I decided I wanted to show off my Ship designs. Initially, I wanted to get other’s opinions, for those who read through all the details, or simply just look at the ship layouts. I’m very detailed yes, but for good reason. I paint a very clear mental picture; of my thoughts, my intent, or how I imagine things. It will be very clear. All ship designs now, are of the latest techs involved, but most include what the previous versions, before advanced techs researched adding mods, were missing. With the details, you should get a good idea of my ships and fleets. That was initially! By the time I was done, I realized, I could probably use this as a guide to Hissho Tactics and strategies! In this guide, I show my ship layout blueprints, and how I used them at various stages of the game. The game I played however, was just against AI. I can’t gaurantee you will have the same success with this strategy vs any game AI you play against, using Hissho, or if you play against any human player! I simply do my best to share what I’ve done, and what worked for me! I may have a different playing style than you!
Hello their Reader, and Welcome to my Strategy Guide for Hissho! This guide is my experience with Hissho, and the Tactics/Strategies I used.
I hope you enjoy reading through this. Yes, I am detailed. Yes, I may wrote to much! As you may see me mention elsewhere, I’m very detailed, as I try to paint a very clear image for my readers. So with that, I ask, please do not judge me or my guide based on your bias against too much details, alone. If you have comments, or suggestions, feel free to comment at the end. Anything negative directed at me directly, or the character of my guide itself, may be deleted! Insults will not be tolerated as well. If you have comments, suggestions, or questions about my strategies, and feel free to ask!
Please keep it civil!
Pertaining to all my ship designs, those it let me change the names for…
Personal disclaimer pertaining to my strategy to name my ships. I have a way of coming up with names of all my ships, based on the original class name they are given. This is common but adaptable among every game I play. This strategy was my first time using a foreign language. From the appearance of things with Hissho, they come across to me as a Japanese like culture. Everything about Hissho, to me, says Japanese. Even the images of the soldiers in the loading screen, looks like heavily armored Samurai Soldiers. So I did my best to create each ship name, from Japanese language. I know nothing of the Japanese Culture, or their language, I simply researched words online to find the words I wanted to use, for every ship. Some nights, I spent more time researching different words, synonyms, etc, to find the words I was looking for, for each ship name. I don’t know if everything I used was translated or used correctly. This disclaimer will be repeated among each ship screenshot.
I hope you enjoy!!
Early Hissho game!
Starting out, we can’t ignore the most important ship! The Colony! Yes, I even delete my colony ship, and custom it’s design. Either adding a Probe to explore all the discoveries along the way before using it for colonizing, or… in this case, two engines. The ship, as I named all my ships after Japanese words, was named Rei Paionia, meaning Greetings Pioneer. Weird, I know. I didn’t include the screenshot, cause the description was enough to suffice. Two engines, and a colony module. Nothing else. Escort these, using the earliest of your scouts, which I describe next!
Turn 1, after I’ve already redesigned the Colony ship, I delete and redesign my scout ships. Into two Scout models! As seen here.
Starting with Gaijin Hayas/ Chosa. Foreigner (or outsider) Speedy (fast)/ Probe(Investigate).
(Seen here, is Gaijin Chosa 8, the latest design of model, which now includes both objectives and Gaijin Hayas has sense been deleted and no longer used, due to added slot for module)
Why two designs? Scouts accomplish two objectives! Trying to make one design to accomplish both? You hinder both objectives, In my opinion! Allow me to explain! Early on, having two designs, makes for a rapid discovery of the galaxy/map. As I explain, the faster one reaches distant systems sooner, exploring more systems, stars, lanes, and clusters faster. Thus allowing the slower one to lag behind, and focus on discoveries. This allows faster exploration and finding of other systems, but also a faster discovery of all the curiosities I can reach. If one ship design trying to handle both, your scouts sit at systems countless turns wasted, waiting for the probes to restock, or you choose to skip and come back, never getting it til next is made.
(Early on, make one Scout ship with 2 engines, any weapon/defense layout suiting you, and NO probe! Thats your fast scout, cause it has 2 engines! The Other scout only has one engine, but add the best probe you have available, keep it updated. Any time engine, probe, or weapon designs improved, I update the ship design I had, without deleting it, and the next time I can get any ship to my territory, I upgrade it if I had the resources.) (An ALT strategy, upon the later advance of gaining a new slot for module; instead of deleting one, and making the other cover both objectives, like I did. Keep the two scout designs, and add another objective module. So the Fast would have 3 engines, while the investigator would have 2 probes.) (Though I thought of the ALT strategy mentioned during game, I did not find it to be useful for me. By the time I reached the advanced model of ship, I already had 80+ % of the galaxy explored! By this time in game, fast and efficient exploration was not an objective for me. My scouts were more less used to terrorize enemy territories, keeping my vision on my enemies, and doing hit&run attacks against unguarded logistic ships or colony ships, gaining more dust. Even chasing other scouts. However you may choose, to use the ALT Strategy I mentioned, which is why I mentioned.)
