Ever wondered how to add extra voice commands for your survivors on Left 4 Dead and not having to download anything from a random website? Since there is no workshop content to subscribe to; as most of you already know that only works for Left 4 Dead 2.So this guide will show you how to use more voice commands on Left 4 Dead, simply without downloading anything!
Get started: Enable Developer Console
The only thing you need to do is enable Developer Console through your game’s options:
Options > Keyboard/Mouse > Allow Developer Console > Enable > Done
Now, basically what you do is bind a vocalization (voice command) to a key, so that when you press the specified key it activates the voice command. To do that, press ` key under esc on your keyboard to open console and enter the following code into your console:
So, for example entering: bind “p” “Vocalize PlayerDeath” will have your survivor scream when you press the ‘p’ key.
List of Vocal Commands for All Survivors
Here’s some of the extra Voice Commands that you can use for all the survivors (Bill, Francis, Louis, Zoey) on Left 4 Dead when pressing your binded key:
- Vocalize PlayerWarnBoomer
- Vocalize PlayerWarnHunter
- Vocalize PlayerWarnSmoker
- Vocalize PlayerWarnTank
- Vocalize PlayerWarnWitch
- Vocalize PlayerKillThatLight (when there’s a witch and a player alerts others to turn their flashlights off, e.g. Lights off!)
- Vocalize WitchGettingAngry (e.g. “Stop, that witch is getting mad as hell!”)
- Vocalize Playerspotpisto
- Vocalize PlayerSpotAmmo
- Vocalize PlayerSpotFirstAid
- Vocalize PlayerSpotGrenade
- Vocalize PlayerSpotPill
- Vocalize PlayerIncoming (to alert for an incoming horde, e.g. “Here they come!”, which I personally can do when aiming at zombies horde and press Z to look at them)
- Vocalize EmphaticArriveRun (this one is to shout to other players to run, e.g. “RUN!”)
- Vocalize PlayerEmphaticGo (this makes Zoey say “moof moof” and Bill sound like a cow, but it doesn’t work in saferoom and start areas)
- Vocalize PlayerWatchOutBehind (when to alert another player that an infected zombie is approaching from behind, e.g. “Behind you!”)
- Vocalize Playerlookout
- Vocalize PlayerStayTogether
- Vocalize PlayerFollowMe
- Vocalize PlayerLookOut
- Vocalize PlayerLeadOn
- Vocalize PlayerMoveOn
- Vocalize EatPills
- Vocalize PlayerVomitInFace
- Vocalize PlayerChoke
- Vocalize PlayerDeath
- Vocalize Playergrabbedbytongue (e.g. “NO NO NO NOOOOOO!”)
- Vocalize ResponseSoftDispleasureSwear
- Vocalize ReviveMeInterrupted (when an incapped player is being revived but is dropped mid-revive, e.g. “Dammit!”)
- Vocalize PlayerFriendlyFire (when on friendly fire, e.g. “Ow, stop it!”)
- Vocalize HowitzerBurnEnd00 : “The fire’s out!”
- Vocalize PlayerIncapacitated (when a player is incapacitated, e.g. “Dammit, I’m down!”)
- Vocalize PlayerReviveFriend
- Vocalize Revivefrienddown
- Vocalize Revivedbyfriend
- Vocalize PlayerLedgeHangEnd
- Vocalize PlayerLedgeHangMiddle
- Vocalize PlayerLedgeHangStart
- Vocalize PlayerLedgeSave
- Vocalize PlayerLedgeSaveCritical
- Vocalize CallForRescue (to call for help when a player is trapped in a closet, e.g. “I can’t see a damn thing in here, let me out!”)
- Vocalize PlayerHelp (when an incapacitated player calls for help, e.g. “A little help, please!”)
- Vocalize SurvivorWasPounced (you must point at a survivor while saying it, e.g. “Hunter’s got Louis/Bill/Francis/Zoey!”
- Vocalize PlayerHealing (when the player alerts others that they must stop to heal (e.g. “Cover me! I’m gonna heal.”)
- Vocalize PlayerHealingOther (e.g. “Hold up, I’ll heal you.” “Keep shooting, I’ll heal you!”)
