Rayman® Legends Guide

Multiplayer Coop Controller Nightmare...Solved for Rayman Legends

Multiplayer Coop Controller Nightmare…Solved


Rayman Legends, along with some other titles, got completely goobered when big picture mode came around with hidden controller settings. This is how I got my kids and I playing multiplayer, for both xbox and PS controllers.

Steam Big Picture


Steam has controller settings buried in Big Picture mode. What makes things more confusing, is the game defaults to a funky controller setup made by another user that does not work.

  • Go to steam big picture mode
  • Select your game in the library
  • Select manage game, then controller options
  • These are my settings. Others might work but haven’t tested.
  • Exit Controller Options and select controller configuration (top).
  • By default, your left stick will (likely) not be set as “joystick move”. Set as “joystick move” by clicking and changing. Make sure the buttons are correct as well.

  • On the bottom right, click “Switch Controller”. This will switch to the next controller. If this is a playstation controller, set the left stick as “joystick move” as before.
  • The playstation controller buttons may be mapped as xbox buttons (recommended). See images below.

This is what the final config should look like (playstation)

Running The Game
  • Before running the game, plug in your gamepads and make sure windows sees them..
  • Run the game.
  • In my case, I was able to set player four (myself) as keyboard.
  • In game, press the jump buttons to activate each character. On my copycat wireless playstation controller, I had to press the start button to activate, then jump.

Didn’t Work!
  • Try setting your “Controller Options” in big picture mode as “forced on” instead of “global setting”.
  • If the buttons are off, make sure you check each controller in big picture’s “Controller Configuration” so that they have the correct inputs.
  • Check your windows game controller settings in windows to make sure everything is running.
  • Bummer dude. Can’t think of anything else!