Not with this dual scout system early on! I typically make them in pairs, one after the other, and send out in same directions! So first Gaijin Hayas goes left, the first Gaijin Chosa also goes left! Often before launching the Chosa down the next star lane, I send out all but -1 probe in directions other than the star lane, helping to explore isolated Node/Systems. Saving that last probe for discoveries, etc. Repeat with two more, sending them to the right. If their a third star lane from home system, repeat again. Most likely if three star lanes, one will likely meet with one of the others.
As each Gaijin Hayas reaches it’s explored destination, send it down the next unexplored star lane. ALSO, instead of guiding the Gaijin Hayas along the way, set them on auto explore, let them find their way. You only need manually explore the Gaijin Chosa so you can have them stop where you want to explore, and use the discovery probes. Don’t keep them together, both would only hold each other back! The whole point making the two designs, is to rapidly explore individually.
Most of the time, while this going on the first few or so turns, you should be researching the earliest techs on the tree. I always complete all 8 techs on the first circle before I move down any of the 4 trees, although, which ones I do next, and what order I accomplish those? It could be different for each game, depends on what’s going on, what’s available. By the time I’ve finished those 8 techs, opening all 4 trees, I typically go for the first blood (attack) ships for combat, bringing up the next three designs.
First Blood!
First ships to draw blood. With Hissho, that they did!
All Hissho’s attack ships, are heavy attack blueprints, and force you to choose between support and defense modules, as they are mutual between many module slots. In the past, with previous early attack ships, I could have 1 armor and 1 shield, plus engine and support. However, that opportunity early on for Hissho is not available. The early attack have 3 Attack modules. 1 dedicated support (typical engine slot), 1 dedicated defense, and a third module combining both. If I recall correctly! Early on, these ships had no shields! At least the added armor, gave a good boost to HP, so without shields, Energy weapons still had to eat away at the health of the ship. I could not justify building these with only shield, and no armor, as projectile would most likely ignore the shield, and hit what ever armor was on the ship! So, early on, these had no shields.
What you see below, includes my latest, advanced designs, which added three more module slots. These designs don’t reflect completely what the early designs look like, but I explain what was missing from the early designs.
Here we have, The Kuma Tsume meaning Bear Claw.
Early on, these did not have the Slug projectiles, the Shields, or the Projectile Boosters. They had the latest Swarm missiles, which I think are under rated! Latest Torpedo missiles, and latest Rail Gun! This was a projectile focus attack ship. Most fights were won early because of these ships and their ability to fire Torpedo and Swarm missiles! The rail gun, you will soon discover I love these, on Heavy Mounts. They are weaker than missiles, especially in comparison to regular slug weapons at long and medium range! However, Rail Guns, ignore Shields/Armor, hitting straight through to the HP of target! On these smaller, weaker, non multiplied, without heavy-mount, ships, they don’t seem very impressive. But keep in mind, early game, everyone also has small ships with limited modules. These already had a higher DPS per ship, with 3 attack modules. The Rail Gun, was only complimentary to the Swarm/Missile combination! The main idea, if the fight lasted long enough, and these got within Short range, these Rail guns were suddenly 100%, not even slugs are that high in Short! Most effective Finishing firepower!
Upon opening up the later designs with added modules, I added the Projectile booster of the time, shields, and the slugs projectile weapon, what ever the best available was! Upon reaching higher, I improved every module as each improvement was discovered, and updated fleets when I had the chance.
The Kani Tsume, meaning Crab Claw
“What? Crabs don’t have claws!?” I know I know… silly name. I do explain! Open image if you wish!
These have the same layout as the Kuma Tsume‘s, with alternating weapons to the Energy! So these were also without the Energy Booster, the Shield, and -1 weapon. With limited energy to choose from, unlike projectile having 4 choices of varying weapons, on energy you have one balanced equally at all 3 ranges, having 100% accuracy, with weaker DPS, and the other was a more powerful blaster, but only 100% at medium range, while long and short had 50%. So how did I balance 2 weapons on 3 modules? It took me some more detailed attention, to the details, to decide. Strangely, the more powerful but less accurate in long and short, blaster, was cheaper per module than the less powerful, balanced beam. So for the early designs, I had these with two of the blasters, and one balanced beam. I felt it was a more cost effective way to use the energy weapons early on.