- Vocalize Askforhealth2 (e.g. “Louis, gimme your health pack.” – pointing at another survivor makes you ask for their medkits, even if they don’t have one)
- Vocalize PlayerYouAreWelcome
- Vocalize YouWelcome
- Vocalize PlayerAlertGiveItem (use this command as you throw a grenade at the infected at the same time, e.g. “Here take this!” “Merry Christimas.”)
- Vocalize PlayerNiceShot
- Vocalize Playerlockthedoorcheckpoint ( this command only works in saferoom and start areas)
- Vocalize ScenarioJoin
- Vocalize C7M3BridgeBreaks : “The bridge stopped!”
- Vocalize elevator_conversation (this is the conversation during No Mercy’s elevator ride, e.g. “I can’t get over how fast they all are; it’s not even fair. They’re not allowed to be that fast.”)
- Vocalize CrashFinaleGenerator2SpeakN : “Damn it, damn it damn it, dammit! GENERATOR! COME ON! DAMN IT!”
- Vocalize CrashFinaleTruckResp02 (it responses about the truck in Crash Course Finale)
- Vocalize CrashFinaleGeneratorBreakSpk : “POWER’S OUT! We gotta kickstart the generator!”
- Vocalize CrashFinaleGeneratorSpeak : “Powering it up… This will just take a second.”
- Vocalize CrashFinaleGenerator2onspk : Louis: “Sweet baby!” Bill: “Outstanding!” Francis: “HELL YEAH!” Zoey: “YESSS!” (these can be spammed)
*You can also use two simultaneous actions like laughing while reloading your weapon by using the following code in your console:
So for that example mentioned, to laugh while reloading ammo, use this code in console:
Vocal Commands for Bill
Now the following codes are character-specific commands, which are only for each survivor listed below.
Note that these commands are more specific than the previous ones but they are still under the vocalize command.
So to use one, for instance, you simply need to enter in console the specific code from below.
Vocalize DontBeAnAss : To hear Bill saying to Francis “Don’t be an a♥♥, Francis.”
- Vocalize DontBeAnAss : “Don’t be an a♥♥, Francis.”
- Vocalize NeedsHelpResponseLouisC2 : “I’m kidding, let’s go get him.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock051 : “What?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock515 : “Hello?” or “How ya doin’?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock536 : “Come and get us. We’re good to go.” or “Go on and head out. We’re ready.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock639 : “I’ll see peace back on earth if I gotta murder every one of these b♥stards with my bare ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hands.” … “Damn straight.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock556 : “Hey!”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock611 : “We’re fightin’ a war of attrition with a horde of brainless killing machines. I ain’t exactly optimistic about our chances.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock663 : “Whoa-ho-ho.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock696 and Vocalize FarmvampiresB : “They’re zombies, Francis.”(with Vocalize FarmvampiresB, Francis screws the army)
- Vocalize ConceptBlock712 :”Francis, what don’t you hate?” (Vests)
- Vocalize ConceptBlock715 : [Short laugh]
- Vocalize RiversideIsDeadSpecial1B : “What was that?”
- Vocalize Airport04_08a : “What did I tell ya? They’re trying to stop people from leaving.”
- Vocalize Airport04_08c : “Christ almighty…”
- Vocalize IntroFarm3 : “We just need to find the train tracks and follow ‘em.”
- Vocalize IntroFarm4 : “Al right, then, let’s do it.”
- Vocalize Farm02_path01a : “Damn straight.”
- Vocalize Farm05_path07b : “Settle down Francis. Just use that radio. They’ll come.”
- Vocalize Farm05_path09c : “The honest to God military.”
- Vocalize IntroHospital (this one is his opening speech at the beginning of No Mercy campaign) : “We can take the subway tunnels to the hospital. There’s a redline station not far from here.”
- Vocalize IntroHospital03 : “Might not be a bad idea to get off the street.” or “Good thinking.”
- Vocalize Hospital02_path03b1 : “Gotta find another way.” or “This seemed too easy.”
- Vocalize Hospital02_path03c1 : “Going to have to go topside.”
