

ID: 111
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 19

Italian Armet Alt Wrapper

ID: 112
Cost: 7000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 23

Italian Armet Wrapper

ID: 113
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 22

Reinforced Greathelm

ID: 117
Cost: 9500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 25

Winged Greathelm

ID: 118
Cost: 100000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 6
Level Required: 50

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Barred Savoyard

ID: 119
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 28

Smiling Savoyard

ID: 120
Cost: 30000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 45

Head [Tier 3 Armor] Part 3

—Patch 19—

Flat Face Bascinet

ID: ?
Cost: 13500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Pig Face Bascinet

ID: ?
Cost: 13500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Flat Face Bascinet Plumed

ID: ?
Cost: 34500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: ?

Pig Face Bascinet Plumed

ID: ?
Cost: 34500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: ?

Valsgard Faceplate

ID: ?
Cost: 64100 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (?)
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Valsgard Faceplate & Ear Cover

ID: ?
Cost: 64100 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (?)
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Valsgard Full

ID: ?
Cost: 64100 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (?)
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: ?

Rear View

—Patch 20—

Gallowglass Helm

ID: 149
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

—Patch 21—

Hussar Helmet with Face Cover

ID: ?
Cost: 10000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?

Winged Hussar with Face Cover

ID: 150
Cost: 25000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: ? and Metal
Patterns: ?


Any T1 Head duplicates you see here you do not have to re-buy.
Full list of ID’s at the bottom of the guide.

Footsoldier Gorget

ID: 1
Cost: Free
Color slots: 0
Color set: None
Patterns: None


Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Heavy Bevor

ID: 2
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Helmet Strap

Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Helmet Strap Open

Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Cloth Coif

ID: 3
Cost: 300 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Cloth Coif Lowered

ID: 4
Cost: 300 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Padded Hood

Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4

Refer to Padded Coif for Patterns.

Arming Cap

Cost: Free
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Gambeson Collar

ID: 5
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 13

Pattern 2

Gambeson Collar Open

ID: 6
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 13

Refer to Gambeson Collar for Patterns.

Fur Coif

ID: 7
Cost: 800 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Fur
Patterns: None

Hood Lowered

ID: 8
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color slots: 2
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Hood Widened

Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None


Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None


Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Aventail Lowered

Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Aventail Spiked

Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Aventail Spiked Lowered

Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Bishops Mantle

Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Bishops Mantle Lowered

ID: 9
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 22

Eye bandage

ID: 10
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color slots: 0
Color set: None
Patterns: None

Wanderers Hood Lowered

ID: 11
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Workers Hood Lowered

ID: 12
Cost: 500 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Cloth
Patterns: None

—Patch 13—

Veterans Basic Gorget

ID: 13
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

Veterans Gorget

ID: 14
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color slots: 1
Color set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Veterans Gorget Trim

ID: 15
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color slots: 2
Color set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

—Patch 17—

Eye Patch

ID: 16
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color slots: 2
Color set: Leather
Patterns: None
Has Emblem
Level Required: 20

Emblem Position


ID: 17
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 14

—Patch 18—

Hood Under Helmet

Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2

Refer to Tight Hood for Patterns.

—Patch 19—

Fringed Hood

ID: ?
Cost: 900 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Fringed Hood Lowered

ID: ?
Cost: 900 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Aventail With Liner

ID: ?
Cost: 1200 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Chest |No Armor|


Cost: Free
Color Slots: None
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Peasant Shirt

ID: 1
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 6

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6


ID: 12
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 22

Cloth Vest

ID: 17
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 6

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Wanderers Vest

ID: 29
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Workers Vest

ID: 30
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Chest (Tier 1 Armor)

Leather Armor

ID: 2
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Cloth
Patterns: None

Coat of Plates

ID: 7
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None


ID: 9
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Has Emblem

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Landsknecht Vest

ID: 13
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Has Emblem
Level Required: 19

Emblem Position

Leather Lamellar Cuirass

ID: 16
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Doublet Leather

ID: 18
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 24

Doublet Padded

ID: 19
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 14

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Checkered Gambeson

ID: 26
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem
Level Required: 15

Gambeson Coat

ID: 28
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 28

Chest {Tier 2 Armor}


ID: 3
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Coat of Plates Alt

ID: 8
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Chainmail Tabard

ID: 10
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Has Emblem
Level Required: 19

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4


ID: 14
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 12

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Plate Lamellar Cuirass

ID: 15
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 9

Chainmail Coat

ID: 27
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

—Patch 18—

Knightly Coat of Plates

ID: 41
Cost: 20000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 35

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Veteran Clad Cuirass

ID: 42
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Has Emblem
Level Required: 20

Emblem Position


ID: 43
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

—Patch 19—


ID: ?
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Chest [Tier 3 Armor] Part 1

Crude Cuirass

ID: 4
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None


ID: 5
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem
Level Required: 12

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Gothic Plate

ID: 6
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 20

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Footsoldier Cuirass

ID: 11
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Cuirass

ID: 20
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Maximilian Cuirass

ID: 21
Cost: 6500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Fluted Cuirass

ID: 22
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 23

Elizabethan Cuirass

ID: 23
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 17

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Padded Cuirass

ID: 24
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Hussar Cuirass

ID: 25
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 19

Draped Cuirass

ID: 31
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 9
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 3 Rear View

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Pattern 7

Pattern 8

Pattern 9

Knights Draped Cuirass

ID: 32
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 9
Has Emblem
Level Required: 21

Refer to Draped Cuirass for Emblem Position and Patterns.