Upon opening up the later designs with added modules, I added the Energy booster of the time, best shields, and the second balanced beam weapon, what ever the best available was! Upon reaching higher techs, I improved every module as each improvement was discovered, and updated fleets when I had the chance.
So keeping these alive?
Here is the most unusal ship name I could come up with! No judge zone, eh? I do laugh at myself for this one however!
I present the HakiMaki meaning Head Band! Yes, unusual. I do explain though. Feel free to open the screenshot!
These HakiMaki ships sole purpose was to keep the K&K (referring to both designs) Tsume ships alive, to Protect! Early on, I was missing the energy weapon, the fleet crew damage boost, and flotilla shield. It did have it’s Own shield module, as well as a Fleet Repair module, once discovered. Early on, it only had one weapon, Projectile Slugs! For the purpose of staying alive! I don’t know how many see the details of the weapon modules, but Projectile Slugs add a bonus firepower to the ships FLAK systems. So these Slugs, would reduce incoming missiles effectiveness! Sense these were the ships mostly targeted, it made sense. Fleet repair, not only these heal the other attack ships during each phase of the fight, if there were 2 or more of these HakiMaki ships, they’d heal each other as well, sort of creating an Iron Dome around the fleet ships!
Once I gained new slots, with the latest shields, armor and weapons available… I improved these adding those I mentioned, starting with the flotilla booster to kill crew module, adding a bonus to all weapons having any effect mentioning “Crew Killed”, now killed more, per HakiMaki ship included. Did this have any residual effect in my fights? I don’t know. Just the thought, made me excited enough to include them! lol. The Flotilla Shield, so now the HakiMaki “Iron Dome” I mentioned earlier, just improved, as the Shield itself expanded to boost the shields of any ship sharing the Flotilla, including other HakiMaki ships. The added weapons, was the balanced beam, so it had a mild counter strike even on all ranges! Looking back, I should of just added a second Projectile Slug module, having two to bonus the FLAK system. Just a thought. So these early, small, but crucial support ships not only kept fellow ships alive by HEALING them, also PROTECTING them with expanding shields, and BOOSTING all fellow ships ability to kill crews! Small? Yes! Crucial? VERY!!
In combat, especially early on, I would have one of the K&K Tsume‘s combined with 2x of the HakiMaki, split between either Flotilla. So one flotilla had 2 HakiMaki, with 1 either the attack, while the other Flotilla also had 2 HakiMaki‘s with the opposing attack. Often trying to match the attack to the place card of the flotilla, depending on my strategy. The thing that changed a lot, was what strategy I was using the most. After first few successful fights with other factions, I almost always used the “Take Trophies card”, gaining Dust/Sci per CP killed, not even using a bonus to my fight, my ships were that good against the enemy fleets.
Before the next ships came into the picture, as my fleet sizes increased, I’d add balanced numbers of either the attack ships, and sometimes the HakiMaki‘s, but the way those HakiMaki‘s were designed, they needed 2 min each flotilla, they had support modules keeping each other alive as well as the K/K Tsume Attack ships.
TO NOTE… In my game, I waited to research any ship advance tech, adding modules, til after I got the Carrier tech. Even til than, all ship designs, most my fleets designs were ahead of my enemies. Simply cause Hissho has more firepower.
Heavy Hitters!
If those previous, smaller designs mentioned prior, drew blood, these here simply KNOCKED YOU OUT!!!! These were Heavy Hitters!
Of ALLLL the Battleship/Hunter class attack ships I ever made among any faction playing… These here were my FAVORITES!! These were of BEAST MODE for a Hunter ship!
Once again, early to mid game, before I came back and researched the advanced version of these ships (adding modules was not needed for awhile, my ships were OP), I used the same concept as I did designing the smaller attack ships. So what I’m presenting first, is the latest design, which actually included both designs in one, once the advancement was discovered. Than I’ll discuss the other, without the screenshot, and how the two were divided prior.
Here, I present to you Shingeki Monsuta meaning Striking (to advance or attack) Monster. Weird name, I know. Feel free to see the screenshot!
