Negligee Guide

Negligee All Bad Routes for Negligee

Negligee All Bad Routes


All Bad Routes, one step closer to Negligee God Achievement

Why a guide on specifically the Bad Routes?

All right the reason i am making this guide is because the final achievement for Negligee requires you to complete all the routes in the game including both good, and bad. I made a guide on the good routes, but i am getting a lot of comments on how to get the bad endings with the girls.
I did not want to add this to my guide because I liked the way my guide looked, and thought it was just perfect the way it was, adding more to it would just make it seem cumbersome. So here is a whole guide just for the bad endings of the game.
So lets get Started on a good note.. before we go through all the depressing endings of the game. lol
Time to begin the quest for Negligee God!!!!

First Choice

This is a guide to all the Bad romance options in Negligee, but before we begin it is important to know how the first choice affects the story. You are given the option continue looking for the sign, or Examine the letter, and phone.
If you Look for the sign Hannah quickly finds the help wanted sign, and puts it outside early enough for Charlotte to see it, and apply for the position.
If you Examine the letter, and phone you miss out on Charlotte showing up in the story, but it actually makes the other two Romance options, as well as there Bad routes much easier to complete as there are less choices, which means less chances to make a mistake. Also it leads to a very ecchi scene right at the beginning of the game… Dharker Studios… good choice. lol
This Guide will have the Jasmin, and Sophie Bad routes specifically, if you want a guide for there good routes, look no further than the other guide i made on steam “Negligee All Routes.” We will follow the examine the letter route for Jasmine, and Sophie because it’s easier, but it is possible to complete there route’s with Charlotte as well if you choose the same options.

Jasmine Bad Route

-Examine Letters, and Phone
-Push for information
-What past experience do you have?
-If she thinks it is relevant
-Unsure who
-Choose Sophie
-A Week ago (this is the right choice, but not important for this route)
-A pro
-An Experimental Route (this is the right choice, but not important for this route)
Side Mission: Melissa for achievement (optional, but I recommend getting it anyway)
-Try to convince her
-Pink Japanese Bra Set
-White sheer Baby doll
(Congratulations you got her to buy something. You sales person you. Lol)
Back to the route:
-Cat girls
-Fight, fight, fight, fight!
-Maybe Sophie
-Silly Drunk
-Have you ever tried BDSM?
-Well, no, not really
-Schoolgirl outfit
-Matching Lingerie Set
-Hire Jasmin
Congratulations for getting Jasmin’s Bad end… I suppose.

Sophie’s Bad Route

-Examine Letters, and Phone
-Let it go
-What attracted you to work here?
-Unsure who
-Choose Jasmine
-Lace Undies
-A year ago
-A Giver
-An Quiet One
Side Mission: Melissa for achievement (optional, but I recommend getting it anyway)
-Try to convince her
-Pink Japanese Bra Set
-White sheer Babydoll
(Congratulations you got her to buy something. You sales person you. Lol)
Back to the route:
-Basic Lingerie
-Do you really hate each other?
-Maybe Jasmine
-Sleepy Drunk
-What sex toys do you like?
-I would rather not talk about it.
-Lace Baby Doll Outfit
-Matching Lingerie Set
-Hire Sophie
Congratulations for getting Sophie’s Bad end… Ugh…

Charlotte’s Bad Route

-Continue looking for the signs
-Let it go
-What size cloth do you wear?
-Unsure which
-Choose Jasmine
-But we have work aprons
-Lacy Lingerie
-Be a Model
-A Giver
-An Experimental One
-A Loud Screamer.
Side Mission: Melissa for achievement (optional, but I recommend getting it anyway)
-Try to convince her
-Pink Japanese Bra Set
-White sheer Babydoll
(Congratulations you got her to buy something. You sales person you. Lol)
Back to the Guide
-Basic Lingerie
-Do you really hate each other?
-Maybe Jasmine
-Go for a Drink
-Sleepy Drunk
-What sex toys do you like?
-I would rather not talk about it.
-Lace Bby Doll Outfit
-Schoolgirl Outfit
-Matching lingerie set
-Hire Charlotte
Congratulations for getting Charlotte’s Bad end…Ugh are we done yet… We Are!!!
Thank Goodness, these endings are so depressing. lol

Your Fired ending

This ending happens when you fail the Harem route.
The Harem route is very precise, and complicated so a lot of people got it just trying the harem route without a guide.
Simply follow the harem route, and at the end pick three different clothing options, than what is said on the guide.

Ending thoughts

All right you now have part of what you need to get the Negligee God Achievment. Congratulations!!!!
-Also if you still don’t get the Negligee God Achievement after getting all the endings try this:
Play through the Harem ending again, and wait until the very end for the achievement. That should work.
Great, but I don’t want to end this guide on a bad route so:
Great job, now kick back, and enjoy the rest of this awesome Dating sim with your new achievements. lol