Campaigners Draped Cuirass

ID: 33
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 9
Has Emblem
Level Required: 13

Refer to Draped Cuirass for Emblem Position and Patterns.

—Patch 13—

Elizabethan Cuirass Painted

ID: 34
Cost: 40000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Fluted Cuirass Painted

ID: 35
Cost: 30000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Hussar Cuirass Painted

ID: 36
Cost: 15000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Italian Cuirass Painted

ID: 37
Cost: 10000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 25

Maximilian Cuirass Painted

ID: 38
Cost: 50000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Padded Cuirass Painted

ID: 39
Cost: 7000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Veteran Cuirass

ID: 40
Cost: 6500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 22

Chest [Tier 3 Armor] Part 2

—Patch 19—

Kasten Brust Chest

ID: ?
Cost: 3600 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Burgundian Cuirass

ID: ?
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Burgundian Covered Cuirass

ID: ?
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Breastplate Over Jupon

ID: 48
Cost: 16000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Waist Part 1

Full list of ID’s at the bottom of the guide.

Short Gambeson

ID: 1 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Nordic Skirt

ID: 2 (Nothing, Crude Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem
Level Required: 30

Emblem Position

Coat of Plates Skirt

ID: 1 (Coat of Plates, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Coat of Plates Skirt Alt

ID: 1 (Coat of Plates Alt, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Leather Skirt

ID: 1 (Nothing, Leather Armor), 3 (Tier 3 Chest, Veteran Clad Cuirass)
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Gambeson Skirt (No Belt)

ID: 4 (Leather Armor, Crude Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Gothic Skirt

ID: 1 (Gothic Plate)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem
Level Required: 15

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Chainmail Skirt

ID: 6 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Has Emblem
Level Required: 12

Emblem Position

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Crude Plate Skirt

ID: 1 (Crude Cuirass)
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 3
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Lamellar Skirt

ID: 6 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Gothic Plate)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 8

Leather Lamellar Skirt

ID: 7 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Gothic Plate)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Waist Part 2

Longskirt Divided

ID: 10 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem
Level Required: 15

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Longskirt Segmented

ID: 13 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem
Level Required: 28

Refer to Longskirt Divided for Patterns, they are the same.

Emblem Position

Longskirt Leather Strips

ID: 12 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 12

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Longskirt Single

ID: 14 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 4
Has Emblem

Refer to Longskirt Leather Strips for Patterns and Emblem Position, they are the same.

Longskirt Cover

ID: 11 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem
Level Required: 25

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Longskirt Cover Back

ID: 15 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem
Level Required: 10

Emblem Position

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Short Chainmail Skirt

ID: 16 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: (not sure)

Wanderers Skirt

ID: 11 (Workers, Wanderers, Cloth Vest)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Refer to Workers Skirt for Emblem Position.

Workers Skirt

ID: 12 (Workers, Wanderers, Cloth Vest)
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

—Patch 18—

Mail Over Gambeson Skirt

ID: 2 (Knightly Coat of Plates)
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 39

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Triangular Mail Over Gambeson Skirt

ID: 1 (Knightly Coat of Plates)
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 37

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

—Patch 19—

Scale Skirt

ID: X (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Maille Over Cloth Skirt

ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Colorable Areas:


ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Colorable Areas:

Waist Part 3

—Patch 19—

Scale Skirt (Old)

ID: X (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Maille Over Cloth Skirt

ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Colorable Areas:

Faulds (Old)

ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Colorable Areas:
[h3]Scale Skirt[/h3] [previewimg=20799171;sizeThumb,floatLeft;scale skirt new.png][/previewimg] ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest) Cost: Free Color Slots: 1 Color Set: Cloth Patterns: None [h3]Faulds[/h3] [previewimg=20799173;sizeThumb,floatLeft;faulds new.png][/previewimg] ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest) Cost: 3000 Gold Color Slots: 2 Color Set: Cloth and Leather Patterns: None Colorable Areas: [previewimg=20799178;sizeThumb,floatLeft;faulds new colors.png][/previewim

Scale Skirt

ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None


ID: ? (Kasten Brust Chest)
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Colorable Areas:

Shoulders Part 1

Gothic Pauldrons

ID: 1
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1 with Pattern
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2