As mentioned, once the tech was discovered to add more modules, I gained enough space to include 4 weapons, as well as two boosters. So. Why not, I figured. Keep in mind, on these medium ship designs, the multiplier is now 4x, on weapons, and defensive modules. For the projectile the Montser has the latest Rail Gun now on the Heavy Mount, adding an extra 2x multiplier, plus torpedoes, boosted by a Projectile Booster. This Monster also has one each of the Energy weapons, also with an Energy Booster. To solidify it’s attack role, this Monster also has a module to boost Siege power! Not complete glass cannons though, I wanted to make sure they had bare minimum defenses in case they lost their Support/Coordinator ships in battle, these would last long enough to hopefully dish out a little more damage before end of fight. And yes, if anyone noticed, the lil duck module saying “Don’t hit me”… lol!!! Which helps enemies fire more firepower at the Support/Coordinator ships. This of course, was the advanced version of the Shingeki Monsuta!
The early versions of the Shingeki Monsuta (not shown, didn’t get the screenshot before redesign), did not have the energy weapon/boost seen above. It was a Projectile only Hunter ship, similar to the Kuma Tsume mentioned previously. The early design had 1 Torpedo, 1 Swarm Missile, 1 Rail Gun (though not in the Heavy, as that came with the advanced design), and the latest projectile Booster. Still one Armor/Shield/Engine, latest design. Still had the “duck” module, but did not have the Siege module.
During the same time, I also had the Shingeki Kemono meaning Striking (or advancing to attack) Beast, and was purely a replica of Shingeki Monsuta. It was an Energy only Hunter ship, similar to the Kani Tsume mentioned previously. It had 2x Blaster weapons, higher DPS, most effective at medium, with one Balanced Beam, and an Energy Booster module. Still one Armor/Shield/Engine, latest design, also the “duck” module, and did not have the Siege module.
For both these designs, from earliest available to build, they had the latest module available, and often updated each module as latest tech came out, and upgraded what ever I had in fleet. This continued on, til I finally research the tech to advance the Hunter design. I than decided, instead of bolstering two seperate designs of 3cp each, and trying to manage my fleets to split these, I combined them into one design. I deleted Shingeki Kemono, and birthed the current style (though upgraded) of Shingeki Monsuta mentioned above, which gets used at any distance!
Needing more coordination and support than the early HakiMaki could provide, I now present you, Kuruza Sai meaning…. get ready for it… Cruising Rhino(saurus)! It’s a MEAT SHIELD basically!!
The early designs of these also did not have the Heavy mount Rail Gun! They did have 2 Armor, and 2 Shields, making them nearly impossible to defeat! Early on, these also had both fleet repair, and flotilla Shield, when those techs were available, but more effective on this large ship, with multiplier, but without the re-shielder and the Crew Killed Booster, as seen now. The only weapon was the Projectile Slugs, providing FLAK. It did provide a secondary weapon, the first of squadrons, the Plasma Strike Bomber! Most effective bomber, needing very little escort, effective against any ship, any size.
As the advanced ship design came out, for the Kuruza Sai I added the Reshielder, but removed one Shield module, after experimenting and checking the stats. The latest shield also has a Re-shielder feature built in, but two shield modules, doesn’t double the re-shield stat. So I removed one shield, and added the secondary Re-shielder adding to the reshield ability, it’s almost as if it never loses shields, the combined bonus nearly restores shield capacity every phase! I also added the Kill Crew booster to this ship, and the Rail Gun to the Heavy Module! Once again, the Rail gun might have weaker DPS, but no defense can stop it. These rail guns ignore both armor/shields, hitting the HP directly, every time it hits the target.
As before, I’d separate the Shingeki Monsuta/ Kemono ships, 1 of either in a flotilla with one of two combinations; 1 HakiMaki and 2 Kuruza Sai, or vis versa, 1 Kuruza Sai’s, with 2 HakiMaki’s. Both those Support/Coordinator designs had Fleet Heal/Flotilla Shield once those techs discovered early on. So any combination of 3 of those two designs, helped keep each other alive, and thus, kept the Hunter/Attack ships they were accompanied with, alive aswell. As my fleet sizes increased, I later started favoring 2 Kuruza Sai‘s in every flotilla, if available. And than adding 1-2 HakiMaki‘s as well when space permitted. If I had ships spread out in multiple flotilla’s, and space eventually allowed, I’d add either or of the K&K Tsume‘s to either flotilla, with the Kuma Tsume‘s accompanying Long Range flotilla’s, so their missiles were more effective, and the Kani Tsume‘s accompanying medium range, where they were more effective. I still do this, as both are still around.