- Vocalize Hospital04_path01a : “I’ve smelled worse.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR05 : “Speak up, Francis. Your voice got all muffled from yer head being so far up yer a♥♥.” or “You know who’s gonna survive this mess, Francis? It ain’t the fella makin’ jokes.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom03 : “Nope. Gotta be a sailboat.” … “I ain’t stoppin’ the boat every 15 minutes to go look for gas.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom07 : “We’re out of track!”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom08 : “Shut up, Francis!” … “Both of you shut up.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom09 : “Zoey, I need you to trust me on this.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom15 : “Zoey… Christ, kid. We come back for our own.” or “Zoey… No one here is being left behind…”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom20 : “If we stayed, no one would have escaped.” … “Zoey. I can’t.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom22 : “It’ll do you good son.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom01a : “Shut up, Francis.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom04a : “”Cause we ain’t stoppin’ for gas.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom06a : “That’s not a sailboat.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom09a : “Zoey, we all made it (this far) together. That was my plan.” … “Zoey, we’re together and on our own. That’s what’s important.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom11a : [He sighs] “Come on. Let’s move.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom13a : “I’ll give you something to cry about, Francis.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom16a : “You gettin’ tired Francis? Tell you what: I’ll go find us a boat. Then I’ll come back, pick you up and carry you there.” or “I can go find a boat on my own, Francis. Why don’t you go back in the train car, shut your little eyes and have a good cry?”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom05 : “I keep telling you: we’re looking for a sailboat!”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom06 : “DAMMIT, Zoey! We trust CEDA! We trusted the military! And they left us to die! Do you think they’ll ever let us back in? We’re on our own, kid. It’s high time you started actin’ like it.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom07 : “We’ll find it, we’ll find it.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom003 : “Bah. Keep your computers, emails… whatever. Just give me a pen and paper.” … (“NOOO!”)
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom006 : “Not far at all. We find an island, make it ours. No more army, no more CEDA, no more horsesh♥t.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom009 : “Yeah. A couple of ’em. We get there in one piece, we’re gonna clear the island and spend the rest of our lives relaxing on the beach.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom010 : “Damn right I know how to fish, kid.” … “Tell you what: Once we clear the island and settle in, I’ll make you a pro.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom012 : “Cut the horsesh♥t, Francis.” … “They’re defensible, Francis. Far as we know, zombies can’t swim.” … “Speak up, son.” … “Noted. Let’s go.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom04b : “You know who runs around filling up things with gas? Idiots.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom10b : “Train ride’s over, you gotta focus. This isn’t gonna be easy.” or “Pull yourself together, if not for me then for them.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom003c : “They didn’t have electricity when I was born.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom014 : “You ever get tired of being an idiot, Francis?” This one doesn’t work, unfortunately.
- Vocalize InfoRemc7m2_seebarge01 : “You know how to pilot this thing, Francis?” or “No Francis, we can’t.”
- Vocalize InfoRemInfo_powerboat : (lines telling Francis it’s not a sailboat) “Francis, does it have a sail?” or “Not that boat Francis.” or “That’s not a sailboat.” or “Sail boat, Francis.” or “Sail boat, Francis. Sailboat.”
- Vocalize InfoReminfo_sunkboatthere01 : “Francis, that boat’s underwater.”
- Vocalize InfoReminfo_trailerboat : “Son, that’s a trailer and you’re an idiot.”
- Vocalize InfoReminfo_carnotboat : “Francis, that’s a car.”
*When someone in the group just died, using Vocalize PlayerMoveOn or Let’s go in default vocal command (Z + up) will make Bill say: “Come on people! If we make it, he didn’t die for nothing.” (it can be said a couple of times before it expires).
Vocal Commands for Francis
- Vocalize IntroCrashR21 : “I hate walking.” … “And it turns out I was right about that.”
- Vocalize Airport04_vana : “I hate vans.”
- Vocalize IntroHospital02 : “I hate subways.”
- Vocalize Smalltown05_path03a : “I hate the water.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom014 : “I hate fish.” … “Oh no, I like eating them. That’s one of the ways I let fish know how much I hate them.”
- Vocalize AynRandResponse : “I hate Ayn Rand.”
- Vocalize IntroAirport01bc : “I hate planes.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock709 : “I hate helicopters…”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock710 : “I hate hospitals. And doctors and lawyers and cops…” … “You know what I don’t hate? I don’t hate vests.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock712 : “You know what I don’t hate? I don’t hate vests.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom21a : “Nah, don’t worry, I hate boats too.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom002 : “I hate your good feelings.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom013 : “Start hating it.” … “I hate it now too.” … “I seriously doubt it.”