Pattern 2

Shield Pauldrons

ID: 2
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Footmans Pauldrons

ID: 3
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Segmented Pauldrons

ID: 4
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Short Mantle

ID: 5
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

Cloth Cover

ID: 6
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 5
Has Emblem

Emblem Position

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Basic Shoulders Round

ID: 7
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Basic Shoulders Square

ID: 8
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Basic Shoulders Triangle

ID: 9
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Lamellar Shoulders

ID: 10
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Leather Lamellar Shoulders

ID: 11
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Knight Pauldrons 3×3

ID: 12
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 15

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Knight Pauldrons 2×3

ID: 13
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 14

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Knight Pauldrons 2×2

ID: 14
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 12

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Knight Pauldrons 1×3

ID: 15
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 10

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Knight Pauldrons 1×2

ID: 16
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 14

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Knight Pauldrons 1×1

ID: 17
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Fluted Knight Pauldrons 1×1

ID: 18
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 10

Fluted Knight Pauldrons 1×2

ID: 19
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 14

Fluted Knight Pauldrons 2×2

ID: 20
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 17

Shoulders Part 2

Bear Pelt

ID: 21
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Fur and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Wolf Chain Pelt

ID: 22
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Fur
Patterns: None
Level Required: 18

Wolf Pelt

ID: 23
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Fur
Patterns: None

Chain Pad Single

ID: 24
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Chain Pads

ID: 25
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

Leather Pad Single

ID: 26
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Leather Pads

ID: 27
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Knights Chain

ID: 28
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1, or 2 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 28

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Knights Rimmed Pauldrons

ID: 29
Cost: 6000 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1, or 2 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 30


ID: 30
Cost: 12$ (Supporter Pack)
Color Slots: 0 (1, or 2 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 4

Medallion Rimmed Pauldrons

ID: 31
Cost: 12$ (Supporter Pack)
Color Slots: 0 (1, or 2 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 4

Rimmed Pauldrons

ID: 32
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1, or 2 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 4
Level Required: 20

Pattern 2

Pattern 3 / 4

Wanderers Scarf

ID: 33
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Workers Scarf

ID: 34
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Shoulders Part 3

—Patch 13—

Veterans Pauldrons 2×2

ID: 35
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Veterans Pauldrons 1×1

ID: 36
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None

Veterans Pauldrons 1×2

ID: 37
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Veterans Pauldrons 0x2

ID: 38
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

Veterans Pauldrons Trim 2×2

ID: 39
Cost: 5500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Veterans Pauldrons Trim 1×1

ID: 40
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Veterans Pauldrons Trim 1×2

ID: 41
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Veterans Pauldrons Trim 0x2

ID: 42
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

—Patch 17—

Velvet Pauldrons

ID: 43
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 40

—Patch 18—

Cuirassier Pauldrons

ID: 44
Cost: 8000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 45

—Patch 19—

Brigandine Spaulders

ID: ?
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Pauldrons 1×1

ID: ?
Cost: 1600 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Pauldrons 1×2

ID: ?
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Pauldrons 2×2

ID: ?
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None


Crude Plate Arms

ID: 1
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Rear View

Leather Arms

ID: 2
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Gothic Arms

ID: 3
Cost: 4500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 30

Pattern 2

Brigandine Arms

ID: 4
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Gambeson Long Sleeve

ID: 5
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2

Pattern 1

Pattern 2


ID: 6
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Footsoldier Arms

ID: 7
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Landsknecht Arms

ID: 8
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 22

Vambrace Arms

ID: 9
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Long Sleeve Cloth

ID: 10
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Rolled Cloth

ID: 11
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Chainmail Arms

ID: 12
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Chainmail Arms Padded

ID: 13
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

Checkered Gambeson Short Sleeve

ID: 14
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Gambeson Tight Sleeve

ID: 15
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Splinted Arms

ID: 16
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Footmans Splinted Arms

ID: 17
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

—Patch 13—

Veteran Cuffs Plain

ID: 18
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Metal
Patterns: None

Veterans Cuffs

ID: 19
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 20

Veterans Cuffs Single

ID: 20
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

—Patch 18—

Archer’s Bracer

ID: 21
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

Cuirassier Arms

ID: 22
Cost: 6500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 45

Metal Trim

Archer’s Arms

ID: 23
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

Archer’s Bracer Akimbo

ID: 24
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 17

Short Mail Sleeve Over Cloth

ID: 25
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

—Patch 19—

Jupon Arms (Formerly Joupon Arms)

ID: 26
Cost: 600 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Jack Chains

ID: 27
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Short Mail Sleeve Over Plate

ID: 28
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: 2

Pattern 2

Italian Arms

ID: 29
Cost: 2900 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Arms With Reinforced Couter