After both advancements done, having a combination of Kuruza Sai & HakiMaki creates an almost impenetrable Iron Dome among any flotilla, as both ships have both, Fleet Repair, and Flotilla Shield. The heavier Kuruza Sai also having an added Re-shielder? Makes the combo an unstoppable protective force. Having the Duck Module on the now combined dual firepower Shingeki Monsuta, reduces how much firepower they can take. Sense most enemy targeting tries to go for biggest threats first, the smaller attack/support ships of the K&K Tsume‘s and the HakiMaki‘s rarely even get targeted, or less often. With the Monsuta saying “dont shoot me”, leaves the Kuruza Sai the one target taking the biggest beating in a fight! They are not only well equipped to take the heat, but having the added support of each other (when 2+), and HakiMaki‘s, it’s an unstoppable force. Not to mention, those vessles also provide attack support, all ships they are protecting, now deal more damage to “Kill Crew” with those weapons which do so! We haven’t even gotten to the GOOD Stuff yet!!!
A Storm is Coming!!
This next ship, was NO JOKE. Seen the movie Friday? Remember DEEBO?? This ship was the “DEEBO” of the Space Community! You see my fleet with one of these coming, JUST RUN!!!!
The Hissho Donryu Kubo!! Meaning Stormdragon Carrier! This ship, brought the Storm!
What’s a Carrier’s primary purpose!? To bring the heavy firepower? Maybe! To be a heavy damage absorbant? Possibly!? Or to support the rest of the Fleet with Squadron support!? EXACTLY!
These suckers literally carried the best bomber (i’m sure of) in the game! The Strike Plasma Bombers. Was a Unique Module tech I found early on, the most EVASIVE bombers across all of space! You could not stop them! Were quite a joy to watch as well. The early version of these “Storm Dragon Carriers” (Name in Japanese), also carried one RAIL Gun on the HEAVY!! Why not other higher DPS weapons to be higher multiplied?? Because every other weapon can be matched by opposing defense, with Armor or Shields. RAIL GUNS, if none of you knew, ignore SHIELDS and ARMOR. A RAW Attack straight to the Health/HP of the target! On a HEAVY!! But that’s the only weapon these had! No no, I let the previous mentioned Shingeki’s do all the damage… These fearsome storm ships, because they brought Bombers which dealt lots of damage, most likely could not be stopped! They were also fearsome for one other module… TRACTOR BEAM!! Not all my ships had this. Infact only other ship design was my Juggernaut! With the Tractor Beam attached on these, no ship could retreat from my fleet! They also weighed in heavy too, once reaching Legendary, 150k + HP on one of these. I only needed one of these!
“Man Deebo coming… it’s DEE..BO!!” From Friday! Yup, that was this ship’s legacy!
Now, the latest version has the latest Shield (green shield), and best Armor (Bulwark Plating), with TWO Rail guns, both equipped on Heavy Mounts (the advanced carrier has two Heavies). Yes, the Projectile Booster is there JUST for these two RailGuns. I have no other weapon mounts. If the fight lasts long enough, than these will hopefully finish off remaining enemy targets, if they get to “Close Range” of these ships, end of fight most likely! These have 3 modules of the Plasma Strike Bombers, seen below showing their platform stats, which for the most part, have a high Dodge Probability. The Carrier also boosts those bombers with Squadron boosters; Squadron Shifter (+HP and more dodgability), and Stike Multiplier (bonus DPS and Critical Hit) which make those bombers even MORE effective! And the Tractor Beam! No retreat!!
Usually, once the Carriers came on scene, it obviously changed my tactics. I haven’t found one specific layout. So far, I’ve only ever used One of these per fleet. Their Tractor Beams make them valuable spread out among many fleets. I often have to use multiple fleets to chase enemies on the run, and try to corner them! As I mentioned, they “Do Run”… lol! I just run faster!! Using the Take Trophies scheme, One of the Donryu Kubo is in the bottom flotilla, long range, keeping them farther from the fight, even though their only weapon, Rail Gun, is best close range. If they come trying to get close range, this usually handles the enemy, but seems they always wanna attack this beast carrier with everything they have. Two Kuruza Sai accompany this. If any leftover HakiMaki’s are present, they join this flotilla as well. In same fleet, the Shingeki Monsuta (now dual mode, with energy/projectile weapons, both boosters, as shown), is in the Middle Flotilla. I experiment with one of two combos; 2 Shingeki Monsutas with 1 Kuruza Sai and 2 or more HakiMaki, and maybe 2 Kume/Kani Tsume’s to bolster attack, OR 1 Shingeki Monsuta, 2 Kuruza Sai, 2 more HakiMaki, and if room, some Kume/Kani Tsume! I haven’t found either one to be more effective, so I go back n forth. Also depends on the enemy I fight. Sophon max out their energy with that green goo beam, but I have the green shield on all mine. Horatio I think also has more beam ships. Vodyani and Lumeris come at me with Missile heavy ships. Once in while, I lose a Kuruza Sai, or HakiMaki, rareyl do I lose any attack, or my Donryu Kubo!