- Vocalize Airport04_08a : “Bill, I was the one who said that..”
- Vocalize Airport04_08b : “Holy sh♥t…” or “That sounds about right!”
- Vocalize Smalltown02_path01a : “How the hell do you know *that*?” … “Know what? I just realized I don’t care. Lead on.”
- Vocalize Smalltown04_path05a : “I’m comin’, Bill. Keep yer beard on.”
- Vocalize Farm05_path09c : “Sh♥t. Never thought I’d go lookin’ for the military.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock009 : “Well, let’s see: I’m Francis, and that’s Grandpa Bill and -THERE’S ZOMBIES OUT HERE OPEN THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DOOR.” or “Just open up the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ door.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock517 : “Uh, hello?” or “How ya doin’?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock023 : “We’re cops. Open up.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock040 : “Listen candy-pants, we can *make* you open that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ door.” or “Ah hell. Everyone but us is either a zombie or an a♥♥hole.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock044 : “Everyone but us is either a zombie or an a♥♥hole.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock049 : “What?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock527 : “Attention boat owner: We are the cops. I command you to pick us up.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock558 : “Have a heart, we got a helpless old man with us!”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock596 : “Attention Army: This is *coughes* the cops.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock607 : “What if just your beard starts to turn? Can I shoot that?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock629 : “Yeah whatever you say, Professor Monster.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock632 : “Most people’ll do anything if a cop tells ’em to. Trust me.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock633 : “Trust me.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock635 : “Hey, look on the bright side: Even if you don’t make it, I’ll still be really handsome.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock637 : “Long enough to know you got a pretty mouth.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock697 : “Whatever.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock721 : “Go to hell.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR02 : “I guess I DID tell ya.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR04 : “Alright, I’ll give ya that.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR06 : “Well, it’s pretty complicated. I don’t wanna bore you with a lotta complex fractions. But step one is we walk THAT way.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR08 : “Whoa. Musta hit my head in the crash. I’m okay now. I hate holicopters.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR10 : “Let’s just hike the hell out of here.” or “I already hate this place. Let’s get outta here.” or “Looks like we’re walking again.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR12 : “Yeah! Stupid helicopter.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR14 : “Terrific. Looks like we’re walkin’ again.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR16 : “That’s what I thought.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR18 : “”Cause it’s money in the bank. Remind me to explain gambling to you sometime.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR20 : “Well, I guess NOW we’ll never know, will we?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR23 : “And it turns out I was right about that.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR26 : “Don’t see what’s wrong with vests.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR27 : “Yeah, well–Next time someone offers us a ride, don’t SHOOT him!”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR29 : “Wait. WHAT happened?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR31 : “Or, in this case, a vampire.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR07 : “Oh my god, I hate Canada so much.” or “Guess I’ve been hatin’ Riverside all this time for nothin’ then.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR08 : “Ahhhh, I doubt it.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR09 : “Yeah ha ha ha. This is the one you wanna die in?”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR10 : [He laughs] “Nice one.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR13 : “Yeah… steam’s alright I guess.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom01 : “Is this the Keys? Because I don’t wanna live here.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom04 : “And why don’t we want any of these perfectly good boats? They look cool.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom05 : “Louis. Tell Zoey I don’t know what’s going on.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom06 : “Found one.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom13 : “I think those are Bill’s tears.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom16 : “Hey Bill, I think I mighta missed the finer points in your plan. I caught all the train stuff. Something about a boat to an island paradise. But I missed the part where we’re stranded in the middle of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nowhere.” … “I’m goin’, I’m goin’.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom17 : “Yeah! Sandy beaches. Coconuts. Sand. Beaches. Sand… Wait a minute, I hate islands.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom21 : “Aye, Aye Captain.” or “Bill, when you sailed ships were they all still made of wood?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom07a : “What? We’re not even gonna try driving it on the ground?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom12a : “Really? This is you p♥ssed?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom14a : “Hey, I ain’t the one that thought we could drive a frickin’ train through the ocean.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom18a : “Okay. I vote for the island paradise where we don’t have to fight any more zombies.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom03 : “Louis, if you don’t stop being positive, I’m gonna sink the boat just to make you sad.” … “About to die in a brick factory? Cause I’m about to do that too. And I got to complain about sh♥t the whole time.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom05a : “Okay. But why didn’t we drive one of those boats to go look for a sail boat?”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom001 : “I wish I was heading to a deserted island. Can we each get our own?”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom008 : “Why don’t we just live on the boat?” … “Well, there was that ship back there.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom015 : “The vampires wants to kill us, the army wants to kill us. With our luck, Zoey probably crossed the mob. What the hell makes you think we’re gonna live to see Bill’s horrible ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ island in the keys?”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom006a : “No more vampires.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom012a : “Jesus, have you ever been to an island? They’re ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horrible.” … “They’re not the only ones…” … “I hate this plan.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom016a : “I mean, I’d like you hear your reasons why Louis isn’t some sort of lunatic. For all we know, he’s a serial killer.” … “See? I’m serious. Given, you know, current ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ events, that’s not optimism, it’s mental illness.” or “That’s the spirit allright – of insanity.