ID: 30
Cost: 3200 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Alt Views


Wisby Gauntlets

ID: 1
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Chainmail Mittens

ID: 2
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Gothic Gauntlets

ID: 3
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 0 (1 with Pattern)
Color Set: None (Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 15

Pattern 2

Chain Gloves

ID: 5 (Bracers), 3 (Gambeson Long Sleeve), 21 (Archer’s Arms, Bracer, Akimbo), 22 (Short Mail Sleeve Over Cloth)
Cost: 300 Gold (Included with Bracers)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Hourglass Gauntlets

ID: 4
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 3

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Leather Gloves

ID: 5
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Crude Gauntlets

ID: 6
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Checkered Leather Gloves

ID: 7
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Long Sleeve Leather Gloves

ID: 8
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Cloth
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 10

Pattern 2

Basic Segmented Gauntlets

ID: 9
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 11

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Fanned Segmented Gauntlets

ID: 10
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 30

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Fluted Segmented Gauntlets

ID: 11
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Leather (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 5
Level Required: 20

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Supporter Gauntlets

ID: 12
Cost: 200$ (on Kickstarter)
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Wanderers Gloves

ID: 13
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Workers Gloves

ID: 14
Cost: 200 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

—Patch 13—

Veterans Single Armored Gloves

ID: 15
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

Veterans Folded Gloves

ID: 16
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Veterans Gloves

ID: 17
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Veterans Armored Gloves

ID: 18
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 15

—Patch 18—

Cuirassier Gauntlets

ID: 19
Cost: 5000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 45

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

—Patch 19—

Italian Gauntlets 1×1

ID: ?
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Gauntlets 1×2

ID: ?
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Italian Gauntlets 2×2

ID: ?
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

—Patch 21—

Duke’s Hourglass Gauntlets

ID: 23
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Leather
Patterns: None

Color Areas:

Legs |No Armor|


Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Baggy Pants

ID: 7
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 3

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Linnen Hosen

ID: 12
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 2

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Wanderers Pants

ID: 13
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Wanderers Shorts

ID: 14
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Workers Shorts

ID: 15
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Legs (Tier 1 Armor)

Hunters Hosen

ID: 1
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Landsknecht Pants

ID: 8
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 22

Riders Hosen

ID: 11
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

—Patch 18—

Joined Hosen

ID: 21
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 8
Level Required: 16

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Pattern 4

Pattern 5

Pattern 6

Pattern 7

Pattern 8

Light Cavalry Joined Hosen

ID: 22
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: 8
Level Required: 19

Refer to Joined Hosen for Patterns.

Legs {Tier 2 Armor}

Calf Guard Hosen

ID: 2
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Brigandine Greaves

ID: 3
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 25

Chainmail Hosen

ID: 9
Cost: 500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Padded Chainmail Hosen

ID: 10
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

Splinted Greaves

ID: 16
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Footmans Splinted Greaves

ID: 17
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

—Patch 19—


ID: ?
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Pattern 1


ID: ?
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Refer to Greaves for Patterns.


ID: ?
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: ?

Refer to Greaves for Patterns.

Legs [Tier 3 Armor]

Crude Chausses

ID: 4
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Footsoldier Leggings

ID: 5
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Gothic Leggings

ID: 6
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 1 (2 with Pattern)
Color Set: Cloth (and Metal with Pattern)
Patterns: 2
Level Required: 30

Pattern 2

—Patch 13—

Veterans Cuisses

ID: 18
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None
Level Required: 14

Veterans Basic Cuisses

ID: 19
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Elizabethan Leggings

ID: 20
Cost: 3700 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Metal
Patterns: 3
Level Required: 27

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

—Patch 19—

Kasten Brust Legs

ID: ?
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

Fluted Legs

ID: ?
Cost: 3000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal and Cloth
Patterns: None

—Patch 21—

Italian Leg Harness

ID: 28
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Color Areas:


Full list of ID’s is down below.


ID: 8 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts)
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Pointy Leather Shoes

ID: X, 3 (Pants), 9 (Landsknecht Pants)
Cost: Free
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Footsoldier Boots

ID: 1 (Pants, Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Footsoldier Leggings)
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Gothic Sabatons

ID: 1 (Gothic Leggings)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

Crude Sabatons

ID: 1 (Crude Chausses)
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Cloth and Leather
Patterns: None

Townsmans Shoe

ID: X (Pants, Landsknecht Pants)
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Chain Boots

ID: 7 (Riders Hosen)
Cost: 300 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Landsknecht Sandals

ID: 3 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Landsknecht Pants, Footsoldier Leggings)
Cost: 1000 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Cloth
Patterns: None

Laced Boots

ID: 1 (Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants)
Cost: 800 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None

Fur Boots

ID: 2 (Pants)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather and Fur
Patterns: None
Level Required: 11

Riders Boots

ID: 4 (Riders Hosen)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 12

Travelers Boots

ID: 8 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants)
Cost: 2500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 17