What about those Bomber modules? The Plasma Strike Bomber! Is not a tech found through research. It was something I acquired early game, but IDK where! could of been a quest mission. Could of been a tech discovered through a curiosity!
Here is the module stats, just the module, not mounted on anything! Ignore the Ship, already shown, look at stats on the left.
Here is the Kuruza Sai mounted, module stat, mounted on the Kuruza Sai! Ignore the Ship, already shown, look at stats on the left.
Here is the Donryu Kubo mounted, module stat, mounted on the Donryu Kubo! Ignore the Ship, already shown, look at stats on the left.
Notice the HUGE bonus they get on DPS, Dodgability, and their Health!? Big difference! You’re seeing the effects of not only the Large (carrier) multiplier added, but also the two Boost modules I mentioned for Squadrons!
The OTHER “Large” ship of mine? I figured this is the only place to talk about them! This one is quite an impressive all in one EVIL ship of deliverance! For all the combat, all the other ships do including and before, Donryu Kubo, it takes 7 or more ship designs to accomplish what they can, for space combat!! Here we have the Yomato Ju! It’s an all in one, Siege/Invasion/Destructive platform! On a LARGE ship. The Yomato Ju! Named of a famous WWII Battleship, and a famous Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN); words mean Harmonic Cannon (or Big Gun!)!
Because of the Core Cracker weapon, I can’t add any other weapons or squadrons. This ship does not fight conventional battles. He shows up afterwards to make sure the job is done! NOTICE. Beside the Core Cracker! This “Harmonic” destructive cannon, also has two Seige Modules, stacking a siege bonus. Two MP (Man Power) modules, of the latest version, bringing LARGE amount of TROOPS to any target. TWO latest Engine Modules, this cracker is FAST!!!! So I have a few these floating around space now. Or they remain in the safety net of my own systems. Those big, monsterous, unstoppable combat fleets mentioned above go in and take out any fleet I want, than stand by on system and wait, already laying down early seige numbers. Typically an entire fleet is only seiging at -60/turn. These show up and add 122 to the seige a lone. They launch into warp directly from my own system, or where ever they were last, avoiding star lanes, sparing them from interception. So these travel Alone! Once they arrive. It only takes 2-3 turns on any system to Siege, another 1-2 turns most, and I invade.
IF one of these waits upto 5 turns?? Their’s only ONE reason…
“It’s settling directly over us.” “They’re preparing to fire their primary weapon!”
“Then let’s take it out before it takes us out.” Scene from Independance day; Conversation between fictional General William Gray and fictional President Thomas Whitmore, a fighter pilot, as an alien ship settling over fictional Area-51, begins to charge the weapon!! — Something like that!!
Giant, godlike platforms!
Here are my Behemoth designs.
I don’t have a military design to show, cause it never gets used as anything besides a transition platform sense I can’t buy/build any Juggernauts, Obliterators, or Citadels, straight from my systems production! I did discover, i can use ANY Behemoth I have build, any listed below, as long as in my systems, can transition to one of the super weapons. However. The only reason I don’t, and the only reason I dubbed down the Military Behemoth’s?? Cause they cost tremendous amounts of UNIQUE resources along with the dust, and than when THEY TRANSITION, from ANY platform of the Behemoth built, they cost loads MORE Resources! I don’t use the Military for ANYTHING other than a transition! So. I stripped my Military Behemoth of everything costing anything, but dust. I added the basic versions of the latest weapons, drive, defense, on these, but none costing any strategic resource! Thus, cost me nothing but dust and production, to make one of these basics. If it’s for a Citadel, It cruises directly to target, than goes into it’s transition to become Citadel, which than, I spend some extra resource. But why pay twice? For the other two, I only have two Obliterators, and only one juggernaut, but if I choose to make a second Juggernaut, I can do so at my home system, the Military Behemoth won’t even travel! So. I have no screanshot of such platform. Nothing unique about it. If your like me, and don’t feel need for a Military Platform, that can’t even do everything a Juggernaut can, than do like me, strip down your military behemoth to basic everything! Spare the Strategic!
IF we’re to talk about that Beast of a Giant?
Here I first show, the Juggernaut! Nothing special to name, cause they don’t allow custom name.
