Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition Guide

Mortars: When and when NOT to use them. for Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition

Mortars: When and when NOT to use them.


This is a guide describing the most devious of all artilery pieces, notorious with Multiplayer games: The Mortar.Many matches i have been in where the rules were “No Fixed Artillery”, sometimes mainly because of the Mortar. This is a guide that labels their stats and the rundown from my experiences whether or not they really are OP or not, because some hints show that they aren’t to be feared as much as they should.Ah, but why spoil it for you now. Read on and argue if you please. A like would be appreciated, and Thank You for taking time out of your world-subjugating practices to read this guide.


Before i begin, with the debate, here’s the unit stats that i found on teh internets. Please correct me if i’m wrong.

Guns: 4
Firepower : 168
Range: 750
Accuracy: 15
Reload: 25
Morale: 3

WHEN to use them.

They start out in the campaign moderately good. They are super accurate with their regular shot, which enables them to take out other artillery while they are either limbered or unlimbered, and their great range almost covers the whole battlefield, which is useful while defending, especially.

They are best used up on hills, where cavalry and infantry are slowed down trying to get to them, which allows you to either move troops to that location or order the crew to abandon the weapons.

They can also be used to “bombard” an area of land, which is useful in several ways. Say that there’s a mountain pass (Like on the Battle of Rossbach) that your enemies must get through. The mortars are good for shelling that area, particularly with Percussion Shells if you have researched them. Do not, however, order them to fire all at once. Tell one squad to fire, then, after they have fired, tell another squad to fire, and so forth. This enables a constant artillery barrage on the point.

WHEN NOT to use them.

Basically, here’s the don’ts.

DON’T Target moving cavalry with the mortars
DON’T Target units that are within musket range (70) or lower with your mortars.
DON’T Use mortars on seige battles to take out walls, not even with percussion shots.
DON’T use the quicklime shot. Use Howitzers for those, since mortar Quicklime tends to be ineffective.
DON’T insult my painting skill, i know it sucks.
DON’T lay your units still while they are in range of mortars.
DON’T leave your mortars unattended (enemies might commandeer them if the crew routs!)

And lastly…

Don’t underestimate the power of their round shot.


1. Mortar shells on Round shot may bounce high in the air, sometimes in your direction. They don’t do much damage, but it’s wise to be cautious.

2. Yes, enemy artillery crews can take over allied or enemy batteries if the latter abandons their guns or routs. However, it’s wise to generally stay with your own, given that the enemy may be very close to the newly acquired guns.

3. Mortars often drive players in Multiplayer to the edges of the map, thus ensuring that they are extremely fortified, given less points to defend. Mortars can’t move, either, so you’re only making it harder to crack their defenses.

4. It is usually only because of the percussion shells that Mortars aren’t allowed in multiplayer games much. Round shot and Quicklime aren’t as effective.

5. Percussion shells tend to be very inaccurate.

6. Mortars should only be used in LARGE land battles, where there is swarms of infantry. Thus. percussion shells can prove useful.