Folded Boots

ID: 5 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants, Footsoldier Leggings)
Cost: 3500 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Leather
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

—Patch 13—

Veterans Sabatons

ID: 8 (Riders Hosen, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings, Veterans Chausses and Basic)
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 10

Veterans Sabatons Spur

ID: 9 (Riders Hosen, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings, Veterans Chausses and Basic)
Cost: 4000 Gold
Color Slots: 2
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 30

Elizabethan Sabatons

ID: 12 (Elizabethan Leggings)
Cost: 3100 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None
Level Required: 27

—Patch 19—

Scale Sabatons

ID: ?
Cost: 2000 Gold
Color Slots: 0
Color Set: None
Patterns: None

Scale Sabatons With Spurs

ID: ?
Cost: 2200 Gold
Color Slots: 1
Color Set: Metal
Patterns: None

Metal Tints

Tint #1
Tint #2 | Level Required: 15
Tint #3 | Level Required: 70
Tint #4
Tint #5
Tint #6
Tint #7
Tint #8
Tint #9 | Required Level: 16
Tint #10
Tint #11
Tint #12
Tint #13
Tint #14
Tint #15
Tint #16
Tint #17 | Required Level: 110
Tint #18
Tint #19
Tint #20
Tint #21 | Required Level: 24
Tint #22
Tint #23
Tint #24
Tint #25 | Required Level: 27

Neck ID List

Footsoldier Gorget

ID: 1 (Nothing, Peasant Hat, Archers Cap, Archers Cap Feather, Landknecht Hat, Landsknecht Hat Feather, Chaperone Hat, Scout’s Hat, Hunter’s Hat, Barred Savoyard)
2 (Peasant Cap, Burgonet No Buffet, Close Helmet, Sallet Bevor, Painted Sallet Bevor, Regular Armet, Point Armet, Domed Armet, Wedge Armet, Burgonet Buffet, Plague Doctor Mask, Vanguard’s Kettle Buffet, Italian Armet Wrapper, Italian Armet Alt Wrapper, German Sallet Buffet)
4 (Barbute, Barbute Raised, Hounskull Raised, Hounskull no visor, Hounskull, Barbute Visor,
Painted Barbute Visor, Veterans Helm, Veterans Barbute Raised, Veterans Barbute Trim Raised, Veterans Barbute, Veterans Barbute Trim, Visored Flat Top, Enclosed Flat Top, Enclosed Flat Top Orle, Heavy Barbute)
5 (Raised Gothic Armet, Spangenhelm, Flat Templar, Conic Facemask, Painted Facemask, Greathelm Cloak, Greathelm Paint, Greathelm Band Paint)
6 (Pointy Templar)
7 (Eisenhut, Kettle, Spanish Kettle, Viking Helmet, Flat Top, German Kettle, German Kettle Raised, Slitted Kettle, Unvisored Klappvisier, Klappvisier Up, Klappvisier Italian Up, Klappvisier, Klappvisier Italian, Greathelm, Greathelm Band, Spangenhelm Stripped, Bascinet Visor, Covered Flat Top, Vanguard’s Kettle, Archer’s Sallet)
8 (Norman Casque, Norman Casque No Nasal Guard, Sallet, Sallet Raised Visor, Sallet Painted, Sallet Painted Raised Visor, German Sallet)



Heavy Bevor

ID: 2

Helmet Strap


Helmet Strap Open


Cloth Coif

ID: 3

Cloth Coif Lowered

ID: 4

Padded Hood


Arming Cap


Gambeson Collar

ID: 5

Gambeson Collar Open

ID: 6

Fur Coif

ID: 7

Hood Lowered

ID: 8

Hood Widened






Aventail Lowered


Aventail Spiked


Aventail Spiked Lowered


Bishops Mantle


Bishops Mantle Lowered

ID: 9

Eye bandage

ID: 10

Wanderers Hood Lowered

ID: 11

Workers Hood Lowered

ID: 12

—Patch 13—

Veterans Basic Gorget

ID: 13
11 (Close Helmet, Sallet Bevor, Painted Sallet Bevor, Wedge Armet, Italian Armet Wrapper, Italian Armet Alt Wrapper)
11 (Regular Armet, Point Armet, Domed Armet)
13 (Vanguard’s Kettle Buffet, German Sallet Buffet)
14 (Raised Gothic Armet, Burgonet Buffet)
15 (Veterans Barbute Trim, Veterans Barbute Raised, Veterans Barbute Trim Raised)
16 (Veterans Helm, Veterans Barbute, Visored Flat Top, Enclosed Flat Top, Enclosed Flat Top Orle)
17 (Conic Facemask, Painted Facemask, Spangenhelm)
19 (Klappvisier, Klappvisier Italian, Archer’s Sallet)
20 (Eisenhut, Kettle, Vanguard’s Kettle)
22 (Flat Top, German Kettle, German Kettle Raised, Spanish Kettle, Covered Flat Top, Klappvisier Up, Klappvisier Italian Up, German Sallet)
23 (Unvisored Klappvisier, Viking Helmet, Slitted Kettle, Sallet, Sallet Raised Visor, Painted Sallet, Painted Sallet Raised Visor, Spangenhelm Stripped)
25 (Norman Casque, Norman Casque No Nasal Guard)

