My Summer Car Guide

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My Summer Car: Starter Tips


Useful Hints and TipsCheating Death with Alt-F4Whether or nor you have permadeath on, dying sucks. Fortunately, you can cheat death with ALT-F4. You know when you die because the screen gets covered with blood and you start screaming. This lasts a couple of seconds. If you hit ALT-F4 during this time, you quit the game and can reload from your last save. But you have to be quick on the draw here. If the word “Saving” or the newspaper showing your death ever appears on screen, you’re too late and must suffer the consequences.Given the strong incentive to save infrequently to avoid wasting in-game daylight, using ALT-F4 often makes you lose the better part of a day’s work. But that’s better than starting all over or getting home from the graveyard and collecting all your scattered possessions.Free StuffNo, not vehicles or their parts. See a wiki for where they are. I’m talking about player survival-related stat-changes, which are even more important.Free drinks: Besides the old kitchen sink, there are now new hand-pumped water wells scattered around the map: Jokke’s house, haunted mansion, Ventti house, Grandma’s house, and north end of strawberry complex.Free food: Catch, cook, and eat fish. Also, kill a moose (best to hunt them with Gifu) and cook the meat. Immediately or it rots. So have the portable grill with you.Free fatigue increase: During the night, turn on the TV. All stations are off the air and a test pattern is showing. Stare at this and your fatigue increases quickly. Very useful for when Jokke calls at 0200 and you want to go back to bed. About 1/2 a fatigue bar will let you sleep until about 0600-0700.Free fatigue decrease: Drink as much as you want of Grandma’s coffee. Only available when delivering groceries in good weather at Grandma’s house. IOW, it can be raining elsewhere on the map, but the sun must be out where she lives.Free stress relief: Hang out on the island, take a shower, chop firewood, and drink Grandma’s coffee.Alternative TransportationShould you find yourself afoot on the paved roads, you can ride the bus. Just sit at a bus stop and eventually the bus will come. Pay the ticket and get off at the stop closest to where you want to go. Beats walking.On the dirt roads, you can hitchhike and get a ride from Pena, your drunken, murderous cousin driving the little green car that frequently kills you. This is free. Be sure to wear your seatbelt. You can also get an achievement for flipping him off but be prepared to die if you do.So, let’s say you died in a non-permadeath game and find yourself afoot at the graveyard. Go to the town bus stop. Ride the bus to the stop in the SE corner of the map, just S of the dirt crossroads. Walk to the dirt crossroads. Hitchhike with Pena, who will take you home. Hopefully before you starve, die of thirst, or stress out.Permanent Ownership of Van and Truck (minor spoilers throughout)Eventually on your way to or from the woodshed, you’ll find uncle sitting at the table behind his house with a partial case of beer. The van will not be present. If you sit and have a beer with him, he’ll tell you his driver’s license has been revoked so he no longer needs his vehicles. They are now yours. You already have the van keys and uncle will tell you the truck keys are on the rack in the hall of his house. Now all you have to do is find the van and truck.Both vehicles are in the town of Peräjärvi.Truck location: sewage treatment plant.Van location: next to closed shop adjacent to vehicle inspection shop.Go to Peräjärvi on the Jonnez. Drive the truck to Teimo’s and park it behind the fuel pumps to be ready for the septic tank job. Refuel it now if possible. Throw the Jonnez in the van, refuel the van if possible, and drive home (doing any errands along the way). Congrats! Now you have all the main vehicles. And you no longer have to talk to your uncle again, although he’ll still be there at the table and you still get free beer by sitting with him.The Timing of Uncle-Related Events (all spoiler)Your uncle first appears within a random time (1.5 to 3 gameplay hours) after you install 1 of 3 things on the Satsuma:Driver’s seat; orEngine Block; orBoth trailing arms.