TAKE NOTICE; For these Juggernauts, they have an 8x Multiplier! Although not a lot of space to use in laying out modules, they are multiplied 8x! That’s Defense, Attack, squadron, and support modules (certain kinds). So let me first point out!! YES, another RAIL GUN… IN ANOTHER HEAVY MOUNT! My favorite! Now multiplied 8x +(2x)?? Now were talking! Lets start with the Bombers! 2x Modules! With 8x Multiplier!? That’s 4x Bomber’s each Module! With multiplier, now delivering a HEAVY payload of bombs! With Multiplier, those are some heavy sized bombers, able to take a shot or two! STILL Very Evasive with 50% Dodge Probability! Currently both Energy weapons, a Blaster, and energy beam. The energy beam, if I recall correctly, the balanced, weaker weapon of the two, I find to be weaker than I’d hoped. I plan to remove it, and add Missiles instead! These Juggernauts, come packing their own BEAST MODE!! BUT, should the need arise, can accompany a combat fleet! I hate doing that, but in desperate time!?
SO… Weaponize the ION or Not? When your HISSHO!!! DOOOO NOT!!
I did that, and realized something crucial! NO Keii bonus for the enemy killed?! What’s the point than?? To use the Ion Wave, and kills bunch of enemy ships, and have no “Honor” in it? If I’d known, I would of chose to reinforce the Juggernaut instead! Live and Learn! You learned now, from my mistake! Don’t do it!
To become an Economic Giant and Research Giant wasn’t to difficult with these Giants here!
These here were both similar, in that they had same Weapons and same defensive measures installed. The differences were in the modules installed and for what purpose they to serve.
First, The Hissho Kenkyu Kyojin, meaning Research Giant.
Besides the combat modules mentioned, that the two share, this one has modules focused on Special nodes, like Worm Holes, Solar Flares, etc.
Secondly, we have The Hissho Kaizai Kyojin, meaning Economic Giant.
This one has modules focused on mining, and economic boost of orbited systems. This giant has two Deep Core Mining probes. Each one lasting 22
Third, we have the Hissho Kyojin Tochi O’iyasu, meaning Giant (who) Restores Planets.
It’s purpose, sort of expiramentational, to see if they can counter the negative Depletion points! As HIssho, I have a Craver Hero, using his highest ability, adding a 200% FIDSI Bonus to my home system, at the cost of -8 Depletion. These Behemoths here do slow this down, but still don’t offset it entirely! However, the ability stacks, so the more these I apply, the more it’s effective. Enough of these, can equally counter the Depletion of hero, creating an indefinite supply of MONSTEROUS FIDSI bonus for my home system! However, at the cost of, if I understood the numbers correctly, needing FOUR of these on the one system! However, they also give back, with Regional gov, also stacking! The two I currently have, Home is receiving a +20 FIDSI and +10% FIDSI bonus, which as you see doubles. If I have 4 of these? +40 FIDSI and +20%, added to Home, which puts it back through the bonus on home of the 200% and all other multipliers on Home system!
Cheap can’t be special! and Special, can’t be cheap!!
You see, in the end game. When you have gone so far in the research tree, you don’t have anything else you can research!! Nothing to change your ship designs that is. When your so far into game, you have massive fleets spread throughout, the maintenance alone is a KYOJIN, MONSUTA, or YAJU itself… it becomes difficult to afford it all, but than to stretch your forces thin, to cover all angles of attacks, they suddenly aren’t very powerful! You find yourself compromising, splitting fleets to cover multiple directions of the enemies advancements, and you think your doing just fine! Til suddenly you partial fleet, not fully loaded, is caught off guard by an enemy fleet which is fully loaded, you actually lost the fight! Only to lose the System it was tasked with guarding, and another partial fleet attempting to counter strike, where if both fleets combined, would of had a chance!
You suddenly realize where you went wrong! You realize you haven’t been producing as many ships as you know you could, because you still struggle that one resource needed which is most important for all your ships! The one resource which is likely the highest demand for your ships. The one you can’t keep up the supplies for! So you started splitting fleets to cover more!
It was this realization, in the end game, I decided I needed front line ships which demand little to no strategics, taking out the uniqueness! Instead of dubbing down my entire fleet and redesigning the ships, I chose to add three more designs, which if at all cost, would be the front line assualts against the heavy enemy fleets, to weeken them enough, my superior rebuilt fleets could handle them more! It became an Economic War of Attrition!! I was going to win one way or another! So I came up with three designs, using NO strategic resource modules. The only strategic costs, were to use the additional modules later researched, and for some unknown reason, Titanium was required ever ship design.