Veterans Gorget

ID: 14

Veterans Gorget Trim

ID: 15
12 (Close Helmet, Sallet Bevor, Painted Sallet Bevor, Wedge Armet, Italian Armet Wrapper, Italian Armet Alt Wrapper)
13 (Regular Armet, Point Armet, Domed Armet)
15 (Vanguard’s Kettle Buffet, German Sallet Buffet)
16 (Raised Gothic Armet, Burgonet Buffet)
17 (Veterans Barbute, Veterans Barbute Trim, Veterans Barbute Raised, Veterans Barbute Trim Raised, Visored Flat Top, Enclosed Flat Top, Enclosed Flat Top Orle)
18 (Veterans Helm)
19 (Conic Facemask, Painted Facemask, Spangenhelm)
21 (Klappvisier, Klappvisier Italian, Archer’s Sallet)
22 (Eisenhut, Kettle, Vanguard’s Kettle)
24 (Flat Top, German Kettle, German Kettle Raised, Spanish Kettle, Covered Flat Top, Klappvisier Up, Klappvisier Italian Up, German Sallet)
25 (Unvisored Klappvisier, Viking Helmet, Slitted Kettle, Sallet, Sallet Raised Visor, Painted Sallet, Painted Sallet Raised Visor, Spangenhelm Stripped)
27 (Norman Casque, Norman Casque No Nasal Guard)

—Patch 17—

Eye Patch

ID: 16
1 (Tight Hood, Maille Hood Lowered, Maille Hood Spiked Lowered)
4 (Workers Hood, Wanderers Hood, Hood)
5 (Padded Coif, Chain Coif, Barred Savoyard)
13 (Peasant Cap, Plague Doctor Mask)
15 (Scout’s Hat, Hunter’s Hat, Chaperone Hat, Landknecht Hat, Landsknecht Hat Feather)
18 (Burgonet No Buffet)
21 (Bascinet Raised Visor)
22 (Peasant Hat)
23 (Eisenhut, Kettle, Vanguard’s Kettle)
24 (Archers Cap Feather, Archers Cap, Klappvisier Up)
25 (German Kettle Raised, Spanish Kettle, Klappvisier Italian Up)
26 (Unvisored Klappvisier)


ID: 17
2 (Tight Hood, Maille Hood Lowered, Maille Hood Spiked Lowered)
5 (Workers Hood, Wanderers Hood, Hood)
6 (Padded Coif, Chain Coif, Barred Savoyard)
14 (Peasant Cap, Plague Doctor Mask)
16 (Scout’s Hat, Hunter’s Hat, Chaperone Hat, Landknecht Hat, Landsknecht Hat Feather)
19 (Burgonet No Buffet)
22 (Bascinet Raised Visor)
23 (Peasant Hat)
24 (Eisenhut, Kettle, Vanguard’s Kettle)
25 (Archers Cap Feather, Archers Cap, Klappvisier Up)
26 (German Kettle Raised, Spanish Kettle, Klappvisier Italian Up)
27 (Unvisored Klappvisier)

—Patch 18—

Hood Under Helmet

ID: 15 (Plague Doctor Mask)
18 (Landsknecht Hat, Landsknecht Hat Feather, Hounskull, Visored Flat Top)
21 (Hounskull Raised, Conic Facemask, Painted Facemask)
22 (Klappvisier, Klappvisier Italian)
23 (Bascinet Raised Visor, Hounskull no visor, Archer’s Sallet)
25 (Peasant Hat)
26 (Eisenhut, Kettle, Flat Top, German Kettle, Slitted Kettle, Covered Flat Top, Vanguard’s Kettle, German Sallet)
27 (Archers Cap Feather, Archers Cap, Viking Helmet, Sallet, Sallet Raised Visor, Painted Sallet, Painted Sallet Raised Visor, Klappvisier Up, Klappvisier Italian Up, Spangenhelm, Spangenhelm Stripped)
28 (German Kettle Raised, Spanish Kettle)
29 (Norman Casque, Norman Casque No Nasal Guard, Unvisored Klappvisier)

Waist ID List Part 1

Short Gambeson

ID: 1 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
6 (Crude Cuirass)
18 (Doublet Padded, Gambeson Coat)
19 (Leather Armor, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Doublet Leather)
20 (Brigandine)

Nordic Skirt

ID: 2 (Nothing, Crude Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
3 (Gothic Plate)
4 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
5 (Leather Armor, Crude Cuirass)