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom004b : “Nerd.” or “You’re such a nerd” or “Why aren’t I allowed to shoot you again?” or “Yeah, I get it, Louis. Bill gets it for chrissake, and he can’t even work a flush toilet.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017e : “Stupid island…” … “Damn right.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017g : “Dumbass island sh♥thole…”
Vocal Commands for Louis
- Vocalize Airport04_05a : “No way, man.”or “Not a chance.” or “Oh no. Ain’t no damn way…”
- Vocalize Airport04_08b : “Holy sh♥t…” or “You’re joking, right?”
- Vocalize IntroFarm4 : “Sounds good to me.”
- Vocalize Farm01_path03a : “I bet your country a♥♥ DOES love this trailer.” (this one only works in Blood Harvest Campaign)
- Vocalize Farm03_path01a : “Stay positive guys! I got a good feeling about this.”
- Vocalize IntroHospital : “The subway can take us straight to Mercy Hospital!”
- Vocalize Hospital02_path03a1 : “All right, no problem. Now we just gotta get out of the subway.”
- Vocalize Hospital03_path03a1 : “Hurry!” or “Hurry up.”
- Vocalize Hospital04_path02a : “Stairs are a good workout.” or “It’s good for you Bill. Cardio!”
- Vocalize Hospital04_path04a : “Elevator’s here!” or “Get in the elevator!” or “Into the elevator!” or “To the elevator!”
- Vocalize Hospital05_path01b : “Works for me.”
- Vocalize PlaneCrashResponse : “Holy sh♥t…” or “Jee-zus…” or “Whoa!”
- Vocalize RiversideIsDead : “Riverside’s a bust. Let’s just get to the river.”
- Vocalize RiversideIsDeadB : “If we can get to the river we can find a boat.”
- Vocalize Smalltown02_path01b : “Interesting true story. In 1975, the local township -”
- Vocalize Smalltown04_path07A : “If you ignore the crazy guy and the zombies… nice town.”
- Vocalize Smalltown02_path08a : “That’ll seal the lock.”
- Vocalize TakeShotgunGroovyLouis : [He chuckles and snickers]
- Vocalize TrainUnhookedManager : “Heads up!”