The Strike class Shingeki Yaju. Meaning Striking Beast, focused only on the Long range Attacks.
The Strike class Shingeki Yaju, was focused only on the Long range Attacks, using only basic non strategic, 3 Torpedo Modules, and 3 Swarm missile modules. To boost these, had the basic Projectile Boost module, with one each, armor and shield. These should be placed in Long range positions, however would be ok in medium range as well. These also had self healing modules.
The Climb class Kuruza Kame. Meaning Cruising Turtle, focused on Short range attacks.
The Climb class Kuruza Kame, focused on Short range attacks, using only basic non strategic, 2 Rail guns, 2 slug modules. These also had the Projectile Booster. Double the armor, but only a single shield. These also had double healing modules. These should be placed where they will be rushed to the front line, as these are meant to last the longest. The front lines, will give the short range, their most efficeint range to fight, but these have to survive long enough to do so! These are also built as the cheap meat shield for the other ships.
The Strike class Shingeki Tenma. Meaning Striking Spirit, focused on Medium range attacks.
The Strike class Shingeki Tenma, was focused only on the medium range attacks, using only basic non strategic, 3 Energy Blaster/ beam modules. To boost these, had the basic energy Boost module. Also with one each, armor and shield. These should be placed in medium range positions, however would be ok starting out in Long range as well. These also had self healing modules.
The purpose of these 3 new designs, was to provide cheap alternative combat, to help hold the enemy in war, but more affordable, keeping the strategic resources needed, to a minimum. Using the Critical Strike card, with the bonus of 70% chance to Critical Strike, had the 1st and 3rd flotilla’s going to Medium Range, and the 2nd, middle flotilla went to short range. The battle plan, 1st range, a medium, would have 2x Shingeki Tenma’s, 2x Kuruza Kame’s, with the primary focus here on Medium range weapons. The middle flotilla, would only have 5x Kuruza Kame’s, nothing else, hopefully drawing most firepower from all enemy vessels. With their Armor/Repair modules both doubled, would hopefully last til end of round, short range, where their 2x Rail Guns/Projectile Slugs will have their day!! The 3rd flotilla will be setup just the same way as the first, but having two Shingeki Aju’s with the 2x Kuruza Kame’s and also meet in the middle range, but starting off in their primary, Long Range! 9x Kuruza Kame’s and 4x total of the other two ships, totals out to 39cp, the max I can have for a fleet.
That’s 15x 3cp ships, which I can have ALL 15 ships done in 1 turn, from my home system. The reason why I devleoped this new cheap strategy! For many turns, I began realizing, my industrial might was so powerful, I could create entire fleets, all ships needed, in one turn from one system, my Home! Why was I struggling strategically on the battlefields? Because of strategic resources! Certain resources weren’t always avaialble and also being used for Great Giants, and structures on systems. I had a hard time getting mass production of ships done, even though I had a mass productive industry! NOW?? I can make entire fleets every turn if I want, and send them to their doom, to keep the enemy fleets soft! Once these are covering various angles of my empire, I can use my special fleets to go full time Offensive. I’ve already got two Obliterators as well. The second has yet to be used, as it’s counting down. I have them both set for use 2 turns apart, so If i’m patient enough, I will be launching two Doomsday missiles same time, and I’m mass producing cheap strategic fleets now, still with two strong premium tactical fleets!
I’m nearly close, to showing the Galaxy, the HIssho are the Superior race!!
So in Summary!? For Hissho!
Explore early and fast! Use two exploration designs for rapid exploration! Later on, you have options to combine, or further exploit the two designs.
Make hard hitting first blood ships, I suggest two attack designs to compliment one defensive design!
Heavy Hitters could be developed the same way. Make the Hunters hard hitting with mild Defense, and the Coordinators heavy defense/support, and mild attack!
Make the Carriers bring a storm! If you find the elusive Plasma Strike Bombers, USE IT! If not, look for heavy bombers! Support those Squadrons!! Use limited weapons!
Keep in mind, your scatter explorers, keep your eyes on the enemy! Especially to target with mass weapons, and use hit/run tactics on civil ships.
The Juggernaut can really be custom what ever you choose! Same with the other Behemoths!
Remember, their is NO Honor is mass killings; to include Core Cracker, System Destroyer, and Ion Wave! Only use these if you have good Keii, and plenty of killings happening without the WMD!
If it becomes difficult to mass produce your ships when you need them the most, than make new designs, stripping of all strategic, to compliment your premium ships!
Most importantly!! HAVE FUN!!
For your enjoyment… some of my own battle screenshots!
Good bye now!