Coat of Plates Skirt

ID: 1 (Coat of Plates, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
2 (Coat of Plates Alt, Brigandine, Plate Lamellar Cuirass)
8 (Wanderers, Workers, Cloth Vest)

Coat of Plates Skirt Alt

ID: 1 (Coat of Plates Alt, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
2 (Coat of Plates, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)

Gambeson Skirt (No Belt)

ID: 2 (Gothic Plate)
4 (Leather Armor, Crude Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
7 (Wanderers, Workers, Cloth Vest)

Gothic Skirt

ID: 1 (Gothic Plate)
2 (Leather Armor, Crude Cuirass)
5 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
6 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
9 (Wanderers, Workers, Cloth Vest)

Chainmail Skirt

ID: 3 (Coat of Plates, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Coat of Plates Alt)
4 (Gothic Plate)
6 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
7 (Crude Cuirass)

Crude Plate Skirt

ID: 1 (Crude Cuirass)
3 (Leather Armor)
5 (Gothic Plate)
7 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
10 (Wanderers, Workers, Cloth Vest)
12 (Coat of Plates Alt)
13 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
14 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)

Lamellar Skirt

ID: 4 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Coat of Plates Alt)
6 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Gothic Plate)
7 (Leather Armor)
8 (Crude Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Leather Lamellar Skirt

ID: 5 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Coat of Plates Alt)
7 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Gothic Plate)
8 (Leather Armor)
9 (Crude Cuirass, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Leather Skirt

ID: 1 (Nothing, Leather Armor)
3 (Any Tier 3 Chest, Veteran Clad Cuirass)

Waist ID List Part 2

Longskirt Divided

ID: 3 (Wanderers, Workers, and Cloth Vest)
8 (Coat of Plates Alt)
9 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Gothic Plate)
10 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
11 (Leather Armor)
12 (Crude Cuirass)

Longskirt Segmented

ID: 5 (Wanderers, Workers, and Cloth Vest)
10 (Coat of Plates Alt)
11 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Gothic Plate)
12 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
13 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
14 (Crude Cuirass)

Longskirt Leather Strips

ID: 4 (Wanderers, Workers, and Cloth Vest)
9 (Coat of Plates Alt)
10 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Gothic Plate)
11 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
12 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
13 (Crude Cuirass)

Longskirt Single

ID: 6 (Wanderers, Workers, and Cloth Vest)
11 (Coat of Plates Alt)
12 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat, Gothic Plate)
13 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
14 (Leather Armor, Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
15 (Crude Cuirass)

Longskirt Cover

ID: 1 (Wanderers, Workers, and Cloth Vest)
6 (Coat of Plates Alt)
7 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
8 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Gothic Plate)
9 (Leather Armor)
10 (Crude Cuirass)
11 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Longskirt Cover Back

ID: 2 (Wanderers, Workers, and Cloth Vest)
7 (Coat of Plates Alt)
8 (Coat of Plates, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
9 (Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
10 (Leather Armor)
11 (Crude Cuirass)
13 (Gothic Plate)
15 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Short Chainmail Skirt

ID: 13 (Coat of Plates Alt)
14 (Gothic Plate)
15 (Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine)
16 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)
18 (Doublet Leather, Chainmail Coat)
19 (Doublet Padded, Gambeson Coat)
20 (Leather Armor, Leather Lamellar Cuirass)

Wanderers Skirt

ID: 3 (Nothing)
11 (Workers, Wanderers, Cloth Vest)
14 (Coat of Plates, Coat of Plates Alt, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
15 (Leather Armor, Leather Lamellar Armor, Gothic Plate)
16 (Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Crude Cuirass)
17 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Workers Skirt

ID: 4 (Nothing)
12 (Workers, Wanderers, Cloth Vest)
15 (Coat of Plates, Coat of Plates Alt, Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
16 (Leather Armor, Leather Lamellar Armor, Gothic Plate)
17 (Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Crude Cuirass)
18 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Mail Over Gambeson Skirt

ID: 2 (Knightly Coat of Plates)
16 (Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
17 (Leather Armor, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Gothic Plate)
18 (Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Crude Cuirass)
19 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Triangular Mail Over Gambeson Skirt

ID: 1 (Knightly Coat of Plates)
17 (Doublet Padded, Doublet Leather, Gambeson Coat, Chainmail Coat)
18 (Leather Armor, Leather Lamellar Cuirass, Gothic Plate)
19 (Plate Lamellar Cuirass, Brigandine, Crude Cuirass)
20 (Footsoldier Cuirass, Padded Cuirass, Draped, Knights, Campaigners Cuirass, Italian Cuirass, Elizabethan Cuirass, Hussar Cuirass, Fluted Cuirass, Veteran Cuirass, Maximilian Cuirass, Painted Cuirasses)

Feet ID List

Because of how foot items work, they have different ID’s depending on what you have equipped on your legs, this is the full list of ID’s.