- Vocalize VampiresBeata : “They ain’t vampires, man, they’re zombies.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock015 : “Sir please! We are NOT infected.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock017 and Vocalize ConceptBlock050 : “What?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock019 : “Mister, if one of us gets killed out here, I’m gonna shoot my way in there and beat you to death with my gun!”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock581 : “Hello?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock594 : “We’re set to go, sir! Any time you’re ready.” or “Man, we’re good to go whenever you are.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock610 and Vocalize ConceptBlock619: “Humanity’s gonna bounce right back, you watch.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock628 : “They’re ZOMBIES, Francis.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock645 : “I don’t wanna die. I know nobody wants to die, but I’m like, fifty times that.” or “I ain’t dyin’ man. Death gonna have to pry me off the Earth.” or “I ain’t got time to bleed. Oh hell, I AM bleedin’!” or “If I go down, go on without me. Actually, wait, no. Save my a♥♥.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock650 : [Short laugh]
- Vocalize ConceptBlock652 : [Nervous whistling]
- Vocalize ConceptBlock656 : “Come on, cheer up! We’re almost through!”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock658 : “We are unstoppable.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock659 : “That’s right, we should call ourselves the unstoppables.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock660 : “Nothing can stop us, do you hear me? Nothing can stop us!” (These 4 commands play WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE cheerful conversation of Louis)
- Vocalize IntroCrashR03 : “We’re walking AWAY from it, ain’t we?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR05 : “Great. What is it?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR09 : “For once, we’re in complete agreement, Francis.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR10 : “Looks like we’re gonna have to walk outta here.” or “Well, I guess we’re walking.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR13 : “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” or “Uh uh.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR15 : “Uh uh.” … “Well, I guess we’re walking.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR17 : “Francis, why would you BET that we’re doomed?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR22 : “Look, fives minutes ago you hated flying!”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR24 : “That’s FUNNY, Francis. Why don’t you take your mustache, your little vest and your chaps and go find yourself a PARADE.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR31 : “On the bright side: look at all the great scenery we’d have missed if we flew over this in a helicopter, huh?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR36 : “Well, I guess we’re walking.” … “”Look, fives minutes ago you hated flying!”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR37 : “That was my first time in a helicopter, pretty exciting!” or “You know what? I don’t think we’re gonna see a witch from NOW ON. Who wants to bet me?”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR04 : “I’ll be damned. Francis, when’d you learn to read?”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR06 : “Canada? Francis, we’re in Pennsylvania.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom12 : “I’m p♥ssed too!”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom19 : “Zoey, come on. We have to work together.” … “Come on, we have to keep moving.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom21 : “Francis am I alone in hating boats?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom24 : “Way to go Francis, some cardio is just what we need!”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom25 : “What do we do if we meet someone?” … “How can we be sure they’re immune?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom03a : “Why’s that?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom18a : “I got a good feeling about this island.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom02 : “Let me see. Uh. “Taki. I love you. Goodbye.””
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom04 : “Even if it does go back to normal (they’re not lettin’ us back in), we won’t. I think this island’s the only chance we got.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom03a : “Thinking positive got me where I am, Francis.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom004 : “But you know, as long as I have a Molotov, I can make a firewall!” [He laughs]
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom011 : “Sounds good to me.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017 : “Come on, Francis. Give it a rest.”
* This one starts the dialogue between Louis and Francis where they share funny names about the island. You can catch the commands individually if you wanna skip to the funny part (see Francis’ vocal commands too). Here’s the full dialogue:
“Come on, Francis, give it a rest!” (Louis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017)
“No, I’m being serious. I really hate islands. I have insulaphobia – I’m afraid of islands.” (Francis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017a)
“Are you joking?” (Louis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017b)
“No, man. It’s a medical condition. Just my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ luck. (Francis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017c)
“Sh♥t, Francis. When we get there, I got your back. I’m gonna keep an eye on that island for ya.” (Louis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017d)
“Stupid island…” (Francis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017e)
“Punk island…” (Louis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017f)
“Dumbass island sh♥thole…” (Francis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017g)
“Punkass b♥tch island, you better watch yourself!” (Louis, Vocalize c7m3_saferoom017g) - Vocalize c7m3_saferoom003a : “Bill, did they have TV when you were young?” or “How old are you again Bill?”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom004a : “Get it Francis? A firewall?”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom007a : “Yeah, I read that in books too.” … “I don’t remember what that feels like.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom009a : “I like the sound of that.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom010a : “I always wanted to learn how (how to fish).”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom013a : “You don’t hate it already?” … “Man, this is gonna be a long rest of our lives.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom014a : “Well, hater, I guess you don’t have to eat any then.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom015a : “Just a good feeling, I guess.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom02d : ” “Bill’s an idiot.” (in Japanese)
- vocalize InfoRemc7m1_tankcar01a : [He laughs] “You’re welcome.” [He laughs more]
- vocalize InfoRemc7m1_pretank02 : “Who? Me?” or “Me?”
Vocal Commands for Zoey
- Vocalize Airport04_08c : “Holy sh♥t…” or “They must have been trying to stop the infection from spreading.”
