Starpoint Gemini Warlords Guide

Movement and Camera for Starpoint Gemini Warlords

Movement and Camera


Movement and Camera descriptions…

Keyboard and mouse movement

To rotate your ship using the normal steering mode, you use WASD keys. To accelerate, you use your MOUSE WHEEL and scroll UP. To decelerate you also use your MOUSE WHEEL and scroll DOWN. To rotate your ship clockwise you use the E button, and to rotate your ship counter-clockwise you use the Q button. To start moving at sublight speed you use B. To fully stop, you use N. Keep in mind that these are all DEFAULT controls. They are NOT hard coded, and are eligible to change. To set them to your own personal preferences, go to the options menu, and select the “Controls” tab. There you can rebind all your controls to however you see fit. You can also move your ship using the mouse. There are two different ways to use your mouse to maneuver your ship. First one is the selection mode, where you can click and drag your mouse to steer your ship. The other option is the steering mode where the ship will automatically track your mouse movement, and try to align accordingly. You can switch between these modes using the Spacebar.

Keyboard and mouse camera

Default keybinds to zoom in and out are the + and buttons on your numpad. There are four different camera view point options when playing with a keyboard and mouse. You can set your point of view on normal view, which will make the camera align with your ship and stay mounted on it, tracking its movement. Second option is to have the camera set to turret view. This option detaches the camera movement from the ship rotation, meaning it gives you the ability to rotate the camera around without it affecting your ships trajectory. Third option is the mounted camera, which lets you experience space travel first hand by setting your camera right on top of your ship. Keep in mind that the mounted camera acts the same way as the one on normal view does, meaning it will track your ship rotation, and you won’t be able to turn it around without turning the whole ship. The final point of view camera type is the 1st person camera, which is by itself pretty self-explanatory. You can cycle through these camera types by pressing the Tab button.

Controller movement

Currently there are two different controller schemes you can choose when playing with a controller, however movement controls are the same in both. To accelerate you use the R2 or RT button. To decelerate you use L2 or LT button. To go into sublight speed you need to double tap the R2/RT button. To make a full stop, you double tap the L2/LT button. To rotate the ship you need to gold the L1/LB button and use the left analog stick to rotate your ship if you’re using the new controller scheme, or your D-pad left and right arrows if you’re using the old scheme.
NOTE: To change the controller schematic, you need to go to your game LAUNCHER settings, and select/deselect the New Controller Scheme option under the “General” tab. This option is not available in the options panel in game, and has to be selected before the actual game starts.

Controller camera

There are far less camera options when playing with a controller because of the limited number of controls you can use. To rotate the camera you use the right stick regardless of the controller scheme you’re playing with, however zooming in and out depends on the selected scheme, so you either use your D-pad up and down arrows if you’re playing with the old scheme, or you use L1/LB + right stick if you’re using the new scheme.