ID: 8 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts)

Pointy Leather Shoes

3 (Pants)
9 (Landsknecht Pants)

Footsoldier Boots

ID: 1 (Pants, Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Footsoldier Leggings)
2 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Chainmail Hosen and Padded, Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
3 (Crude Chausses)
4 (Landsknecht Pants)
9 (Elizabethan Leggings)

Gothic Sabatons

ID: 1 (Gothic Leggings)
3 (Chainmail Hosen and Padded)
7 (Elizabethan Leggings)
9 (Veterans Cuisses and Basic)

Crude Sabatons

ID: 1 (Crude Chausses)
2 (Landsknecht Pants)
3 (Hunters Hosen)

Townsmans Shoe

ID: X (Pants, Landsknecht Pants)
1 (Chainmail Hosen and Padded, Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
2 (Hunters Hosen)
5 (Elizabethan Leggings)

Chain Boots

ID: 1 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Calf Guard Hosen)
2 (Gothic Leggings)
7 (Riders Hosen)
10 (Brigandine Greaves)
11 (Elizabethan Leggings, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)

Landsknecht Sandals

ID: 1 (Riders Hosen)
3 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Landsknecht Pants, Footsoldier Leggings)
4 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Chainmail Hosen and Padded)
6 (Elizabethan Leggings)

Laced Boots

ID: 1 (Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants)
2 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings)
3 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen)
5 (Chainmail Hosen and Padded)
6 (Riders Hosen)

Fur Boots

ID: 2 (Pants)
3 (Riders Hosen)
4 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves, Footsoldier Leggings, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
5 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Crude Chausses)
6 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants)
7 (Chainmail Hosen)
8 (Elizabethan Leggings)

Riders Boots

ID: 3 (Elizabethan Leggings)
4 (Riders Hosen)
5 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
6 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings)
7 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants)
8 (Chainmail Hosen)

Travelers Boots

ID: 4 (Elizabethan Leggings)
5 (Riders Hosen)
6 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
7 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings)
8 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants)
9 (Chainmail Hosen)

Folded Boots

ID: 2 (Riders Hosen)
3 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves, Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
4 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Crude Chausses)
5 (Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen, Landsknecht Pants, Footsoldier Leggings)
6 (Chainmail Hosen)
10 (Elizabethan Leggings)

—Patch 13—

Veterans Sabatons

ID: 1 (Elizabethan Leggings)
2 (Calf Guard Hosen)
3 (Gothic Leggings)
4 (Pants)
7 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves)
8 (Riders Hosen, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings, Veterans Chausses and Basic)
9 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen)
10 (Landsknecht Pants, Chainmail Hosen and Padded)

Veterans Sabatons Spur

ID: 2 (Elizabethan Leggings)
3 (Calf Guard Hosen)
4 (Gothic Leggings)
5 (Pants)
8 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves)
9 (Riders Hosen, Crude Chausses, Footsoldier Leggings, Veterans Chausses and Basic)
10 (Workers and Wanderers Shorts, Baggy Pants, Wanderers Pants, Linnen Hosen, Hunters Hosen)
11 (Landsknecht Pants, Chainmail Hosen and Padded)

Elizabethan Sabatons

ID: 4 (Calf Guard Hosen)
5 (Gothic Leggings)
9 (Splinted Greaves and Footmans, Brigandine Greaves)
10 (Veterans Cuisses and Basic)
12 (Elizabethan Leggings)

To-Do List

– Full ID List for Neck Items

– Full ID List for all Patch 19 Items

– Level Requirements for Patch 19 Items

-Prices for:

Padded Coif (aka Padded Hood)
Peasant Shirt and Workers Vest
Short Chainmail Skirt
Coat of Plates Skirt
Longskirt Single
Basic Shoulders Round
Workers Scarf
Gambeson Tight Sleeve
Workers Shorts

Thank you for looking through this armor encyclopedia.

Change List

v1.0, 14th September | Guide Released!
v1.1, 16th September | Added Pics for Metal Tints
v1.1.1. 18th September | Fixed Level Requirement for #17 Metal Tint and added trivia for the Executioner’s Hood
v2.0, 21st September, 18:50 GMT+3 | Added All Patch 19 Items
v2.1, 21st September, 19:49 GMT+3 | Added the New Armor Pieces Section
v2.2, 22nd September | Added more Info for Patch 19 Items
v2.3, 30th September | More Info for Patch 19 Skirts and Pictures | 4000 Visitors!
v2.4, 3rd October | Hotfix 3 Update, New Waist Pictures
v2.5, 13th October | Kickstarter and Competitive Items Info Update
v2.6, 19th October | Halloween Update
v2.7, 8th December | Added All Patch 20 Items
v2.8, 14th April | Added All Patch 21 Items
v2.8.1, 21st April | Added All Inaccessible Eastern Invasion Items