- Vocalize BounceReaction : “Yeah… yeah, I’m ready to bounce.” [She laughs]
- Vocalize TakeShotgunGroovyZoey : [She laughs nervously] or “Groovy!”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock620 and Vocalize IntroCrashR39 : “You’re an optimist. I’ll give you that, Louis.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock032 : “You know, we can *make* you open that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ door.” or “Hey! Jerk♥ss. Why don’t you just open the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ door?” or “You’re not gonna just open the door? Really?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock035 : “What?”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock037 : “What a d♥ck.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock642 : “Oops, sorry!” (this one doesn’t seem to work)
- Vocalize ConceptBlock647 : “Game over, man! Game over!” [She laughs]
- Vocalize ConceptBlock649 : [She laughs with Louis]
- Vocalize ConceptBlock654 : “So um… yeah.”
- Vocalize ConceptBlock657 : [She laughs] “Louis!” [She laughs more at Louis and Bill cheers “Whoa-ho-ho.”]
- Vocalize ConceptBlock661 : [She laughs and Bill shouts “Whoa-ho-ho.”]”
- Vocalize IntroSmallTown2 : “Unless anyone has a better plan, I say we head there.”
- Vocalize IntroFarm4 : “Yeah, let’s do it.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR01 : [She sighs] “Do you HATE them?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR07 : “You what? [real concern] Francis, are you alright?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR09 : “Seconded. What the hell?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR10 : “Well, boys, I guess we’re walking.”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR11 : “The sh♥tty pilot store?”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR19 : “He turned into a zombie, Francis! He wasn’t gonna LAND the thing!”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR28 : “He was a ZOMBIE, Francis!”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR33 : “Well boys, I guess we’re walking.” … “He was a ZOMBIE, Francis!” (this is the same as command CrashCourseR10 but Francis responds)
- Vocalize IntroCrashR34 : “A zombie chopper pilot? UGH! You have GOT to be kidding me! We were almost home free, damn it!”
- Vocalize IntroCrashR35 : “OK, important safety tip: don’t get in a helicopter with a zombie pilot.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR01 : “Yeah. Birds are d♥cks.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR03 : “The (chopper) pilot was a zombie, Francis!” or “Okay, you know what? He was a zombie. ZOMBIE, ZOMBIE, ZOMBIE. Not a pilot. He was a ZOMBIE, Francis!”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR06 : “Canada? Francis, we’re in Pennsylvania.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR10 : “Hahaha, nice.” (the subtitles says “Farting.” for some odd reason…)
- Vocalize CrashCourseR11 : “Unless it’s Lasagna Mondays. I love lasagna.” (this command only works in Crash Course campaign)
- Vocalize CrashCourseR12 : “Man, I love steam.”
- Vocalize CrashCourseR14 : “Zombie, Francis! He. Was. A. ZOMBIE!”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom02 : “Yeah, or Bill’ll leave you behind.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom11 : “Those people still dead?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom18 : “I’d like to put it to a vote that maybe we shouldn’t go rot on an island in the middle of nowhere, and actually, you know, help everybody else fight the zombies?”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom23 : “Great maybe we can meet some new people and leave them behind.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom10a : “Whatever, I don’t care.” or “Sure. Whatever.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom15a : “Sure. It’s the rest of the world we can just let die.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom19a : “Louis, you of all people should understand.”
- Vocalize c7m1_saferoom20a : “How can you be sure?”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom01 : “I really don’t want to hear it.” … “Bill, I’m not ready to give up on everything yet.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom005 : “You asked me that last year? It would have been 10 zombies movies. Now? Probably a documentary on how to make toilet paper.” or “A month ago? I would have picked 10 zombie movies. Now? Like, then documentaries on how to build shelter, catch food and make toilet paper.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom007 : “In most movies they sink.” … “I think that means we’re safe.”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom016 : “That’s the spirit, Louis!”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom016c : “I hate putting the lotion in the basket.”
- Vocalize c7m2_saferoom05b : “Because, Francis… hey, yeah, what the hell, Bill?”
- Vocalize c7m3_saferoom006c : “No more human race…”
My personal binds
This is how I personally binded my keys for the game.
I set keys from “6” to “=” on my keyboard for personal survivor quote commands and the rest of the keyboard keys for general commands that are used by all survivors.
And yes, you can bind one key with many commands. Here’s how I made mine:
Enjoy the spam!
If my guide helped you, give it a thumbs up!
*Unfortunately, all these cool console commands don’t work on Left 4 Dead 2. You will have to use workshop Items.